Wing Hung Wong


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat An AI-powered Bayesian generative modeling approach for causal inference in observational studies 2025 Qiao Liu
Wing Hung Wong
+ PDF Chat An encoding generative modeling approach to dimension reduction and covariate adjustment in causal inference with observational studies 2024 Qiao Liu
Z. Chen
Wing Hung Wong
+ PDF Chat Generative Modeling for Tabular Data via Penalized Optimal Transport Network 2024 Wenhui Sophia Lu
Chenyang Zhong
Wing Hung Wong
+ CausalEGM: a general causal inference framework by encoding generative modeling 2022 Qiao Liu
Chen Zhong-ren
Wing Hung Wong
+ An integral equation for the identification of causal effects in nonlinear models 2021 Wing Hung Wong
+ PDF Chat Density estimation using deep generative neural networks 2021 Qiao Liu
Jiaze Xu
Rui Jiang
Wing Hung Wong
+ A calculus for causal inference with instrumental variables 2021 Wing Hung Wong
+ An integral equation for the identification of causal effects in nonlinear models 2021 Wing Hung Wong
+ PDF Chat Mini-Batch Metropolis–Hastings With Reversible SGLD Proposal 2020 Tung-Yu Wu
Y. X. Rachel Wang
Wing Hung Wong
+ Detecting Strong Signals in Gene Perturbation Experiments: An Adaptive Approach With Power Guarantee and FDR Control 2019 Leying Guan
Xi Chen
Wing Hung Wong
+ Mini-batch Metropolis-Hastings MCMC with Reversible SGLD Proposal 2019 Tung-Yu Wu
Y. X. Rachel Wang
Wing Hung Wong
+ Convergence of contrastive divergence algorithm in exponential family 2018 Bai Jiang
Tung-Yu Wu
Yifan Jin
Wing Hung Wong
+ Minibatch Gibbs Sampling on Large Graphical Models 2018 Christopher De
Vincent Chen
Wing Hung Wong
+ Detecting strong signals in gene perturbation experiments: An adaptive approach with power guarantee and FDR control 2018 Leying Guan
Xi Chen
Wing Hung Wong
+ Minibatch Gibbs Sampling on Large Graphical Models 2018 Christopher De
Vincent Chen
Wing Hung Wong
+ Convergence rates of a partition based Bayesian multivariate density estimation method. 2017 Linxi Liu
Dangna Li
Wing Hung Wong
+ PDF Chat Learning Summary Statistic for Approximate Bayesian Computation via Deep Neural Network 2017 Wing Hung Wong
Bai Jiang
Tung-Yu Wu
Charles Zheng
+ Mini-batch Tempered MCMC 2017 Dangna Li
Wing Hung Wong
+ Convergence of Contrastive Divergence Algorithm in Exponential Family 2016 Bai Jiang
Tung-Yu Wu
Yifan Jin
Wing Hung Wong
+ Convergence of Contrastive Divergence with Annealed Learning Rate in Exponential Family 2016 Bai Jiang
Tung-Yu Wu
Wing Hung Wong
Xiaotong Shen
+ PDF Chat Computational Aspects of Optional Pólya Tree 2015 Hui Jiang
John C. Mu
Kun Yang
Chao Du
Luo Lu
Wing Hung Wong
+ Multivariate Density Estimation via Adaptive Partitioning (II): Posterior Concentration 2015 Linxi Liu
Wing Hung Wong
+ co-BPM: a Bayesian Model for Estimating Divergence and Distance of Distributions 2014 Kun Yang
Hao Su
Wing Hung Wong
+ Density Estimation via Adaptive Partition and Discrepancy Control 2014 Kun Yang
Wing Hung Wong
+ Density Estimation via Discrepancy Based Adaptive Sequential Partition 2014 Dangna Li
Kun Yang
Wing Hung Wong
+ Discovering and Visualizing Hierarchy in the Data 2014 Kun Yang
Wing Hung Wong
Wing Hung Wong
+ Multivariate Density Estimation via Adaptive Partitioning (I): Sieve MLE 2014 Linxi Liu
Wing Hung Wong
+ Discovering and Visualizing Hierarchy in Multivariate Data 2014 Kun Yang
Wing Hung Wong
+ co-BPM: a Bayesian Model for Divergence Estimation 2014 Kun Yang
Hao Su
Wing Hung Wong
+ Density Estimation via Discrepancy Based Adaptive Sequential Partition 2014 Dangna Li
Kun Yang
Wing Hung Wong
+ Learning a nonlinear dynamical system model of gene regulation: A perturbed steady-state approach 2013 Arwen Meister
Ye Henry Li
Bokyung Choi
Wing Hung Wong
+ PDF Chat Density estimation on multivariate censored data with optional Polya tree 2013 Junhee Seok
Lü Tian
Wing Hung Wong
+ Multivariate Density Estimation by Bayesian Sequential Partitioning 2013 Luo Lu
Hui Jiang
Wing Hung Wong
+ Computational Aspects of Optional Pólya Tree 2013 Hui Jiang
John C. Mu
Kun Yang
Chao Du
Luo Lu
Wing Hung Wong
+ Learning a nonlinear gene regulation model from perturbed steady-state data 2012 Arwen Meister
Bokyung Choi
Wing Hung Wong
+ PDF Chat Coupling Optional Pólya Trees and the Two Sample Problem 2011 Li Ma
Wing Hung Wong
+ PDF Chat Statistical Modeling of RNA-Seq Data 2011 Julia Salzman
Hui Jiang
Wing Hung Wong
+ PDF Chat From EM to Data Augmentation: The Emergence of MCMC Bayesian Computation in the 1980s 2010 Martin A. Tanner
Wing Hung Wong
+ PDF Chat Optional Pólya tree and Bayesian inference 2010 Wing Hung Wong
Li Ma
+ Coupling optional Pólya trees and the two sample problem 2010 Li Ma
Wing Hung Wong
+ PDF Chat Reconstructing the energy landscape of a distribution from Monte Carlo samples 2008 Qing Zhou
Wing Hung Wong
+ Reconstructing the Energy Landscape of a Distribution from Monte Carlo Samples 2008 Qing Zhou
Wing Hung Wong
+ PDF Chat Coupling hidden Markov models for the discovery of Cis-regulatory modules in multiple species 2007 Qing Zhou
Wing Hung Wong
+ PDF Chat Equi-energy sampler with applications in statistical inference and statistical mechanics 2006 S. C. Kou
Qing Zhou
Wing Hung Wong
+ PDF Chat Rejoinder 2006 S. C. Kou
Qing Zhou
Wing Hung Wong
+ Estimation of the Loss of an Estimate 2006 Wing Hung Wong
+ Computational developments of <i>ψ</i>-learning 2005 Sijin Liu
Xiaotong Shen
Wing Hung Wong
+ Automatic Bayesian model averaging for linear regression and applications in Bayesian curve fitting 2001 Faming Liang
Young K. Truong
Wing Hung Wong
+ Statistics in the Life and Medical Sciences 2001 Norman E. Breslow
David Oakes
Sander Greenland
Peter Guttorp
Kenneth H. Pollock
Daniel Gianola
Clarice R. Weinberg
David B. Dunson
Louise Ryan
Margaret S. Pepe
+ A Theory for Dynamic Weighting in Monte Carlo Computation 2001 Jun S. Liu
Faming Liang
Wing Hung Wong
+ The Multiple-Try Method and Local Optimization in Metropolis Sampling 2000 Jun S. Liu
Faming Liang
Wing Hung Wong
+ The Multiple-Try Method and Local Optimization in Metropolis Sampling 2000 Jun S. Liu
Faming Liang
Wing Hung Wong
+ Random Sieve Likelihood and General Regression Models 1999 Xiaotong Shen
Jian Shi
Wing Hung Wong
+ Random Sieve Likelihood and General Regression Models 1999 Xiaotong Shen
Jian Shi
Wing Hung Wong
+ Dynamic weighting in simulations of spin systems 1999 Faming Liang
Wing Hung Wong
+ Rejection Control and Sequential Importance Sampling 1998 Jun S. Liu
Rong Chen
Wing Hung Wong
+ Rejection Control and Sequential Importance Sampling 1998 Jun S. Liu
Rong Chen
Wing Hung Wong
+ PDF Chat Dynamic weighting in Monte Carlo and optimization 1997 Wing Hung Wong
Faming Liang
+ PDF Chat The properties of the cross-match estimate and split sampling 1997 Augustine Kong
Jun S. Liu
Wing Hung Wong
+ Weighted markov chain monte carlo and optimization 1997 Faming Liang
Wing Hung Wong
+ PDF Chat Bayesian Analysis in Applications of Hierarchical Models: Issues and Methods 1996 Michael Seltzer
Wing Hung Wong
Anthony S. Bryk
Wing Hung Wong
+ PDF Chat Probability Inequalities for Likelihood Ratios and Convergence Rates of Sieve MLES 1995 Wing Hung Wong
Xiaotong Shen
+ Covariance Structure and Convergence Rate of the Gibbs Sampler with Various Scans 1995 Jun S. Liu
Wing Hung Wong
Augustine Kong
+ PDF Chat Convergence Rate of Sieve Estimates 1994 Xiaotong Shen
Wing Hung Wong
+ Sequential Imputations and Bayesian Missing Data Problems 1994 Augustine Kong
Jun S. Liu
Wing Hung Wong
+ Covariance structure of the Gibbs sampler with applications to the comparisons of estimators and augmentation schemes 1994 Jun S. Liu
Wing Hung Wong
Augustine Kong
+ Covariance Structure of the Gibbs Sampler with Applications to the Comparisons of Estimators and Augmentation Schemes 1994 Jun S. Liu
Wing Hung Wong
Augustine Kong
+ Sequential Imputations and Bayesian Missing Data Problems 1994 Augustine Kong
Jun S. Liu
Wing Hung Wong
Oscar H. Kapp
Wing Hung Wong
+ PDF Chat Profile Likelihood and Conditionally Parametric Models 1992 Thomas A. Severini
Wing Hung Wong
+ &lt;title&gt;Stochastic reconstruction of incomplete data sets using Gibbs priors in positron emission tomography&lt;/title&gt; 1992 Chin-Tu Chen
Oscar H. Kapp
Wing Hung Wong
+ &lt;title&gt;Improvement of medical images using Bayesian processing&lt;/title&gt; 1992 Chin-Tu Chen
Xiaolong Ouyang
Wing Hung Wong
Xiaoping Hu
+ Laplace expansion for posterior densities of nonlinear functions of parameters 1992 Wing Hung Wong
Bing Li
+ PDF Chat On Maximum Likelihood Estimation in Infinite Dimensional Parameter Spaces 1991 Wing Hung Wong
Thomas A. Severini
+ Image restoration using Gibbs priors: boundary modeling, treatment of blurring, and selection of hyperparameter 1991 Valen E. Johnson
Wing Hung Wong
Xiaoping Hu
C.-T. Chen
+ Bayesian image processing in magnetic resonance imaging 1991 Xiaoping Hu
Valen E. Johnson
Wing Hung Wong
Chin-Tu Chen
+ &lt;title&gt;Image processing and image reconstruction with the use of a-priori information&lt;/title&gt; 1990 Chin-Tu Chen
Valen E. Johnson
Xiaoping Hu
Wing Hung Wong
Charles E. Metz
+ Nonparametric hazard estimation with time-varying discrete covariates 1990 Siu Fai Leung
Wing Hung Wong
+ Nonparametric Hazard Estimation With Time Varying Discrete Covariates 1989 Siu‐Fung Leung
Wing Hung Wong
+ Statistical Methods for Image Restoration and Image Reconstruction 1989 Chin-Tu Chen
Valen E. Johnson
Wing Hung Wong
Xiaoping Hub
Charles E. Metz
+ The Calculation of Posterior Distributions by Data Augmentation 1987 Martin A. Tanner
Wing Hung Wong
+ The Calculation of Posterior Distributions by Data Augmentation: Rejoinder 1987 Martin A. Tanner
Wing Hung Wong
+ Rejoinder 1987 Martin A. Tanner
Wing Hung Wong
+ The Calculation of Posterior Distributions by Data Augmentation 1987 Martin A. Tanner
Wing Hung Wong
+ An Application of Imputation to an Estimation Problem in Grouped Lifetime Analysis 1987 Martin A. Tanner
Wing Hung Wong
+ An Application of Imputation to an Estimation Problem in Grouped Lifetime Analysis 1987 Martin A. Tanner
Wing Hung Wong
+ PDF Chat Theory of Partial Likelihood 1986 Wing Hung Wong
+ Data-Based Nonparametric Estimation of the Hazard Function with Applications to Model Diagnostics and Exploratory Analysis 1984 Martin A. Tanner
Wing Hung Wong
+ PDF Chat On the Consistency of Cross-Validation in Kernel Nonparametric Regression 1983 Wing Hung Wong
+ PDF Chat The Estimation of the Hazard Function from Randomly Censored Data by the Kernel Method 1983 Martin A. Tanner
Wing Hung Wong
+ A Reanalysis of the Standford Heart Transplant Data: Comment 1983 Martin A. Tanner
Wing Hung Wong
+ A Note on the Modified Likelihood for Density Estimation 1983 Wing Hung Wong
+ A Note on the Modified Likelihood for Density Estimation 1983 Wing Hung Wong
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Stochastic Relaxation, Gibbs Distributions, and the Bayesian Restoration of Images 1984 Stuart Geman
Donald Geman
+ PDF Chat Optional Pólya tree and Bayesian inference 2010 Wing Hung Wong
Li Ma
+ Monte Carlo sampling methods using Markov chains and their applications 1970 W. Keith Hastings
+ The Calculation of Posterior Distributions by Data Augmentation 1987 Martin A. Tanner
Wing Hung Wong
+ Sampling-Based Approaches to Calculating Marginal Densities 1990 Alan E. Gelfand
A. F. M. Smith
+ PDF Chat Prior Distributions on Spaces of Probability Measures 1974 Thomas S. Ferguson
+ PDF Chat Remarks on Some Nonparametric Estimates of a Density Function 1956 Murray Rosenblatt
+ Maximum Likelihood from Incomplete Data Via the <i>EM</i> Algorithm 1977 A. P. Dempster
N. M. Laird
Donald B. Rubin
+ Multivariate Density Estimation by Bayesian Sequential Partitioning 2013 Luo Lu
Hui Jiang
Wing Hung Wong
+ On optimal and data-based histograms 1979 David W. Scott
+ PDF Chat Convergence Rate of Sieve Estimates 1994 Xiaotong Shen
Wing Hung Wong
+ Markov Chain Monte Carlo Maximum Likelihood 1991 Charles J. Geyer
+ PDF Chat Simulated Tempering: A New Monte Carlo Scheme 1992 Enzo Marinari
Giorgio Parisi
+ Covariance structure of the Gibbs sampler with applications to the comparisons of estimators and augmentation schemes 1994 Jun S. Liu
Wing Hung Wong
Augustine Kong
+ Sequential Imputations and Bayesian Missing Data Problems 1994 Augustine Kong
Jun S. Liu
Wing Hung Wong
+ Bayesian Inference in Statistical Analysis. 1975 Joseph B. Kadane
George E. P. Box
George C. Tiao
+ PDF Chat Probability Inequalities for Likelihood Ratios and Convergence Rates of Sieve MLES 1995 Wing Hung Wong
Xiaotong Shen
+ PDF Chat Annealing Markov Chain Monte Carlo with Applications to Ancestral Inference 1995 Charles J. Geyer
E. A. Thompson
+ Testing multivariate uniformity and its applications 2000 Jiajuan Liang
Kai‐Tai Fang
Fred J. Hickernell
Runze Li
+ A Brief Survey of Bandwidth Selection for Density Estimation 1996 M. C. Jones
J. S. Marron
Simon J. Sheather
+ Multicanonical algorithms for first order phase transitions 1991 Bernd A. Berg
Thomas Neuhaus
+ PDF Chat A Bayesian Analysis of Some Nonparametric Problems 1973 Thomas S. Ferguson
+ Bayesian Inference in Statistical Analysis 1974 D. V. Gokhale
George E. P. Box
George C. Tiao
+ Image compression through wavelet transform coding 1992 Ronald DeVore
Björn Jawerth
Bradley J. Lucier
+ PDF Chat Coupling Optional Pólya Trees and the Two Sample Problem 2011 Li Ma
Wing Hung Wong
+ PDF Chat Inference from Iterative Simulation Using Multiple Sequences 1992 Andrew Gelman
Donald B. Rubin
+ PDF Chat Convergence of Estimates Under Dimensionality Restrictions 1973 Lucien LeCam
+ A Numerical Procedure to Generate a Sample Covariance Matrix 1966 Patrick L. Odell
Alan H. Feiveson
+ An Efficient Minibatch Acceptance Test for Metropolis-Hastings 2016 Daniel Seita
Xinlei Pan
Haoyu Chen
John Canny
+ PDF Chat Approximation dans les espaces m�triques et th�orie de l'estimation 1983 Lucien Birg�
+ PDF Chat Calculation of Discrepancy Measures and Applications 2014 Carola Doerr
Michael Gnewuch
Magnus Wahlström
Wolfgang Wefelmeyer
+ PDF Chat Exchange Monte Carlo Method and Application to Spin Glass Simulations 1996 Koji Hukushima
Kae Nemoto
+ PDF Chat Near-Optimal Signal Recovery From Random Projections: Universal Encoding Strategies? 2006 Emmanuel J. Candès
Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Information and Asymptotic Efficiency in Parametric-Nonparametric Models 1983 Janet M. Begun
William J. Hall
Weimin Huang
Jon A. Wellner
+ PDF Chat Adapting to unknown sparsity by controlling the false discovery rate 2006 Felix Abramovich
Yoav Benjamini
David L. Donoho
Iain M. Johnstone
+ PDF Chat Polya Trees and Random Distributions 1992 R. Daniel Mauldin
William D. Sudderth
S. C. Williams
+ PDF Chat Optimal Rates of Convergence for Nonparametric Estimators 1980 Charles J. Stone
+ PDF Chat Markov Chains for Exploring Posterior Distributions 1994 Luke Tierney
+ The Collapsed Gibbs Sampler in Bayesian Computations with Applications to a Gene Regulation Problem 1994 Jun S. Liu
+ PDF Chat On a Class of Bayesian Nonparametric Estimates: I. Density Estimates 1984 Albert Y. Lo
+ PDF Chat A Central Limit Theorem Under Metric Entropy with $L_2$ Bracketing 1987 Mina Ossiander
+ Inference for Mixtures of Finite Polya Tree Models 2006 Timothy Hanson
+ Linear regression with censored data 1979 Jonathan D. Buckley
Ian James
+ Accurate Approximations for Posterior Moments and Marginal Densities 1986 Luke Tierney
Joseph B. Kadane
+ The Convergence of Contrastive Divergences 2004 Alan Yuille
+ PDF Chat On Adaptive Estimation 1982 Peter J. Bickel
+ On the Nonconsistency of Maximum Likelihood Nonparametric Density Estimators 1981 Eugene F. Schuster
Gavin G. Gregory
+ PDF Chat Probability Inequalities for Empirical Processes and a Law of the Iterated Logarithm 1984 Kenneth S. Alexander
+ PDF Chat On Fisher's Bound for Asymptotic Variances 1964 R. R. Bahadur