Lucia Paci


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Hierarchical Mixture of Finite Mixtures (with Discussion) 2024 A. Colombi
Raffaele Argiento
Federico Camerlenghi
Lucia Paci
+ PDF Chat Learning Block Structured Graphs in Gaussian Graphical Models 2023 Alessandro Colombi
Raffaele Argiento
Lucia Paci
Alessia Pini
+ Survival modelling of smartphone trigger data for earthquake parameter estimation in early warning. With applications to 2023 Turkish-Syrian and 2019 Ridgecrest events 2023 Luca Maria Aiello
Raffaele Argiento
Francesco Finazzi
Lucia Paci
+ Mixture modeling via vectors of normalized independent finite point processes 2023 Alessandro Colombi
Raffaele Argiento
Federico Camerlenghi
Lucia Paci
+ PDF Chat Gaussian graphical modeling for spectrometric data analysis 2022 Laura Codazzi
Alessandro Colombi
Matteo Gianella
Raffaele Argiento
Lucia Paci
Alessia Pini
+ Learning block structured graphs in Gaussian graphical models 2022 A. Colombi
Raffaele Argiento
Lucia Paci
Alessia Pini
+ Model-based clustering of categorical data based on the Hamming distance 2022 Raffaele Argiento
Edoardo Filippi-Mazzola
Lucia Paci
+ PDF Chat Score-Driven Modeling of Spatio-Temporal Data 2021 Francesca Gasperoni
Alessandra Luati
Lucia Paci
Enzo D’Innocenzo
+ Functional graphical model for spectrometric data analysis 2021 Laura Codazzi
Alessandro Colombi
Matteo Gianella
Raffaele Argiento
Lucia Paci
Alessia Pini
+ Gaussian graphical modeling for spectrometric data analysis 2021 Laura Codazzi
Alessandro Colombi
Matteo Gianella
Raffaele Argiento
Lucia Paci
Alessia Pini
+ Model-based clustering clustering for categorical data via Hamming distance 2021 Raffaele Argiento
Edoardo Filippi-Mazzola
Lucia Paci
+ Group-dependent finite mixture model 2021 Paola Costa Fontichiari
Miriam Giuliani
Raffaele Argiento
Lucia Paci
+ Gaussian graphical modeling for spectrometric data analysis 2021 Laura Codazzi
A. Colombi
Matteo Gianella
Raffaele Argiento
Lucia Paci
Alessia Pini
+ Graphical model selection for air quality time series 2019 Lucia Paci
Guido Consonni
+ PDF Chat Dynamic model-based clustering for spatio-temporal data 2017 Lucia Paci
Francesco Finazzi
+ A practical approach for assessing the effect of grouping in hierarchical spatio-temporal models 2012 Francesca Bruno
Daniela Cocchi
Lucia Paci
+ A comparison between hierarchical spatio-temporal models in presence of spatial homogeneous groups: the case of Ozone in the Emilia-Romagna Region 2011 Francesca Bruno
Lucia Paci
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Bayesian Inference of Multiple Gaussian Graphical Models 2014 Christine B. Peterson
Francesco C. Stingo
Marina Vannucci
+ PDF Chat Experiments in Stochastic Computation for High-Dimensional Graphical Models 2005 Beatrix Jones
Carlos M. Carvalho
Adrian Dobra
Chris Hans
Chris Carter
Mike West
+ PDF Chat An Explicit Link between Gaussian Fields and Gaussian Markov Random Fields: The Stochastic Partial Differential Equation Approach 2011 Finn Lindgren
HĂ„vard Rue
Johan Lindström
+ PDF Chat Hierarchical Normalized Completely Random Measures for Robust Graphical Modeling 2019 Andrea Cremaschi
Raffaele Argiento
Katherine Shoemaker
Christine B. Peterson
Marina Vannucci
+ Feature-Inclusion Stochastic Search for Gaussian Graphical Models 2008 James G. Scott
Carlos Marinho Carvalho
+ PDF Chat Exact formulas for the normalizing constants of Wishart distributions for graphical models 2018 Caroline Uhler
Alex Lenkoski
Donald Richards
+ Hyper Inverse Wishart Distribution for Non‐decomposable Graphs and its Application to Bayesian Inference for Gaussian Graphical Models 2002 Alberto Roverato
+ PDF Chat A Nonparametric Graphical Model for Functional Data With Application to Brain Networks Based on fMRI 2017 Bing Li
Eftychia Solea
+ PDF Chat Bayesian Regularization via Graph Laplacian 2014 Fei Liu
Sounak Chakraborty
Fan Li
Yan Liu
Aurélie Lozano
+ PDF Chat Functional Graphical Models 2017 Xinghao Qiao
Shaojun Guo
Gareth James
+ PDF Chat Bayesian Measures of Model Complexity and Fit 2002 David J. Spiegelhalter
Nicola Best
Bradley P. Carlin
Angelika van der Linde
+ Bayesian P-Splines 2004 Stefan Lang
Andreas Brezger
+ Estimating the covariance function with functional data 2002 Sik‐Yum Lee
Wenyang Zhang
Xin‐Yuan Song
+ Joint High‐Dimensional Bayesian Variable and Covariance Selection with an Application to eQTL Analysis 2013 Anindya Bhadra
Bani K. Mallick
+ PDF Chat Model-based clustering based on sparse finite Gaussian mixtures 2014 Gertraud Malsiner‐Walli
Sylvia FrĂŒhwirth‐Schnatter
Bettina GrĂŒn
+ PDF Chat A direct sampler for G‐Wishart variates 2013 Alex Lenkoski
+ Sparse seemingly unrelated regression modelling: Applications in finance and econometrics 2010 Hao Wang
+ PDF Chat Bayesian Network Marker Selection via the Thresholded Graph Laplacian Gaussian Prior 2019 Qingpo Cai
Jian Kang
Tianwei Yu
+ None 2003 Paolo Giudici
Robert Castelo
+ PDF Chat <b>BFDA</b>: A <i>MATLAB</i> Toolbox for Bayesian Functional Data Analysis 2019 Jingjing Yang
Peng Ren
+ A Monte Carlo method for computing the marginal likelihood in nondecomposable Gaussian graphical models 2005 Aliye Atay-Kayis
HĂ©lĂšne Massam
+ PDF Chat Optimal predictive model selection 2004 Maria Maddalena Barbieri
James O. Berger
+ Model choice: a minimum posterior predictive loss approach 1998 Alan E. Gelfand
Sujit K. Ghosh
+ PDF Chat <b>BDgraph</b>: An <i>R</i> Package for Bayesian Structure Learning in Graphical Models 2019 Reza Mohammadi
Ernst C. Wit
+ Bayesian Functional Data Analysis Using<b>WinBUGS</b> 2010 Ciprian M. Crainiceanu
Alfred Goldsmith
+ PDF Chat FDR and Bayesian Multiple Comparisons Rules 2007 Peter MĂŒller
Giovanni Parmigiani
Kenneth Rice
+ PDF Chat Sparse Multi-Dimensional Graphical Models: A Unified Bayesian Framework 2016 Yang Ni
Francesco C. Stingo
Veerabhadran Baladandayuthapani
+ PDF Chat Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods and the Label Switching Problem in Bayesian Mixture Modeling 2005 Ajay Jasra
Chris Holmes
David A. Stephens
+ PDF Chat Generalized Spatial Dirichlet Process Models 2007 Jin‐Ao Duan
Michele Guindani
Alan E. Gelfand
+ PDF Chat Conditional Prior Proposals in Dynamic Models 1999 Leonhard Knorr‐Held
+ Multivariate T-Distributions and Their Applications 2004 Samuel Kotz
Saralees Nadarajah
+ PDF Chat Hyper Markov Laws in the Statistical Analysis of Decomposable Graphical Models 1993 A. P. Dawid
Steffen L. Lauritzen
+ A practical approach for assessing the effect of grouping in hierarchical spatio-temporal models 2012 Francesca Bruno
Daniela Cocchi
Lucia Paci
+ PDF Chat Deviance information criteria for missing data models 2006 Gilles Celeux
Florence Forbes
Caroline Robert
D. M. Titterington
+ PDF Chat The Statistical Analysis of fMRI Data 2008 Martin A. Lindquist
+ Posterior Analysis for Normalized Random Measures with Independent Increments 2008 Lancelot F. James
Antonio Lijoi
Igor PrĂŒnster
+ PDF Chat Overfitting Bayesian Mixture Models with an Unknown Number of Components 2015 Zoé van Havre
Nicole White
Judith Rousseau
Kerrie Mengersen
+ Gaussian Markov Random Fields 2005 HĂ„vard Rue
Leonhard Held
+ Multivariate mixtures of normals with unknown number of components 2006 Î Î­Ï„ÏÎżÏ‚ ΔΔλλαπόρτας
+ Information-theoretic optimality of observation-driven time series models for continuous responses 2015 F. Blasques
Siem Jan Koopman
André Lucas
+ PDF Chat Space-time areal mixture model: relabeling algorithm and model selection issues 2014 Md Monir Hossain
A Lawson
Bo Cai
Jungsoon Choi
Jihong Liu
Russell S. Kirby
+ Maximum Likelihood Estimation and Inference in Multivariate Conditionally Heteroscedastic Dynamic Regression Models With Student<i>t</i>Innovations 2003 Gabriele Fiorentini
Enrique Sentana
Giorgio Calzolari
+ PDF Chat Fast covariance estimation for high-dimensional functional data 2014 Luo Xiao
Vadim Zipunnikov
David Ruppert
Ciprian M. Crainiceanu
+ Spatial Bayesian Variable Selection With Application to Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2007 Michael S. Smith
Ludwig Fahrmeir
+ Spatiotemporal Models for Region of Interest Analyses of Functional Neuroimaging Data 2007 F. DuBois Bowman
+ PDF Chat Dealing With Label Switching in Mixture Models 2000 Matthew Stephens
+ PDF Chat Modelling Spatially Correlated Data via Mixtures: A Bayesian Approach 2002 Carmen FernĂĄndez
Peter J. Green
+ Bayesian Nonparametric Estimation of the Probability of Discovering New Species 2007 Antonio Lijoi
Ramsés H. Mena
Igor PrĂŒnster
+ Decomposable graphical Gaussian model determination 1999 Paolo Giudici
Peter J Green
+ Filtering With Heavy Tails 2014 Andrew Harvey
Alessandra Luati