Jack V. Tu


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Comparing the high-dimensional propensity score for use with administrative data with propensity scores derived from high-quality clinical data 2019 Peter C. Austin
Chih-Hsing Wu
Douglas S. Lee
Jack V. Tu
+ Methods in Cardiovascular Research A Review of Propensity-Score Methods and Their Use in Cardiovascular Research 2016 Saswata Deb
Peter C. Austin
Jack V. Tu
Dennis T. Ko
C. David Mazer
Alex Kiss
Stephen E. Fremes
+ A Review of Propensity-Score Methods and Their Use in Cardiovascular Research 2015 Saswata Deb
Peter C. Austin
Jack V. Tu
Dennis T. Ko
C. David Mazer
Alex Kiss
Stephen E. Fremes
+ PDF Chat Impact of Drug Policy on Regional Trends in Ezetimibe Use 2014 Lingyun Lu
Harlan M. Krumholz
Jack V. Tu
Joseph S. Ross
Dennis T. Ko
Cynthia A. Jackevicius
+ PDF Chat A Population-Based Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Multidisciplinary Heart Failure Clinics and Identify Important Service Components 2012 Harindra C. Wijeysundera
Gina Trubiani
Xuesong Wang
Nicholas Mitsakakis
Peter C. Austin
Dennis T. Ko
Douglas S. Lee
Jack V. Tu
Murray Krahn
+ PDF Chat Regression trees for predicting mortality in patients with cardiovascular disease: What improvement is achieved by using ensemble‐based methods? 2012 Peter C. Austin
Douglas S. Lee
Ewout W. Steyerberg
Jack V. Tu
+ Prediction of Heart Failure Mortality in Emergent Care 2012 Douglas S. Lee
Alan W. Stitt
Peter C. Austin
Thérèse A. Stukel
Michael J. Schull
Alice Chong
Gary E. Newton
Jacques Lee
Jack V. Tu
+ Logistic regression had superior performance compared with regression trees for predicting in-hospital mortality in patients hospitalized with heart failure 2010 Peter C. Austin
Jack V. Tu
Douglas S. Lee
+ Quantifying the impact of survivor treatment bias in observational studies 2005 Peter C. Austin
Muhammad Mamdani
Carl van Walraven
Jack V. Tu
+ The use of the propensity score for estimating treatment effects: administrative versus clinical data 2005 Peter C. Austin
Muhammad Mamdani
Thérèse A. Stukel
Geoffrey M. Anderson
Jack V. Tu
+ The use of quantile regression in health care research: a case study examining gender differences in the timeliness of thrombolytic therapy 2004 Peter C. Austin
Jack V. Tu
Paul Daly
David A. Alter
+ Automated variable selection methods for logistic regression produced unstable models for predicting acute myocardial infarction mortality 2004 Peter C. Austin
Jack V. Tu
+ Bootstrap Methods for Developing Predictive Models 2004 Peter C. Austin
Jack V. Tu
+ Statistical Practice Bootstrap Methods for Developing Predictive Models 2004 Peter C. Austin
Jack V. Tu
+ None 2002 Peter C. Austin
Deanna M. Rothwell
Jack V. Tu
+ Development and validation of the ontario acute myocardial infarction mortality prediction rules 2001 Jack V. Tu
Peter C. Austin
Randy Walld
Leslíe L. Roos
Jean Agras
Kathryn M McDonald
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ An Introduction to the Bootstrap 1994 Bradley Efron
Robert Tibshirani
+ Development and validation of the ontario acute myocardial infarction mortality prediction rules 2001 Jack V. Tu
Peter C. Austin
Randy Walld
Leslíe L. Roos
Jean Agras
Kathryn M McDonald
+ Backward, forward and stepwise automated subset selection algorithms: Frequency of obtaining authentic and noise variables 1992 Shelley Derksen
H. J. Keselman
+ The use of the propensity score for estimating treatment effects: administrative versus clinical data 2005 Peter C. Austin
Muhammad Mamdani
Thérèse A. Stukel
Geoffrey M. Anderson
Jack V. Tu
+ Frequency of Selecting Noise Variables in Subset Regression Analysis: A Simulation Study 1987 Virginia F. Flack
Potter C. Chang
+ An Introduction to Propensity Score Methods for Reducing the Effects of Confounding in Observational Studies 2011 Peter C. Austin
+ PDF Chat The central role of the propensity score in observational studies for causal effects 1983 Paul R. Rosenbaum
Donald B. Rubin
+ Estimating the Residual Variance in Orthogonal Regression with Variable Selection 1991 J. B. Copas
Tianyong Long
+ PDF Chat Statistical Models and Occam's Razor 1999 Robert L. Wears
Roger Lewis
+ PDF Chat Applied logistic regression 1990 David W. Hosmer
Stanley Lemeshow
+ PDF Chat Optimal caliper widths for propensity‐score matching when estimating differences in means and differences in proportions in observational studies 2010 Peter C. Austin
+ A Biometrics Invited Paper. The Analysis and Selection of Variables in Linear Regression 1976 R. R. Hocking
+ PDF Chat Selection of Subsets of Regression Variables 1984 Alan J. Miller
+ A critical appraisal of propensity‐score matching in the medical literature between 1996 and 2003 2007 Peter C. Austin
+ PDF Chat Methods of variable selection in regression modeling 1998 Paul A. Murtaugh
+ PDF Chat The performance of different propensity score methods for estimating marginal hazard ratios 2012 Peter C. Austin
+ Propensity score methods for bias reduction in the comparison of a treatment to a non-randomized control group 1998 Ralph B. D’Agostino
+ PDF Chat A comparison of statistical learning methods on the GUSTO database 1998 Marguerite Ennis
Geoffrey E. Hinton
David Naylor
Mike Revow
Robert Tibshirani
+ A Tutorial and Case Study in Propensity Score Analysis: An Application to Estimating the Effect of In-Hospital Smoking Cessation Counseling on Mortality 2011 Peter C. Austin
+ PDF Chat Balance diagnostics for comparing the distribution of baseline covariates between treatment groups in propensity‐score matched samples 2009 Peter C. Austin
+ Invited Commentary: Propensity Scores 1999 Marshall M. Joffe
Peter Rosenbaum
+ Statistical Distributions. 1994 Aa
Merran Evans
Nicholas Anthony John Hastings
Brian Peacock
+ PDF Chat Estimating log models: to transform or not to transform? 2001 Willard G. Manning
John Mullahy
+ Statistical Models and Methods for Lifetime Data 1983 Ray E. Schafer
J. F. Lawless
+ Analysis of Survival Data. 1985 N. E. Breslow
D. R. Cox
David Oakes
+ Statistical Models and Methods for Lifetime Data. 1983 Brian Francis
Jerald F. Lawless
+ A bootstrap resampling procedure for model building: Application to the cox regression model 1992 Willi Sauerbrei
Martin Schumacher
+ PDF Chat Nonparametric Estimation of Average Treatment Effects Under Exogeneity: A Review 2004 Guido W. Imbens
+ A comparison of regression trees, logistic regression, generalized additive models, and multivariate adaptive regression splines for predicting AMI mortality 2006 Peter C. Austin
+ Statistical Models in S 1991 John M. Chambers
Trevor Hastie
+ Alternative methods of regression 1993 2
+ The Relative Ability of Different Propensity Score Methods to Balance Measured Covariates Between Treated and Untreated Subjects in Observational Studies 2009 Peter C. Austin
+ Goodness‐of‐fit diagnostics for the propensity score model when estimating treatment effects using covariate adjustment with the propensity score 2008 Peter C. Austin
+ A comparison of the ability of different propensity score models to balance measured variables between treated and untreated subjects: a Monte Carlo study 2006 Peter C. Austin
Paul Grootendorst
Geoffrey M. Anderson
Trina Hosmer
Saskia le Cessie
Stanley Lemeshow
+ PDF Chat The role of the <i>c</i>‐statistic in variable selection for propensity score models 2010 Daniel Westreich
Stephen R. Cole
Michele Jönsson Funk
M. Alan Brookhart
Til Stürmer‎
+ PDF Chat The use of propensity score methods with survival or time‐to‐event outcomes: reporting measures of effect similar to those used in randomized experiments 2013 Peter C. Austin
+ PDF Chat Variable Selection for Propensity Score Models 2006 M. Alan Brookhart
Sebastian Schneeweiß
Kenneth J. Rothman
Robert J. Glynn
Jerry Avorn
Til Stürmer‎
+ On principles for modeling propensity scores in medical research 2004 Donald B. Rubin
+ Regression Modeling Strategies 2015 Frank E. Harrell
+ Statistical Models and Methods for Lifetime Data 2002 Jerald F. Lawless
+ Bootstrap Methods for Developing Predictive Models 2004 Peter C. Austin
Jack V. Tu
+ An overview of the objectives of and the approaches to propensity score analyses 2011 Georg Heinze
Peter Jüni
+ The Elements of Statistical Learning 2001 Trevor Hastie
J. Friedman
Robert Tibshirani
+ PDF Chat Substantial Gains in Bias Reduction from Matching with a Variable Number of Controls 2000 Kewei Ming
Paul R. Rosenbaum
+ Primer on Statistical Interpretation or Methods Report Card on Propensity-Score Matching in the Cardiology Literature From 2004 to 2006 2008 Peter C. Austin
+ PDF Chat Propensity Scores in Cardiovascular Research 2007 Ralph B. D’Agostino
+ PDF Chat Comparing paired vs non‐paired statistical methods of analyses when making inferences about absolute risk reductions in propensity‐score matched samples 2011 Peter C. Austin
+ Variate generation for accelerated life and proportional hazards models with time dependent covariates 1990 Lawrence M. Leemis
Li-Hsing Shih
Kurt Reynertson
+ Marginal Structural Models to Estimate the Causal Effect of Zidovudine on the Survival of HIV-Positive Men 2000 Miguel A. Hernán
Babette Brumback
James M. Robins