Mário Bessa


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat On the stability of $\ddot x(t)+\alpha(t)\dot x(t)+\beta(t) x(t)=0$ 2024 Mário Bessa
Helder Vilarinho
+ PDF Chat Simple Lyapunov spectrum for linear homogeneous differential equations with $$L^p$$ parameters 2024 Dinis Amaro
Mário Bessa
Helder Vilarinho
+ Billiards in generic convex bodies have positive topological entropy 2024 Mário Bessa
Gianluigi Del Magno
João Lopes Dias
José Pedro Gaivão
Maria Joana Torres
+ Genericity of trivial Lyapunov spectrum for L-cocycles derived from second order linear homogeneous differential equations 2023 Dinis Amaro
Mário Bessa
Helder Vilarinho
+ PDF Chat Plenty of hyperbolicity on a class of linear homogeneous jerk differential equations 2023 Mário Bessa
+ PDF Chat Lyapunov exponents and entropy for divergence-free Lipschitz vector fields 2023 Mário Bessa
+ Genericity of trivial Lyapunov spectrum for Lp-cocycles derived from second order linear homogeneous differential equations 2023 Dinis Amaro
Mário Bessa
Helder Vilarinho
+ Simple Lyapunov spectrum for linear homogeneous differential equations with Lp parameters 2023 Dinis Amaro
Mário Bessa
Helder Vilarinho
+ Lyapunov Exponents for Linear Homogeneous Differential Equations 2023 Mário Bessa
+ Flowbox theorems for a class of Sobolev vector fields 2022 Mário Bessa
+ Markus–Yamabe’s conjecture for compact gradients in Hilbert spaces 2022 Mário Bessa
Pedro Morais
+ Billiards in generic convex bodies have positive topological entropy 2022 Mário Bessa
Gianluigi Del Magno
João Lopes Dias
José Pedro Gaivão
Maria Joana Torres
+ PDF Chat Expansiveness and Hyperbolicity in Convex Billiards 2021 Mário Bessa
João Lopes Dias
Maria Joana Torres
+ PDF Chat Topological aspects of incompressible flows 2021 Mário Bessa
Maria Joana Torres
Paulo Varandas
+ The closing lemma and the planar general density theorem for Sobolev maps 2021 Assis Azevedo
Davide Azevedo
Mário Bessa
Maria Joana Torres
+ PDF Chat Hyperbolicity through stable shadowing for generic geodesic flows 2020 Mário Bessa
João Lopes Dias
Maria Joana Torres
+ PDF Chat The Role of the Saddle-Foci on the Structure of a Bykov Attracting Set 2020 Mário Bessa
Maria Carvalho
Alexandre A. P. Rodrigues
+ PDF Chat There are no proper topological hyperbolic homoclinic classes for area-preserving maps 2019 Mário Bessa
Maria Joana Torres
+ Straighten out coordinates for volume-preserving actions 2019 Mário Bessa
Pedro Morais
+ The Lyapunov exponents of generic skew-product compact semiflows 2019 Mário Bessa
Glória Ferreira Carvalho
+ Sobolev homeomorphisms are dense in volume preserving automorphisms 2018 Assis Azevedo
Davide Azevedo
Mário Bessa
Maria Joana Torres
+ Stretching Generic Pesin’s Entropy Formula 2018 Mário Bessa
César M. Silva
Helder Vilarinho
+ On the periodic orbits, shadowing and strong transitivity of continuous flows 2018 Mário Bessa
Maria Joana Torres
Paulo Varandas
+ PDF Chat A Note on Expansiveness and Hyperbolicity for Generic Geodesic Flows 2018 Mário Bessa
+ PDF Chat Uniform hyperbolicity revisited: index of periodic points and equidimensional cycles 2018 Mário Bessa
Jorge Rocha
Paulo Varandas
+ The role of the saddle-foci on the structure of a Bykov attracting set 2017 Mário Bessa
Maria Carvalho
Alexandre A. P. Rodrigues
+ PDF Chat The flowbox theorem for divergence-free Lipschitz vector fields 2017 Mário Bessa
+ PDF Chat Positivity of the Top Lyapunov Exponent for Cocycles on Semisimple Lie Groups over Hyperbolic Bases 2017 Mário Bessa
Jairo Bochi
Michel Cambrainha
Carlos Matheus
Paulo Varandas
Disheng Xu
+ PDF Chat On shadowing and hyperbolicity for geodesic flows on surfaces 2017 Mário Bessa
João Lopes Dias
Maria Joana Torres
+ The role of the saddle-foci on the structure of a Bykov attracting set 2017 Mário Bessa
Maria Helena Catelli de Carvalho
Alexandre A. P. Rodrigues
+ On shadowing and hyperbolicity for geodesic flows on surfaces 2016 Mário Bessa
Maria Joana Torres
João Lopes Dias
+ Dynamics of conservative Bykov cycles: Tangencies, generalized Cocoon bifurcations and elliptic solutions 2016 Mário Bessa
Alexandre A. P. Rodrigues
+ Explosion of differentiability for equivalencies between Anosov flows on 3-manifolds 2016 Mário Bessa
Sérgio Dias
Alberto A. Pinto
+ PDF Chat On the Lyapunov spectrum of relative transfer operators 2016 Mário Bessa
Manuel Stadlbauer
+ Positivity of the top Lyapunov exponent for cocycles on semisimple Lie groups over hyperbolic bases 2016 Mário Bessa
Jairo Bochi
Michel Cambrainha
Carlos Matheus
Paulo Varandas
Disheng Xu
+ On shadowing and hyperbolicity for geodesic flows on surfaces 2016 Mário Bessa
Maria Joana Torres
João Lopes Dias
+ Dynamics of conservative Bykov cycles: tangencies, generalized cocoon bifurcations and elliptic solutions 2015 Mário Bessa
Alexandre A. P. Rodrigues
+ A note on reversibility and Pell equations 2015 Mário Bessa
Maria Carvalho
Alexandre A. P. Rodrigues
+ PDF Chat A Dichotomy in Area-Preserving Reversible Maps 2015 Mário Bessa
Alexandre A. P. Rodrigues
+ PDF Chat Trivial and simple spectrum for SL(d, ℝ) cocycles with free base and fiber dynamics 2015 Mário Bessa
Paulo Varandas
+ Structural stability revisited: finest dominated splittings and equidimensional cycles 2015 Mário Bessa
Jorge Rocha
Paulo Varandas
+ Uniform hyperbolicity revisited: Index of periodic points and equidimensional cycles 2015 Mário Bessa
Jorge Rocha
Paulo Varandas
+ PDF Chat Generic area-preserving reversible diffeomorphisms 2015 Mário Bessa
Maria Carvalho
Alexandre A. P. Rodrigues
+ PDF Chat Shadowing, expansiveness and specification for C1-conservative systems 2015 Mário Bessa
Manseob Lee
Xiao Wen
+ The <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi>C</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>0</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:math> general density theorem for geodesic flows 2015 Mário Bessa
Maria Joana Torres
+ PDF Chat Conservative flows with various types of shadowing 2015 Mário Bessa
Raquel Ribeiro
+ PDF Chat Generic Hamiltonian Dynamics 2015 Mário Bessa
C. Ferreira
Jorge Rocha
Paulo Varandas
+ A note on reversibility and Pell equations 2015 Mário Bessa
Maria Carvalho
Alexandre A. P. Rodrigues
+ Dynamics of conservative Bykov cycles: tangencies, generalized cocoon bifurcations and elliptic solutions 2015 Mário Bessa
Alexandre A. P. Rodrigues
+ Uniform hyperbolicity revisited: Index of periodic points and equidimensional cycles 2015 Mário Bessa
Jorge Rocha
Paulo Varandas
+ Explosion of differentiability for equivalencies between Anosov flows on 3-manifolds 2014 Mário Bessa
Sérgio Dias
Alberto A. Pinto
+ Positive Lyapunov exponents for symplectic cocycles 2014 Mário Bessa
Paulo Varandas
+ PDF Chat Stable weakly shadowable volume-preserving systems are volume-hyperbolic 2014 Mário Bessa
Manseob Lee
Sandra Vaz
Sandra Vaz
+ Hamiltonian suspension of perturbed Poincaré sections and an application 2014 Mário Bessa
João Lopes Dias
+ A dichotomy in area-preserving reversible maps 2014 Mário Bessa
Alexandre A. P. Rodrigues
+ Fine properties of<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi>L</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>p</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:math>-cocycles which allow abundance of simple and trivial spectrum 2014 Mário Bessa
Helder Vilarinho
+ A dichotomy in area-preserving reversible maps 2014 Mário Bessa
Alexandre A. P. Rodrigues
+ Positive Lyapunov exponents for symplectic cocycles 2014 Mário Bessa
Paulo Varandas
+ Explosion of differentiability for equivalencies between Anosov flows on 3-manifolds 2014 Mário Bessa
Sérgio Dias
Alberto A. Pinto
+ PDF Chat Shades of hyperbolicity for Hamiltonians 2013 Mário Bessa
Jorge Rocha
Maria Joana Torres
+ Conservative flows with various types of shadowing 2013 Mário Bessa
Raquel Ribeiro
+ Flows with various types of shadowing 2013 Mário Bessa
Raquel Ribeiro
+ The C0 general density theorem for geodesic flows 2013 Mário Bessa
Maria Joana Torres
+ Fine properties of Lp-cocycles which allow abundance of simple and trivial spectrum 2013 Mário Bessa
Helder Vilarinho
+ Shadowing, expansiveness and specification for C1-conservative systems 2013 Mário Bessa
M. Lee
Xi Wen
+ The C0 general density theorem for geodesic flows 2013 Mário Bessa
Maria Joana Torres
+ Positive Lyapunov exponents for Hamiltonian linear differential systems 2013 Mário Bessa
Paulo Varandas
+ Fine properties of Lp-cocycles which allow abundance of simple and trivial spectrum 2013 Mário Bessa
Helder Vilarinho
+ Conservative flows with various types of shadowing 2013 Mário Bessa
R. A. Ribeiro
+ PDF Chat On $$C^1$$ -Generic Chaotic Systems in Three-Manifolds 2012 Mário Bessa
+ Frisos imperfeitos de números inteiros 2012 Mário Bessa
Maria Carvalho
Maria Carvalho
+ Hyperbolicity and stability for Hamiltonian flows 2012 Mário Bessa
Jorge Rocha
Maria Joana Torres
+ PDF Chat Contributions to the geometric and ergodic theory of conservative flows 2012 Mário Bessa
Jorge Rocha
+ Stable weakly shadowable volume-preserving systems are volume-hyperbolic 2012 Mário Bessa
Manseob Lee
Sandra Vaz
+ Generic Hamiltonian Dynamics 2012 Mário Bessa
Célia Ferreira
Jorge Rocha
Paulo Varandas
+ Stably weakly shadowing symplectomorphisms are partially hyperbolic 2012 Mário Bessa
Sandra Vaz
+ Hyperbolicity and Stability for Hamiltonian flows 2012 Mário Bessa
Maria Joana Torres
Jorge Rocha
+ Trivial and simple spectrum for SL(2,R) cocycles with free base and fiber dynamics 2012 Mário Bessa
Paulo Varandas
+ Generic Hamiltonian Dynamics 2012 Mário Bessa
Célia Ferreira
Jorge Rocha
Paulo Varandas
+ Stable weakly shadowable volume-preserving systems are volume-hyperbolic 2012 Mário Bessa
Manseob Lee
Sandra Vaz
+ C1-stably shadowable conservative diffeomorphisms are Anosov 2011 Mário Bessa
+ PDF Chat Dense area-preserving homeomorphisms have zero Lyapunov exponents 2011 Mário Bessa
César M. Silva
+ A remark on the topological stability of symplectomorphisms 2011 Mário Bessa
Jorge Rocha
+ Deterministic products of stochastic matrices generically admit dominated splittings, and an application to relative transfer operators 2011 Mário Bessa
Manuel Stadlbauer
+ PDF Chat Denseness of ergodicity for a class of volume-preserving flows 2011 Mário Bessa
Jorge Rocha
+ Topological stability for conservative systems 2011 Mário Bessa
Jorge Rocha
+ A remark on the topological stability of symplectomorphisms 2011 Mário Bessa
Jorge Rocha
+ Generic Hamiltonian Dynamical Systems: An Overview 2011 Mário Bessa
João Lopes Dias
+ Area-Preserving Diffeomorphisms from theC 1Standpoint 2011 Mário Bessa
+ C1-stably shadowable conservative diffeomorphisms are Anosov 2011 Mário Bessa
+ A remark on the topological stability of symplectomorphisms 2011 Mário Bessa
Jorge Rocha
+ Creation of Homoclinic Tangencies in Hamiltonians by the Suspension of Poincaré Sections 2011 Mário Bessa
João Lopes Dias
+ PDF Chat On the Entropy of Conservative Flows 2010 Mário Bessa
Paulo Varandas
+ Topological stability for conservative systems 2010 Mário Bessa
Jorge Rocha
+ PDF Chat On the stability of the set of hyperbolic closed orbits of a Hamiltonian 2010 Mário Bessa
Célia Ferreira
Jorge Rocha
+ On generic Area-preserving homeomorphisms 2010 Mário Bessa
César Silva
+ Dense area-preserving homeomorphisms have zero Lyapunov exponents 2010 Mário Bessa
César Silva
+ On the entropy of conservative flows 2010 Mário Bessa
Paulo Varandas
+ Perturbations of Mathieu equations with parametric excitation of large period 2010 Mário Bessa
+ Dense area-preserving homeomorphisms have zero Lyapunov exponents 2010 Mário Bessa
César Silva
+ Topological stability for conservative systems 2010 Mário Bessa
Jorge Rocha
+ On the entropy of conservative flows 2010 Mário Bessa
Paulo Varandas
+ Three-dimensional conservative star flows are Anosov 2009 Mário Bessa
Jorge Rocha
+ Imperfect friezes of integers 2009 Mário Bessa
Maria Carvalho
+ PDF Chat Homoclinic tangencies versus uniform hyperbolicity for conservative 3-flows 2009 Mário Bessa
Jorge Rocha
+ Imperfect friezes of integers 2009 Mário Bessa
Maria Carvalho
+ Are there chaotic maps in the sphere? 2008 Mário Bessa
Maria Carvalho
+ PDF Chat A generic incompressible flow is topological mixing 2008 Mário Bessa
+ Abundance of elliptic dynamics on conservative three-flows 2008 Mário Bessa
Pedro Duarte
+ Hamiltonian elliptic dynamics on symplectic $4$-manifolds 2008 Mário Bessa
João Lopes Dias
+ PDF Chat Dominated splitting and zero volume for incompressible three flows 2008 Vı́tor Araújo
Mário Bessa
+ PDF Chat Generic Dynamics of 4-Dimensional C 2 Hamiltonian Systems 2008 Mário Bessa
João Lopes Dias
+ On <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mi>C</mml:mi><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:msup></mml:math>-robust transitivity of volume-preserving flows 2008 Mário Bessa
Jorge Rocha
Jorge Rocha
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of Generic Multidimensional Linear Differential Systems 2008 Mário Bessa
+ Hamiltonian elliptic dynamics on symplectic 4-manifolds 2008 Mário Bessa
João Lopes Dias
+ Contributions to the Geometric and Ergodic Theory of Conservative Flows 2008 Mário Bessa
Jorge Rocha
+ Hamiltonian elliptic dynamics on symplectic 4-manifolds 2008 Mário Bessa
João Lopes Dias
+ The Lyapunov exponents of generic zero divergence three-dimensional vector fields 2007 Mário Bessa
+ PDF Chat Removing zero Lyapunov exponents in volume-preserving flows 2007 Mário Bessa
Jorge Rocha
+ On C1-robust transitivity of volume-preserving flows 2007 Mário Bessa
Jorge Rocha
+ Abundance of elliptic dynamics on conservative 3-flows 2007 Mário Bessa
Pedro Duarte
+ Denseness of ergodicity for a class of partially hyperbolic volume-preserving flows 2007 Mário Bessa
Jorge Rocha
+ On the spectrum of infinite dimensional random products of compact operators 2007 Mário Bessa
Maria Carvalho
+ Dynamics of generic 2-dimensional linear differential systems 2006 Mário Bessa
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Genericity of zero Lyapunov exponents 2002 Jairo Bochi
+ PDF Chat The <i>C</i><sup>1</sup> Closing Lemma, including Hamiltonians 1983 Charles Pugh
Clark Robinson
+ PDF Chat The Lyapunov exponents of generic volume-preserving and symplectic maps 2005 Jairo Bochi
Marcelo Viana
+ A pasting lemma and some applications for conservative systems 2007 Alexander Arbieto
Carlos Matheus
+ Generic properties of conservative systems 1971 R. Clark Robinson
+ PDF Chat On the volume elements on a manifold 1965 Jürgen Moser
+ Quasi-Elliptic Periodic Points in Conservative Dynamical Systems. 2020 Sheldon E. Newhouse
+ PDF Chat Generic Dynamics of 4-Dimensional C 2 Hamiltonian Systems 2008 Mário Bessa
João Lopes Dias
+ Quasi-Elliptic Periodic Points in Conservative Dynamical Systems 1977 Sheldon E. Newhouse
+ The Lyapunov exponents of generic zero divergence three-dimensional vector fields 2007 Mário Bessa
+ Perturbations of the derivative along periodic orbits 2006 Christian Bonatti
Nicolas Gourmelon
Vivier Thérèse
+ A multiplicative ergodic theorem. Ljapunov characteristic numbers for dynamical systems. 1968 V. I. Oseledec
+ On <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mi>C</mml:mi><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:msup></mml:math>-robust transitivity of volume-preserving flows 2008 Mário Bessa
Jorge Rocha
+ Dynamics Beyond Uniform Hyperbolicity: A Global Geometric and Probabilistic Perspective 2004 Christian Bonatti
Lorenzo J. Díaz
Marcelo Viana
+ Global Stability of Dynamical Systems 1987 Michael Shub
+ PDF Chat Recurrence and genericity 2004 Christian Bonatti
Sylvain Crovisier
+ An Ergodic Closing Lemma 1982 Ricardo Mañé
+ PDF Chat Almost all cocycles over any hyperbolic system have nonvanishing Lyapunov exponents 2008 Marcelo Viana
+ Abundance of elliptic dynamics on conservative three-flows 2008 Mário Bessa
Pedro Duarte
+ Introduction to the modern theory of dynamical systems 1996 Anatole Katok
Boris Hasselblatt
+ PDF Chat On a partial differential equation involving the Jacobian determinant 1990 Bernard Dacorogna
Jürgen Moser
+ PDF Chat A generic incompressible flow is topological mixing 2008 Mário Bessa
+ PDF Chat A C<sup>1</sup>-generic dichotomy for diffeomorphisms: Weak forms of hyperbolicity or infinitely many sinks or sources 2003 Christian Bonatti
Lorenzo J. Díaz
Enrique Pujals
+ PDF Chat Partial hyperbolicity for symplectic diffeomorphisms 2005 Ali Tahzibi
Vanderlei Horita
+ Random dynamical systems 2020 Ludwig Arnold
+ Dynamics of generic 2-dimensional linear differential systems 2006 Mário Bessa
+ PDF Chat Dichotomies between uniform hyperbolicity and zero Lyapunov exponents for SL(2, ℝ) cocycles 2006 Jairo Bochi
Bassam Fayad
+ PDF Chat On the stability of the set of hyperbolic closed orbits of a Hamiltonian 2010 Mário Bessa
Célia Ferreira
Jorge Rocha
+ Random Dynamical Systems 1998 Ludwig Arnold
+ PDF Chat Removing zero Lyapunov exponents 2003 Alexandre Baraviera
Christian Bonatti
Jairo Bochi
+ PDF Chat Ergodic Properties of Linear Dynamical Systems 1987 Russell Johnson
Kenneth J. Palmer
George R. Sell
+ The generic symplectic C^{1}-diffeomorphisms of four-dimensional symplectic manifolds are hyperbolic, partially hyperbolic or have a completely elliptic periodic point 2002 Marie-Claude Arnaud
+ PDF Chat Equilibrium States and the Ergodic Theory of Anosov Diffeomorphisms 1975 Rufus Bowen
+ Three-dimensional conservative star flows are Anosov 2009 Mário Bessa
Jorge Rocha
+ A generic bounded linear cocycle has simple Lyapunov spectrum 2005 Nguyen Dinh Cong
+ Measure-Preserving Homeomorphisms and Metrical Transitivity 1941 John C. Oxtoby
Stanislaw M. Ulam
+ Partial hyperbolicity or dense elliptic periodic points for 𝐶¹-generic symplectic diffeomorphisms 2006 Radu Saghin
Zhihong Xia
+ <i>C</i><sup>1</sup>-stably shadowable chain components 2008 Kazuhiro Sakai
+ Lyapunov exponents with multiplicity 1 for deterministic products of matrices 2004 Christian Bonatti
Marcelo Viana
+ Hamiltonian elliptic dynamics on symplectic $4$-manifolds 2008 Mário Bessa
João Lopes Dias
+ Travaux de Herman sur les tores invariants 1992 Jean-Christophe Yoccoz
+ PDF Chat On the regularization of conservative maps 2010 Artur Avila
+ PDF Chat Stability theorems and hyperbolicity in dynamical systems 1977 Clark Robinson
+ Projective hyperbolicity and fixed points 2006 Thérèse Vivier
+ PDF Chat Stability properties of divergence-free vector fields 2012 Célia Ferreira
+ PDF Chat Shades of hyperbolicity for Hamiltonians 2013 Mário Bessa
Jorge Rocha
Maria Joana Torres
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of Generic Multidimensional Linear Differential Systems 2008 Mário Bessa
+ PDF Chat Contributions to the geometric and ergodic theory of conservative flows 2012 Mário Bessa
Jorge Rocha
+ Approximate and Real Trajectories for Generic Dynamical Systems 1995 Robert M. Corless
Sergei Yu. Pilyugin