Shahar Mozes


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Locally testable codes with constant rate, distance, and locality 2022 Irit Dinur
Shai Evra
Ron Livné
Alexander Lubotzky
Shahar Mozes
+ Good Locally Testable Codes 2022 Irit Dinur
Shai Evra
Ron Livné
Alexander Lubotzky
Shahar Mozes
+ Locally Testable Codes with constant rate, distance, and locality. 2021 Irit Dinur
Shai Evra
Ron Livné
Alexander Lubotzky
Shahar Mozes
+ PDF Chat Locally Testable Codes with constant rate, distance, and locality 2021 Irit Dinur
Shai Evra
Ron Livné
Alexander Lubotzky
Shahar Mozes
+ Locally Testable Codes with constant rate, distance, and locality 2021 Irit Dinur
Shai Evra
Ron Livné
Alexander Lubotzky
Shahar Mozes
+ PDF Chat Lattices in amenable groups 2019 Uri Bader
Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Tsachik Gelander
Shahar Mozes
+ Surface groups in uniform lattices of some semi-simple groups 2018 Jeremy Kahn
François Labourie
Shahar Mozes
+ Corrigendum to “Divergence in lattices in semisimple Lie groups and graphs of groups” 2017 Cornelia Druţu
Shahar Mozes
Mark Sapir
+ Topological finite generation of compact open subgroups of universal groups 2017 Marc Burger
Shahar Mozes
Shahar Mozes
+ PDF Chat Expansion of building-like complexes 2016 Alexander Lubotzky
Roy Meshulam
Shahar Mozes
+ PDF Equidistribution of primitive rational points on expanding horospheres 2015 Manfred Einsiedler
Shahar Mozes
Nimish A. Shah
Uri Shapira
+ PDF Chat Lattices in products of trees and a theorem of H. C. Wang 2014 Marc Burger
Shahar Mozes
+ Expansion of Building-Like Complexes 2014 Alexander Lubotzky
Roy Meshulam
Shahar Mozes
+ Expansion of Building-Like Complexes 2014 Alexander Lubotzky
Roy Meshulam
Shahar Mozes
+ PDF Chat Simple groups without lattices 2011 Uri Bader
Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Tsachik Gelander
Shahar Mozes
+ Stationary measures and equidistribution for orbits of nonabelian semigroups on the torus 2010 Jean Bourgain
Alex Furman
Elon Lindenstrauss
Shahar Mozes
+ Divergence in lattices in semisimple Lie groups and graphs of groups 2009 Cornelia Druţu
Shahar Mozes
Mark Sapir
+ Divergence in lattices in semisimple Lie groups and graphs of groups 2008 Cornelia Druţu
Shahar Mozes
Mark Sapir
+ Divergence in lattices in semisimple Lie groups and graphs of groups 2008 Cornelia Druţu
Shahar Mozes
Mark Sapir
+ PDF Invariant measures and stiffness for non-Abelian groups of toral automorphisms 2007 Jean Bourgain
Alex Furman
Elon Lindenstrauss
Shahar Mozes
+ Well displacing representations and orbit maps 2007 Thomas Delzant
Olivier Guichard
François Labourie
Shahar Mozes
+ PDF Quadratic forms of signature (2,2) and eigenvalue spacings on rectangular 2-tori 2005 Alex Eskin
G. A. Margulis
Shahar Mozes
+ PDF Chat Automata and Square Complexes 2005 Yair Glasner
Shahar Mozes
+ PDF Chat On uniform exponential growth for linear groups 2005 Alex Eskin
Shahar Mozes
Hee Oh
+ Automata and Square Complexes 2003 Yair Glasner
Shahar Mozes
+ PDF Counting Hyperbolic Manifolds 2002 M. Burger
Tsachik Gelander
Alexander Lubotzky
Shahar Mozes
+ PDF The Proalgebraic Completion of Rigid Groups 2002 Hyman Bass
Alexander Lubotzky
Andy R. Magid
Shahar Mozes
+ Uniform Exponential Growth for Linear Groups 2001 Alex Eskin
Shahar Mozes
Hee Oh
+ Variational problems for riemannian functionals and arithmetic groups . Counting P-groups and nilpotent groups . Groups acting on trees : from local to global structure . Lattices in Product of trees . Erratum to : morphisms, line bundles and moduli spaces in real algebraic geometry 2001 Alexander Nabutovsky
Shmuel Weinberger
Marcus du Sautoy
Marc Burger
Shahar Mozes
Facek Bochnak
Wojciech Kucharz
Robert Silhol
+ The word and Riemannian metrics on lattices of semisimple groups . Low lying zeros of families of l-functions . Singular complete integrability 2001 Alexander Lubotsky
Shahar Mozes
M. S. Raghunathan
Henryk Iwaniec
Wenzhi Luo
Peter Sarnak
Laurent Stolovitch
+ Lattices in product of trees 2000 Marc Burger
Shahar Mozes
+ PDF Groups acting on trees: From local to global structure 2000 Marc Burger
Shahar Mozes
+ PDF The word and Riemannian metrics on lattices of semisimple groups 2000 Alexander Lubotzky
Shahar Mozes
M. S. Raghunathan
+ Aperiodic tilings of the hyperbolic plane by convex polygons 1998 G. A. Margulis
Shahar Mozes
+ Upper Bounds and Asymptotics in a Quantitative Version of the Oppenheim Conjecture 1998 Alex Eskin
G. A. Margulis
Shahar Mozes
+ PDF Minimality and unique ergodicity for subgroup actions 1998 Shahar Mozes
Barak Weiss
+ Finitely presented simple groups and products of trees 1997 Marc Burger
Shahar Mozes
+ PDF Non-divergence of translates of certain algebraic measures 1997 Alex Eskin
Shahar Mozes
Nimish A. Shah
+ Unipotent Flows and Counting Lattice Points on Homogeneous Varieties 1996 Alex Eskin
Shahar Mozes
Nimish A. Shah
+ PDF CAT(-1)-spaces, divergence groups and their commensurators 1996 M. Burger
Shahar Mozes
+ Epimorphic subgroups and invariant measures 1995 Shahar Mozes
+ PDF Mixing of all orders of Lie groups actions 1995 Shahar Mozes
+ On manifolds locally modelled on non-riemannian homogeneous spaces 1995 François Labourie
Shahar Mozes
R. J. Zimmer
+ Actions of Cartan subgroups 1995 Shahar Mozes
+ PDF None 1995 Alex Eskin
G. A. Margulis
Shahar Mozes
+ On the space of ergodic invariant measures of unipotent flows 1995 Shahar Mozes
Nimish A. Shah
+ Mixing of all orders of Lie groups actions (Erratum). 1995 Shahar Mozes
+ On closures of orbits and arithmetic of quaternions 1994 Shahar Mozes
+ Mixing of all orders of Lie groups actions 1992 Shahar Mozes
+ Asymptotic Properties of Unitary Representations of Tree Automorphisms 1992 Alexander Lubotzky
Shahar Mozes
+ Reflection processes on graphs and weyl groups 1990 Shahar Mozes
+ Tilings, substitution systems and dynamical systems generated by them 1989 Shahar Mozes
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Discrete Subgroups of Semisimple Lie Groups 1991 Gregori Aleksandrovitch Margulis
+ On Raghunathan's Measure Conjecture 1991 Marina Ratner
+ Raghunathan’s topological conjecture and distributions of unipotent flows 1991 Marina Ratner
+ Limit distributions of orbits of unipotent flows and values of quadratic forms 1993 S. G. Dani
G. A. Margulis
+ PDF Uniform tree lattices 1990 Hyman Bass
Ravi S. Kulkarni
+ Dynamical and ergodic properties of subgroup actions on homogeneous spaces with applications to number theory : plenary address, International Congress of Mathematicians, Kyoto, Japan, August 1990 1990 G. A. Margulis
+ Ergodic Theory and Semisimple Groups 1984 Robert J. Zimmer
+ PDF Croissance uniforme dans les groupes hyperboliques 1998 Malik Koubi
+ Dynamical and ergodic properties of subgroup actions on homogeneous spaces with applications to number theory 1990 G. A. Margulis
+ Discrete Subgroups and Ergodic Theory**Editorial note. After consultation with G. A. Margulis it was agreed to make some changes directly on the original manuscript, without returning it to him, in order to save time. A. Borel kindly provided the necessary revision, including an additional argument supplied by G. Prasad in the proof of Lemma A. The appendix in the original manuscript has been transformed and reorganized into Section 4; the historical background material and the bibliography … 1989 G. A. Margulis
+ Strict measure rigidity for unipotent subgroups of solvable groups 1990 Marina Ratner
+ Discrete Subgroups of Lie Groups 1972 M. S. Raghunathan
+ Metric Spaces of Non-Positive Curvature 1999 Martin R. Bridson
André Haefliger
+ PDF On measure rigidity of unipotent subgroups of semisimple groups 1990 Marina Ratner
+ Orbit closures of generic unipotent flows on homogeneous spaces ofSL(3, ℝ) 1990 S. G. Dani
G. A. Margulis
+ PDF An Algebraic Surface with K Ample, (K 2 ) = 9, p g = q = 0 1979 D. Mumford
+ PDF Uniformly distributed orbits of certain flows on homogeneous spaces 1991 Nimish A. Shah
+ Finitely presented simple groups and products of trees 1997 Marc Burger
Shahar Mozes
+ Mixing of all orders of Lie groups actions 1992 Shahar Mozes
+ On closures of orbits and arithmetic of quaternions 1994 Shahar Mozes
+ PDF Lectures on Spaces of Nonpositive Curvature 1995 Werner Ballmann
+ PDF Groups acting on trees: From local to global structure 2000 Marc Burger
Shahar Mozes
+ On the space of ergodic invariant measures of unipotent flows 1995 Shahar Mozes
Nimish A. Shah
+ PDF On orbits of unipotent flows on homogeneous spaces 1984 S. G. Dani
+ Lattices in product of trees 2000 Marc Burger
Shahar Mozes
+ Algebraic groups and number theory 1992 В. П. Платонов
Andrei S. Rapinchuk
+ PDF Mixing, counting, and equidistribution in Lie groups 1993 Alex Eskin
Curt McMullen
+ Ergodic Theory and Semisimple Groups 1984 Robert J. Zimmer
+ Disjointness in ergodic theory, minimal sets, and a problem in diophantine approximation 1967 Harry Furstenberg
M. S. Raghunathan
+ Reductive groups over local fields 1979 Jacques Tits
+ PDF The word and Riemannian metrics on lattices of semisimple groups 2000 Alexander Lubotzky
Shahar Mozes
M. S. Raghunathan
+ Asymptotic formulae for point lattices of bounded determinant and subspaces of bounded height 1968 Wolfgang M. Schmidt
+ Finite Quasiprimitive Graphs 1997 Cheryl E. Praeger
+ Free subgroups in linear groups 1972 Jacques Tits
+ Sur le groupe des automorphismes d’un arbre 1970 Jacques Tits
+ PDF Chat Ramanujan complexes of typeà d 2005 Alexander Lubotzky
Beth Samuels
Uzi Vishne
+ PDF A Moore bound for simplicial complexes 2007 Alexander Lubotzky
Roy Meshulam
+ PDF Expander graphs in pure and applied mathematics 2011 Alexander Lubotzky
+ PDF A “Tits-alternative” for subgroups of surface mapping class groups 1985 John E. McCarthy
+ Divergence in 3-manifold groups 1994 S. M. Gersten
+ PDF Explicit construction of linear sized tolerant networks 1988 Noga Alon
Fan Chung
+ Tight geodesics in the curve complex 2007 Brian H. Bowditch
+ Quasi-isometries and the de Rham decomposition 1998 Michael Kapovich
Bruce Kleiner
Bernhard Leeb
+ PDF 3-manifold Groups and Nonpositive Curvature 1998 Michael Kapovich
Bernhard Leeb
+ On the Erdős-Volkmann and Katz-Tao ring conjectures 2003 Jean Bourgain
+ p-Adic Curvature and the Cohomology of Discrete Subgroups of p-Adic Groups 1973 Howard Garland
+ On problems related to growth, entropy, and spectrum in group theory 1997 Rostislav Grigorchuk
Pierre de la Harpe
+ PDF Orbihedra of nonpositive curvature 1995 Werner Ballmann
Michael Brin