Relja Arandjelović


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Towards In-context Scene Understanding 2023 Ivana Balažević
David Steiner
Nikhil Parthasarathy
Relja Arandjelović
Olivier J. Hénaff
+ PDF Chat Input-level Inductive Biases for 3D Reconstruction 2022 Wang Yifan
Carl Doersch
Relja Arandjelović
João Carreira
Andrew Zisserman
+ Where Should I Spend My FLOPS? Efficiency Evaluations of Visual Pre-training Methods 2022 Skanda Koppula
Yazhe Li
Evan Shelhamer
Andrew Jaegle
Nikhil Parthasarathy
Relja Arandjelović
João Carreira
Olivier J. Hénaff
+ PDF Chat Object Discovery and Representation Networks 2022 Olivier J. Hénaff
Skanda Koppula
Evan Shelhamer
Daniel Zoran
Andrew Jaegle
Andrew Zisserman
João Carreira
Relja Arandjelović
+ PDF Chat Efficient Neighbourhood Consensus Networks via Submanifold Sparse Convolutions 2020 Ignacio Rocco
Relja Arandjelović
Josef Šivic
+ Controllable Attention for Structured Layered Video Decomposition 2019 Jean-Baptiste Alayrac
João Carreira
Relja Arandjelović
Andrew Zisserman
+ PDF Chat Controllable Attention for Structured Layered Video Decomposition 2019 Jean-Baptiste Alayrac
João Carreira
Relja Arandjelović
Andrew Zisserman
+ PDF Chat Compact Deep Aggregation for Set Retrieval 2019 Yujie Zhong
Relja Arandjelović
Andrew Zisserman
+ Object Discovery with a Copy-Pasting GAN 2019 Relja Arandjelović
Andrew Zisserman
+ PDF Chat GhostVLAD for Set-Based Face Recognition 2019 Yujie Zhong
Relja Arandjelović
Andrew Zisserman
+ Controllable Attention for Structured Layered Video Decomposition 2019 Jean-Baptiste Alayrac
Carreira Joao
Relja Arandjelović
Andrew Zisserman
+ PDF Chat Neighbourhood Consensus Networks 2018 Ignacio Rocco
Mircea Cimpoi
Relja Arandjelović
Akihiko Torii
Tomáš Pajdla
Josef Šivic
+ PDF Chat Neighbourhood Consensus Networks 2018 Ignacio Rocco
Mircea Cimpoi
Relja Arandjelović
Akihiko Torii
Tomáš Pajdla
Josef Šivic
+ PDF Chat Convolutional Neural Network Architecture for Geometric Matching 2018 Ignacio Rocco
Relja Arandjelović
Josef Šivic
+ PDF Chat End-to-End Weakly-Supervised Semantic Alignment 2018 Ignacio Rocco
Relja Arandjelović
Josef Šivic
+ Training verified learners with learned verifiers 2018 Krishnamurthy Dvijotham
Sven Gowal
Robert Stanforth
Relja Arandjelović
Brendan O’Donoghue
Jonathan Uesato
Pushmeet Kohli
+ On the Effectiveness of Interval Bound Propagation for Training Verifiably Robust Models 2018 Sven Gowal
Krishnamurthy Dvijotham
Robert Stanforth
Rudy Bunel
Chongli Qin
Jonathan Uesato
Relja Arandjelović
Timothy Mann
Pushmeet Kohli
+ Training verified learners with learned verifiers 2018 Krishnamurthy Dvijotham
Sven Gowal
Robert Stanforth
Relja Arandjelović
Brendan O’Donoghue
Jonathan Uesato
Pushmeet Kohli
+ Neighbourhood Consensus Networks 2018 Ignacio Rocco
Mircea Cimpoi
Relja Arandjelović
Akihiko Torii
Tomáš Pajdla
Josef Šivic
+ Objects that Sound 2017 Relja Arandjelović
Andrew Zisserman
+ PDF Chat Convolutional Neural Network Architecture for Geometric Matching 2017 Ignacio Rocco
Relja Arandjelović
Josef Šivic
+ PDF Chat NetVLAD: CNN Architecture for Weakly Supervised Place Recognition 2017 Relja Arandjelović
Petr Gronát
Akihiko Torii
Tomáš Pajdla
Josef Šivic
+ Convolutional neural network architecture for geometric matching 2017 Ignacio Rocco
Relja Arandjelović
Josef Šivic
+ PDF Chat Pairwise Quantization 2016 Artem Babenko
Relja Arandjelović
Victor Lempitsky
+ PDF Chat Pairwise Quantization 2016 Artem Babenko
Relja Arandjelović
Victor Lempitsky
+ Pairwise Quantization 2016 Artem Babenko
Relja Arandjelović
Victor Lempitsky
+ PDF Chat Pairwise Quantization 2016 Artem Babenko
Relja Arandjelović
Victor Lempitsky
+ PDF Chat Pairwise Quantization 2016 Artem Babenko
Relja Arandjelović
Victor Lempitsky
+ Pairwise Quantization 2016 Artem Babenko
Relja Arandjelović
Victor Lempitsky
+ Pairwise Quantization 2016 Artem Babenko
Relja Arandjelović
Victor Lempitsky
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat NetVLAD: CNN Architecture for Weakly Supervised Place Recognition 2017 Relja Arandjelović
Petr Gronát
Akihiko Torii
Tomáš Pajdla
Josef Šivic
+ Adam: A Method for Stochastic Optimization 2014 Diederik P. Kingma
Jimmy Ba
+ PDF Chat Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition 2016 Kaiming He
Xiangyu Zhang
Shaoqing Ren
Jian Sun
+ Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-Scale Image Recognition 2014 Karen Simonyan
Andrew Zisserman
+ PDF Chat Audio-Visual Scene Analysis with Self-Supervised Multisensory Features 2018 Andrew Owens
Alexei A. Efros
+ PDF Chat FlowNet: Learning Optical Flow with Convolutional Networks 2015 Alexey Dosovitskiy
Philipp Fischer
Eddy Ilg
Philip Häusser
Caner Hazırbaş
Vladimir Golkov
Patrick van der Smagt
Daniel Cremers
Thomas Brox
+ PN-Net: Conjoined Triple Deep Network for Learning Local Image Descriptors 2016 Vassileios Balntas
Edward Johns
Lilian Tang
Krystian Mikolajczyk
+ Neural Machine Translation by Jointly Learning to Align and Translate 2015 Dzmitry Bahdanau
Kyunghyun Cho
Yoshua Bengio
+ PDF Chat Large-Scale Image Retrieval with Attentive Deep Local Features 2017 Hyeonwoo Noh
André Araujo
Jack Sim
Tobias Weyand
Bohyung Han
+ PDF Chat Factors of Transferability for a Generic ConvNet Representation 2015 Hossein Azizpour
Ali Sharif Razavian
Josephine Sullivan
Atsuto Maki
Stefan Carlsson
+ PDF Chat Proposal Flow 2016 Bumsub Ham
Minsu Cho
Cordelia Schmid
Jean Ponce
+ PDF Chat Benchmarking 6DOF Outdoor Visual Localization in Changing Conditions 2018 Torsten Sattler
Will Maddern
Carl Toft
Akihiko Torii
Lars Hammarstrand
Erik Stenborg
Daniel Safari
Masatoshi Okutomi
Marc Pollefeys
Josef Šivic
+ PDF Chat FaceNet: A unified embedding for face recognition and clustering 2015 Florian Schroff
Dmitry Kalenichenko
James Philbin
+ PDF Chat Learning to compare image patches via convolutional neural networks 2015 Sergey Zagoruyko
Nikos Komodakis
+ Batch Normalization: Accelerating Deep Network Training by Reducing Internal Covariate Shift 2015 Sergey Ioffe
Christian Szegedy
+ Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-Scale Image Recognition 2014 Karen Simonyan
Andrew Zisserman
+ Deep Image Homography Estimation 2016 Daniel DeTone
Tomasz Malisiewicz
Andrew Rabinovich
+ PDF Chat Multi-scale Orderless Pooling of Deep Convolutional Activation Features 2014 Yunchao Gong
Liwei Wang
Ruiqi Guo
Svetlana Lazebnik
+ Show, Attend and Tell: Neural Image Caption Generation with Visual Attention 2015 Kelvin Xu
Jimmy Ba
Ryan Kiros
Kyunghyun Cho
Aaron Courville
Ruslan Salakhutdinov
Richard S. Zemel
Yoshua Bengio
+ PDF Chat WarpNet: Weakly Supervised Matching for Single-View Reconstruction 2016 Angjoo Kanazawa
David W. Jacobs
Manmohan Chandraker
+ PDF Chat Deep visual-semantic alignments for generating image descriptions 2015 Andrej Karpathy
Li Fei-Fei
+ PDF Chat End-to-End Weakly-Supervised Semantic Alignment 2018 Ignacio Rocco
Relja Arandjelović
Josef Šivic
+ Towards Deep Learning Models Resistant to Adversarial Attacks. 2018 Aleksander Mądry
Aleksandar Makelov
Ludwig Schmidt
Dimitris Tsipras
Adrian Vladu
+ PDF Chat CNN Features Off-the-Shelf: An Astounding Baseline for Recognition 2014 Ali Sharif Razavian
Hossein Azizpour
Josephine Sullivan
Stefan Carlsson
+ PDF Chat VGGFace2: A Dataset for Recognising Faces across Pose and Age 2018 Qiong Cao
Li Shen
Weidi Xie
Omkar Parkhi
Andrew Zisserman
+ PDF Chat A Generic Deep Architecture for Single Image Reflection Removal and Image Smoothing 2017 Qingnan Fan
Jiaolong Yang
Gang Hua
Baoquan Chen
David Wipf
+ PDF Chat Learning to Find Good Correspondences 2018 Kwang Moo Yi
Eduard Trulls
Y. Ono
Vincent Lepetit
Mathieu Salzmann
Pascal Fua
+ PDF Chat The Visual Centrifuge: Model-Free Layered Video Representations 2019 Jean-Baptiste Alayrac
João Carreira
Andrew Zisserman
+ PDF Chat Distillation as a Defense to Adversarial Perturbations Against Deep Neural Networks 2016 Nicolas Papernot
Patrick McDaniel
Xi Wu
Somesh Jha
Ananthram Swami
+ PDF Chat Going deeper with convolutions 2015 Christian Szegedy
Wei Liu
Yangqing Jia
Pierre Sermanet
Scott Reed
Dragomir Anguelov
Dumitru Erhan
Vincent Vanhoucke
Andrew Rabinovich
+ PDF Chat “Double-DIP”: Unsupervised Image Decomposition via Coupled Deep-Image-Priors 2019 Yosef Gandelsman
Assaf Shocher
Michal Irani
+ Fully-trainable deep matching 2016 James Thewlis
Shuai Zheng
Philip H. S. Torr
Andrea Vedaldi
+ PDF Chat CNN Image Retrieval Learns from BoW: Unsupervised Fine-Tuning with Hard Examples 2016 Filip Radenović
Giorgos Tolias
Ondřej Chum
+ MatConvNet - Convolutional Neural Networks for MATLAB 2014 Andrea Vedaldi
Karel Lenc
+ Single Image Reflection Separation with Perceptual Losses 2018 Xuaner Zhang
Ren Ng
Qifeng Chen
+ Sim2real transfer learning for 3D pose estimation: motion to the rescue 2019 Carl Doersch
Andrew Zisserman
+ PDF Chat Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall, Who’s Got the Clearest Image of Them All?—A Tailored Approach to Single Image Reflection Removal 2019 Daniel Heydecker
Georg Maierhofer
Angelica I. Avilés-Rivero
Qingnan Fan
Dongdong Chen
Carola‐Bibiane Schönlieb
Sabine Süsstrunk
+ Single Image Reflection Removal Using Deep Encoder-Decoder Network 2018 Zhixiang Chi
Xiaolin Wu
Xiao Shu
Jinjin Gu
+ Verifying Neural Networks with Mixed Integer Programming 2017 Vincent Tjeng
Russ Tedrake
+ PDF Chat Unsupervised object discovery and localization in the wild: Part-based matching with bottom-up region proposals 2015 Minsu Cho
Suha Kwak
Cordelia Schmid
Jean Ponce
+ Deep Image Homography Estimation 2016 Daniel DeTone
Tomasz Malisiewicz
Andrew Rabinovich
+ Adversarial examples in the physical world 2016 Alexey Kurakin
Ian Goodfellow
Samy Bengio
+ Batch Normalization: Accelerating Deep Network Training by Reducing Internal Covariate Shift 2015 Sergey Ioffe
Christian Szegedy
+ PDF Chat Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation Using Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Networks 2017 Jun-Yan Zhu
Taesung Park
Phillip Isola
Alexei A. Efros
+ A Short Note about Kinetics-600 2018 João Carreira
Eric Noland
Andras Banki-Horvath
Chloe Hillier
Andrew Zisserman
+ Provable defenses against adversarial examples via the convex outer adversarial polytope 2017 J. Zico Kolter
Eric Wong
+ PDF Chat Reluplex: An Efficient SMT Solver for Verifying Deep Neural Networks 2017 Guy Katz
Clark Barrett
David L. Dill
Kyle D. Julian
Mykel J. Kochenderfer
+ PDF Chat Quo Vadis, Action Recognition? A New Model and the Kinetics Dataset 2017 João Carreira
Andrew Zisserman
+ PDF Chat Rich Feature Hierarchies for Accurate Object Detection and Semantic Segmentation 2014 Ross Girshick
Jeff Donahue
Trevor Darrell
Jitendra Malik
+ SCNet: Learning Semantic Correspondence 2017 Kai Han
Rafael Sampaio de Rezende
Bumsub Ham
Kenneth K. Wong
Minsu Cho
Cordelia Schmid
Jean Ponce