Herivelto Borges


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Tate-Shafarevich results for quartic twists in characteristic $2$ 2024 Herivelto Borges
João Paulo Guardieiro
Cecília Salgado
Jaap Top
+ The p-rank of curves of Fermat type 2024 Herivelto Borges
Cirilo Gonçalves
+ PDF Chat Plane curves with a large linear automorphism group in characteristic p 2024 Herivelto Borges
Gábor Korchmáros
Pietro Speziali
+ On the number of rational points on Artin-Schreier hypersurfaces 2023 José Alves Oliveira
Herivelto Borges
Fabio Enrique Brochero Martínez
+ On the number of elements with prescribed norm and trace 2023 Roberto Alvarenga
Herivelto Borges
+ PDF Chat An elementary abelian p-cover of the Hermitian curve with many automorphisms 2022 Herivelto Borges
Satoru Fukasawa
+ The p-rank of curves of Fermat type 2022 Herivelto Borges
Cirilo Gonçalves
+ PDF Chat The Hurwitz curve over a finite field and its Weierstrass points for the morphism of lines 2021 Nazar Arakelian
Herivelto Borges
Pietro Speziali
+ Weierstrass pure gaps on curves with three distinguished points 2021 Herivelto Borges
Gregory Duran
+ On the Zeta function and the automorphism group of the generalized Suzuki curve 2020 Herivelto Borges
Mariana Coutinho
+ Rational functions with small value set 2020 Daniele Bartoli
Herivelto Borges
Luciane Quoos
+ An elementary abelian $p$-cover of the Hermitian curve with many automorphisms 2020 Herivelto Borges
Satoru Fukasawa
+ On the Zeta function and the automorphism group of the generalized Suzuki curve. 2019 Herivelto Borges
Mariana Coutinho
+ Galois points for double-Frobenius nonclassical curves 2019 Herivelto Borges
Satoru Fukasawa
+ PDF Chat On some generalized Fermat curves and chords of an affinely regular polygon inscribed in a hyperbola 2019 Herivelto Borges
Mariana Coutinho
+ On the Zeta function and the automorphism group of the generalized Suzuki curve 2019 Herivelto Borges
Mariana V. C. Coutinho
+ The Hurwitz curve over a finite field and its Weierstrass points for the morphism of lines 2018 Nazar Arakelian
Herivelto Borges
Pietro Speziali
+ PDF Chat Bounds for the number of points on curves over finite fields 2018 Nazar Arakelian
Herivelto Borges
+ Galois points for double-Frobenius nonclassical curves 2018 Herivelto Borges
Satoru Fukasawa
+ PDF Chat Weierstrass points on Kummer extensions 2018 Miriam Abdón
Herivelto Borges
Luciane Quoos
+ Plane sections of Fermat surfaces over finite fields 2018 Herivelto Borges
Gary Cook
Mariana Coutinho
+ Subcovers and codes on the $X_{n,r}$ curves 2018 Herivelto Borges
Alonso S. Castellanos
Guilherme Tizziotti
+ The Hurwitz curve over a finite field and its Weierstrass points for the morphism of lines 2018 Nazar Arakelian
Herivelto Borges
Pietro Speziali
+ Galois points for double-Frobenius nonclassical curves 2018 Herivelto Borges
Satoru Fukasawa
+ Subcovers and codes on the $X_{n,r}$ curves 2018 Herivelto Borges
Alonso S. Castellanos
Guilherme Tizziotti
+ A new family of Castle and Frobenius nonclassical curves 2017 Herivelto Borges
Ricardo Conceição
+ PDF Chat Frobenius nonclassicality of Fermat curves with respect to cubics 2017 Nazar Arakelian
Herivelto Borges
+ PDF Chat Points on singular Frobenius nonclassical curves 2016 Herivelto Borges
Masaaki Homma
+ Bounds for the number of points on curves over finite fields 2016 Nazar Arakelian
Herivelto Borges
+ Curves from slices of Fermat surfaces over 'F IND. Q' 2016 Herivelto Borges
Gary Cook
+ Bounds for the number of points on curves over finite fields 2016 Nazar Arakelian
Herivelto Borges
+ Frobenius nonclassical components of curves with separated variables 2015 Herivelto Borges
+ Weierstrass semigroup and automorphism group of the curves <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="script">X</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>n</mml:mi><mml:mo>,</mml:mo><mml:mi>r</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:math> 2015 Herivelto Borges
Alonso S. Castellanos
Guilherme Tizziotti
+ Frobenius nonclassicality of Fermat curves with respect to cubics 2015 Nazar Arakelian
Herivelto Borges
+ Points on singular Frobenius nonclassical curves 2015 Herivelto Borges
Masaaki Homma
+ PDF Chat Frobenius nonclassicality with respect to linear systems of curves of arbitrary degree 2015 Nazar Arakelian
Herivelto Borges
+ Frobenius nonclassicality of Fermat curves with respect to cubics 2015 Nazar Arakelian
Herivelto Borges
+ Frobenius nonclassicality with respect to linear systems of curves of arbitrary degree 2014 Nazar Arakelian
Herivelto Borges
+ Complete arcs arising from a generalization of the Hermitian curve 2014 Herivelto Borges
Beatriz Motta
Fernando Torres
+ Minimal value set polynomials and a generalization of the Hermitian curve 2014 Herivelto Borges
Ricardo Conceição
+ Weierstrass semigroup and Automorphism group of the curves $\mathcal{X}_{n,r}$ 2014 Herivelto Borges
Alonso S. Castellanos
Guilherme Tizziotti
+ PDF Chat Complete arcs arising from a generalization of the Hermitian curve 2014 Herivelto Borges
Beatriz Motta
Fernando Torres
+ Complete arcs arising from a generalization of the Hermitian curve 2014 Herivelto Borges
Beatriz Motta
Fernando Torres
+ Minimal value set polynomials and a generalization of the Hermitian curve 2014 Herivelto Borges
Ricardo Conceição
+ Frobenius nonclassicality with respect to linear systems of curves of arbitrary degree 2014 Nazar Arakelian
Herivelto Borges
+ Frobenius nonclassical components of curves with separated variables 2013 Herivelto Borges
+ Weierstrass points on Kummer extensions 2013 Miriam Abdón
Herivelto Borges
Luciane Quoos
+ Complete arcs arising from a generalization of the Hermitian curve (extended abstract) 2013 Herivelto Borges
Beatriz Motta
Fernando Torres
+ On the characterization of minimal value set polynomials 2013 Herivelto Borges
Ricardo Conceição
+ Weierstrass points on Kummer extensions 2013 Miriam Abdón
Herivelto Borges
Luciane Quoos
+ Frobenius nonclassical components of curves with separated variables 2013 Herivelto Borges
+ On the characterization of minimal value set polynomials 2011 Herivelto Borges
Ricardo Conceição
+ On the characterization of minimal value set polynomials 2011 Herivelto Borges
Ricardo Conceição
+ On multi-Frobenius non-classical plane curves 2009 Herivelto Borges
+ On complete <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mi>N</mml:mi><mml:mo>,</mml:mo><mml:mi>d</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:math>-arcs derived from plane curves 2008 Herivelto Borges
+ Uma torre de extensões de Artin-Schreier atingindo a cota de Drinfeld-Vladut 2003 Herivelto Borges
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Algebraic Curves over a Finite Field 2008 J. W. P. Hirschfeld
Gábor Korchmáros
Fernando Torres
+ Weierstrass Points and Curves Over Finite Fields 1986 Karl-Otto Stöhr
José Felipe Voloch
+ Frobenius non classical curves 1990 Abramo Hefez
José Felipe Voloch
+ On multi-Frobenius non-classical plane curves 2009 Herivelto Borges
+ None 2002 Massimo Giulietti
Fernanda Pambianco
Fernando Torres
Emanuela Ughi
+ On complete <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mi>N</mml:mi><mml:mo>,</mml:mo><mml:mi>d</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:math>-arcs derived from plane curves 2008 Herivelto Borges
+ Fermat curves over finite fields 1988 Alberto González García
José Felipe Voloch
+ PDF Chat Polynomials with minimal value sets 1964 William Hobson Mills
+ Frobenius nonclassical components of curves with separated variables 2015 Herivelto Borges
+ None 2001 Gretchen L. Matthews
+ On the characterization of minimal value set polynomials 2013 Herivelto Borges
Ricardo Conceição
+ Projective Geometries over Finite Fields 1998 J. W. P. Hirschfeld
+ Generalized Hermitian Codes Over$hboxGF,(2^r)$ 2006 Stanislav Bulygin
+ Some remarks on plane curves over fields of finite characteristic 1986 Rita Pardini
+ The Number of Rational Points of a Class of Artin–Schreier Curves 2002 Robert S. Coulter
+ Algebraic Geometry Codes from Castle Curves 2008 Carlos Munuera
Alonso S. Castellanos
Fernando Torres
+ A Class of Polynomials over Finite Fields 1999 Arnaldo Garcia
Henning Stichtenoth
+ On the Number of Solutions of an Equation Over a Finite Field 2001 J. W. P. Hirschfeld
Gábor Korchmáros
+ The Magma Algebra System I: The User Language 1997 Wieb Bosma
John Cannon
Catherine Playoust
+ Wronskians and linear independence in fields of prime characteristic 1987 Arnaldo Garcia
José Felipe Voloch
+ PDF Chat Explicit evaluations of some Weil sums 1998 Robert S. Coulter
+ Determining irreducibility and ramification groups for an additive extension of the rational function field 2002 Vinay Deolalikar
+ On maximal curves of Fermat type 2013 Saeed Tafazolian
Fernando Torres
+ PDF Chat Weierstrass points on cyclic covers of the projective line 1996 Christopher Towse
+ On a bound of Garcia and Voloch for the number of points of a Fermat curve over a prime field 2006 Sandro Mattarei
+ PDF Chat None 2000 Antonio Cossidente
J. W. P. Hirschfeld
Gábor Korchmáros
Fernando Torres
+ On the evaluation of a class of Weil sums in characteristic 2 1999 Robert S. Coulter
+ The 𝑎-numbers of Jacobians of Suzuki curves 2013 Holley Friedlander
Derek Garton
Beth Malmskog
Rachel Pries
Colin Weir
+ The curvesy n =f(x) over finite fields 1990 Arnaldo Garcia
+ PDF Chat Further evaluations of Weil sums 1998 Robert S. Coulter
+ Frobenius nonclassical components of curves with separated variables 2013 Herivelto Borges
+ On the number of rational points on some families of Fermat curves over finite fields 2005 Marko Moisio
+ Minimal value set polynomials and a generalization of the Hermitian curve 2014 Herivelto Borges
Ricardo Conceição
+ On Goppa Codes and Weierstrass Gaps at Several Points 2005 Cícero Carvalho
Fernando Torres
+ Sziklai's conjecture on the number of points of a plane curve over a finite field III 2010 Masaaki Homma
Seon Jeong Kim
+ Algebraic curves with many automorphisms 2019 Massimo Giulietti
Gábor Korchmáros
+ Field Theory for Function Fields of Plane Quartic Curves 2000 Kei Miura
Hisao Yoshihara
+ Function Field Theory of Plane Curves by Dual Curves 2001 Hisao Yoshihara
+ Generalized Hermitian codes 2012 Carlos Munuera
Alonso S. Castellanos
Fernando Torres
+ Elementary Abelianp-extensions of algebraic function fields 1991 Arnaldo Garcia
Henning Stichtenoth
+ On the number of Galois points for a plane curve in positive characteristic, III 2009 Satoru Fukasawa
+ The number of points on certain algebraic curves over finite fields 1989 Jacques Wolfmann
+ On the Dickson–Guralnick–Zieve curve 2018 Massimo Giulietti
Gábor Korchmáros
Marco Timpanella
+ PDF Chat Frobenius nonclassicality of Fermat curves with respect to cubics 2017 Nazar Arakelian
Herivelto Borges
+ PDF Chat Deligne-Lusztig curves as ray class fields 1999 Kristin Lauter
+ The p-rank of Artin-Schreier curves 1975 Dor� Subrao
+ Weierstrass points in characteristicp 1980 Robert C. Valentini
Manohar L. Madan
+ PDF Chat Suzuki-invariant codes from the Suzuki curve 2015 Abdulla Eid
Hilaf Hasson
Amy Ksir
Justin D. Peachey
+ Algebraic Curves over Finite Fields 1991 Carlos Moreno
+ PDF Chat On Certain Plane Curves with Many Integral Points 1999 Fernando Rodríguez Villegas
José Felipe Voloch