Roos Hutteman


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Age and gender differences in narcissism: A comprehensive study across eight measures and over 250,000 participants. 2023 Rebekka Weidmann
William J. Chopik
Robert A. Ackerman
Marc Allroggen
Emily C. Bianchi
Courtney Brecheen
W. Keith Campbell
Tanja M. Gerlach
Katharina Geukes
Emily Grijalva
+ Age and Gender Differences in Narcissism: A Comprehensive Study Across Eight Measures and Over 250,000 Participants 2023 Rebekka Weidmann
William J. Chopik
Robert A. Ackerman
Marc Allroggen
Emily C. Bianchi
Courtney Brecheen
W. Keith Campbell
Tanja M. Gerlach
Katharina Geukes
Emily Grijalva
+ PDF Chat The true role that suppressor effects play in condition-based regression analysis: None. A reply to Fiedler (2021). 2022 Sarah Humberg
Michael Dufner
Felix D. Schönbrodt
Katharina Geukes
Roos Hutteman
Maarten van Zalk
Jaap J. A. Denissen
Steffen Nestler
Mitja D. Back
+ The True Role that Suppressor Effects Play in Condition-Based Regression Analysis: None. A Reply to Fiedler (2021) 2022 Sarah Humberg
Michael Dufner
Felix D. Schönbrodt
Katharina Geukes
Roos Hutteman
Maarten van Zalk
Jaap J. A. Denissen
Steffen Nestler
Mitja D. Back
+ PDF Chat The Co-development of Extraversion and Friendships: Bonding and Behavioral Mechanisms in Friendship Networks 2019 Maarten van Zalk
Steffen Nestler
Katharina Geukes
Roos Hutteman
Mitja D. Back
+ PDF Chat Explaining the longitudinal interplay of personality and social relationships in the laboratory and in the field: The PILS and the CONNECT study 2019 Katharina Geukes
Simon M. Breil
Roos Hutteman
Steffen Nestler
Albrecht C. P. Küfner
Mitja D. Back
+ PDF Chat Preprint of "Why Condition-Based Regression Analysis (CRA) is Indeed a Valid Test of Self-Enhancement Effects: A Response to Krueger et al. (2017)" 2018 Sarah Humberg
Michael Dufner
Felix D. Schönbrodt
Katharina Geukes
Roos Hutteman
Maarten van Zalk
Jaap J. A. Denissen
Steffen Nestler
Mitja D. Back
+ PDF Chat Preprint of "Is Accurate, Positive, or Inflated Self-Perception Most Advantageous for Psychological Adjustment? A Competitive Test of Key Hypotheses" 2018 Sarah Humberg
Michael Dufner
Felix D. Schönbrodt
Katharina Geukes
Roos Hutteman
Albrecht Kuefner
Maarten van Zalk
Jaap J. A. Denissen
Steffen Nestler
Mitja D. Back
+ PDF Chat Preprint of "Enhanced Versus Simply Positive: A New Condition-Based Regression Analysis to Disentangle Effects of Self-Enhancement from Effects of Positivity of Self-View" 2016 Sarah Humberg
Michael Dufner
Felix D. Schönbrodt
Katharina Geukes
Roos Hutteman
Maarten van Zalk
Jaap J. A. Denissen
Steffen Nestler
Mitja D. Back
+ Reducing bias due to systematic attrition in longitudinal studies: The benefits of multiple imputation 2014 Jens B. Asendorpf
Rens van de Schoot
Jaap J. A. Denissen
Roos Hutteman
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Narcissist or narcissistic? Evaluation of the latent structure of narcissistic personality disorder. 2018 Elizabeth N. Aslinger
Stephen B. Manuck
Paul A. Pilkonis
Leonard J. Simms
Aidan G.C. Wright
+ PDF Chat Testing fit patterns with polynomial regression models 2016 Felix D. Schönbrodt
+ Ten Difference Score Myths 2001 Jeffrey R. Edwards
+ Fluctuations in grandiose and vulnerable narcissistic states: A momentary perspective. 2020 Elizabeth A. Edershile
Aidan G.C. Wright
+ The Roots of Narcissus: Old and New Models of the Evolution of Narcissism 2015 Nicholas S. Holtzman
M. Brent Donnellan
+ PDF Chat Longitudinal changes and historic differences in narcissism from adolescence to older adulthood. 2019 William J. Chopik
Kevin J. Grimm
+ Planned Missing Data Designs for Developmental Researchers 2013 Todd D. Little
Mijke Rhemtulla
+ PDF Chat Measurement Invariance of Three Narcissism Questionnaires Across the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany 2020 Eunike Wetzel
Felix J. Lang
Mitja D. Back
Michele Vecchione
Radosław Rogoza
Brent W. Roberts
+ The Synthesis of Regression Slopes in Meta-Analysis 2007 Betsy Jane Becker
Meng‐Jia Wu
+ Correction for range restriction: An expanded typology. 2000 Paul R. Sackett
Hyuckseung Yang
+ Suppressor Variables in Multiple Regression/Correlation 1992 Richard L. Smith
Joel W. Ager
David L. Williams
+ Statistical Analysis With Missing Data 1989 Maureen Lahiff
Roderick J. A. Little
Donald B. Rubin
+ Global Traits: A Neo-Allportian Approach to Personality 1991 David C. Funder
+ Applied Multiple Regression/Correlation Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences 2003 Freda Kemp
+ PDF Chat Understanding and using the Implicit Association Test: I. An improved scoring algorithm. 2003 Anthony G. Greenwald
Brian A. Nosek
Mahzarin R. Banaji
+ Missing not at random models for latent growth curve analyses. 2011 Craig K. Enders
+ Assessing spurious "moderator effects": Illustrated substantively with the hypothesized ("synergistic") relation between spatial and mathematical ability. 1990 David Lubinski
Lloyd G. Humphreys
+ Missing Data Analysis: Making It Work in the Real World 2008 John W. Graham
+ PDF Chat How Many Imputations are Really Needed? Some Practical Clarifications of Multiple Imputation Theory 2007 John W. Graham
Allison E. Olchowski
Tamika D. Gilreath
+ Multimodel Inference 2004 Kenneth P. Burnham
David R. Anderson
+ Applied Multiple Regression/Correlation Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences 2014 Patricia Cohen
Patricia Cohen
Stephen G. West
Leona S. Aiken
+ PDF Chat A Gentle Introduction to Bayesian Analysis: Applications to Developmental Research 2013 Rens van de Schoot
David Kaplan
Jaap J. A. Denissen
Jens B. Asendorpf
Franz J. Neyer
Marcel A. G. van Aken
+ PDF Chat Estimating the Dimension of a Model 1978 Gideon Schwarz
+ PDF Chat Auxiliary variables in multiple imputation in regression with missing X: a warning against including too many in small sample research 2012 Jochen Hardt
Max Herke
Rainer Leonhart
+ PDF Chat Testing nonnested structural equation models. 2015 Edgar C. Merkle
Dongjun You
Kristopher J. Preacher
+ PDF Chat The Oxford Handbook of Psychological Situations 2017 1
+ PDF Chat Zooming into Real-Life Extraversion – how Personality and Situation Shape Sociability in Social Interactions 2019 Simon M. Breil
Katharina Geukes
Robert E. Wilson
Steffen Nestler
Simine Vazire
Mitja D. Back
+ Modeling Intraindividual Variability in Three-Level Multilevel Models 2018 Steffen Nestler
Katharina Geukes
Mitja D. Back
+ Alternatives to difference scores: Polynomial regression analysis and response surface methodology. 2002 Jeffrey R. Edwards
+ PDF Chat The Co-development of Extraversion and Friendships: Bonding and Behavioral Mechanisms in Friendship Networks 2019 Maarten van Zalk
Steffen Nestler
Katharina Geukes
Roos Hutteman
Mitja D. Back
+ Intensive Longitudinal Methods 2017 Tracey Wade
+ Distinguishing between moderator and quadratic effects in multiple regression. 1995 Robert C. MacCallum
Corinne M. Mar
+ PDF Chat Regression Analysis as an Alternative to Difference Scores 1994 Jeffrey R. Edwards
+ PDF Chat Preprint of "Is Accurate, Positive, or Inflated Self-Perception Most Advantageous for Psychological Adjustment? A Competitive Test of Key Hypotheses" 2018 Sarah Humberg
Michael Dufner
Felix D. Schönbrodt
Katharina Geukes
Roos Hutteman
Albrecht Kuefner
Maarten van Zalk
Jaap J. A. Denissen
Steffen Nestler
Mitja D. Back
+ Flexible Imputation of Missing Data 2012 Stef van Buuren
+ Fundamental structures of dynamic social networks 2016 Vedran Sekara
Arkadiusz Stopczynski
Sune Lehmann
+ Further analysis of the data by Akaike's information criterion and the finite corrections 1978 Nariaki Sugiura
+ Applied Regression Analysis and Generalized Linear Models 2008 John Fox
+ Applied Missing Data Analysis 2010 Craig K. Enders
+ A Primer on Regression Artifacts 1999 Donald T. Campbell
David A. Kenny
+ PDF Chat Fitting Linear Mixed-Effects Models Using<b>lme4</b> 2015 Douglas M. Bates
Martin Mächler
Benjamin M. Bolker
Steve Walker
+ Regression Diagnostics 1985 Kenneth A. Bollen
Robert W. Jackman
+ A comparison of inclusive and restrictive strategies in modern missing data procedures. 2001 Linda M. Collins
Joseph L. Schafer
Chi-Ming Kam
+ Asymptotic Confidence Intervals for Indirect Effects in Structural Equation Models 1982 Michael E. Sobel
+ PDF Chat AIC model selection using Akaike weights 2004 Eric‐Jan Wagenmakers
Simon Farrell