Christopher Benson


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Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) Conceptual Design Report 2015 D. S. Akerib
+ PDF Chat WARP liquid argon detector for dark matter survey 2005 R. Brunetti
E. Calligarich
M. Cambiaghi
F. Carbonara
A.G. Cocco
C. De Vecchi
R. Dolfini
A. Ereditato
G. Fiorillo
L. Grandi
+ The study of VUV emissions of Ar*<sub>2</sub>excimers using three-photon absorption laser-induced fluorescence 2008 Frédéric Marchal
Nofel Merbahi
Gérald Ledru
Jean-Pierre Gardou
Neermalsing Sewraj
+ PDF Chat Evidence of delayed light emission of tetraphenyl-butadiene excited by liquid-argon scintillation light 2015 E. Segreto
+ PDF Chat DEAP-3600 Dark Matter Search at SNOLAB 2012 M. G. Boulay
+ PDF Chat Fluorescence efficiency and visible re-emission spectrum of tetraphenyl butadiene films at extreme ultraviolet wavelengths 2011 V.M. Gehman
S. R. Seibert
K. Rielage
A. Hime
Yiwen Sun
Dongming Mei
J. A. Maassen
Duncan T. Moore
+ PDF Chat Improving photoelectron counting and particle identification in scintillation detectors with Bayesian techniques 2014 Michael Akashi-Ronquest
P. Amaudruz
M. Batygov
B. Beltrán
M. Bodmer
M. G. Boulay
B. Broerman
B. Buck
A. Butcher
B. Cai
+ Update on the MiniCLEAN Dark Matter Experiment 2015 K. Rielage
Michael Akashi-Ronquest
M. Bodmer
R.F. Bourque
B. Buck
A. Butcher
T. S. Caldwell
Y. Chen
Kevin J. Coakley
E. Flores
+ PDF Chat First Results from the DEAP-3600 Dark Matter Search with Argon at SNOLAB 2018 P. Amaudruz
M.N. Baldwin
M. Batygov
B. Beltrán
C. E. Bina
D. Bishop
J. Bonatt
G. Boorman
M. G. Boulay
B. Broerman
+ The RooFit toolkit for data modeling 2003 W. Verkerke
D. Kirkby
+ PDF Chat Liquid noble gas detectors for low energy particle physics 2013 V. Chepel
H. M. Araújo
+ PDF Chat Argon purification studies and a novel liquid argon re-circulation system 2011 K. Mavrokoridis
R. G. Calland
J. P. Coleman
P.K. Lightfoot
N. McCauley
K. McCormick
C. Touramanis
+ PDF Chat VUV-Vis optical characterization of Tetraphenyl-butadiene films on glass and specular reflector substrates from room to liquid Argon temperature 2013 R. Francini
Rosa Maria Montereali
E. Nichelatti
Maria Aurora Vincenti
N. Canci
E. Segreto
F. Cavanna
Francesco Pompeo
F. Carbonara
G. Fiorillo
+ PDF Chat Luminescence quenching of the triplet excimer state by air traces in gaseous argon 2008 C. Amsler
V. Boccone
Alfred Büchler
R. Chandrasekharan
C. Regenfus
J. Rochet
+ LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) Conceptual Design Report 2015 The LZ Collaboration
D. S. Akerib
C. W. Akerlof
D. Yu. Akimov
S. K. Alsum
H. M. Araújo
X. Bai
A. J. Bailey
J. Balajthy
S. Balashov
+ Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility (LBNF) and Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) Conceptual Design Report Volume 2: The Physics Program for DUNE at LBNF 2015 DUNE Collaboration
R. Acciarri
M. A. Acero
M. Adamowski
C. Adams
P. Adamson
S. Adhikari
Z. Ahmad
Carl H. Albright
T. Alion