Joel Smoller


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Shock-Wave Refinement of the Friedmann–Robertson–Walker Metric 2024 Christopher Alexander
Blake Temple
Joel Smoller
+ Shock-Wave Refinement of the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker Metric 2023 Christopher Alexander
Blake Temple
Joel Smoller
+ PDF Chat Linear stability of the non-extreme Kerr black hole 2017 Felix Finster
Joel Smoller
+ Linear Stability of Rotating Black Holes: Outline of the Proof 2016 Felix Finster
Joel Smoller
+ PDF Chat A spectral representation for spin-weighted spheroidal wave operators with complex aspherical parameter 2016 Felix Finster
Joel Smoller
+ Linear Stability of Rotating Black Holes: Outline of the Proof 2016 Felix Finster
Joel Smoller
+ PDF Chat Refined error estimates for the Riccati equation with applications to the angular Teukolsky equation 2015 Felix Finster
Joel Smoller
+ PDF Chat Existence of Magnetic Compressible Fluid Stars 2014 Paul Federbush
Tao Luo
Joel Smoller
+ An Instability of the Standard Model Creates the Anomalous Acceleration Without Dark Energy 2014 Joel Smoller
Blake Temple
Zeke Vogler
+ PDF Chat Absence of zeros and asymptotic error estimates for airy and parabolic cylinder functions 2013 Felix Finster
Joel Smoller
+ Absence of Zeros and WKB Error Estimates for Airy and Parabolic Cylinder Functions 2012 Felix Finster
Joel Smoller
+ PDF Chat General relativistic self-similar waves that induce an anomalous acceleration into the standard model of cosmology 2011 Joel Smoller
Blake Temple
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Behavior of Massless Dirac Waves in Schwarzschild Geometry 2011 Joel Smoller
Chunjing Xie
+ On The Euler-Poisson Equations of Self-Gravitating Compressible Fluids 2011 Tao Luo
Joel Smoller
+ General Relativistic Self-Similar Waves that induce an Anomalous Acceleration into the Standard Model of Cosmology 2010 Joel Smoller
Blake Temple
+ PDF Chat Error Estimates for Approximate Solutions of the Riccati Equation with Real or Complex Potentials 2010 Felix Finster
Joel Smoller
+ General Relativistic Self-Similar Waves that induce an Anomalous Acceleration into the Standard Model of Cosmology 2010 Joel Smoller
Blake Temple
+ PDF Chat A Rigorous Treatment of Energy Extraction from a Rotating Black Hole 2009 Felix Finster
Niky Kamran
Joel Smoller
Shing‐Tung Yau
+ A One Parameter Family of Expanding Wave Solutions of the Einstein Equations That Induces an Anomalous Acceleration Into the Standard Model of Cosmology 2009 Joel Smoller
Blake Temple
+ PDF Chat Linear waves in the Kerr geometry: A mathematical voyage to black hole physics 2009 Felix Finster
Niky Kamran
Joel Smoller
Shing‐Tung Yau
+ PDF Chat Decay of solutions of the Teukolsky equation for higher spin in the Schwarzschild geometry 2009 Felix Finster
Joel Smoller
+ Shock Wave Interactions in General Relativity 2008 Jeffrey Groah
Blake Temple
Joel Smoller
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear Dynamical Stability of Newtonian Rotating and Non-rotating White Dwarfs and Rotating Supermassive Stars 2008 Tao Luo
Joel Smoller
+ The existence of heteroclinic orbits, and applications 2008 Charles C. Conley
Joel Smoller
+ PDF Chat Decay of Solutions of the Wave Equation in the Kerr Geometry 2008 Felix Finster
Niky Kamran
Joel Smoller
Shing‐Tung Yau
Joel Smoller
+ PDF Chat Existence and Non-linear Stability of Rotating Star Solutions of the Compressible Euler–Poisson Equations 2008 Tao Luo
Joel Smoller
+ Shock Wave Interactions in General Relativity 2007 Jeffrey Groah
Blake Temple
Joel Smoller
+ Linear stability of the Schwarzschild black hole under electromagnetic and gravitational perturbations 2006 Felix Finster
Joel Smoller
Blake Temple
+ PDF Chat Decay of Solutions of the Wave Equation in the Kerr Geometry 2006 Felix Finster
Niky Kamran
Joel Smoller
Shing‐Tung Yau
+ Dirac Fields in Gravitation and Nonabelian Gauge Theory 2006 Joel Smoller
+ Shock Wave Refinement of the Friedman–Robertson–Walker Metric 2006 Blake Temple
Joel Smoller
+ PDF Chat Blowup of Smooth Solutions for Relativistic Euler Equations 2005 Ronghua Pan
Joel Smoller
+ PDF Chat An Integral Spectral Representation of the Propagator for the Wave Equation in the Kerr Geometry 2005 Felix Finster
Niky Kamran
Joel Smoller
Shing‐Tung Yau
+ Rotating Fluids with Self-Gravitation in Bounded Domains 2005 Tao Luo
Joel Smoller
Blake Temple
+ PDF Chat Rotating Fluids with Self-Gravitation in Bounded Domains 2004 Tao Luo
Joel Smoller
+ PDF Chat Cosmology, Black Holes and Shock Waves Beyond the Hubble Length 2004 Joel Smoller
Blake Temple
+ PDF Chat Shock-wave cosmology inside a black hole 2003 Joel Smoller
Blake Temple
+ Solving the Einstein Equations by Lipschitz Continuous Metrics: Shock Waves in General Relativity 2003 Jeff Groah
Joel Smoller
Blake Temple
+ Cosmology, Black Holes and Shock Waves Beyond the Hubble Length 2003 Joel Smoller
Blake Temple
+ PDF Chat The long-time dynamics of Dirac particles in the Kerr-Newman black hole geometry 2003 Felix Finster
Niky Kamran
Joel Smoller
Shing‐Tung Yau
+ PDF Chat Decay Rates and Probability Estimates¶for Massive Dirac Particles¶in the Kerr-Newman Black Hole Geometry 2002 Felix Finster
Niky Kamran
Joel Smoller
Shing Tung Yau
+ Non-Existence of Black Hole Solutions to Static, Spherically Symmetric Einstein-Dirac Systems - a Critical Discussion 2002 Felix Finster
Joel Smoller
Shing‐Tung Yau
+ The Interaction of Gravity with Other Fields 2002 Joel Smoller
+ Non-Formation of Vacuum States for Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations 2001 David Hoff
Joel Smoller
+ Advances in the Theory of Shock Waves 2001 Tai-Ping Liu
Guy MĂ©tivier
Joel Smoller
Blake Temple
Wen‐An Yong
Kevin Zumbrun
+ PDF Chat Theory of a cosmic shock-wave 2001 Joel Smoller
Blake Temple
+ PDF Chat The Einstein–Dirac–Maxwell equations: Black hole solutions 2001 Felix Finster
Joel Smoller
Shing Tung Yau
+ PDF Chat The interaction of Dirac particles with non-abelian gauge fields and gravity – bound states 2000 Felix Finster
Joel Smoller
Shing-Tung Yau
+ Erratum: Nonexistence of time‐periodic solutions of the Dirac equation in an axisymmetric black hole geometry 2000 Felix Finster
Niky Kamran
Joel Smoller
Shing‐Tung Yau
+ PDF Chat Nonexistence of time‐periodic solutions of the Dirac equation in an axisymmetric black hole geometry 2000 Felix Finster
Niky Kamran
Joel Smoller
Shing‐Tung Yau
+ PDF Chat Some recent progress in classical general relativity 2000 Felix Finster
Joel Smoller
Shing-Tung Yau
+ Absence of Stationary, Spherically Symmetric Black Hole Solutions for Einstein-Dirac-Yang/Mills Equations with Angular Momentum of the Fermions 2000 Felix Finster
Joel Smoller
Shing‐Tung Yau
+ PDF Chat The interaction of Dirac particles with non-abelian gauge fields and gravity---black holes. 2000 Felix Finster
Joel Smoller
Shing-Tung Yau
+ PDF Chat Non-existence of time-periodic solutions of the Dirac equation in a Reissner-Nordström black hole background 2000 Felix Finster
Joel Smoller
Shing‐Tung Yau
+ PDF Chat Absence of static, spherically symmetric black hole solutions for Einstein–Dirac–Yang/Mills equations with complete fermion shells 2000 Felix Finster
Joel Smoller
Shing-Tung Yau
+ PDF Chat Erratum: Nonexistence of time-periodic solutions of the Dirac equation in an axisymmetric black hole geometry 2000 Felix Finster
Niky Kamran
Joel Smoller
Shing‐Tung Yau
+ Absence of Static, Spherically Symmetric Black Hole Solutions for Einstein-Dirac-Yang/Mills Equations with Complete Fermion Shells 2000 Felix Finster
Joel Smoller
Shing‐Tung Yau
+ PDF Chat Particle-like solutions of the Einstein–Dirac–Maxwell equations 1999 Felix Finster
Joel Smoller
Shing-Tung Yau
+ PDF Chat Non-Existence of Black Hole Solutions¶for a Spherically Symmetric, Static Einstein-Dirac-Maxwell System 1999 Felix Finster
Joel Smoller
Shing‐Tung Yau
Joel Smoller
Shing-Tung Yau
+ PDF Chat Particlelike solutions of the Einstein-Dirac equations 1999 Felix Finster
Joel Smoller
Shing-Tung Yau
+ The Einstein-Dirac-Maxwell Equations - Black Hole Solutions 1999 Felix Finster
Joel Smoller
Shing‐Tung Yau
+ Cosmology with a shock wave 1998 Joel Smoller
Blake Temple
+ PDF Chat Extendability of Solutions of the Einstein-Yang/Mills Equations 1998 Joel Smoller
Arthur Wasserman
+ Cosmology with a shock wave 1998 Joel Smoller
Blake Temple
+ PDF Chat Reissner–Nordström-like solutions of the SU(2) Einstein–Yang/Mills equations 1997 Joel Smoller
Arthur Wasserman
+ PDF Chat General Relativistic Shock Waves that Extend the Oppenheimer-Snyder Model 1997 Joel Smoller
Blake Temple
+ PDF Chat Investigation of the Interior of Colored Black Holes and the Extendability of Solutions of the Einstein-Yang/Mills Equations 1997 Joel Smoller
Arthur Wasserman
+ PDF Chat Limiting masses of solutions of the Einstein-Yang/Mills equations 1996 Joel Smoller
Arthur Wasserman
+ Astrophysical shock-wave solutions of the Einstein equations 1995 Joel Smoller
Blake Temple
+ Phragmen–lindelöf principle for weak subsolutions and cooperative reaction–diffusion systems 1994 Joel Smoller
V. Hutson
Rïżœdiger Landes
+ Second-Order Linear Parabolic Equations 1994 Joel Smoller
+ The Riemann Problem for Systems of Conservation Laws 1994 Joel Smoller
+ Quasi-Linear Parabolic Systems 1994 Joel Smoller
+ Systems of Reaction — Diffusion Equations 1994 Joel Smoller
+ An Initial-Value Problem for a Hyperbolic Equation 1994 Joel Smoller
+ Holmgren’s Uniqueness Theorem 1994 Joel Smoller
+ Ill-Posed Problems 1994 Joel Smoller
+ Characteristics and Initial-Value Problems 1994 Joel Smoller
+ Second-Order Linear Elliptic Equations 1994 Joel Smoller
+ Riemann Invariants, Entropy, and Uniqueness 1994 Joel Smoller
Blake Temple
+ Recent Results 1994 Joel Smoller
+ Topological Methods 1994 Joel Smoller
+ Uniqueness and Energy Integrals 1994 Joel Smoller
+ PDF Chat Global solutions of the relativistic Euler equations 1993 Joel Smoller
Blake Temple
+ PDF Chat Existence of black hole solutions for the Einstein-Yang/Mills equations 1993 Joel Smoller
Arthur Wasserman
Shing‐Tung Yau
+ Conformal Metrics with Prescribed Gaussian Curvature on S 2 1993 Kuo-Shung Cheng
Joel Smoller
+ Einstein/Yang-Mills Equations 1993 Joel Smoller
Arthur G. Wasserman
+ PDF Chat Existence of infinitely-many smooth, static, global solutions of the Einstein/Yang-Mills equations 1993 Joel Smoller
Arthur Wasserman
+ PDF Chat Conformal metrics with prescribed Gaussian curvature on 𝑆ÂČ 1993 Kuo Shung Cheng
Joel Smoller
+ Conformal Metrics on S2 with Prescribed Scalar Curvature 1992 Kuo-Shung Cheng
Joel Smoller
+ PDF Chat Smooth static solutions of the Einstein-Yang/Mills equations 1992 Joel Smoller
Arthur Wasserman
Shing‐Tung Yau
B. McLeod
+ The Analysis of Linear Partial Differential Operators, I (Lars Hörmander) 1991 Joel Smoller
+ PDF Chat Book Review: The Riemann problem and interaction of waves in gas dynamics 1991 Joel Smoller
+ PDF Chat Bifurcation and symmetry-breaking 1990 Joel Smoller
Arthur Wasserman
+ Reduced equivariant Conley index and applications 1990 Joel Smoller
Arthur G. Wasserman
+ On the existence of radial solutions of quasilinear elliptic equations 1990 Satyanad Kichenassamy
Joel Smoller
+ PDF Chat Symmetry, degeneracy, and universality in semilinear elliptic equations. Infinitesimal symmetry-breaking 1990 Joel Smoller
Arthur Wasserman
+ PDF Chat Instability of rarefaction shocks in systems of conservation laws 1990 Joel Smoller
J. B. Temple
Zhouping Xin
+ Symmetry-breaking for systems of nonlinear elliptic equations 1989 K. S. Cheng
Joel Smoller
+ On the monotonicity of the time-map 1989 Joel Smoller
Arthur Wasserman
+ Prescribing Gaussian Curvature on S$^2$(Solutions for Nonlinear Elliptic Equations) 1989 Kuo-Shung Cheng
Joel Smoller
+ PDF Chat Symmetry-breaking under small perturbations 1989 K. S. Cheng
Joel Smoller
+ PDF Chat Remarks on the uniqueness of radial solutions 1989 Joel Smoller
Arthur G. Wasserman
+ Existence of Positive Solutions for Semilinear Elliptic Equations in General Domains 1989 Joel Smoller
Arthur G. Wasserman
+ Bifurcation from Symmetry 1988 Joel Smoller
Arthur Wasserman
Arthur Wasserman
+ Positive Solutions of Semilinear Elliptic Equations on General Domains 1988 Joel Smoller
Arthur Wasserman
+ PDF Chat Existence of positive solutions for semilinear elliptic equations in general domains 1987 Joel Smoller
Arthur Wasserman
+ Global existence for systems of parabolic conservation laws in several space variables 1987 David Hoff
Joel Smoller
+ PDF Chat An existence theorem for positive solutions of semilinear elliptic equations 1986 Joel Smoller
Arthur Wasserman
+ PDF Chat Symmetry-breaking for solutions of semilinear elliptic equations with general boundary conditions 1986 Joel Smoller
Arthur Wasserman
+ PDF Chat Symmetry-breaking for positive solutions of semilinear elliptic equations 1986 Joel Smoller
Arthur Wasserman
+ Global Analysis of a System of Predator–Prey Equations 1986 Edward D. Conway
Joel Smoller
+ PDF Chat Shock Waves and Reaction-Diffusion Equations. 1986 Barbara Lee Keyfitz
Joel Smoller
+ Symmetry breaking and nondegenerate solutions of semilinear elliptic equations 1986 Joel Smoller
Arthur G. Wasserman
+ PDF Chat Error Bounds for Finite-Difference Approximations for a Class of Nonlinear Parabolic Systems 1985 David Hoff
Joel Smoller
+ PDF Chat Solutions in the large for certain nonlinear parabolic systems 1985 David Hoff
Joel Smoller
+ PDF Chat Error Bounds for Glimm Difference Approximations for Scalar Conservation Laws 1985 David J. Hoff
Joel Smoller
+ PDF Chat Error bounds for finite-difference approximations for a class of nonlinear parabolic systems 1985 David Hoff
Joel Smoller
+ PDF Chat Error bounds for Glimm difference approximations for scalar conservation laws 1985 David Hoff
Joel Smoller
+ Symmetry-breaking for semilinear elliptic equations 1985 Joel Smoller
Arthur G. Wasserman
+ Solutions positives des équations quasilinéaires elliptiques 1985 Satyanad Kichenassamy
Joel Smoller
+ PDF Chat Existence, uniqueness, and nondegeneracy of positive solutions of semilinear elliptic equations 1984 Joel Smoller
Arthur Wasserman
+ Generic bifurcation of steady-state solutions 1984 Joel Smoller
Arthur Wasserman
+ The Complete Solution Space for a System of Reaction-Diffusion Equations 1984 Joel Smoller
+ A class of convergent finite difference schemes for certain nonlinear parabolic systems 1983 Takaaki Nishida
Joel Smoller
+ Nonlinear partial differential equations 1983 Joel Smoller
+ Uniqueness and Energy Integrals 1983 Joel Smoller
+ The existence of periodic travelling waves for singularly perturbed predator-prey equations via the Conley Index 1983 Rod Gardner
Joel Smoller
+ Algebraic and Topological Invariants for Reaction-Diffusion Equations 1983 Charles C. Conley
Joel Smoller
+ The Glimm Difference Scheme 1983 Joel Smoller
+ Bifurcation Theory 1983 Joel Smoller
+ Second-Order Linear Parabolic Equations 1983 Joel Smoller
+ An Initial-Value Problem for a Hyperbolic Equation 1983 Joel Smoller
+ Second-Order Linear Elliptic Equations 1983 Joel Smoller
+ Riemann Invariants, Entropy, and Uniqueness 1983 Joel Smoller
+ Index Pairs and the Continuation Theorem 1983 Joel Smoller
+ The Riemann Problem for Systems of Conservation Laws 1983 Joel Smoller
+ Applications to Gas Dynamics 1983 Joel Smoller
+ PDF Chat Stability and bifurcation of steady-state solutions for predator-prey equations 1982 Edward D. Conway
Rod Gardner
Joel Smoller
+ Dispersion and shock-wave structure 1982 Joel Smoller
Roman Shapiro
+ Global bifurcation of steady-state solutions 1981 Joel Smoller
Arthur Wasserman
+ On the vacuum state for the isentropic gas dynamics equations 1980 T.-P Liu
Joel Smoller
+ Topological techniques in reaction-diffusion equations 1980 C. Conley
Joel Smoller
+ Topological techniques in reaction-diffusion equations 1980 C. Conley
Joel Smoller
+ PDF Chat Non-degenerate solutions of boundary-value problems 1980 Joel Smoller
Anthony J. Tromba
Arthur Wasserman
+ Topological Techniques in Reaction-Diffusion Equations 1980 Charles C. Conley
Joel Smoller
+ Qualitative theory of the FitzHugh-Nagumo equations 1978 Jeffrey Rauch
Joel Smoller
+ Isolated invariant sets of parameterized systems of differential equations 1978 C. Conley
Joel Smoller
+ Diffusion and the Predator-Prey Interaction 1977 Edward D. Conway
Joel Smoller
+ PDF Chat Mixed problems for nonlinear conservation laws 1977 Takaaki Nishida
Joel Smoller
+ A comparison technique for systems of reaction-diffusion equations 1977 Edward D. Conway
Joel Smoller
+ Solutions in the large for certain nonlinear hyperbolic systems arising in shock-wave theory 1976 Takaaki Nishida
Joel Smoller
+ Remarks on traveling wave solutions of non-linear diffusion equations 1976 C. Conley
Joel Smoller
+ On the structure of magnetohydrodynamic shock waves 1974 Charles C. Conley
Joel Smoller
+ PDF Chat Geometrical optics and the corner problem 1974 Leonard Sarason
Joel Smoller
+ Structure of magnetohydrodynamic shock waves. Technical summary report 1974 Joel Smoller
C. Conley
+ Existence and structure of magnetohydrodynamic shock waves 1973 C. Conley
Joel Smoller
+ PDF Chat Shocks violating Lax’s condition are unstable 1973 Edward D. Conway
Joel Smoller
+ Solutions in the large for some nonlinear hyperbolic conservation laws 1973 Takaaki Nishida
Joel Smoller
+ PDF Chat Wave front sets and the viscosity method 1973 Joel Smoller
Michael E. Taylor
+ Topological methods in the theory of shock waves 1973 Charles C. Conley
Joel Smoller
+ Viscosity Matrices for Two-Dimensional Non-Linear Hyperbolic Systems, II 1972 Joel Smoller
Charles C. Conley
+ Shock waves as limits of progressive wave solutions of higher order equations, II 1972 Joel Smoller
Charles C. Conley
+ Shock waves as limits of progressive wave solutions of higher order equations 1971 Charles C. Conley
Joel Smoller
+ Viscosity matrices for two‐dimensional nonlinear hyperbolic systems 1970 Charles C. Conley
Joel Smoller
+ Contact discontinuities in quasi‐linear hyperbolic systems 1970 Joel Smoller
+ A Survey of Hyperbolic Systems of Conservation Laws in Two Dependent Variables 1970 Joel Smoller
+ PDF Chat Elementary interactions in quasi-linear hyperbolic systems 1970 C Moler
Joel Smoller
+ PDF Chat Erratum 1970 J. L. Johnson
Joel Smoller
+ PDF Chat On the solution of the Riemann problem with general step data for an extended class of hyperbolic systems. 1969 Joel Smoller
+ A uniqueness theorem for Riemann problems 1969 Joel Smoller
+ PDF Chat Global solutions for an extended class of hyperbolic systems of conservation laws 1969 Joel Smoller
J. L. Johnson
+ PDF Chat Global solutions of hyperbolic systems of conservation laws in two dependent variables 1968 J. L. Johnson
Joel Smoller
+ PDF Chat Global solutions of certain hyperbolic systems of quasi-linear equations 1967 J. L. Johnson
Joel Smoller
+ PDF Chat Uniqueness and stability theorem for the generalized solution of the initial-value problem for a class of quasi-linear equations in several space variables 1967 Edward D. Conway
Joel Smoller
+ PDF Chat Global Solutions for Certain Systems of Quasi-Linear Hyperbolic Equations 1967 J. L. Johnson
Joel Smoller
+ Global solutions of the cauchy problem for quasi‐linear first‐order equations in several space variables 1966 Edward D. Conway
Joel Smoller
+ Singular perturbations of Cauchy's problem 1965 Joel Smoller
+ PDF Chat Singular perturbations and a theorem of KisyƄski 1965 Joel Smoller
+ PDF Chat Translation-Invariant Functionals on Functions Defined in Euclidean Spaces 1965 Joel Smoller
+ PDF Chat Translation-invariant functionals on functions defined in Euclidean spaces 1965 Joel Smoller
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Solutions in the large for nonlinear hyperbolic systems of equations 1965 James Glimm
+ Hyperbolic systems of conservation laws II 1957 Peter D. Lax
+ PDF Chat Existence, uniqueness, and nondegeneracy of positive solutions of semilinear elliptic equations 1984 Joel Smoller
Arthur Wasserman
+ Astrophysical shock-wave solutions of the Einstein equations 1995 Joel Smoller
Blake Temple
+ PDF Chat Symmetry and related properties via the maximum principle 1979 Basilis Gidas
Wei‐Ming Ni
Louis Nirenberg
+ PDF Chat Global solutions for an extended class of hyperbolic systems of conservation laws 1969 Joel Smoller
J. L. Johnson
+ PDF Chat Non-existence of time-periodic solutions of the Dirac equation in a Reissner-Nordström black hole background 2000 Felix Finster
Joel Smoller
Shing‐Tung Yau
+ PDF Chat Existence of infinitely-many smooth, static, global solutions of the Einstein/Yang-Mills equations 1993 Joel Smoller
Arthur Wasserman
+ Symmetry of positive solutions of nonlinear elliptic equations in R^n 1981 Basilis Gidas
+ PDF Chat On the solution of the Riemann problem with general step data for an extended class of hyperbolic systems. 1969 Joel Smoller
+ PDF Chat Symmetry-breaking for positive solutions of semilinear elliptic equations 1986 Joel Smoller
Arthur Wasserman
+ PDF Chat Decay of Solutions of the Wave Equation in the Kerr Geometry 2006 Felix Finster
Niky Kamran
Joel Smoller
Shing‐Tung Yau
+ PDF Chat The long-time dynamics of Dirac particles in the Kerr-Newman black hole geometry 2003 Felix Finster
Niky Kamran
Joel Smoller
Shing‐Tung Yau
+ Global bifurcation of steady-state solutions 1981 Joel Smoller
Arthur Wasserman
+ PDF Chat Spectral estimates and non-selfadjoint perturbations of spheroidal wave operators 2006 Felix Finster
Harald Schmid
+ PDF Chat Existence of black hole solutions for the Einstein-Yang/Mills equations 1993 Joel Smoller
Arthur Wasserman
Shing‐Tung Yau
+ PDF Chat Partial Differential Equations 1988 Shiing-Shen Chern
+ PDF Chat An Integral Spectral Representation of the Propagator for the Wave Equation in the Kerr Geometry 2005 Felix Finster
Niky Kamran
Joel Smoller
Shing‐Tung Yau
+ PDF Chat Particlelike solutions of the Einstein-Dirac equations 1999 Felix Finster
Joel Smoller
Shing-Tung Yau
+ PDF Chat Symmetry-breaking for solutions of semilinear elliptic equations with general boundary conditions 1986 Joel Smoller
Arthur Wasserman
+ PDF Chat Global solutions of the relativistic Euler equations 1993 Joel Smoller
Blake Temple
+ PDF Chat Global solution for an initial boundary value problem of a quasilinear hyperbolic system 1968 Takaaki Nishida
+ Decay of solutions of systems of nonlinear hyperbolic conservation laws 1970 James Glimm
Peter D. Lax
+ Shock Waves and Entropy 1971 Peter D. Lax
+ On Non-Radially Symmetric Bifurcation 1979 E. N. Dancer
+ PDF Chat Shock-wave cosmology inside a black hole 2003 Joel Smoller
Blake Temple
+ PDF Chat Decay of solutions of systems of hyperbolic conservation laws 1967 James Glimm
Peter D. Lax
+ Isolated Invariant Sets and the Morse Index 1978 Charles C. Conley
+ PDF Chat Cosmology, Black Holes and Shock Waves Beyond the Hubble Length 2004 Joel Smoller
Blake Temple
+ Supersonic Flow and Shock Waves 1976 Richard Courant
Kurt Friedrichs
+ PDF Chat Non-Existence of Black Hole Solutions¶for a Spherically Symmetric, Static Einstein-Dirac-Maxwell System 1999 Felix Finster
Joel Smoller
Shing‐Tung Yau
+ PDF Chat Decay Rates and Probability Estimates¶for Massive Dirac Particles¶in the Kerr-Newman Black Hole Geometry 2002 Felix Finster
Niky Kamran
Joel Smoller
Shing Tung Yau
+ PDF Chat Elliptic Partial Differential Equations of Second Order 2001 David Gilbarg
Neil S. Trudinger
+ PDF Chat Non-degenerate solutions of boundary-value problems 1980 Joel Smoller
Anthony J. Tromba
Arthur Wasserman
+ Instability of the Bartnik-McKinnon solution of the Einstein-Yang-Mills equations 1990 Norbert Straumann
Zhi‐Hong Zhou
+ PDF Chat Decay of solutions of the Teukolsky equation for higher spin in the Schwarzschild geometry 2009 Felix Finster
Joel Smoller
+ PDF Chat An existence theorem for positive solutions of semilinear elliptic equations 1986 Joel Smoller
Arthur Wasserman
+ Black hole equilibrium states. 1973 B. Carter
+ PDF Chat Local U(2,2) symmetry in relativistic quantum mechanics 1998 Felix Finster
+ Solutions in the large for some nonlinear hyperbolic conservation laws 1973 Takaaki Nishida
Joel Smoller
+ PDF Chat General Relativistic Shock Waves that Extend the Oppenheimer-Snyder Model 1997 Joel Smoller
Blake Temple
+ PDF Chat Isolated invariant sets and isolating blocks 1971 C. Conley
Robert W. Easton
+ PDF Chat Supersonic Flow and Shock Waves 1949 M. J. Lighthill
+ On the Existence of Positive Solutions of Semilinear Elliptic Equations 1982 Pierre‐Louis Lions
+ PDF Chat The Cauchy problem for the wave equation in the Schwarzschild geometry 2006 Johann Kronthaler
+ Viscosity matrices for two‐dimensional nonlinear hyperbolic systems 1970 Charles C. Conley
Joel Smoller
+ Variational solutions of some nonlinear free boundary problems 1971 J. F. G. Auchmuty
Richard Beals
+ PDF Chat Error Estimates for Approximate Solutions of the Riccati Equation with Real or Complex Potentials 2010 Felix Finster
Joel Smoller
+ PDF Chat Perturbation Theory for Linear Operators 1995 Tosio Kato
+ PDF Chat Particle-like solutions of the Einstein–Dirac–Maxwell equations 1999 Felix Finster
Joel Smoller
Shing-Tung Yau