Adriaan C. Zaanen


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Linear Functionals on Spaces of Measurable Functions 1998 Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ Complex Riesz Spaces 1997 Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ Functional Calculas and Multiplication 1997 Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ The Riesz-Fischer Property and Order Continuous Norms 1997 Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ Embedding into the Bidual 1997 Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ Normed Riesz Spaces and Banach Lattices 1997 Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ Freudenthal’s Spectral Theorem 1997 Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ Order Bounded Operators 1997 Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ Order Continuous Operators 1997 Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ Spectral Theory of Positive Operators 1997 Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ Results with the Hahn-Banach Theorem 1997 Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ Projections and Dedekind Completeness 1997 Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ Complex Operators 1997 Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ Riesz Spaces 1997 Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ Linear Operators 1997 Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ Spectrum, Resolvent Set and the Krein-Rutman Theorem 1997 Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ Signed Measures and the Radon-Nikodym Theorem 1997 Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ Order Duals and Adjoint Operators 1997 Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ Introduction to Operator Theory in Riesz Spaces 1997 Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ Archimedean Spaces and Convergence 1997 Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ Operator theory in function spaces and bannach lattices : essays dedicated to A.C Zaanen on the occassion of his 80th birthday / edited by Huijsmans 1995 Adriaan C. Zaanen
C.B Huijmans
M. A. Kaashoek
W. A. J. Luxemburg
B. de Pagder
+ PDF Chat Continuity, integration and Fourier theory 1989 Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ Fourier Series of Summable Functions 1989 Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ Theorems of Korovkin and Stone-Weierstrass 1989 Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ Spaces Lp and Convolutions 1989 Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ Continuity of Measurable Functions 1986 Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ The universal completion of an Archimedean Riesz space 1983 Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ Riesz Spaces II 1983 Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ Some remarks about the definition of an Orlicz space 1982 Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Bounded integral operators on $L^2$ spaces 1979 Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ Kernel Operators 1978 Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ PDF Chat The semi-M property for normed Riesz spaces 1976 Ep de Jonge
Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ Examples of orthomorphisms 1975 Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ Representation Theorems for Riesz Spaces 1972 Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ PDF Chat The linear modulus of an integral operator 1972 Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ Introduction to the Theory of Partially Ordered Spaces 1967 Б. З. Вулих
Leo F. Boron
Adriaan C. Zaanen
清志 井関
+ Some examples of normed K�the spaces 1966 W. A. J. Luxemburg
Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ Some Examples of Normed Köthe Spaces 1966 W. A. J. Luxemburg
Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ Notes on Banach Function Spaces, XII 1964 W. A. J. Luxemburg
Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ Notes on Banach Function Spaces, VIII 1964 W. A. J. Luxemburg
Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ Notes on Banach Function Spaces, IX 1964 W. A. J. Luxemburg
Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ Notes on Banach Function Spaces, X 1964 W. A. J. Luxemburg
Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ Notes on Banach Function Spaces, XI 1964 W. A. J. Luxemburg
Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ Notes on Banach Function Spaces, XIII 1964 W. A. J. Luxemburg
Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ Compactness of integral operators in Banach function spaces 1963 W. A. J. Luxemburg
Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ Notes on banach function spaces, V 1963 W. A. J. Luxemburg
Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ Notes on banach function spaces, I 1963 W. A. J. Luxemburg
Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ Notes on banach function spaces, II 1963 W. A. J. Luxemburg
Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ Notes on banach function spaces, VII 1963 W. A. J. Luxemburg
Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ Notes on banach function spaces. IV 1963 W. A. J. Luxemburg
Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ Notes on banach function spaces. III 1963 W. A. J. Luxemburg
Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ Notes on banach function spaces VI 1963 W. A. J. Luxemburg
Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ Some Examples in Weak Sequential Convergence 1962 Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ The radon-nikodym theorem. II 1961 Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ The radon-nikodym theorem. I 1961 Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ Conjugate Spaces of Orlicz Spaces 1956 W. A. J. Luxemburg
Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ Some Remarks on Banach Function Spaces 1956 W. A. J. Luxemburg
Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ Non σ-Finite Measures and Product Measures 1954 N.G. de Bruijn
Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ Linear analysis : measure and integral, banach and hilbert space, linear integral equations 1953 Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ Integral transformations and their resolvents in Orlicz and Lebesgue spaces 1952 Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ Characterization of a Certain Class of Linear Transformations in an Arbitrary Banach Space 1951 Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ PDF Chat Normalisable transformations in Hilbert space and systems of linear integral equations 1950 Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ On A Certain Class of Banach Spaces 1946 Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ On some orthogonal systems of functions 1940 Adriaan C. Zaanen
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Banach Function Spaces 1988 W. A. J. Luxemburg
+ PDF Chat Function Spaces Determined by A Levelling Length Function 1953 H. W. Ellis
Israel Halperin
+ Notes on banach function spaces, I 1963 W. A. J. Luxemburg
Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ PDF Chat Representation of Linear Functionals on Köthe Spaces 1953 G. G. Lorentz
D. G. Wertheim
+ On a Class of Integration Spaces<sup>*</sup> 1959 G. G. Gould
+ Some Remarks on Banach Function Spaces 1956 W. A. J. Luxemburg
Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ Function spaces with translations 1959 Juan Jorge Schäffer
+ PDF Chat Function Spaces 1953 Israel Halperin
+ Banach Lattices and Positive Operators 1974 Helmut Schaefer
+ Some New Functional Spaces 1950 G. G. Lorentz
+ Riesz Spaces II 1983 Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ PDF Chat Reflexivity of the length function 1957 Israel Halperin
W. A. J. Luxemburg
+ Locally solid Riesz spaces 1978 Charalambos D. Aliprantis
Owen Burkinshaw
+ Compactness of integral operators in Banach function spaces 1963 W. A. J. Luxemburg
Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ PDF Chat On the theory of spaces Λ 1951 G. G. Lorentz
+ Notes on banach function spaces VI 1963 W. A. J. Luxemburg
Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ PDF Chat Expansion problems associated with a system of integral equations 1931 William T. Reid
+ On the existence and closure of sets of characteristic functions 1922 O. D. Kellogg
+ Notes on banach function spaces, VII 1963 W. A. J. Luxemburg
Adriaan C. Zaanen
+ �ber die Beziehungen einer abstrakten Theorie des Riemann-Integrals zur Theorie Radonscher Ma�e 1956 Heinz Bauer
+ The Fredholm theory of integral equations 1941 F. Smithies
+ Definitely self-conjugate adjoint integral equations 1944 J. Ernest Wilkins
+ PDF Chat Linear functionals on Orlicz spaces: General theory 1968 Malempati M. Rao
+ Inextensible Riesz spaces 1975 D. H. Fremlin
+ Sur la décomposition des opérations fonctionnelles linéaires 1929 Ferenc Riesz
+ On the Theory of Linear Integral Equations 1930 Einar Hille
J. D. Tamarkin
+ PDF Chat The Projection of a Linear Functional on the Manifold of Integrals 1957 H. A. Gordon
E. R. Lorch
+ Sur Quelques Notions Fondamentales Dans la Theorie Generale Des Operations Lineaires 1940 Frédéric Riesz
+ Equivalences of Measure Spaces 1951 I. E. Segal
+ PDF Chat Prime Ideals in Vector Lattices 1962 Donald G. Johnson
Joseph Kist
+ On compactness of Integral Operators 1962 T. Andô
+ Lattice-ordered Rings 1987 Garrett Birkhoff
R. S. Pierce
+ PDF Chat Sur les endomorphismes conservant les polaires d'un groupe réticulé archimédien 1969 A.X. Bigard
Klaus Keimel
+ PDF Chat On the MT*- and λ-Conjugates of Spaces 1958 H. W. Ellis
+ Integraldarstellung regul�rer Operatoren auf Banachverb�nden 1972 Rainer Nagel
Ulf Schlotterbeck
+ PDF Chat On vector lattice with a unit 1941 Kôsaku Yosida
+ Topological Riesz Spaces and Measure Theory 1974 D. H. Fremlin
+ On the existence and closure of sets of characteristic functions 1922 O. D. Kellogg
+ PDF Chat Lattice Properties of Integral Operators 1978 Lawrence Lessner
+ Integral operators in spaces of summable functions 1976 M. A. Krasnosel’skii
П. П. Забрейко
Evgeniy Pustylnik
P. E. Sbolevskii
+ Introduction to Riesz spaces 1977 E. deJong
A.C.M. vanRooij
+ PDF Chat The ring of polar preserving endomorphisms of an abelian lattice-ordered group 1971 Paul Conrad
John E. Diem
+ Some Problems and Results Relevant to the Foundations of Set Theory 1966 Alfred Tarski
+ Topological Riesz Spaces and Measure Theory 1974 D. H. Fremlin
+ PDF Chat Zur Masstheorie in der allgemeinen Mengenlehre 1930 Stanislaw M. Ulam
+ Reflexitivity in the Lλ function spaces 1954 Israel Halperin
+ PDF Chat Definitely self-adjoint boundary value problems 1938 Gilbert Ames Bliss
+ On semi-normal lattice rings 1965 S. J. Bernau
+ On classes of summable functions and their Fourier Series 1912 William Young
William Young
+ Lattice properties of integral operators 1978 Lawrence Lessner