Christophe Sabot


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Recurrence and transience of the critical random walk snake in random conductances 2025 Alexandre Legrand
Christophe Sabot
Bruno Schapira
+ A multi-dimensional version of Lamperti’s relation and the Matsumoto–Yor processes 2024 Thomas Gérard
Valentin Rapenne
Christophe Sabot
Xiaolin Zeng
+ The *-Vertex Reinforced Jump Process II: random Schrödinger representation 2024 Christophe Sabot
Pierre Tarrès
+ A multi-dimensional version of Lamperti's relation and the Matsumoto-Yor processes 2023 Thomas Gérard
Valentin Rapenne
Christophe Sabot
Xiaolin Zeng
+ A continuous random operator associated with the Vertex Reinforced Jump Process on the circle and the real line 2023 Valentin Rapenne
Christophe Sabot
+ PDF Chat The *-Vertex-Reinforced Jump Process 2022 Christophe Sabot
Pierre Tarrès
+ PDF Chat The *-Edge-Reinforced Random Walk 2022 Sergio Bacallado
Christophe Sabot
Pierre Tarrès
+ PDF Chat Inverting the Ray-Knight identity on the line 2021 Titus Lupu
Christophe Sabot
Pierre Tarrès
+ PDF Chat Polynomial localization of the 2D-Vertex Reinforced Jump Process 2021 Christophe Sabot
+ The *-Vertex-Reinforced Jump Process I : exchangeability and mixing measure 2021 Christophe Sabot
Pierre Tarrès
+ The *-Edge-Reinforced Random Walk 2021 Sergio Bacallado
Christophe Sabot
Pierre Tarrès
+ PDF Chat Hitting times of interacting drifted Brownian motions and the vertex reinforced jump process 2020 Christophe Sabot
Xiaolin Zeng
+ PDF Chat Random walks in random hypergeometric environment 2020 Tal Orenshtein
Christophe Sabot
+ A multi-dimensional version of Lamperti's relation and the Matsumoto-Yor opposite drift theorem 2020 Thomas Gérard
Christophe Sabot
Xiaolin Zeng
+ PDF Chat Fine mesh limit of the VRJP in dimension one and Bass–Burdzy flow 2019 Titus Lupu
Christophe Sabot
Pierre Tarrès
+ Polynomial localization of the 2D-Vertex Reinforced Jump Process. 2019 Christophe Sabot
+ PDF Chat Velocity Estimates for Symmetric Random Walks at Low Ballistic Disorder 2019 L. Clément
Alejandro F. Ramı́rez
Christophe Sabot
Santiago Saglietti
+ PDF Chat Inverting the coupling of the signed Gaussian free field with a loop-soup 2019 Titus Lupu
Christophe Sabot
Pierre Tarrès
+ Polynomial localization of the 2D-Vertex Reinforced Jump Process 2019 Christophe Sabot
+ A random Schrödinger operator associated with the Vertex Reinforced Jump Process on infinite graphs 2018 Christophe Sabot
Xiaolin Zeng
+ Random walks in hypergeometric random environments 2018 Tal Orenshtein
Christophe Sabot
+ Random walks in random hypergeometric environment 2018 Tal Orenshtein
Christophe Sabot
+ PDF Chat Scaling limit of the VRJP in dimension one and Bass-Burdzy flow 2018 Titus Lupu
Christophe Sabot
Pierre Tarrès
+ Random walks in random hypergeometric environment 2018 Tal Orenshtein
Christophe Sabot
+ The Vertex Reinforced Jump Process and a random Schrödinger operator on finite graphs 2017 Christophe Sabot
Pierre Tarrès
Xiaolin Zeng
+ PDF Chat Random walks in Dirichlet environment: an overview 2017 Christophe Sabot
Laurent Tournier
+ Hitting times of interacting drifted Brownian motions and the vertex reinforced jump process 2017 Christophe Sabot
Xiaolin Zeng
+ Velocity estimates for symmetric random walks at low ballistic disorder 2017 L. Clément
Alejandro F. Ramı́rez
Christophe Sabot
Santiago Saglietti
+ Random walks in Dirichlet environment: an overview 2016 Christophe Sabot
Laurent Tournier
+ Random walks in Dirichlet environment: an overview 2016 Christophe Sabot
Laurent Tournier
+ A quenched functional central limit theorem for random walks in random environments under<mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mo>(</mml:mo><mml:mi>T</mml:mi><mml:mo>)</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>γ</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:math> 2015 Élodie Bouchet
Christophe Sabot
Renato Soares dos Santos
+ Sharp ellipticity conditions for ballistic behavior of random walks in random environment 2015 Élodie Bouchet
Alejandro F. Ramı́rez
Christophe Sabot
+ PDF Chat Edge-reinforced random walk, vertex-reinforced jump process and the supersymmetric hyperbolic sigma model 2015 Christophe Sabot
Pierre Tarrès
+ A random Schr\"odinger operator associated with the Vertex Reinforced Jump Process and the Edge Reinforced Random Walk 2015 Christophe Sabot
Xiaolin Zeng
+ A new exponential family related to the Vertex Reinforced Jump Process 2015 Christophe Sabot
Pierre Tarrès
Xiaolin Zeng
+ PDF Chat Inverting Ray-Knight identity 2015 Christophe Sabot
Pierre Tarrès
+ Transience of Edge-Reinforced Random Walk 2015 Margherita Disertori
Christophe Sabot
Pierre Tarrès
+ PDF Chat Central limit theorems for open quantum random walks 2015 Stéphane Attal
Nadine Guillotin‐Plantard
Christophe Sabot
+ The Vertex Reinforced Jump Process and a Random Schrödinger operator on finite graphs 2015 Christophe Sabot
Pierre Tarrès
Xiaolin Zeng
+ A random Schrödinger operator associated with the Vertex Reinforced Jump Process on infinite graphs 2015 Christophe Sabot
Xiaolin Zeng
+ A quenched functional central limit theorem for random walks in random environments under $(T)_gamma$ 2014 Élodie Bouchet
Christophe Sabot
Renato dos Santos
+ A Quenched Functional Central Limit Theorem for Random Walks in Random Environments under $(T)_\gamma$ 2014 Élodie Bouchet
Christophe Sabot
Renato Soares dos Santos
+ Transience of Edge-Reinforced Random Walk 2014 Margherita Disertori
Christophe Sabot
Pierre Tarrès
+ PDF Chat Central Limit Theorems for Open Quantum Random Walks and Quantum Measurement Records 2014 Stéphane Attal
Nadine Guillotin‐Plantard
Christophe Sabot
+ Transience of Edge-Reinforced Random Walk 2014 Margherita Disertori
Christophe Sabot
Pierre Tarrès
+ Ray-Knight Theorem: a short proof 2013 Christophe Sabot
Pierre Tarrès
+ Inverting Ray-Knight identity 2013 Christophe Sabot
Pierre Tarrès
+ PDF Chat Quenched limits for the fluctuations of transient random walks in random environment on $\mathbb{Z}$ 2013 Nathanaël Enriquez
Christophe Sabot
Laurent Tournier
Olivier Zindy
+ Random Dirichlet environment viewed from the particle in dimension $d\ge3$ 2013 Christophe Sabot
+ Inverting Ray-Knight identity 2013 Christophe Sabot
Pierre Tarrès
+ PDF Chat Quenched limits for the fluctuations of transient random walks in random environment on Z 2013 Nathanaël Enriquez
Christophe Sabot
Laurent Tournier
Olivier Zindy
+ Central Limit Theorems for Open Quantum Random Walks and Quantum Measurement Records 2012 Stéphane Attal
Nadine Guillotin‐Plantard
Christophe Sabot
+ PDF Chat Open Quantum Random Walks 2012 Stéphane Attal
Francesco Petruccione
Christophe Sabot
Ilya Sinayskiy
+ New examples of Dirichlet spaces 2012 Y. Le Jan
Christophe Sabot
+ PDF Chat Open Quantum Random Walks 2012 Stéphane Attal
Francesco Petruccione
Christophe Sabot
Ilya Sinayskiy
+ Central Limit Theorems for Open Quantum Random Walks and Quantum Measurement Records 2012 Stéphane Attal
Nadine Guillotin‐Plantard
Christophe Sabot
+ Edge-reinforced random walk, Vertex-Reinforced Jump Process and the supersymmetric hyperbolic sigma model 2011 Christophe Sabot
Pierre Tarrès
+ PDF Chat Reversed Dirichlet environment and directional transience of random walks in Dirichlet environment 2011 Christophe Sabot
Laurent Tournier
+ Edge-reinforced random walk, Vertex-Reinforced Jump Process and the supersymmetric hyperbolic sigma model 2011 Christophe Sabot
Pierre Tarrès
+ Annealed and quenched fluctuations for ballistic random walks in random environment on Z 2010 Nathanaël Enriquez
Christophe Sabot
Laurent Tournier
Olivier Zindy
+ PDF Chat Stable fluctuations for ballistic random walks in random environment on Z 2010 Nathanaël Enriquez
Christophe Sabot
Laurent Tournier
Olivier Zindy
+ PDF Chat Random walks in random Dirichlet environment are transient in dimension d ≥ 3 2010 Christophe Sabot
+ PDF Chat Stokes matrices of hypergeometric integrals 2010 Alexey Glutsyuk
Christophe Sabot
+ Stable fluctuations for ballistic random walks in random environment on Z 2010 Nathanaël Enriquez
Christophe Sabot
Laurent Tournier
Olivier Zindy
+ PDF Chat Limit laws for transient random walks in random environment on \mathbb{Z} 2009 Nathanaël Enriquez
Christophe Sabot
Olivier Zindy
+ PDF Chat A probabilistic representation of constants in Kesten's renewal theorem 2009 Nathanaël Enriquez
Christophe Sabot
Olivier Zindy
+ PDF Chat Aging and quenched localization for one-dimensional random walks in random environment in the sub-ballistic regime 2009 Nathanaël Enriquez
Christophe Sabot
Olivier Zindy
+ PDF Chat A probabilistic representation of constants in Kesten’s renewal theorem 2008 Nathanaël Enriquez
Christophe Sabot
Olivier Zindy
+ PDF Chat Renewal series and square-root boundaries for Bessel processes 2008 Nathanaël Enriquez
Christophe Sabot
Marc Yor
+ Stokes matrices of hypergeometric integrals 2007 Alexey Glutsyuk
Christophe Sabot
+ Limit laws for transient random walks in random environment on $\z$ 2007 Nathanaël Enriquez
Christophe Sabot
Olivier Zindy
+ PDF Chat Diffusion and propagation problems in some ramified domains with a fractal boundary 2006 Yves Achdou
Christophe Sabot
Nicoletta Tchou
+ PDF Chat Transparent boundary conditions for a class of boundary value problems in some ramified domains with a fractal boundary 2006 Yves Achdou
Christophe Sabot
Nicoletta Tchou
+ PDF Chat Random Walks in a Dirichlet Environment 2006 Christophe Sabot
Nathanaël Enriquez
+ PDF Chat Markov chains in a Dirichlet environment and hypergeometric integrals 2005 Christophe Sabot
+ Spectral analysis of a self-similar Sturm-Liouville operator 2005 Christophe Sabot
+ Markov chains in a Dirichlet Environment and hypergeometric integrals 2005 Christophe Sabot
+ Random walks in a Dirichlet environment 2005 Nathanaël Enriquez
Christophe Sabot
+ PDF Chat Boundary Value Problems in Some Ramified Domains with a Fractal Boundary: Analysis and Numerical Methods. Part I: Diffusion and Propagation problems. 2004 Yves Achdou
Christophe Sabot
Nicoletta Tchou
+ PDF Chat Boundary Value Problems in Some Ramified Domains with a Fractal Boundary: Analysis and Numerical Methods. Part II: Non homogeneous Neumann Problems. 2004 Yves Achdou
Christophe Sabot
Nicoletta Tchou
+ PDF Chat Ballistic random walks in random environment at low disorder 2004 Christophe Sabot
+ Electrical networks, symplectic reductions, and application to the renormalization map of self-similar lattices 2004 Christophe Sabot
+ Laplace operators on fractal lattices with random blow-ups 2004 Christophe Sabot
+ Laplace operators on fractal lattices with random blow-ups 2003 Christophe Sabot
+ PDF Chat Spectral properties of self-similar lattices and iteration of rational maps 2003 Christophe Sabot
+ Electrical Networks, Symplectic Reductions, and Application to the Renormalization Map of Self-Similar Lattices 2003 Christophe Sabot
+ PDF Chat Edge oriented reinforced random walks and RWRE 2002 Nathanaël Enriquez
Christophe Sabot
+ Spectral properties of hierarchical lattices and iteration of rational maps 2002 Christophe Sabot
+ A note on edge oriented reinforced random walks and RWRE 2002 Nathanaël Enriquez
Christophe Sabot
+ Bayesian Estimation of Methotrexate Pharmacokinetic Parameters and Area Under the Curve in Children and Young Adults with Localised Osteosarcoma 2002 Annick Rousseau
Christophe Sabot
N. Delépine
Gérard Delepine
Jean Debord
Gerard Lach tre
Pierre Marquet
+ Schrödinger operators on fractal lattices with random blow-ups 2002 Christophe Sabot
+ Integrated density of states of self-similar Sturm–Liouville operators and holomorphic dynamics in higher dimension 2001 Christophe Sabot
+ Pure Point Spectrum for the Laplacian on Unbounded Nested Fractals 2000 Christophe Sabot
+ None 1999 Christophe Sabot
+ Density of states of diffusions on self-similar sets and holomorphic dynamics in ℙk: the example of the intervalle [0,1] 1998 Christophe Sabot
+ PDF Chat Existence and uniqueness of diffusions on finitely ramified self-similar fractals 1997 Christophe Sabot
+ Diffusions sur les espaces fractals 1995 Christophe Sabot
+ Pharmacocinétique de population et estimation bayésienne : application au méthotrexate haute dose, à la vinorelbine et à l'isoniazide 1995 Christophe Sabot
+ Bayesian Estimation and Population Pharmacokinetic Parameters of High Dose Methotrexate in Osteosarcoma 1993 Christophe Sabot
Jean Debord
Bernard Roullet
Hayat Lotfi
Gérard Lachâtre
L. Merle
Jean-Marie Olivier
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Phase Transition in Reinforced Random Walk and RWRE on Trees 1988 Robin Pemantle
+ PDF Chat Edge-reinforced random walk, vertex-reinforced jump process and the supersymmetric hyperbolic sigma model 2015 Christophe Sabot
Pierre Tarrès
+ PDF Chat A Law of Large Numbers for Random Walks in Random Environment 1999 Alain‐Sol Sznitman
Martin Zerner
+ PDF Chat Random Walks in a Dirichlet Environment 2006 Christophe Sabot
Nathanaël Enriquez
+ Explicit stationary distributions for compositions of random functions and products of random matrices 1991 Jean-François Chamayou
G�rard Letac
+ Anderson Localization for a Supersymmetric Sigma Model 2010 Margherita Disertori
Thomas Spencer
+ PDF Chat Slowdown estimates and central limit theorem for random walks in random environment 2000 Alain‐Sol Sznitman
+ PDF Chat Random walks in random Dirichlet environment are transient in dimension d ≥ 3 2010 Christophe Sabot
+ The Vertex Reinforced Jump Process and a random Schrödinger operator on finite graphs 2017 Christophe Sabot
Pierre Tarrès
Xiaolin Zeng
+ A limit law for random walk in a random environment 1975 Harry Kesten
M. V. Kozlov
Frank Spitzer
+ PDF Chat Random Walks in a Random Environment 1975 Fred Solomon
+ PDF Chat Quasi-Diffusion in a 3D Supersymmetric Hyperbolic Sigma Model 2010 Margherita Disertori
Thomas Spencer
Martin R. Zirnbauer
+ PDF Chat Integrability of exit times and ballisticity for random walks in Dirichlet environment 2009 Laurent Tournier
+ PDF Chat Limit laws for transient random walks in random environment on \mathbb{Z} 2009 Nathanaël Enriquez
Christophe Sabot
Olivier Zindy
+ PDF Chat Vertex-reinforced jump processes on trees and finite graphs 2003 Burgess Davis
Stanislav Volkov
+ PDF Chat Harmonic calculus on p.c.f.\ self-similar sets 1993 Jun Kigami
+ PDF Chat Recurrence of edge-reinforced random walk on a two-dimensional graph 2009 Franz Merkl
Silke W. W. Rolles
+ PDF Chat A probabilistic representation of constants in Kesten’s renewal theorem 2008 Nathanaël Enriquez
Christophe Sabot
Olivier Zindy
+ PDF Chat Edge oriented reinforced random walks and RWRE 2002 Nathanaël Enriquez
Christophe Sabot
+ PDF Chat Almost sure functional central limit theorem for ballistic random walk in random environment 2009 Firas Rassoul‐Agha
Timo Seppäläinen
+ PDF Chat Extreme Values in the GI/G/1 Queue 1972 Donald L. Iglehart
+ PDF Chat De Finetti's Theorem for Markov Chains 1980 Persi Diaconis
Darcy A. Freedman
+ PDF Chat On a Class Of Transient Random Walks in Random Environment 2001 Alain‐Sol Sznitman
+ PDF Chat Limit theorems for vertex-reinforced jump processes on regular trees 2009 Andrea Collevecchio
+ PDF Chat Existence and uniqueness of diffusions on finitely ramified self-similar fractals 1997 Christophe Sabot
+ PDF Chat Continuous time vertex-reinforced jump processes 2002 Burgess Davis
Stanislav Volkov
+ PDF Chat Localization for linearly edge reinforced random walks 2014 Omer Angel
Nicholas Crawford
Gady Kozma
+ PDF Chat Generalized Random Walk in a Random Environment 1981 Steven Kalikow
+ PDF Chat Weyl's problem for the spectral distribution of Laplacians on P.C.F. self-similar fractals 1993 Jun Kigami
Michel L. Lapidus
+ PDF Chat Implicit Renewal Theory and Tails of Solutions of Random Equations 1991 Charles M. Goldie
+ The Limiting Behavior of a One-Dimensional Random Walk in a Random Medium 1983 Ya. G. Sinaĭ
+ PDF Chat Brownian motion on nested fractals 1990 Tom Lindstrøm
+ PDF Chat Reversed Dirichlet environment and directional transience of random walks in Dirichlet environment 2011 Christophe Sabot
Laurent Tournier
+ PDF Chat Continuous-time vertex reinforced jump processes on Galton–Watson trees 2012 Anne-Laure Basdevant
Arvind Singh
+ PDF Chat Multiscale analysis of exit distributions for random walks in random environments 2006 Erwin Bolthausen
Ofer Zeitouni
+ Random Dirichlet environment viewed from the particle in dimension $d\ge3$ 2013 Christophe Sabot
+ PDF Chat Effective Polynomial Ballisticity Conditions for Random Walk in Random Environment 2013 Noam Berger
Alexander Drewitz
Alejandro F. Ramı́rez
+ Edge-reinforced random walk on finite graphs 2000 Keane
Sww Silke Rolles
+ PDF Chat An effective criterion for ballistic behavior of random walks in random environment 2002 Alain‐Sol Sznitman
+ PDF Chat Random difference equations and Renewal theory for products of random matrices 1973 Harry Kesten
+ PDF Chat Quenched limits for transient, zero speed one-dimensional random walk in random environment 2009 Jonathon Peterson
Ofer Zeitouni
+ PDF Chat Bayesian analysis for reversible Markov chains 2006 Persi Diaconis
Silke W. W. Rolles
+ A random Schrödinger operator associated with the Vertex Reinforced Jump Process on infinite graphs 2018 Christophe Sabot
Xiaolin Zeng
+ PDF Chat A Non-Ballistic Law of Large Numbers for Random Walks in I.I.D. Random Environment 2002 Martin Zerner
+ PDF Chat Spectral properties of self-similar lattices and iteration of rational maps 2003 Christophe Sabot
+ PDF Chat A Quenched Invariance Principle for Certain Ballistic Random Walks in i.i.d. Environments 2008 Noam Berger
Ofer Zeitouni
+ PDF Chat Random walks in Dirichlet environment: an overview 2017 Christophe Sabot
Laurent Tournier
+ Random walks in a random environment 2004 S. R. S. Varadhan
+ PDF Chat Bayesian analysis of variable-order, reversible Markov chains 2011 Sergio Bacallado
+ PDF Chat Simple transient random walks in one-dimensional random environment: the central limit theorem 2006 Ilya Goldsheid