Edward Y. X. Ong


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Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Finding optimal solutions for vehicle routing problem with pickup and delivery services with time windows: A dynamic programming approach based on state–space–time network representations 2016 Monirehalsadat Mahmoudi
Xuesong Zhou
+ PDF Chat Quantifying the benefits of vehicle pooling with shareability networks 2014 Paolo Santi
Giovanni Resta
Michael Szell
Stanislav Sobolevsky
Steven H. Strogatz
Carlo Ratti
+ PDF Chat Observation of a Fragmented, Strongly Interacting Fermi Gas 2015 Sebastian Krinner
David Stadler
Jakob Meineke
Jean-Philippe Brantut
Tilman Esslinger
+ PDF Chat Relaxation of jammed colloidal suspensions after shear cessation 2006 F. Ianni
David Lasne
RĂ©gis Sarcia
P. HĂ©braud
+ PDF Chat Rigid Cluster Decomposition Reveals Criticality in Frictional Jamming 2016 Silke Henkes
David Quint
Yaouen Fily
J. M. Schwarz
+ PDF Chat Generalized Bose-Einstein Condensation into Multiple States in Driven-Dissipative Systems 2013 Daniel Vorberg
Waltraut Wustmann
Roland Ketzmerick
André Eckardt
+ Collective Monte Carlo Updating for Spin Systems 1989 Ulli Wolff
+ PDF Chat On the existence of stationary states during granular compaction 2007 Ph. RibiĂšre
Patrick Richard
Pierre Philippe
Daniel Bideau
Renaud Delannay
+ PDF Chat Memory and Chaos Effects in Spin Glasses 1998 K. Jonason
E. Vincent
J. Hammann
Jean‐Philippe Bouchaud
+ PDF Chat Temporal and spatiotemporal correlation functions for trapped Bose gases 2015 M. Kohnen
Robert A. Nyman
+ PDF Chat Jamming, Force Chains, and Fragile Matter 1998 M. E. Cates
Joachim Wittmer
Jean‐Philippe Bouchaud
Philippe Claudin
+ PDF Chat Fast Monte Carlo algorithm for supercooled soft spheres 2001 TomĂĄs S. Grigera
Giorgio Parisi
+ PDF Chat Observation of Grand-Canonical Number Statistics in a Photon Bose-Einstein Condensate 2014 Julian Schmitt
Tobias Damm
David Dung
Frank Vewinger
Jan Klaers
Martin Weitz
+ PDF Chat Thermalization and breakdown of thermalization in photon condensates 2015 Peter Kirton
Jonathan Keeling
+ PDF Chat Spatial Coherence of a Polariton Condensate 2007 Hui Deng
Glenn S. Solomon
R. Hey
K. H. Ploog
Y. Yamamoto
+ PDF Chat Experimental evidence for inhomogeneous pumping and energy-dependent effects in photon Bose-Einstein condensation 2015 Jakov Marelic
Robert A. Nyman
+ PDF Chat Phase fluctuations and first-order correlation functions of dissipative Bose-Einstein condensates 2014 Arie‐Willem de Leeuw
H. T. C. Stoof
R. A. Duine
+ PDF Chat Compaction dynamics of a granular medium under vertical tapping 2002 Pierre Philippe
Daniel Bideau
+ PDF Chat Interactions in dye-microcavity photon condensates and the prospects for their observation 2014 Robert A. Nyman
M. H. SzymaƄska
+ PDF Chat Schwinger-Keldysh theory for Bose-Einstein condensation of photons in a dye-filled optical microcavity 2013 Arie‐Willem de Leeuw
H. T. C. Stoof
R. A. Duine
+ PDF Chat Memory Effects in Granular Materials 2000 Christophe Josserand
Alexei V. Tkachenko
Daniel M. Mueth
Heinrich M. Jaeger
+ PDF Chat Fragmentation of Bose-Einstein condensates 2006 Erich J. Mueller
Tin-Lun Ho
Masahito Ueda
Gordon Baym
+ PDF Chat Quantum Degenerate Exciton-Polaritons in Thermal Equilibrium 2006 Hui Deng
David Press
Stephan Götzinger
Glenn S. Solomon
R. Hey
K. H. Ploog
Y. Yamamoto
+ PDF Chat Observation of Local Temporal Correlations in Trapped Quantum Gases 2011 Vera Guarrera
Peter WĂŒrtz
A Ewerbeck
Andreas Vogler
Giovanni Barontini
Herwig Ott
+ PDF Chat Control of Interaction-Induced Dephasing of Bloch Oscillations 2008 M. Gustavsson
Elmar Haller
Manfred J. Mark
Johann G. Danzl
G. Rojas-Kopeinig
Hanns‐Christoph NĂ€gerl
+ PDF Chat Statistical Physics of Bose-Einstein-Condensed Light in a Dye Microcavity 2012 Jan Klaers
Julian Schmitt
Tobias Damm
Frank Vewinger
Martin Weitz
+ PDF Chat Controlling the Dynamics of an Open Many-Body Quantum System with Localized Dissipation 2013 Giovanni Barontini
Ralf Labouvie
Felix Stubenrauch
Andreas Vogler
Vera Guarrera
Herwig Ott
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of Phase Coherence Onset in Bose Condensates of Photons by Incoherent Phonon Emission 2013 David W. Snoke
S. M. Girvin
+ PDF Chat Phase coherence and superfluid-insulator transition in a disordered Bose-Einstein condensate 2008 Yong P. Chen
J. Hitchcock
D. Dries
M. Junker
C. Welford
Randall G. Hulet
+ Spin fragmentation of Bose–Einstein condensates with antiferromagnetic interactions 2013 L. De Sarlo
Lingxuan Shao
Vincent Le Corre
Tilman Zibold
David Jacob
Jean Dalibard
Fabrice Gerbier
+ PDF Chat Phase diffusion in a Bose-Einstein condensate of light 2014 Arie‐Willem de Leeuw
E. C. I. van der Wurff
R. A. Duine
H. T. C. Stoof
+ Multiple transient memories in sheared suspensions: Robustness, structure, and routes to plasticity 2013 Nathan C. Keim
Joseph D. Paulsen
Sidney R. Nagel
+ PDF Chat Atom Interferometry with a Weakly Interacting Bose-Einstein Condensate 2008 M. Fattori
Chiara D’Errico
G. Roati
Matteo Zaccanti
M. Jona-Lasinio
M. Modugno
M. Inguscio
Giovanni Carlo Modugno
+ PDF Chat Algebraic order and the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in an exciton-polariton gas 2014 W. Nitsche
Na Young Kim
Georgios Roumpos
Christian Schneider
M. Kamp
Sven Höfling
A. Forchel
Y. Yamamoto
+ PDF Chat Bose–Einstein condensation of photons in an optical microcavity 2010 Jan Klaers
Julian Schmitt
Frank Vewinger
Martin Weitz
+ PDF Chat Nonequilibrium Model of Photon Condensation 2013 Peter Kirton
Jonathan Keeling
+ PDF Chat Thermalization kinetics of light: From laser dynamics to equilibrium condensation of photons 2015 Julian Schmitt
Tobias Damm
David Dung
Frank Vewinger
Jan Klaers
Martin Weitz
+ PDF Chat Hydrodynamic and Contact Contributions to Continuous Shear Thickening in Colloidal Suspensions 2015 Neil Y. C. Lin
Ben M. Guy
Michiel Hermes
Chris Ness
Jin Sun
Wilson C. K. Poon
Itai Cohen
+ PDF Chat Spatial coherence and density correlations of trapped Bose gases 1999 M. Naraschewski
Roy J. Glauber
+ PDF Chat Encoding of Memory in Sheared Amorphous Solids 2014 Davide Fiocco
Giuseppe Foffi
Srikanth Sastry
+ PDF Chat Bose-Einstein condensation of light: General theory 2013 D. N. Sob’yanin
+ PDF Chat Interaction Effects on Number Fluctuations in a Bose-Einstein Condensate of Light 2014 E. C. I. van der Wurff
Arie‐Willem de Leeuw
R. A. Duine
H. T. C. Stoof
+ PDF Chat Glassiness, rigidity, and jamming of frictionless soft core disks 2011 Daniel VĂ„gberg
Peter Olsson
S. Teitel
+ Random organization in periodically driven systems 2008 Laurent Corté
P. M. Chaikin
J. P. Gollub
David J. Pine
+ PDF Chat Thermalization of a two-dimensional photonic gas in a ‘white wall’ photon box 2010 Jan Klaers
Frank Vewinger
Martin Weitz
+ PDF Chat Spatial dynamics, thermalization, and gain clamping in a photon condensate 2016 Jonathan Keeling
Peter Kirton
+ PDF Chat Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking and Phase Coherence of a Photon Bose-Einstein Condensate Coupled to a Reservoir 2016 Julian Schmitt
Tobias Damm
David Dung
Christian Wahl
Frank Vewinger
Jan Klaers
Martin Weitz
+ PDF Chat Collective state transitions of exciton-polaritons loaded into a periodic potential 2016 K. Winkler
O. A. Egorov
I. G. Savenko
Xuekai Ma
Eliezer Estrecho
Tingge Gao
Stefan MĂŒller
M. Kamp
T. C. H. Liew
Elena A. Ostrovskaya
+ PDF Chat Disentangling the role of structure and friction in shear jamming 2016 H. A. Vinutha
Srikanth Sastry
+ PDF Chat Spatial correlation of two-dimensional bosonic multimode condensates 2016 W. Nitsche
Na Young Kim
Georgios Roumpos
Christian Schneider
Sven Höfling
A. Forchel
Y. Yamamoto