M Giusti


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Bases standard, élimination et complexité 2024 M Giusti
+ Approximation Num\'erique de Racines Isol\'ees Multiples de Syst\`emes Analytiques 2018 M Giusti
Jean-Claude Yakoubsohn
+ PDF Chat Algorithmes Efficaces en Calcul Formel 2017 Alin Bostan
Frédéric Chyzak
M Giusti
Romain Lebreton
Grégoire Lecerf
Bruno Salvy
Éric Schost
+ PDF Chat Degeneracy Loci and Polynomial Equation Solving 2014 Bernd Bank
M Giusti
Joos Heintz
Grégoire Lecerf
Guillermo Matera
Pablo Solernó
+ Intrinsic complexity estimates in polynomial optimization 2014 Bernd Bank
M Giusti
Joos Heintz
Mohab Safey El Din
+ PDF Chat Point searching in real singularcomplete intersection varieties: algorithms of intrinsic complexity 2013 Bernd Bank
M Giusti
Joos Heintz
+ Degeneracy loci and polynomial equation solving 2013 Bernd Bank
M Giusti
Joos Heintz
Grégoire Lecerf
Guillermo Matera
Pablo Solernó
+ Intrinsic complexity estimates in polynomial optimization 2013 Bernd Bank
M Giusti
Joos Heintz
Mohab Safey El Din
+ PDF Chat Polar, bipolar and copolar varieties: Real solving of algebraic varieties with intrinsic complexity 2013 Bernd Bank
M Giusti
Joos Heintz
+ Multiplicity hunting and approximating multiple roots of polynomial systems 2013 M Giusti
Jean-Claude Yakoubsohn
+ Intrinsic complexity estimates in polynomial optimization 2013 Bernd Bank
M Giusti
Joos Heintz
Mohab Safey El Din
+ Degeneracy loci and polynomial equation solving 2013 Bernd Bank
M Giusti
Joos Heintz
Grégoire Lecerf
Guillermo Matera
Pablo Solernó
+ Algorithms of Intrinsic Complexity for Point Searching in Compact Real Singular Hypersurfaces 2012 Bernd Bank
M Giusti
Joos Heintz
Lutz Lehmann
Luis Miguel Pardo
+ The evaluation of geometric queries: constraint databases and quantifier elimination 2011 M Giusti
Joos Heintz
Bart Kuijpers
+ Effective methods in algebraic geometry 2009: Barcelona. Guest editors’ foreword 2010 Carlos D’Andrea
M Giusti
Luis Miguel Pardo
Ragni Piene
+ Bipolar varieties and real solving of a singular polynomial equation 2010 Bernd Bank
M Giusti
Joos Heintz
Luis Miguel Pardo
+ PDF Chat On the geometry of polar varieties 2010 Bernd Bank
M Giusti
Joos Heintz
Mohab Safey El Din
Éric Schost
+ A Gröbner free alternative to solving and a geometric analogue to Cook's thesis 2009 M Giusti
+ PDF Chat On the intrinsic complexity of point finding in real singular hypersurfaces 2009 Bernd Bank
M Giusti
Joos Heintz
Luis Miguel Pardo
+ Variétés bipolaires et résolution d’une équation polynomiale réelle 2009 Bernd Bank
M Giusti
Joos Heintz
Luis Miguel Pardo
+ On the geometry of polar varieties 2009 B. Bank
M Giusti
Joos Heintz
Mohab Safey El Din
Éric Schost
+ PDF Chat On Location and Approximation of Clusters of Zeros: Case of Embedding Dimension One 2006 M Giusti
Grégoire Lecerf
Bruno Salvy
Jean-Claude Yakoubsohn
+ Some effectivity problems in polynomial ideal theory 2005 M Giusti
+ Generalized polar varieties: geometry and algorithms 2005 B. Bank
M Giusti
Joos Heintz
Luis Miguel Pardo
+ On Location and Approximation of Clusters of Zeros of Analytic Functions 2005 M Giusti
Grégoire Lecerf
Bruno Salvy
Jean-Claude Yakoubsohn
+ Generalized polar varieties and an efficient real elimination 2004 Bernd Bank
M Giusti
Joos Heintz
Luis Miguel Pardo
+ PDF Chat The Hardness of Polynomial Equation Solving 2003 David J. Castro
M Giusti
Joos Heintz
Guillermo Matera
Luis Miguel Pardo
+ A first approach to generalized polar varieties 2003 Bernd Bank
M Giusti
Joos Heintz
Luis Miguel Pardo
+ The hardness of polynomial equation solving 2003 David J. Castro
M Giusti
Joos Heintz
Guillermo Matera
Luis Miguel Pardo
+ PDF Chat Polar varieties and efficient real elimination 2001 B. Bank
M Giusti
Joos Heintz
G. M. Mbakop
+ The Projective Noether Maple Package: Computing the Dimension of a Projective Variety 2000 M Giusti
K. Hägele
Grégoire Lecerf
Joël Marchand
Bruno Salvy
+ Polar Varieties and Efficient Real Elimination 2000 B. Bank
M Giusti
Joos Heintz
G. M. Mbakop
+ Solving some overdetermined polynomial systems 1999 M Giusti
Éric Schost
+ Straight-line programs in geometric elimination theory 1998 M Giusti
Joos Heintz
J. E. Morais
J. Morgenstem
Luis Miguel Pardo
+ Le rôle des structures de données dans les problèmes d'élimination 1997 M Giusti
Joos Heintz
J. E. Morais
Luis Miguel Pardo
+ PDF Chat Lower bounds for diophantine approximations 1997 M Giusti
Joos Heintz
K. Hägele
J. E. Morais
Luis Miguel Pardo
José Luis Montaña
+ Polar Varieties, Real Equation Solving, and Data Structures: The Hypersurface Case 1997 B. Bank
M Giusti
Joos Heintz
G. M. Mbakop
+ Elimination and complexity 1996 M Giusti
+ Polar Varieties and Efficient Real Equation Solving: The Hypersurface Case 1996 B. Bank
M Giusti
Joos Heintz
Rainer Mandel
G. M. Mbakop
+ Straight--Line Programs in Geometric Elimination Theory 1996 M Giusti
Joos Heintz
J. E. Morais
Jacques Morgenstern
Luis Miguel Pardo
+ Polar Varieties, Real Equation Solving and Data-Structures: The hypersurface case 1996 B. Bank
M Giusti
Joos Heintz
G. M. Mbakop
+ Lower Bounds for diophantine Approximation 1996 M Giusti
Joos Heintz
K. Hägele
J. E. Morais
Luis Miguel Pardo
José Luis Montaña
+ When polynomial equation systems can be “solved” fast? 1995 M Giusti
Joos Heintz
J. E. Morais
Luis Miguel Pardo
+ On the efficiency of effective Nullstellens�tze 1993 M Giusti
Joos Heintz
Juan Sabia
+ The membership problem for unmixed polynomial ideals is solvable in single exponential time 1991 Alicia Dickenstein
Noaï Fitchas
M Giusti
Carmen Sessa
+ Algorithmes – disons rapides – pour la décomposition d’une variété algébrique en composantes irréductibles et équidimensionnelles 1991 M Giusti
Joos Heintz
+ Complexity of standard bases in projective dimension zero 1989 M Giusti
+ PDF Chat Algebraic transformations of polynomial equations, symmetric polynomials and elimination 1989 M Giusti
Daniel Lazard
Annick Valibouze
+ On the castelnuovo regularity for curves 1989 M Giusti
+ Combinatorial dimension theory of algebraicvarieties 1988 M Giusti
+ A note on the complexity of constructing standard bases 1985 M Giusti
+ Classification des singularités isolées simples d’intersections complètes 1983 M Giusti
+ Singularites isolees et sections planes de varietes determinantielles 1982 M Giusti
M. Merle
+ Singularites isolees et sections planes de varietes determinantielles 1982 M Giusti
M. Merle
+ PDF Chat Algebraic Geometry 1982 A Dold
Beno Eckmann
José Manuel Aroca
Ragnar-Olaf Buchweitz
M Giusti
Michel Merle
+ PDF Chat Sur les singularités isolées d'intersections complètes quasi-homogènes 1977 M Giusti
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Straight-line programs in geometric elimination theory 1998 M Giusti
Joos Heintz
J. E. Morais
J. Morgenstem
Luis Miguel Pardo
+ PDF Chat Lower bounds for diophantine approximations 1997 M Giusti
Joos Heintz
K. Hägele
J. E. Morais
Luis Miguel Pardo
José Luis Montaña
+ When polynomial equation systems can be “solved” fast? 1995 M Giusti
Joos Heintz
J. E. Morais
Luis Miguel Pardo
+ Polar Varieties, Real Equation Solving, and Data Structures: The Hypersurface Case 1997 B. Bank
M Giusti
Joos Heintz
G. M. Mbakop
+ On the Complexity of Semialgebraic Sets. 1989 Joos Heintz
Pablo Solernó
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ A computational method for diophantine approximation 1996 Térésa Krick
Luis Miguel Pardo
+ PDF Chat Polar varieties and efficient real elimination 2001 B. Bank
M Giusti
Joos Heintz
G. M. Mbakop
+ Generalized polar varieties: geometry and algorithms 2005 B. Bank
M Giusti
Joos Heintz
Luis Miguel Pardo
+ Polar varieties and computation of one point in each connected component of a smooth real algebraic set 2003 Mohab Safey El Din
Éric Schost
+ PDF Chat The Hardness of Polynomial Equation Solving 2003 David J. Castro
M Giusti
Joos Heintz
Guillermo Matera
Luis Miguel Pardo
+ Generalized polar varieties and an efficient real elimination 2004 Bernd Bank
M Giusti
Joos Heintz
Luis Miguel Pardo
+ PDF Chat On the geometry of polar varieties 2010 Bernd Bank
M Giusti
Joos Heintz
Mohab Safey El Din
Éric Schost
+ Complexity of Bezout′s Theorem 1993 Michael Shub
Steve Smale
+ Lower bounds for arithmetic networks 1993 Jos� L. Monta�a
Luis Miguel Pardo
+ Complexity of Bezout’s Theorem IV: Probability of Success; Extensions 1996 Michael Shub
Steve Smale
+ Resolution des systemes d'equations algebriques 1981 Daniel Lazard
+ PDF Chat Complexity of Bézout’s theorem. I. Geometric aspects 1993 Michael Shub
Steve Smale
+ Some new effectivity bounds in computational geometry 1989 Leandro Caniglia
André Galligo
Joos Heintz
+ The membership problem for unmixed polynomial ideals is solvable in single exponential time 1991 Alicia Dickenstein
Noaï Fitchas
M Giusti
Carmen Sessa
+ On the Intrinsic Complexity of Elimination Theory 1993 Joos Heintz
Jacques Morgenstern
+ PDF Chat Sur la complexité du principe de Tarski-Seidenberg 1990 Joos Heintz
Marie-Françoise Roy
Pablo Solernó
+ Varietes Polaires Locales et Classes de Chern des Varietes Singulieres 1981 Lê Dũng Tráng
Bernard Teissier
+ PDF Chat Greatest common divisors of polynomials given by straight-line programs 1988 Erich Kaltofen
+ Combinatorial dimension theory of algebraicvarieties 1988 M Giusti
+ Ideals defined by matrices and a certain complex associated with them 1962 J. A. Eagon
D. G. Northcott
+ On the Geometry of a Theorem of Riemann 1973 George R. Kempf
+ The Red Book of Varieties and Schemes 1988 David Mumford
+ Bounds for the Degrees in the Nullstellensatz 1987 W. Dale Brownawell
+ On the intractability of Hilbert’s Nullstellensatz and an algebraic version of “NP≠P?” 1995 Michael Shub
Steve Smale
+ The complexity of partial derivatives 1983 Walter Bäur
Volker Strassen
+ PDF Chat Properness Defects of Projections and Computation of at Least One Point in Each Connected Component of a Real Algebraic Set 2004 Mohab Safey El Din
�ric Schost
+ A concise proof of the Kronecker polynomial system solver from scratch 2007 Clémence Durvye
Grégoire Lecerf
+ PDF Chat Absolute primality of polynomials is decidable in random polynomial time in the number of variables 1981 Joos Heintz
Malte Sieveking
+ PDF Chat Constructions in algebra 1974 A. Seidenberg
+ On the efficiency of effective Nullstellens�tze 1993 M Giusti
Joos Heintz
Juan Sabia
+ PDF Chat Algèbre linéaire sur $K[X_1,\dots,X_n]$ et élimination 1977 Daniel Lazard
+ On the computational complexity of polynomials and bilinear mappings. A survey 1989 Joos Heintz
+ Zeros, multiplicities, and idempotents for zero-dimensional systems 1996 María Emilia Alonso García
Eberhard Becker
Marie-Françoise Roy
Thorsten Wörmann
+ Commutative Ring Theory 1987 H. Matsumura
+ Real Solving for Positive Dimensional Systems 2002 Philippe Aubry
Fabrice Rouillier
Mohab Safey El Din
+ The Geometrical Invariants of Algebraic Loci 1938 John A. Todd
+ Estimations for the Separation Number of a Polynomial System 1997 Jean‐Pierre Dedieu
+ Quadratic Newton Iteration for Systems with Multiplicity 2002 Grégoire Lecerf
+ On the Complexity of Zero-dimensional Algebraic Systems 1991 Y. N. Lakshman
Daniel Lazard
+ On the computational complexity and geometry of the first-order theory of the reals. Part III: Quantifier elimination 1992 James Renegar
+ Finding at Least One Point in Each Connected Component of a Real Algebraic Set Defined by a Single Equation 2000 Fabrice Rouillier
Marie-Françoise Roy
Mohab Safey El Din
+ On the Complexity of Sparse Elimination 1996 Ioannis Z. Emiris
+ Complexity of deciding Tarski algebra 1988 D. Yu. Grigor'ev
+ PDF Chat Sharp effective Nullstellensatz 1988 Janós Kollár
+ Basic Algebraic Geometry 2 1994 Igor R. Shafarevich