Wolfgang Müller


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat The Weyl formula for planar annuli 2021 Jingwei Guo
Wolfgang Müller
Weiwei Wang
Zuoqin Wang
+ The Weyl formula for planar annuli 2019 Jingwei Guo
Wolfgang Müller
Weiwei Wang
Zuoqin Wang
+ PDF Chat Affine LIBOR models driven by real-valued affine processes 2016 Wolfgang Müller
Stefan Waldenberger
+ Affine LIBOR models driven by real-valued affine processes 2015 Stefan Waldenberger
Wolfgang Müller
+ On the law of large numbers and arithmetic functions 2012 I. Berkès
Wolfgang Müller
Michel Weber
+ On the value distribution of positive definite quadratic forms 2009 Wolfgang Müller
+ Systems of quadratic Diophantine inequalities and the value distribution of quadratic forms 2007 Wolfgang Müller
+ PDF Chat Systems of quadratic diophantine inequalities 2005 Wolfgang Müller
+ PDF Chat The Piltz divisor problem in number fields: An improved lower bound by Soundararajan's method 2005 Kurt Girstmair
Manfred Kühleitner
Wolfgang Müller
Werner-Georg Nowak
+ PDF Chat Lattice points in bodies with algebraic boundary 2003 Wolfgang Müller
+ None 2001 Wolfgang Müller
Jörg Μ. Thuswaldner
Robert F. Tichy
+ Lattice Points in Large Convex Bodies 1999 Wolfgang Müller
+ Hyperelliptic Riemann surfaces of infinite genus and solutions of the KdV equation 1998 Wolfgang Müller
Martin Schmidt
Robert Schrader
+ The Characteristic Polynomial as a Structure Discriminator 1997 Milan Randić
Wolfgang Müller
J. V. Knop
Nenad Trinajstić
+ PDF Chat On the average order of the lattice rest of a convex body 1997 Wolfgang Müller
+ On the Convergence of a Two-Dimensional Trigonometric Sum 1997 Wolfgang Müller
+ Third power moments of the error terms corresponding to certain arithmetic functions 1995 Wolfgang Müller
Werner Georg Nowak
+ The Rankin-Selberg Method for Non-holomorphic Automorphic Forms 1995 Wolfgang Müller
+ On the number of square-cell configurations 1993 Wolfgang Müller
Klaus Szymanski
Jan V. Knop
Nenad Trinajstić
+ Quantitative aspects of non-unique factorization: A general theory with applications to algebraic function fields. 1991 Wolfgang Müller
Franz Halter‐Koch
+ On the classification and enumeration of planar polyhex hydrocarbons 1991 Sonja Nikolioć
Nenad Trinajstić
Jan V. Knop
Wolfgang Müller
Klaus Szymanski
+ On the concept of the weighted spanning tree of dualist 1990 Sonja Nikolić
Nenad Trinajstić
Jan V. Knop
Wolfgang Müller
Klaus Szymanski
+ Lattice points in planar domains: Applications of Huxley's ‘discrete hardy-littlewood method’ 1990 Wolfgang Müller
Werner Georg Nowak
+ The mean square of the Dedekind zeta function in quadratic number fields 1989 Wolfgang Müller
+ On the distribution of ideals in cubic number fields 1988 Wolfgang Müller
+ On the number of primitive pythagorean triangles 1988 Wolfgang Müller
Werner Georg Nowak
Hartmut Menzer
+ Computer enumeration and generation of physical trees 1987 J. V. Knop
Wolfgang Müller
K. Szymański
Harold W. Kroto
Nenad Trinajstić
+ An algorithm for construction of the molecular distance matrix 1987 Wolfgang Müller
K. Szymański
J. V. Knop
Nenad Trinajstić
+ Planar lattice point problems 1987 Wolfgang Müller
+ On irreducible endospectral graphs 1986 Jan V. Knop
Wolfgang Müller
Klaus Szymanski
Nenad Trinajstić
Alexander Kleiner
Milan Randić
+ On the Enumeration of 2‐Factors of Polyhexes 1986 J. V. Knop
Wolfgang Müller
K. Szymański
Nenad Trinajstić
+ On lattice points in planar domains 1985 Wolfgang Müller
Werner Georg Nowak
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Exponential Sums and Lattice Points III 2003 M. N. Huxley
+ Computer enumeration and generation of benzenoid hydrocarbons and identification of bay regions 1983 J. V. Knop
K. Szymański
Željko Jeričević
Nenad Trinajstić
+ Exponential Sums and Lattice Points II 1993 M. N. Huxley
+ Zahlentheoretische Abschätzungen mit Anwendung auf Gitterpunktprobleme 1923 J. G. van der Corput
+ PDF Chat On the lattice point problem for ellipsoids 1997 V. Bentkus
Friedrich Götze
+ PDF Chat Lattice Point Problems and Distribution of Values of Quadratic Forms 1999 V. Bentkus
Friedrich Götze
+ Mean square of zeta function, circle problem and divisor problem revisited 2017 Jean Bourgain
Nigel Watt
+ The approximate functional equation for a class of zeta-functions 1963 K. Chandrasekharan
Raghavan Narasimhan
+ Indefinite quadratic forms in many variables 1956 H. Davenport
+ Asymptotics and Special Functions 1997 F. W. J. Olver
+ PDF Chat An Improved Remainder Estimate in the Weyl Formula for the Planar Disk 2018 Jingwei Guo
Weiwei Wang
Zuoqin Wang
+ PDF Chat A flexible matrix Libor model with smiles 2012 José Da Fonseca
Alessandro Gnoatto
Martino Grasselli
+ Weylsche Exponentialsummen in der neueren Zahlentheorie 1963 Arnold Walfisz
+ Upper Bounds and Asymptotics in a Quantitative Version of the Oppenheim Conjecture 1998 Alex Eskin
G. A. Margulis
Shahar Mozes
+ The asymptotic expansion of bessel functions of large order 1954 F. W. J. Olver
+ PDF Chat The characteristic polynomials of structures with pending bonds 1982 K. Balasubramanian
Milan Randić
+ Computer generation of the characteristic polynomials of chemical graphs 1984 K. Balasubramanian
+ New omega theorems for two classical lattice point problems 1981 James Lee Hafner
+ On the concept of the weighted spanning tree of dualist 1990 Sonja Nikolić
Nenad Trinajstić
Jan V. Knop
Wolfgang Müller
Klaus Szymanski
+ A novel nomenclature of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons without using graph centre 1985 Wenchen He
He Wenjie
+ On the spectrum of positive elliptic operators and periodic bicharacteristics 1975 J. J. Duistermaat
Victor Guillemin
+ On evaluation of the characteristic polynomial for large molecules 1982 Milan Randić
+ PDF Chat Systems of quadratic diophantine inequalities 2005 Wolfgang Müller
+ Asymptotic relation for zeros of cross-product of Bessel functions and applications 2018 Vladimir Bobkov
+ On alternative form of the characteristic polynomial and the problem of graph recognition 1983 Milan Randić
+ Graphical Enumeration 1973 2
+ PDF Chat Lower bounds for the zeros of Bessel functions 1977 Roger C. McCann
+ The analyticity of cross-product Bessel function zeros 1966 James Alan Cochran
+ The Theory of the Riemann Zeta-Function 1987 E. C. Titchmarsh
D. R. Heath‐Brown
+ Sextet polynomial. A new enumeration and proof technique for the resonance theory applied to the aromatic hydrocarbons. 1975 Haruo Hosoya
Tamië Yamaguchi
+ Graph-theoretical analysis of the clar's aromatic sextet 1981 Noriko Ohkami
Akiko Motoyama
Tamië Yamaguchi
Haruo Hosoya
Iván Gutman
+ On conjugated molecules with identical topological spectra 1975 Tomislav P. Živković
Nenad Trinajstić
Milan Randić
+ Graphical enumeration of the coefficients of the secular polynomials of the H�ckel molecular orbitals 1972 Haruo Hosoya
+ A property of the zeros of a cross-product of Bessel functions 1965 D. M. Willis
+ Computer-aided enumeration and generation of the kekulé structures in conjugated hydrocarbons 1982 B. Džonova-Jerman-Blažič
Nenad Trinajstić
+ Remarks on the Zeros of Cross-Product Bessel Functions 1964 James Alan Cochran
+ PDF Chat Das asymptotische Verteilungsgesetz der Eigenwerte linearer partieller Differentialgleichungen (mit einer Anwendung auf die Theorie der Hohlraumstrahlung) 1912 Hermann Weyl
+ On a divisor problem in arithmetic progressions 1989 Werner Georg Nowak
+ Random walks and their diagnostic value for characterization of atomic environment 1980 Milan Randić
+ Lattice point problems and values of quadratic forms 2004 Friedrich Götze
+ Graph theoretical characterization and computer generation of certain carcinogenic benzenoid hydrocarbons and identification of bay regions 1980 K. Balasubramanian
Joyce J. Kaufman
W. S. Koski
Alexandrù T. Balaban
+ Topics in Multiplicative Number Theory 1971 Hugh L. Montgomery
+ PDF Chat Path Properties and Regularity of Affine Processes on General State Spaces 2013 Christa Cuchiero
Josef Teichmann
+ Arithmetic Quantum Chaos 2006 Jens Marklof
+ PDF Chat Distance matrix of a graph and its realizability 1965 S. L. Hakimi
S. S. Yau
+ On lattice points in planar domains 1985 Wolfgang Müller
Werner Georg Nowak
+ Area, Lattice Points, and Exponential Sums 1996 M. N. Huxley
+ Variations of the cell growth problem 1972 Edgar M. Palmer
+ Uniform distribution of sequences 1974 L. Kuipers
Harald Niederreiter
+ PDF Chat Theta Functions on Riemann Surfaces 1973 John D. Fay