Jameson Cahill


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Towards a bilipschitz invariant theory 2024 Jameson Cahill
Joseph W. Iverson
Dustin G. Mixon
+ PDF Chat Lie PCA: Density estimation for symmetric manifolds 2023 Jameson Cahill
Dustin G. Mixon
Hans Parshall
+ Bilipschitz group invariants 2023 Jameson Cahill
Joseph W. Iverson
Dustin G. Mixon
+ PDF Chat Optimal Parseval frames: total coherence and total volume 2022 Jameson Cahill
Peter G. Casazza
+ Group-invariant max filtering 2022 Jameson Cahill
Joseph W. Iverson
Dustin G. Mixon
Daniel Packer
+ PDF Chat Robust Width: A Characterization of Uniformly Stable and Robust Compressed Sensing 2021 Jameson Cahill
Dustin G. Mixon
+ Complete set of translation invariant measurements with Lipschitz bounds 2020 Jameson Cahill
Andres Contreras
Andres A. Contreras Hip
+ Lie PCA: Density estimation for symmetric manifolds 2020 Jameson Cahill
Dustin G. Mixon
Hans Parshall
+ Complete set of translation invariant measurements with Lipschitz bounds 2019 Jameson Cahill
Andres A. Contreras
Andres Contreras Hip
+ Classifying Signals Under a Finite Abelian Group Action: The Finite Dimensional Setting 2019 Jameson Cahill
Andres A. Contreras
Andres Contreras Hip
+ Optimal Parseval frames: Total coherence and total volume 2019 Jameson Cahill
Peter G. Casazza
+ Complete set of translation invariant measurements with Lipschitz bounds 2019 Jameson Cahill
Andrés Guiral Contreras
Andres Contreras Hip
+ PDF Chat Constructions of biangular tight frames and their relationships with equiangular tight frames 2018 Jameson Cahill
Peter G. Casazza
John I. Haas
Janet C. Tremain
+ Constructions of biangular tight frames and their relationships with equiangular tight frames 2017 John I. Haas
Jameson Cahill
Janet C. Tremain
Peter G. Casazza
+ PDF Chat Connectivity and Irreducibility of Algebraic Varieties of Finite Unit Norm Tight Frames 2017 Jameson Cahill
Dustin G. Mixon
Nate Strawn
+ PDF Chat Sampling with Derivatives in the Bergman Space 2017 Jameson Cahill
Alexander Schuster
+ Constructions of biangular tight frames and their relationships with equiangular tight frames 2017 John I. Haas
Jameson Cahill
Janet C. Tremain
Peter G. Casazza
+ PDF Chat Phase retrieval in infinite-dimensional Hilbert spaces 2016 Jameson Cahill
Peter G. Casazza
Ingrid Daubechies
+ The gap between the null space property and the restricted isometry property 2016 Jameson Cahill
Xuemei Chen
Rongrong Wang
+ Phase retrieval in infinite-dimensional Hilbert spaces 2016 Jameson Cahill
Peter G. Casazza
Ingrid Daubechies
+ Phase retrieval in infinite-dimensional Hilbert spaces 2016 Jameson Cahill
Peter G. Casazza
Ingrid Daubechies
+ PDF Chat Phase retrieval 2015 Jameson Cahill
Peter G. Casazza
John Jasper
Lindsey M. Woodland
+ Connectivity of spaces of finite unit-norm tight frames 2015 Jameson Cahill
Dustin G. Mixon
Nate Strawn
+ PDF Chat Phase retrieval and norm retrieval 2015 Saeid Bahmanpour
Jameson Cahill
Peter G. Casazza
John Jasper
Lindsey M. Woodland
+ PDF Chat Tight and random nonorthogonal fusion frames 2015 Jameson Cahill
Peter G. Casazza
Martin Ehler
Shidong Li
+ The gap between the null space property and the restricted isometry property 2015 Jameson Cahill
Xuemei Chen
Rongrong Wang
+ Robust width: A characterization of uniformly stable and robust compressed sensing 2014 Jameson Cahill
Dustin G. Mixon
+ Phase retrieval and norm retrieval 2014 Saeid Bahmanpour
Jameson Cahill
Peter G. Casazza
John Jasper
Lindsey M. Woodland
+ Connectivity and Irreducibility of Algebraic Varieties of Finite Unit Norm Tight Frames 2013 Jameson Cahill
Dustin G. Mixon
Nate Strawn
+ Saving phase: Injectivity and stability for phase retrieval 2013 Afonso S. Bandeira
Jameson Cahill
Dustin G. Mixon
Aaron A. Nelson
+ A note on scalable frames 2013 Jameson Cahill
Xuemei Chen
+ PDF Chat Frames and projections 2013 Jameson Cahill
+ Phase Retrieval By Projections 2013 Jameson Cahill
Peter G. Casazza
Jesse D. Peterson
Lindsey M. Woodland
+ Saving phase: Injectivity and stability for phase retrieval 2013 Afonso S. Bandeira
Jameson Cahill
Dustin G. Mixon
Aaron A. Nelson
+ PDF Chat The Paulsen Problem in operator theory 2013 Jameson Cahill
Peter G. Casazza
+ Saving phase: Injectivity and stability for phase retrieval 2013 Afonso S. Bandeira
Jameson Cahill
Dustin G. Mixon
Aaron A. Nelson
+ Phase Retrieval By Projections 2013 Jameson Cahill
Peter G. Casazza
Jesse D. Peterson
Lindsey M. Woodland
+ Connectivity and Irreducibility of Algebraic Varieties of Finite Unit Norm Tight Frames 2013 Jameson Cahill
Dustin G. Mixon
Nate Strawn
+ Tight and random nonorthogonal fusion frames 2013 Jameson Cahill
Peter G. Casazza
Martin Ehler
Shidong Li
+ A note on scalable frames 2013 Jameson Cahill
Xuemei Chen
+ Constructing finite frames of a given spectrum and set of lengths 2012 Jameson Cahill
Matthew Fickus
Dustin G. Mixon
Miriam J. Poteet
Nate Strawn
+ PDF Chat Fusion Frames and the Restricted Isometry Property 2012 Bernhard G. Bodmann
Jameson Cahill
Peter G. Casazza
+ Full Spark Frames 2012 Boris V. Alexeev
Jameson Cahill
Dustin G. Mixon
+ PDF Chat Non-orthogonal Fusion Frames and the Sparsity of Fusion Frame Operators 2011 Jameson Cahill
Peter G. Casazza
Shidong Li
+ Dimension invariance of finite frames of translates and Gabor frames 2011 Jameson Cahill
Shidong Li
+ Fusion Frames and the Restricted Isometry Property 2011 Bernhard G. Bodmann
Jameson Cahill
Peter G. Casazza
+ Full Spark Frames 2011 Boris V. Alexeev
Jameson Cahill
Dustin G. Mixon
+ Grassmannians in frame theory 2011 Jameson Cahill
Shidong Li
+ Constructing finite frames of a given spectrum and set of lengths 2011 Jameson Cahill
Matthew Fickus
Dustin G. Mixon
Miriam J. Poteet
Nathaniel K. Strawn
+ The Paulsen Problem in Operator Theory 2011 Peter G. Casazza
Jameson Cahill
+ Fusion Frames and the Restricted Isometry Property 2011 Bernhard G. Bodmann
Jameson Cahill
Peter G. Casazza
+ The Paulsen Problem in Operator Theory 2011 Peter G. Casazza
Jameson Cahill
+ Constructing finite frames of a given spectrum and set of lengths 2011 Jameson Cahill
Matthew Fickus
Dustin G. Mixon
Miriam J. Poteet
Nathaniel K. Strawn
+ Full Spark Frames 2011 Boris V. Alexeev
Jameson Cahill
Dustin G. Mixon
+ Non-orthogonal fusion frames and the sparsity of fusion frame operators 2010 Jameson Cahill
Peter G. Casazza
Shidong Li
+ A quantitative notion of redundancy for infinite frames 2010 Jameson Cahill
Peter G. Casazza
Andreas M. Heinecke
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ On signal reconstruction without phase 2005 Radu Bălan
Pete Casazza
Dan Edidin
+ Grassmannian frames with applications to coding and communication 2003 Thomas Strohmer
Robert W. Heath
+ Full Spark Frames 2012 Boris V. Alexeev
Jameson Cahill
Dustin G. Mixon
+ Finite Frame Varieties: Nonsingular Points, Tangent Spaces, and Explicit Local Parameterizations 2010 Nate Strawn
+ Saving phase: Injectivity and stability for phase retrieval 2013 Afonso S. Bandeira
Jameson Cahill
Dustin G. Mixon
Aaron A. Nelson
+ Manifold structure of spaces of spherical tight frames 2003 Ken Dykema
Nate Strawn
+ PDF Chat Decoding by Linear Programming 2005 Emmanuel J. Candès
Terence Tao
+ Constructing tight fusion frames 2010 Peter G. Casazza
Matthew Fickus
Dustin G. Mixon
Yang Wang
Zhengfang Zhou
+ None 2003 John J. Benedetto
Matthew Fickus
+ Real, Tight Frames with Maximal Robustness to Erasures 2005 Markus Püschel
Jelena Kovačević
+ On sparse reconstruction from Fourier and Gaussian measurements 2007 Mark Rudelson
Roman Vershynin
+ PDF Chat An Introduction to Frames and Riesz Bases 2005 Eric Weber
Ole Christensen
+ The road to equal-norm Parseval frames 2009 Bernhard G. Bodmann
Peter G. Casazza
+ Doubly Stochastic Matrices and the Diagonal of a Rotation Matrix 1954 Alfred Horn
+ An algebraic characterization of injectivity in phase retrieval 2014 Aldo Conca
Dan Edidin
Milena Hering
Cynthia Vinzant
+ Optimal frames for erasures 2003 Roderick B Holmes
Vern I. Paulsen
+ PDF Chat The Schur-Horn theorem for operators and frames with prescribed norms and frame operator 2007 Jorge Antezana
Pedro Massey
Mariano Ruiz
Demetrio Stojanoff
+ PDF Chat The Structure of Minimizers of the Frame Potential on Fusion Frames 2009 Pedro Massey
Mariano Ruiz
Demetrio Stojanoff
+ Fusion frames and distributed processing 2007 Peter G. Casazza
Gitta Kutyniok
Shidong Li
+ Frame Fundamental Sensor Modeling and Stability of One-Sided Frame Perturbation 2009 Shidong Li
Dunyan Yan
+ PDF Chat Fast algorithms for signal reconstruction without phase 2007 Radu Bălan
Bernhard G. Bodmann
Peter G. Casazza
Dan Edidin
+ Steiner equiangular tight frames 2011 Matthew Fickus
Dustin G. Mixon
Janet C. Tremain
+ PDF Chat Symmetric informationally complete quantum measurements 2004 Joseph M. Renes
Robin Blume-Kohout
A.J. Scott
Carlton M. Caves
+ Minimizing Fusion Frame Potential 2008 Peter G. Casazza
Matthew Fickus
+ Frames of subspaces 2004 Peter G. Casazza
Gitta Kutyniok
+ PDF Chat Group Invariant Scattering 2012 Stéphane Mallat
+ PDF Chat Equivalence relations and distances between Hilbert frames 1999 Radu Bălan
+ PDF Chat Stable phase retrieval with low-redundancy frames 2014 Bernhard G. Bodmann
Nathaniel Hammen
+ A class of nonharmonic Fourier series 1952 R. J. Duffin
A. C. Schaeffer
+ PhaseLift: Exact and Stable Signal Recovery from Magnitude Measurements via Convex Programming 2011 Emmanuel J. Candès
Thomas Strohmer
Vladislav Voroninski
+ Pseudoframes for Subspaces with Applications 2004 Shidong Li
Hidemitsu Ogawa
+ PDF Chat Invariant Scattering Convolution Networks 2013 Joan Bruna
Stéphane Mallat
+ PDF Chat Quantum Tomography under Prior Information 2013 Teiko Heinosaari
Luca Mazzarella
Michael M. Wolf
+ Compressed sensing and best 𝑘-term approximation 2008 Albert Cohen
Wolfgang Dahmen
Ronald DeVore
+ PDF Chat Robust uncertainty principles: exact signal reconstruction from highly incomplete frequency information 2006 Emmanuel J. Candès
Justin Romberg
Terence Tao
+ The Kadison–Singer Problem in mathematics and engineering 2006 Peter G. Casazza
Janet C. Tremain
+ PDF Chat Stable Optimizationless Recovery from Phaseless Linear Measurements 2013 Laurent Demanet
Paul Hand
+ PDF Chat Deep, Big, Simple Neural Nets for Handwritten Digit Recognition 2010 Dan Claudiu Cireşan
Ueli Meier
Luca Maria Gambardella
Jürgen Schmidhuber
+ PDF Chat Optimally Sparse Frames 2011 Peter G. Casazza
Andreas M. Heinecke
Felix Krahmer
Gitta Kutyniok
+ PDF Chat A remark on Compressed Sensing 2007 Борис Сергеевич Кашин
Vladimir Temlyakov
+ Life Beyond Bases: The Advent of Frames (Part I) 2007 Jelena Kovačević
Amina Chebira
+ Framelets: MRA-based constructions of wavelet frames 2003 Ingrid Daubechies
Bin Han
Amos Ron
Zuowei Shen
+ Phase recovery, MaxCut and complex semidefinite programming 2013 Irène Waldspurger
Alexandre d’Aspremont
Stéphane Mallat
+ PDF Chat Sparse Representation of a Polytope and Recovery of Sparse Signals and Low-Rank Matrices 2014 Tommaso Cai
Anru R. Zhang
+ None 2003 Peter G. Casazza
Jelena Kovačević
+ PDF Chat Non-orthogonal Fusion Frames and the Sparsity of Fusion Frame Operators 2011 Jameson Cahill
Peter G. Casazza
Shidong Li
+ Equi-isoclinic subspaces of Euclidean spaces 1973 P.W.H. Lemmens
J.J. Seidel
+ Embedding Complex Projective Spaces in Euclidean Space 1981 Amiya K. Mukherjee
+ Euclidean Models of Projective Spaces 1971 I. M. James
+ Quantized Frame Expansions with Erasures 2001 Vivek K Goyal
Jelena Kovačević
Jonathan A. Kelner