А. М. Бикчентаев


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Trace inequalities for measurable operators affiliated to a von Neumann algebra 2025 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ Hyponormal measurable operators, affiliated to a semifinite von Neumann algebra 2024 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ Ideal spaces of measurable operators affiliated to a semifinite von Neumann algebra. II 2024 А. М. Бикчентаев
Mohmed Darwish
Mustafa A. Muratov
+ The Trace and Integrable Commutators of the Measurable Operators Affiliated to a Semifinite von Neumann Algebra 2024 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ PDF Chat On classes of symmetric and asymmetric concrete logics 2024 А. М. Бикчентаев
Mahmoud Ali
Kh. Fawwaz
+ Differences of Idempotents in $$\boldsymbol{C}^{\boldsymbol{*}}$$-algebras and the Quantum Hall Effect. II. Unbounded Idempotents 2024 А. М. Бикчентаев
Mahmoud Khadour
+ Continuity of Operator Functions in the Topology of Local Convergence in Measure 2024 А. М. Бикчентаев
O. E. Tikhonov
+ On Extreme Points of Sets in Operator Spaces and State Spaces 2024 Г. Г. Амосов
А. М. Бикчентаев
В. Ж. Сакбаев
+ PDF Chat Differences of idempotents in C<sup>∗</sup>-algebras and the quantum Hall effect. II. Unbounded idempotents 2024 А. М. Бикчентаев
Mahmoud Khadour
+ Trace Inequalities for Positive Semidefinite Matrices 2024 А. М. Бикчентаев
Fuad Kittaneh
Mohammad Sal Moslehian
Yuki Seo
+ Trace Inequalities for von Neumann Algebras 2024 А. М. Бикчентаев
Fuad Kittaneh
Mohammad Sal Moslehian
Yuki Seo
+ Norm Inequalities for Positive Semidefinite Matrices 2024 А. М. Бикчентаев
Fuad Kittaneh
Mohammad Sal Moslehian
Yuki Seo
+ Unitarily Invariant Norms and Inequalities 2024 А. М. Бикчентаев
Fuad Kittaneh
Mohammad Sal Moslehian
Yuki Seo
+ Fundamentals of Matrices and Operators 2024 А. М. Бикчентаев
Fuad Kittaneh
Mohammad Sal Moslehian
Yuki Seo
+ Positive Maps and Operator Means 2024 А. М. Бикчентаев
Fuad Kittaneh
Mohammad Sal Moslehian
Yuki Seo
+ Golden–Thompson Trace Inequalities 2024 А. М. Бикчентаев
Fuad Kittaneh
Mohammad Sal Moslehian
Yuki Seo
+ A block projection operator in the algebra of measurable operators 2023 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ A Block Projection Operator in the Algebra of Measurable Operators 2023 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ Concerning the Theory of $$\boldsymbol{\tau}$$-Measurable Operators Affiliated to a Semifinite von Neumann Algebra. II 2023 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ Commutators in $$C^*$$-algebras and traces 2023 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ PDF Chat The algebra of thin measurable operators is directly finite 2023 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ The Topologies of Local Convergence in Measure on the Algebras of Measurable Operators 2023 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ Invertibility of the Operators on Hilbert Spaces and Ideals in $$C^*$$-Algebras 2022 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ Essentially Invertible Measurable Operators Affiliated to a Semifinite von Neumann Algebra and Commutators 2022 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ Differences and Commutators of Projections on a Hilbert Space 2022 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ The algebra of thin measurable operators is directly finite 2022 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ PDF Chat Invertibility of the Operators on Hilbert Spaces and Ideals in $C^*$-Algebras 2022 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ Characterization of Certain Traces on von Neumann Algebras 2022 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ On Independence of Events in Noncommutative Probability Theory 2021 А. М. Бикчентаев
Pyotr N. Ivanshin
+ Differences and Commutators of Idempotents in $C^*$-Algebras 2021 А. М. Бикчентаев
Kh. Fawwaz
+ Trace inequalities for Rickart $$C^*$$-algebras 2021 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ Differences and commutators of idempotents in C*-algebras 2021 А. М. Бикчентаев
Khattab Fawwaz
+ Trace and Commutators of Measurable Operators Affiliated to a Von Neumann Algebra 2020 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ Inequalities for the block projection operators 2020 А. М. Бикчентаев
Fedor Sukochev
+ Ando's inequality for uniform submajorization 2020 А. М. Бикчентаев
Edward McDonald
Fedor Sukochev
+ Convergence in Measure and τ-Compactness of τ-Measurable Operators, Affiliated with a Semifinite von Neumann Algebra 2020 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ Invariant Subspaces of Operators on a Hilbert Space 2020 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ Полунормы, ассоциированные с субаддитивными весами на $C^*$-алгебрах 2020 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ Seminorms Associated with Subadditive Weights on C*-Algebras 2020 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ Inequalities for Determinants and Characterization of the Trace 2020 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ Paranormal measurable operators affiliated with a semifinite von Neumann algebra. II 2020 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ Convergence in measure and τ-compactness of τ-measurable operators, affiliated with a semifinite von Neumann algebra 2020 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ Metrics on Projections of the Von Neumann Algebra Associated with Tracial Functionals 2019 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ Rearrangements of Tripotents and Differences of Isometries in Semifinite von Neumann Algebras 2019 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ Projections and Traces on von Neumann Algebras 2019 А. М. Бикчентаев
S. A. Abed
+ On the Systems of Finite Weights on the Algebra of Bounded Operators and Corresponding Translation Invariant Measures 2019 А. М. Бикчентаев
В. Ж. Сакбаев
+ On the τ-Compactness of Products of τ -Measurable Operators Adjoint to Semi-Finite Von Neumann Algebras 2019 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ Studies on Noncommutative Measure Theory in Kazan University (1968–2018) 2019 А. М. Бикчентаев
Anatolij N. Sherstnev
+ On τ-essentially Invertibility of τ-measurable Operators 2019 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ Trace and Differences of Idempotents in C*-Algebras 2019 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ Ideal F-Norms on C*-Algebras. II 2019 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ On Operators all of Which Powers have the same Trace 2019 А. М. Бикчентаев
Pyotr N. Ivanshin
+ When weak and local measure convergence implies norm convergence 2019 А. М. Бикчентаев
Fedor Sukochev
+ След и разности идемпотентов в $C^*$-алгебрах 2019 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ PDF Chat Renormalizations of measurable operator ideal spaces affiliated to semi-finite von Neumann algebra 2019 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ PDF Chat Ideal $F$-norms on $C^*$-algebras. II 2019 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ On Sets of Measurable Operators Convex and Closed in Topology of Convergence in Measure 2018 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ On Convex Closed in the Measure Topology Sets of Measurable Operatorse 2018 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ Paranormal Measurable Operators Affiliated with a Semifinite von Neumann Algebra 2018 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ On an analog of the M.G. Krein theorem for measurable operators 2018 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ Paranormal Elements in Normed Algebra 2018 А. М. Бикчентаев
S. A. Abed
+ Differences of Idempotents In C*-Algebras and the Quantum Hall Effect 2018 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ PDF Chat Разности идемпотентов в $C^*$-алгебрах и квантовый эффект Холла 2018 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ Ideal Spaces of Measurable Operators Affiliated to A Semifinite Von Neumann Algebra 2018 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ Farit Gabidinovich Avkhadiev 2018 Л. А. Аксентьев
А. И. Аптекарев
А. М. Бикчентаев
Victor Vladimirovich Goryainov
В. Н. Дубинин
А. М. Елизаров
I. R. Kayumov
Ари Лаптев
С. Р. Насыров
Д. В. Прохоров
+ Differences of idempotents in C*-algebras 2017 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ On τ-Compactness of Products of τ-Measurable Operators 2017 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ Two classes of τ-measurable operators affiliated with a von Neumann algebra 2017 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ On idempotent τ-measurable operators affiliated to a von Neumann algebra 2016 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ Integrable products of measurable operators 2016 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ On operator monotone and operator convex functions 2016 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ Convergence of integrable operators affiliated to a finite von Neumann algebra 2016 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ States on symmetric logics: extensions 2016 А. М. Бикчентаев
Mirko Navara
+ Inequality for a trace on a unital C*-algebra 2016 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ Trace and integrable operators affiliated with a semifinite von Neumann algebra 2016 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ PDF Chat Неравенство для следа на унитальной $C^*$-алгебре 2016 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ PDF Chat On Idempotent $\tau$-Measurable Operators Affiliated to a von Neumann Algebra 2016 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ Concerning the theory of τ-measurable operators affiliated to a semifinite von Neumann algebra 2015 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ Ideal F-norms on C*-algebras 2015 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ Commutation of Projections and Characterization of Traces on von Neumann Algebras. III 2015 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ PDF Chat К теории $\tau$-измеримых операторов, присоединенных к полуконечной алгебре фон Неймана 2015 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ Quantum Logics of Idempotents of Unital Rings 2014 А. М. Бикчентаев
Mirko Navara
Rinat Yakushev
+ On normal τ-measurable operators affiliated with semifinite von Neumann algebras 2014 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ Tripotents in algebras: Invertibility and hyponormality 2014 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ On additivity of mappings on measurable functions 2014 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ PDF Chat О нормальных $\tau$-измеримых операторах, присоединенных к полуконечной алгебре фон Неймана 2014 А. М. Бикчентаев
А. М. Бикчентаев
+ The Haagerup problem on subadditive weights on W*-algebras. II 2013 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ On hermitian operators X and Y meeting the condition −Y ≤ X ≤ Y 2013 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ Commutativity of operators and characterization of traces on C*-algebras 2013 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ On hermitian operators X and Y meeting the condition -Y ≤ X ≤ Y 2013 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ On invertibility of some operator sums 2012 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ Dominated convergence in measure on semifinite von Neumann algebras and arithmetic averages of measurable operators 2012 А. М. Бикчентаев
Aigul Sabirova
+ Block projection operators in normed solid spaces of measurable operators 2012 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ The Haagerup problem on subadditive weights on W*-algebras 2011 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ The Peierls-Bogoliubov inequality in C*-algebras and characterization of tracial functionals 2011 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ Representation of tripotents and representations via tripotents 2011 А. М. Бикчентаев
Rinat Yakushev
+ Commutation of projections and trace characterization on von Neumann algebras. II 2011 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ PDF Chat Перестановочность проекторов и характеризация следа на алгебрах фон Неймана. II 2011 А. М. Бикчентаев
А. М. Бикчентаев
+ Commutativity of projections and characterization of traces on Von Neumann algebras 2010 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ On a lemma of Berezin 2010 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ PDF Chat Об одной лемме Ф. А. Березина 2010 А. М. Бикчентаев
А. М. Бикчентаев
+ Commutativity of projectors and trace characterization on von Neumann algebras. I 2009 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ States on symmetric logics: Conditional probability and independence 2009 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ On the representation of elements of a von Neumann algebra in the form of finite sums of products of projections. III. Commutators in<i>C</i>*-algebras 2008 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ Local convergence in measure on semifinite von Neumann algebras, II 2007 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ PDF Chat Локальная сходимость по мере на полуконечных алгебрах фон Неймана, II 2007 А. М. Бикчентаев
А. М. Бикчентаев
+ Local convergence in measure on semifinite von Neumann algebras 2006 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ Characterization of the trace by monotonicity inequalities 2006 А. М. Бикчентаев
O. E. Tikhonov
+ Projection-Convex Combinations in C*-Algebras and the Invariant Subspace Problem, I 2006 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ PDF Chat Проекторно-выпуклые комбинации в $C^*$-алгебрах и проблема инвариантного подпространства. I 2006 А. М. Бикчентаев
А. М. Бикчентаев
+ On representation of elements of a von Neumann algebra in the form of finite sums of products of projections 2005 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ Projective Convex Combinations in C<sup>*</sup>-Algebras with the Unitary Factorization Property 2004 А. М. Бикчентаев
A. N. Sherstnev
+ Minimality of Convergence in Measure Topologies on Finite von Neumann Algebras 2004 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ PDF Chat О минимальности топологии сходимости по мере на конечных алгебрах фон Неймана 2004 А. М. Бикчентаев
А. М. Бикчентаев
+ PDF Chat Проекторно-выпуклые комбинации в $C^*$-алгебрах со свойством унитарной факторизации 2004 А. М. Бикчентаев
А. М. Бикчентаев
A. N. Sherstnev
A. N. Sherstnev
+ On a property ofL p spaces on semifinite von Neumann algebras 1998 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ None 1998 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ On noncommutative function spaces 1992 А. М. Бикчентаев
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Generalized<i>s</i>-numbers of<i>τ</i>-measurable operators 1986 Thierry Fack
Hideki Kosaki
+ Theory of Operator Algebras II 2003 Masamichi Takesaki
+ A Non-Commutative Extension of Abstract Integration 1953 I. E. Segal
+ Notes on non-commutative integration 1974 Edward Nelson
+ Theory of Operator Algebras I 1979 Masamichi Takesaki
+ On idempotent τ-measurable operators affiliated to a von Neumann algebra 2016 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ On a property ofL p spaces on semifinite von Neumann algebras 1998 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ Triangle inequalities in operator algebras 1982 Charles A. Akemann
Joel Anderson
Gertk Pedersen
+ Block projection operators in normed solid spaces of measurable operators 2012 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ Representation of tripotents and representations via tripotents 2011 А. М. Бикчентаев
Rinat Yakushev
+ Subadditivity Inequalities in von Neumann Algebras and Characterization of Tracial Functionals 2005 O. E. Tikhonov
+ PDF Chat Non-commutative L<sup>P</sup>-spaces 1975 F. J. Yeadon
+ C*–Algebras and Operator Theory 1990 Gerard J. Murphy
+ Commutativity of projections and characterization of traces on Von Neumann algebras 2010 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ PDF Chat A Hilbert Space Problem Book 1982 Paul R. Halmos
+ On normal τ-measurable operators affiliated with semifinite von Neumann algebras 2014 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ Introduction to the theory of linear nonselfadjoint operators 1969 M. Г. Крейн
Israel Gohberg
+ Introduction to the Theory of Linear Nonselfadjoint Operators in Hilbert Space 1969 Israel Gohberg
M. Г. Крейн
+ Minimality of Convergence in Measure Topologies on Finite von Neumann Algebras 2004 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ Extreme points of convex fully symmetric sets of measurable operators 1992 Vladimir Chilin
Andrei V. Krygin
Fedor Sukochev
+ Differences of idempotents in C*-algebras 2017 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ PDF Chat Noncommutative Köthe duality 1993 Peter G. Dodds
Theresa K.-Y. Dodds
B. de Pagter
+ Concerning the theory of τ-measurable operators affiliated to a semifinite von Neumann algebra 2015 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ On representation of elements of a von Neumann algebra in the form of finite sums of products of projections 2005 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ PDF Chat An Inequality Characterizes the Trace 1979 L. Terrell Gardner
+ Commutation of projections and trace characterization on von Neumann algebras. II 2011 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ Characterization of the trace by monotonicity inequalities 2006 А. М. Бикчентаев
O. E. Tikhonov
+ None 1998 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ Commutation of Projections and Characterization of Traces on von Neumann Algebras. III 2015 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ Tripotents in algebras: Invertibility and hyponormality 2014 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ Fredholm Properties of the Difference of Orthogonal Projections in a Hilbert Space 2005 J. J. Koliha
Vladimir Rakočević
+ Differences of Idempotents In C*-Algebras and the Quantum Hall Effect 2018 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ On noncommutative function spaces 1992 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ On the representation of elements of a von Neumann algebra in the form of finite sums of products of projections. III. Commutators in<i>C</i>*-algebras 2008 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ The Index of a Pair of Projections 1994 J. E. Avron
R. Seiler
Barry Simon
+ None 2002 A. I. Stolyarov
O. E. Tikhonov
A. N. Sherstnev
+ An operator inequality 1980 Frank Hansen
+ On the continuity of the map ϑ → ¦ϑ¦ from the predual of a W∗-algebra 1984 Hideki Kosaki
+ Commutativity of operators and characterization of traces on C*-algebras 2013 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ The Peierls-Bogoliubov inequality in C*-algebras and characterization of tracial functionals 2011 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ On a lemma of Berezin 2010 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ Convergence of integrable operators affiliated to a finite von Neumann algebra 2016 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ Convergence of measurable operators 1973 F. J. Yeadon
+ Inequality for a trace on a unital C*-algebra 2016 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ Integrable products of measurable operators 2016 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ Local convergence in measure on semifinite von Neumann algebras, II 2007 А. М. Бикчентаев
+ PDF Chat О минимальности топологии сходимости по мере на конечных алгебрах фон Неймана 2004 А. М. Бикчентаев
А. М. Бикчентаев
+ Automorphism groups of JordanC *-algebras 1981 Harald Upmeier
+ PDF Chat К теории $\tau$-измеримых операторов, присоединенных к полуконечной алгебре фон Неймана 2015 А. М. Бикчентаев