Johann Rafelski


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Terrestrial Very-Long-Baseline Atom Interferometry: Summary of the Second Workshop 2024 Ahmed Abdalla
Mahiro Abe
Sven Abend
Mouine Abidi
Monika Aidelsburger
Ashkan Alibabaei
Baptiste Allard
John Antoniadis
G. Arduini
Nadja Augst
+ Self-consistent Strong Screening Applied to Thermonuclear Reactions 2024 Christopher Grayson
Cheng Tao Yang
Martin Formánek
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Quarks to Cosmos: Particles and Plasma in Cosmological evolution 2024 Johann Rafelski
Jeremiah Birrell
Christopher Grayson
Andrew Steinmetz
Cheng Tao Yang
+ Everlasting interaction: Polarization summation without a Landau pole 2024 Stefan Evans
Johann Rafelski
+ Fermi-Dirac Integrals in Degenerate Regimes: Novel Asymptotic Expansion 2024 Jeremiah Birrell
Martin Formánek
Andrew Steinmetz
Cheng Tao Yang
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Self-consistent strong screening applied to thermonuclear reactions 2024 Christopher Grayson
Cheng Tao Yang
Martin Formánek
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Terrestrial very-long-baseline atom interferometry: Workshop summary 2024 Sven Abend
Baptiste Allard
Iván Alonso
John Antoniadis
H. M. Araújo
G. Arduini
Aidan S. Arnold
Tobias Asano
Nadja Augst
Leonardo Badurina
+ PDF Chat Characterizing Asymptotic Expansions of Quantum Fermi Gas 2024 Jeremiah Birrell
Martin Formánek
Andrew Steinmetz
Cheng Tao Yang
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Comment on "All-Loop Result for the Strong Magnetic Field Limit of the Heisenberg-Euler Effective Lagrangian" 2024 Stefan Evans
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Matter-antimatter origin of cosmic magnetism 2023 Andrew Steinmetz
Cheng Tao Yang
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Dynamic fermion flavor mixing through transition dipole moments 2023 Johann Rafelski
Andrew Steinmetz
Cheng Tao Yang
+ PDF Chat Electron–positron plasma in BBN: Damped-dynamic screening 2023 Christopher Grayson
Cheng Tao Yang
Martin Formánek
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat A Short Survey of Matter-Antimatter Evolution in the Primordial Universe 2023 Johann Rafelski
Jeremiah Birrell
Andrew Steinmetz
Cheng Tao Yang
+ PDF Chat Improving Euler-Heisenberg-Schwinger Effective Action with Dressed Photons 2023 Stefan Evans
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Born-Infeld Nonlinear Electromagnetism in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions 2023 W. G. Price
Martin Formánek
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Study of QED singular properties for variable gyromagnetic ratio <mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mi>g</mml:mi><mml:mo>≃</mml:mo><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:math> 2023 Johann Rafelski
Stefan Evans
Lance Labun
+ A short survey of matter-antimatter evolution in the primordial universe 2023 Johann Rafelski
Jeremiah Birrell
Andrew Steinmetz
Cheng Tao Yang
+ Superheavy Elements and Ultradense Matter 2023 Evan LaForge
W. G. Price
Johann Rafelski
+ Electron-positron plasma in BBN: damped-dynamic screening 2023 Christopher Grayson
Cheng Tao Yang
Martin Formánek
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Electron-Positron Plasma in Bbn: Damped-Dynamic Screening 2023 Christopher Grayson
Cheng Tao Yang
Martin Formánek
Johann Rafelski
+ Matter-antimatter origin of cosmic magnetism 2023 Andrew Steinmetz
Cheng Tao Yang
Johann Rafelski
+ Dynamic fermion flavor mixing through transition dipole moments 2023 Johann Rafelski
Andrew Steinmetz
Yang Cheng
+ Terrestrial Very-Long-Baseline Atom Interferometry: Workshop Summary 2023 Sven Abend
Baptiste Allard
Iván Alonso
John Antoniadis
H. M. Araújo
G. Arduini
Aidan S. Arnold
Tobias Aßmann
Nadja Augst
Leonardo Badurina
+ Everlasting interaction: polarization summation without a Landau pole 2023 Stefan Evans
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Cold atoms in space: community workshop summary and proposed road-map 2022 Iván Alonso
C. Alpigiani
Brett Altschul
H. M. Araújo
G. Arduini
J. Arlt
Leonardo Badurina
Antun Balaž
Satvika Bandarupally
B. C. Barish
+ PDF Chat Lattice quantum chromodynamics 2022 Jean Letessier
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Lattice quantum chromodynamics 2022 Jean Letessier
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Dynamic magnetic response of the quark-gluon plasma to electromagnetic fields 2022 Christopher Grayson
Martin Formánek
Johann Rafelski
Berndt Müller
+ Emergence of periodic in magnetic moment effective QED action 2022 Stefan Evans
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Dynamic Magnetic Response of Quark-Gluon Plasma to Electromagnetic Fields 2022 Christopher Grayson
Martin Formánek
Johann Rafelski
B. Mueller
+ Cosmological strangeness abundance 2022 Cheng Tao Yang
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Radiation reaction and limiting acceleration 2022 W. G. Price
Martin Formánek
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Cold Atoms in Space: Community Workshop Summary and Proposed Road-Map 2022 Iván Alonso
C. Alpigiani
Brett Altschul
H. M. Araújo
G. Arduini
J. Arlt
Leonardo Badurina
Antun Balaž
Satvika Bandarupally
Barry C Barish Michele Barone
+ PDF Chat Reactions Governing Strangeness Abundance in Primordial Universe 2022 Cheng Tao Yang
Johann Rafelski
+ The Lorentz-FitzGerald Body Contraction 2022 Johann Rafelski
+ Time Measurement and Lorentz Coordinate Transformations 2022 Johann Rafelski
+ Singular properties of QED vacuum response to applied quasi-constant electromagnetic fields 2022 Stefan Evans
Johann Rafelski
+ Study of QED singular properties for variable gyromagnetic ratio $g\simeq 2$ 2022 Johann Rafelski
Stefan Evans
Lance Labun
+ PDF Chat Particle production at a finite potential step: transition from Euler–Heisenberg to Klein paradox 2021 Stefan Evans
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Current-conserving relativistic linear response for collisional plasmas 2021 Martin Formánek
Christopher Grayson
Johann Rafelski
Berndt Müller
+ Cosmological Strangeness Abundance 2021 Cheng Tao Yang
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Motion of classical charged particles with magnetic moment in external plane-wave electromagnetic fields 2021 Martin Formánek
Andrew Steinmetz
Johann Rafelski
+ Current-Conserving Relativistic Linear Response for Collisional Plasmas. 2021 Martin Formánek
Christopher Grayson
Johann Rafelski
Berndt Müller
+ Consistent Relativistic Linear Response for Collisional Plasmas 2021 Martin Formánek
Christopher Grayson
Johann Rafelski
Berndt Müller
+ PDF Chat The Muon Abundance in the Primordial Universe 2021 Johann Rafelski
Cheng Tao Yang
+ PDF Chat Radiation reaction friction: Resistive material medium 2020 Martin Formánek
Andrew Steinmetz
Johann Rafelski
+ Reactions Governing Strangeness Abundance in Primordial Universe 2020 Johann Rafelski
Cheng Tao Yang
+ PDF Chat Electron electromagnetic-mass melting in strong fields 2020 Stefan Evans
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Die Erste Stunde (The First Hour) 2020 Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Discovery of Quark-Gluon Plasma: Strangeness Diaries 2020 Johann Rafelski
+ Possibility of bottom-catalyzed matter genesis near to primordial QGP hadronization 2020 Cheng Tao Yang
Johann Rafelski
+ Mass melting and pair production in strong fields 2019 Stefan Evans
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Classical neutral point particle in linearly polarized EM plane wave field 2019 Martin Formánek
Andrew Steinmetz
Johann Rafelski
+ Virtual axion-like particle Complement to Euler-Heisenberg-Schwinger action 2019 Stefan Evans
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Magnetic dipole moment in relativistic quantum mechanics 2019 Andrew Steinmetz
Martin Formánek
Johann Rafelski
+ Beschleunigung und Lorentzkraft 2019 Johann Rafelski
+ Die Lorentz-FitzGerald-Körperkontraktion 2019 Johann Rafelski
+ Tests der Relativitätstheorie 2019 Johann Rafelski
+ Zeitmessung und Lorentztransformation 2019 Johann Rafelski
+ Spezielle Relativitätstheorie heute 2019 Johann Rafelski
+ Was ist (spezielle) Relativitätstheorie? 2019 Johann Rafelski
+ Relativistische Koordinatentransformation 2019 Johann Rafelski
+ Lepton number and expansion of the Universe 2018 Cheng Tao Yang
Jeremiah Birrell
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Vacuum stabilized by anomalous magnetic moment 2018 Stefan Evans
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Strong fields and neutral particle magnetic moment dynamics 2018 Martin Formánek
Stefan Evans
Johann Rafelski
Andrew Steinmetz
Cheng-Tao Yang
+ PDF Chat From Strangeness Enhancement to Quark–Gluon Plasma Discovery 2018 Peter M. Koch
Berndt Müller
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Measurement of the Lorentz-FitzGerald body contraction 2018 Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Topical Issue on Frontiers in Nuclear, Heavy Ion and Strong Field Physics 2018 Tamás S. Bíró
Carsten Greiner
Berndt Müller
Johann Rafelski
H. Stöcker
+ PDF Chat Relativistic dynamics of point magnetic moment 2018 Johann Rafelski
Martin Formánek
Andrew Steinmetz
+ Temperature Dependence of the Neutron Lifespan 2018 Cheng Tao Yang
Jeremiah Birrell
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Classification of Exoplanets According to Density 2018 A. Odrzywołek
Johann Rafelski
+ Lepton Number and Expansion of the Universe 2018 Yang Cheng
Jeremiah Birrell
Johann Rafelski
+ Strong fields and neutrino magnetic moment dynamics 2017 Martin Formánek
Andrew Steinmetz
Stefan Evans
Cheng-Tao Yang
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat From strangeness enhancement to quark–gluon plasma discovery 2017 Peter M. Koch
Berndt Müller
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat The relativistic foundations of synchrotron radiation 2017 G. Margaritondo
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat The Mar(e)k of QGP: Strangeness 2017 Johann Rafelski
+ 4-Vectors in Minkowski Space 2017 Johann Rafelski
+ Relativistic Coordinate Transformation 2017 Johann Rafelski
+ Properties of the Lorentz Coordinate Transformation 2017 Johann Rafelski
+ Covariant Fields and Invariants 2017 Johann Rafelski
+ Probing QED Vacuum with Heavy Ions 2016 Johann Rafelski
Johannes Kirsch
Berndt Müller
Joachim Reinhardt
Walter Greiner
+ Probing QED Vacuum with Heavy Ions 2016 Johann Rafelski
Johannes Kirsch
Berndt Müller
Joachim Reinhardt
Walter Greiner
+ The hot Hagedorn Universe 2016 Johann Rafelski
Jeremiah Birrell
+ PDF Chat Hagedorn legacy 2016 Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Charting the Future Frontier(s) of Particle Production 2016 Johann Rafelski
+ The hot Hagedorn Universe 2016 Johann Rafelski
Jeremiah Birrell
+ PDF Chat Dynamical emergence of the Universe into the false vacuum 2015 Johann Rafelski
Jeremiah Birrell
+ PDF Chat Melting hadrons, boiling quarks 2015 Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat QCD phase transition studied by means of hadron production 2015 Johann Rafelski
M. Petran
+ PDF Chat Proposal for resonant detection of relic massive neutrinos 2015 Jeremiah Birrell
Johann Rafelski
+ Quark–gluon plasma as the possible source of cosmological dark radiation 2014 Jeremiah Birrell
Johann Rafelski
+ Relic neutrino freeze-out: Dependence on natural constants 2014 Jeremiah Birrell
Cheng Tao Yang
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Boltzmann equation solver adapted to emergent chemical non-equilibrium 2014 Jeremiah Birrell
Jon Wilkening
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Traveling Through the Universe: Back in Time to the Quark-Gluon Plasma Era 2014 Johann Rafelski
Jeremiah Birrell
+ PDF Chat Interpretation of strange hadron production at LHC 2014 M. Petran
Jean Letessier
V. Petráček
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Charm decay as a source of multistrange hadrons 2014 M. Petran
Jean Letessier
V. Petráček
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Probing the quantum vacuum with ultra intense laser pulses 2014 B. M. Hegelich
G. Mourou
Johann Rafelski
+ Connection of Cosmic Microwave Background Fluctuations with the Quark-Gluon Plasma Hadronization Transition 2014 Jeremiah Birrell
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat SHARE with CHARM 2014 M. Petran
Jean Letessier
Johann Rafelski
G. Torrieri
+ PDF Chat Relic neutrinos: Physically consistent treatment of effective number of neutrinos and neutrino mass 2014 Jeremiah Birrell
Cheng-Tao Yang
Pisin Chen
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Strangeness in QGP: Hadronization Pressure 2014 Johann Rafelski
M. Petran
+ PDF Chat Universal QGP Hadronization Conditions at RHIC and LHC 2014 Johann Rafelski
M. Petran
Cheng-Tao Yang
Pisin Chen
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Top anomalous magnetic moment and the two-photon decay of the Higgs boson 2013 Lance Labun
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Fusion reactions initiated by laser-accelerated particle beams in a laser-produced plasma 2013 C. Labaune
C. Baccou
S. Depierreux
C. Goyon
Guillaume Loisel
Vincent Yahia
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Connecting QGP-Heavy Ion Physics to the Early Universe 2013 Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Hadron production and quark-gluon plasma hadronization in Pb-Pb collisions at<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msqrt><mml:msub><mml:mi>s</mml:mi><mml:mi mathvariant="italic">NN</mml:mi></mml:msub></mml:msqrt><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mn>2.76</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:math> TeV 2013 M. Petran
Jean Letessier
V. Petráček
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Universal hadronization condition in heavy ion collisions at<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msqrt><mml:msub><mml:mi>s</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mi>N</mml:mi><mml:mi>N</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:msqrt><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mn>62</mml:mn><mml:mspace width="0.28em" /><mml:mi mathvariant="bold">GeV</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math>and at<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msqrt><mml:… 2013 M. Petran
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Compact Ultradense Matter Impactors 2013 Johann Rafelski
Lance Labun
Jeremiah Birrell
+ Universal hadronization condition from RHIC to LHC 2013 M. Petran
Johann Rafelski
Lance Labun
Johann Rafelski
Johann Rafelski
Lance Labun
+ Massive Free-Streaming Neutrinos and Rise of $N_\nu$ at Recombination 2012 Jeremiah Birrell
Cheng-Tao Yang
Pisin Chen
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Acceleration and vacuum temperature 2012 Lance Labun
Johann Rafelski
+ A Cusp in QED at g=2 2012 Johann Rafelski
Lance Labun
+ PDF Chat Electron-positron plasma drop formed by ultra-intense laser pulses 2012 Inga Kuznetsova
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Properties of gravitationally bound dark compact ultra dense objects 2012 Christopher Dietl
Lance Labun
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear Electromagnetic Forces in Astrophysics 2012 Lance Labun
Johann Rafelski
+ Possibility of Electroweak Phase Transition at Low Temperature 2012 Jeremiah Birrell
Johann Rafelski
+ Higgs two-gluon decay and the top-quark chromomagnetic moment 2012 Lance Labun
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Strangeness and Quark--Gluon Plasma 2012 Johann Rafelski
Jean Letessier
+ PDF Chat From Quark-Gluon Universe to Neutrino Decoupling: 200 2012 Michael J. Fromerth
I. Kuznetsova
Lance Labun
Jean Letessier
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Strangeness Production in Au--Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}=62.4$ GeV 2012 M. Petráň
Jean Letessier
V. Petráček
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Planetary Impacts by Clustered Quark Matter Strangelets 2012 Lance Labun
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Compact Ultradense Objects in the Solar System 2012 Johann Rafelski
Christopher Dietl
Lance Labun
+ A Cusp in QED at g=2 2012 Johann Rafelski
Lance Labun
+ PDF Chat Toward a resolution of the proton size puzzle 2011 Gerald A. Miller
A. W. Thomas
Jonathan Carroll
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Spectra of particles from laser-induced vacuum decay 2011 Lance Labun
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Nonperturbative relativistic calculation of the muonic hydrogen spectrum 2011 Jonathan Carroll
A. W. Thomas
Johann Rafelski
Gerald A. Miller
+ PDF Chat Particle production insNN=2.76TeV heavy ion collisions 2011 Johann Rafelski
Jean Letessier
+ Solar System Signatures of Impacts by Compact Ultra Dense Objects 2011 Lance Labun
Johann Rafelski
Jeremey Birrell
+ Particle Production in s NN = 2 . 76 TeV Heavy Ion Collisions 2011 Johann Rafelski
Jean Letessier
+ Proton form-factor dependence of the finite-size correction to the Lamb shift in muonic hydrogen 2011 Jonathan Carroll
A. W. Thomas
Johann Rafelski
Gerald A. Miller
+ Non-perturbative Analysis of the Influence of the Proton Magnetization and Charge Densities on the Hyperfine Splitting of Muonic Hydrogen 2011 Jonathan Carroll
A. W. Thomas
Gerald A. Miller
Johann Rafelski
+ Pair Production from Asymmetric Head-on Laser Collisions 2011 Lance Labun
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat The Radius of the Proton: Size Does Matter 2011 Jonathan Carroll
A. W. Thomas
Johann Rafelski
Gerald A. Miller
+ Statistical Hadronization of Multistrange Particles 2010 M. Petran
Jean Letessier
V. Petráček
Johann Rafelski
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Effects of radiation reaction in relativistic laser acceleration 2010 Yaron Hadad
Lance Labun
Johann Rafelski
N. Elkina
Constantin Klier
H. Rühl
+ Strong Field Physics: Probing Critical Acceleration and Inertia with Laser Pulses and Quark-Gluon Plasma 2010 Lance Labun
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Unstable hadrons in hot hadron gas: In the laboratory and in the early Universe 2010 Inga Kuznetsova
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Multistrange particle production and the statistical hadronization model 2010 M. Petran
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Dark energy simulacrum in nonlinear electrodynamics 2010 Lance Labun
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Thermal reaction processes in a relativistic QED plasma drop 2010 Inga Kuznetsova
Dieter Habs
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat QED energy–momentum trace as a force in astrophysics 2010 Lance Labun
Johann Rafelski
+ Statistical Hadronization of Multistrange Particles 2010 M. Petran
Jean Letessier
V. Petráček
Johann Rafelski
+ Strong Field Physics: Probing Critical Acceleration and Inertia with Laser Pulses and Quark-Gluon Plasma 2010 Lance Labun
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Horizons of Strong Field Physics 2010 Johann Rafelski
Lance Labun
Yaron Hadad
Dan Dumitraş
+ PDF Chat Confinement property in SU(3) gauge theory 2009 A. V. Zayakin
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Critical hadronization pressure 2009 Johann Rafelski
Jean Letessier
+ PDF Chat Vacuum-decay time in strong external fields 2009 Lance Labun
Johann Rafelski
Jean Letessier
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Resonance production in heavy ion collisions: Suppression of<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mi>Λ</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mn>1520</mml:mn><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:math>and enhancement of<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mi>Σ</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mn>1385</mml:mn><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:mrow></… 2009 Inga Kuznetsova
Johann Rafelski
+ Quantum Vacuum Structure and Cosmology 2009 Johann Rafelski
Lance Labun
Yaron Hadad
Pisin Chen
+ Particle Production and Deconfinement Threshold 2009 Johann Rafelski
Jean Letessier
+ Resonances Do Not Equilibrate 2009 I. Kuznetsova
Jean Letessier
Johann Rafelski
+ Quark Condensate and Effective Action from Dyson--Schwinger Equations 2009 A. V. Zayakin
V. L. Khandramai
Johann Rafelski
+ QED Conformal Anomaly in External Fields 2008 Lance Labun
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Enhanced production of Δ and <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>Σ</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mn>1385</mml:mn><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:math> resonances 2008 Inga Kuznetsova
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Pion and muon production in<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:msup><mml:mi>e</mml:mi><mml:mo>−</mml:mo></mml:msup></mml:math>,<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:msup><mml:mi>e</mml:mi><mml:mo>+</mml:mo></mml:msup></mml:math>,<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>γ</mml:mi></mml:math>plasma 2008 Inga Kuznetsova
D. Habs
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Heavy-ion collisions at the LHC—Last call for predictions 2008 N. Armesto
Nicolas Borghini
Sangyong Jeon
U. A. Wiedemann
Samuel Abreu
S. V. Akkelin
Jan‐e Alam
Javier L. Albacete
A. Andronic
Д.В. Антонов
+ PDF Chat Strangeness enhancement at LHC 2008 Johann Rafelski
Jean Letessier
+ PDF Chat Non-equilibrium heavy-flavored hadron yields from chemical equilibrium strangeness-rich QGP 2008 Inga Kuznetsova
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Strangeness at the threshold of phase change 2008 Johann Rafelski
Inga Kuznetsova
Jean Letessier
+ PDF Chat Strangeness enhancement 2008 Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Hadron production and phase changes in relativistic heavy-ion collisions 2008 Jean Letessier
Johann Rafelski
+ Nonlocal Gluon Condensate from the Dyson--Schwinger Equations 2008 A. V. Zayakin
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Charmonium suppression in strangeness-rich QGP 2008 I. Kuznetsova
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Bulk hadron(ratio)s at the LHC-ions 2008 Johann Rafelski
Jean Letessier
+ PDF Chat Charm and beauty hadrons from strangeness-rich QGP at LHC 2008 I. Kuznetsova
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Δ33 -medium mass modification and pion spectra 2007 Bi Pin-zhen
Johann Rafelski
+ QUARKS IN THE UNIVERSE 2007 Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Heavy flavor hadrons in statistical hadronization of strangeness-rich QGP 2007 I. Kuznetsova
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Hadron resonances and phase threshold in heavy ion collisions 2007 Giorgio Torrieri
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Strangeness chemical equilibration in a quark-gluon plasma 2007 Jean Letessier
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Strangeness Chemical Equilibration in QGP at RHIC and LHC 2007 Jean Letessier
Johann Rafelski
+ Status of Strangeness-Flavor Signature of QGP 2006 Johann Rafelski
Jean Letessier
+ PDF Chat Charmed hadrons from strangeness-rich QGP 2006 Inga Kuznetsova
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Quantum collective QCD string dynamics 2006 Steven Steinke
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Strangeness and thresholds of phase changes in relativistic heavy ion collisions 2006 Johann Rafelski
Jean Letessier
+ PDF Chat Strangeness and the Discovery of Quark-Gluon Plasma 2006 Johann Rafelski
Jean Letessier
+ PDF Chat SHAREv2: fluctuations and a comprehensive treatment of decay feed-down 2006 G. Torrieri
Sangyong Jeon
Jean Letessier
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Particle yield fluctuations and chemical nonequilibrium in Au-Au collisions at<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msqrt><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mi>s</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">NN</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:mrow></mml:msqrt><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mn>200</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:math>GeV 2006 Giorgio Torrieri
Sangyong Jeon
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Hadronization of expanding QGP 2006 Johann Rafelski
Jean Letessier
+ PDF Chat Centrality dependence of strangeness and (anti)hyperon production at<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msqrt><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mi>s</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="italic">NN</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:mrow></mml:msqrt><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mn>200</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:math>GeV 2006 Jean Letessier
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Particle multiplicities and fluctuations in 200 GeV Au-Au collisions 2006 Giorgio Torrieri
Sangyong Jeon
Johann Rafelski
+ Status of Strangeness-Flavor Signature of QGP 2006 Johann Rafelski
Jean Letessier
+ Soft Hadron Ratios at the LHC 2006 Johann Rafelski
Jean Letessier
+ PDF Chat Hadronization of Expanding QGP 2006 Johann Rafelski
Jean Letessier
+ PDF Chat Centrality dependence of strangeness and (anti)hyperon production at BNL RHIC 2006 Jean Letessier
Johann Rafelski
+ Soft Hadron Ratios at the LHC 2006 Johann Rafelski
Jean Letessier
+ Soft Hadron Ratios at the LHC 2006 Johann Rafelski
Jean Letessier
+ Soft Hadron Ratios at the LHC 2006 Johann Rafelski
Jean Letessier
+ Soft Hadron Ratios at the LHC 2006 Johann Rafelski
Jean Letessier
+ Soft Hadron Ratios at the LHC 2006 Johann Rafelski
Jean Letessier
+ Soft Hadron Ratios at the LHC 2006 Johann Rafelski
Jean Letessier
+ Soft Hadron Ratios at the LHC 2006 Johann Rafelski
Jean Letessier
+ Soft Hadron Ratios at the LHC 2006 Johann Rafelski
Jean Letessier
+ Soft Hadron Ratios at the LHC 2006 Johann Rafelski
Jean Letessier
+ Hadron Resonances and Phase Threshold in Heavy Ion Collisions 2006 Giorgio Torrieri
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Balance of baryon number in the quark coalescence model 2005 A. Białas
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Soft hadron ratios at the LHC 2005 Johann Rafelski
Jean Letessier
+ A statistical model analysis of yields and fluctuations in 200 GeV Au-Au collisions 2005 Giorgio Torrieri
Sangyong Jeon
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Centrality dependence of bulk fireball properties in<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msqrt><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mi>s</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="italic">NN</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:mrow></mml:msqrt><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mn>200</mml:mn><mml:mspace width="0.3em" /><mml:mi fontstyle="normal">GeV</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math>Au–Au collisions 2005 Johann Rafelski
Jean Letessier
Giorgio Torrieri
+ Pion spectra: Delta resonance decay and medium mass modification 2005 Bi Pin-zhen
Johann Rafelski
+ Soft Hadron Relative Multiplicities at LHC 2005 Johann Rafelski
Jean Letessier
+ PDF Chat SHARE: Statistical hadronization with resonances 2005 G. Torrieri
S. Steinke
Wojciech Broniówski
Wojciech Florkowski
Jean Letessier
Johann Rafelski
+ Constraining freeze-out with yields and fluctuations 2005 Giorgio Torrieri
Sangyong Jeon
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Multiplicities and bulk thermodynamic quantities at surd<i>S</i><sub><i>NN</i></sub>= 130 GeV with SHARE 2005 Giorgio Torrieri
Johann Rafelski
+ A Statistical model analysis of yields and fluctuations in 200- GeV Au-Au collisions 2005 Giorgio Torrieri
Sangyong Jeon
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Centrality Dependence of Bulk Fireball Properties at RHIC 2005 Johann Rafelski
Jean Letessier
Giorgio Torrieri
+ A statistical model analysis of yields and fluctuations in 200 GeV Au-Au collisions 2005 Giorgio Torrieri
Sangyoung Jeon
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Hadronization and Quark Probes of Deconfinement at RHIC 2005 H. Z. Huang
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Statistical hadronization with resonances 2004 Giorgio Torrieri
Jean Letessier
Johann Rafelski
Steve Steinke
+ Deconfinement energy threshold: analysis of hadron yields at 11.6 A GeV 2004 Jean Letessier
Johann Rafelski
Giorgio Torrieri
+ Hadron resonance probes of QGP 2004 Giorgio Torrieri
Johann Rafelski
+ Statistical hadronization with resonances 2004 Giorgio Torrieri
Jean Letessier
Johann Rafelski
Steve Steinke
+ PDF Chat Strangeness Excitation Function in Heavy Ion Collisions 2004 Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Strangeness and Quark Gluon Plasma 2004 Johann Rafelski
Jean Letessier
+ PDF Chat Statistical hadronization with resonances 2004 Giorgio Torrieri
Jean Letessier
Johann Rafelski
Steve Steinke
+ PDF Chat Strange pentaquark hadrons in statistical hadronization 2003 Jean Letessier
Giorgio Torrieri
Steve Steinke
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Rolf Hagedorn (1919--2003) 2003 Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Strangeness and quark–gluon plasma 2003 Johann Rafelski
Jean Letessier
+ PDF Chat A comparison of statistical hadronization models 2003 Giorgio Torrieri
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Generalization of Boltzmann Equilibration Dynamics 2003 Travis Sherman
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Statistical hadronization probed by resonances 2003 Giorgio Torrieri
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat QCD equations of state and the quark-gluon plasma liquid model 2003 Jean Letessier
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Testing limits of statistical hadronization 2003 Johann Rafelski
Jean Letessier
+ PDF Chat QCD Equations of State and the QGP Liquid Model 2003 Jean Letessier
Johann Rafelski
+ Strangeness and Statistical Hadronization: How to Study Quark-Gluon Plasma 2003 Johann Rafelski
Jean Letessier
+ PDF Chat Threshold disorder as a source of diverse and complex behavior in random nets 2002 Patrick C. McGuire
Henrik Bohr
J. W. Clark
Robert Haschke
Chris Pershing
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Importance of reaction volume in hadronic collisions: canonical enhancement 2002 Johann Rafelski
Jean Letessier
+ PDF Chat Strangeness, equilibration, hadronization 2002 Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Strange hadron resonances and QGP freeze-out 2002 G. Torrieri
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Erratum: Strange hadrons and their resonances: A diagnostic tool of quark-gluon plasma freeze-out dynamics [Phys. Rev. C<b>64</b>, 054907 (2001)] 2002 Johann Rafelski
Jean Letessier
Giorgio Torrieri
+ PDF Chat Hadrons and Quark–Gluon Plasma 2002 Jean Letessier
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Strangeness and statistical QCD 2002 Johann Rafelski
Jean Letessier
+ Non-extensive Boltzmann Equilibration Dynamics 2002 Travis Sherman
Johann Rafelski
Jean Letessier
+ PDF Chat J/Ψ production at RHIC in a QGP 2002 R. L. Thews
Johann Rafelski
+ Variation of Fine Structure Constant from Non-Universal Gravity 2002 Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Non-equilibrium Hadrochemistry in QGP Hadronization 2002 Johann Rafelski
Jean Letessier
+ Limit on Quark-Antiquark Mass Difference from the Neutral Kaon System 2002 Michael J. Fromerth
Johann Rafelski
+ Hadronization of the Quark Universe 2002 Michael J. Fromerth
Johann Rafelski
+ Strange Particles from Dense Hadronic Matter 2002 Johann Rafelski
Jean Letessier
A. Tounsi
+ Threshold Disorder as a Source of Diverse and Complex Behavior in Random Nets 2002 Patrick C. McGuire
Henrik Bohr
J. W. Clark
Robert Haschke
Chris Pershing
Johann Rafelski
+ Rapidity particle spectra in sudden hadronization of QGP 2001 Jean Letessier
Johann Rafelski
Giorgio Torrieri
Jean Letessier
+ PDF Chat Baryon-Rich Quark–Gluon Plasma in Nuclear Collisions 2001 M. Danos
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Search for QGP and thermal freeze-out of strange hadrons 2001 Giorgio Torrieri
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Strange hadron resonances as a signature of freeze-out dynamics 2001 Giorgio Torrieri
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Entropy production in relativistic hydrodynamics 2001 Hans-Thomas Elze
Johann Rafelski
L. Turko
+ PDF Chat Enhanced<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>J</mml:mi><mml:mo>/</mml:mo><mml:mi>ψ</mml:mi></mml:math>production in deconfined quark matter 2001 Robert L. Thews
M. Schroedter
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Electron‐Positron Annihilation Radiation from Sagittarius A East at the Galactic Center 2001 Marco Fatuzzo
Fulvio Melia
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Quark-gluon plasma fireball explosion 2001 Jean Letessier
G. Torrieri
S. Hamieh
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Formation of quarkonium states at RHIC 2001 Robert L. Thews
M. Schroedter
Johann Rafelski
+ Strangeness and QGP freeze-out dynamics 2001 Johann Rafelski
Giorgio Torrieri
Jean Letessier
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of multiparticle systems with non–abelian symmetry 2001 L. Turko
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Sudden Hadronization in Relativistic Nuclear Collisions 2000 Johann Rafelski
Jean Letessier
+ PDF Chat Quark-gluon plasma fireball 2000 S. Hamieh
Jean Letessier
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat <mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi>B</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>c</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:mrow></mml:math>-meson production in ultrarelativistic nuclear collisions 2000 M. Schroedter
Robert L. Thews
Johann Rafelski
+ Exploding Quark-Gluon Plasma Fireball 2000 S. Hamieh
Jean Letessier
Johann Rafelski
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Low-m⊥ π+-π− asymmetry enhancement from hadronization of QGP 2000 Jean Letessier
A. Tounsi
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Equilibrium Distribution of Heavy Quarks in Fokker-Planck Dynamics 2000 D. Brian Walton
Johann Rafelski
+ Macroconstraints from Microsymmetries of Macrosystems 2000 L. Turko
Johann Rafelski
+ Free Energy of a Hot Quark-Gluon Plasma 2000 S. Hamieh
Jean Letessier
Johann Rafelski
M. Schroedter
A. Tounsi
+ PDF Chat Expected production of strange baryons and antibaryons in baryon-poor QGP 1999 Johann Rafelski
Jean Letessier
+ PDF Chat Last call for RHIC predictions 1999 Steffen A. Bass
Marcus Bleicher
W. Cassing
Adrian Dumitru
H. J. Drescher
K. Eskola
Miklós Gyulassy
Dmitri E. Kharzeev
Yu. V. Kovchegov
Zi-Wei Lin
+ Low-m_t charged pion asymmetry and pion enhancement from hadronization of QGP 1999 Jean Letessier
A. Tounsi
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Variational principle for relativistic fluid dynamics 1999 Hans-Thomas Elze
Yogiro Hama
T. Kodama
Martı́n Makler
Johann Rafelski
+ B_c Production at RHIC as a Signal for Deconfinement 1999 Robert L. Thews
Johann Rafelski
+ Hadrons from Pb Pb collisions at 158-GeV/A 1999 Johann Rafelski
Jean Letessier
+ PDF Chat Chemical nonequilibrium and deconfinement in 200<i>A</i>GeV sulphur induced reactions 1999 Jean Letessier
Johann Rafelski
+ Hadron production in Pb-Pb collisions at 158A GeV 1999 Johann Rafelski
Jean Letessier
+ B_c Mesons as a signal of deconfinement 1999 Lewis P. Fulcher
Johann Rafelski
R. L. Thews
+ Diagnosis of QGP with Strange Hadrons 1999 Johann Rafelski
Jean Letessier
+ B_c Production at RHIC as a Signal for Deconfinement 1999 Robert L. Thews
M. Schroedter
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Chemical nonequilibrium in high-energy nuclear collisions 1999 Jean Letessier
Johann Rafelski
+ <i>Quo vadis</i>strangeness? 1999 Johann Rafelski
+ Hadron Freeze-out and QGP Hadronization 1999 Johann Rafelski
Jean Letessier
+ Quo Vadis Strangeness? Strangeness - Open Questions 1998 Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Magnetic permeability in constrained fermionic vacuum 1998 M. V. Cougo-Pinto
C. Farina
A. C. Tort
Johann Rafelski
+ Evidence for QGP in Pb--Pb 158 A GeVfrom strange particle abundances and the Coulomb effect collision 1998 Jean Letessier
Johann Rafelski
+ Relativistic Quark Physics 1998 Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Sound of sonoluminescence 1998 H. Thomas Elze
T. Kodama
Johann Rafelski
+ Interfering QCD/QED Vacuum Polarization 1998 Hans-Thomas Elze
Berndt Müller
Johann Rafelski
+ Variational Approach to Hydrodynamics - from QGP to General Relativity 1998 T. Kodama
Y. Hama
Martı́n Makler
Xavier Sigaud
Johann Rafelski
+ Quark-Gluon Plasma in Pb--Pb 158 A GeV collisions: Evidence from strange particle abundances and the Coulomb effect 1998 Jean Letessier
Johann Rafelski
+ Electromagnetic Fields in the QCD Vacuum 1998 Johann Rafelski
H. Thomas Elze
+ QCD-bag mass spectrum and phase transitions 1998 A. Tounsi
Jean Letessier
Johann Rafelski
+ Sonoluminescing Gas Bubbles 1998 I. Scott
Hans-Thomas Elze
T. Kodama
Johann Rafelski
+ Relativistic Quark Physics 1998 Johann Rafelski
+ Chemical Nonequilibrium in High Energy Nuclear Collisions 1998 Jean Letessier
Johann Rafelski
+ Threshold Noise as a Source of Volatility in Random Synchronous Asymmetric Neural Networks 1997 Henrik Bohr
Patrick C. McGuire
Chris Pershing
Johann Rafelski
+ Hadronic Signatures of Deconfinement in relativistic nuclear collisions 1997 Johann Rafelski
Jean Letessier
A. Tounsi
+ Magnetic Permeability of Confined Fermionic Vacuum 1997 M. V. Cougo-Pinto
C. Farina
A. C. Tort
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Strangeness in PbPb collisions at 158 A GeV 1997 Jean Letessier
Johann Rafelski
A. Tounsi
+ Hadronic Signatures of Deconfinement in relativistic nuclear collisions 1997 Johann Rafelski
Jean Letessier
A. Tounsi
+ Thermal Flavor Production and Signatures of Deconfinement 1997 Johann Rafelski
Jean Letessier
A. Tounsi
+ PDF Chat QGP formation and strange antibaryons 1997 Jean Letessier
Johann Rafelski
A. Tounsi
+ Threshold Noise as a Source of Volatility in Random Synchronous Asymmetric Neural Networks 1997 Henrik Bohr
Patrick C. McGuire
Chris Pershing
Johann Rafelski
+ Relativistic Transport Equations for Electromagnetic, Scalar, and Pseudoscalar Potentials 1995 Ghi Ryang Shin
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Strange antibaryons from QGP 1995 Jean Letessier
Johann Rafelski
A. Tounsi
+ PDF Chat Strangeness conservation in hot nuclear fireballs 1995 Jean Letessier
A. Tounsi
Ulrich Heinz
J. Sollfrank
Johann Rafelski
+ Energy Dependence of Strange Particle Yields from a QGP-Fireball 1995 Jean Letessier
Johann Rafelski
A. Tounsi
+ PDF Chat Gluon production, cooling, and entropy in nuclear collisions 1994 Jean Letessier
Johann Rafelski
A. Tounsi
+ PDF Chat Strangeness and particle freeze-out in nuclear collisions at 14.6 GeV A 1994 Jean Letessier
Johann Rafelski
A. Tounsi
+ PDF Chat Strange particle abundance in QGP formed in 200 GeV A nuclear collisions 1994 Jean Letessier
Johann Rafelski
A. Tounsi
+ PDF Chat Strange particle freeze-out 1994 Jean Letessier
Johann Rafelski
A. Tounsi
+ PDF Chat Evidence for a phase with high specific entropy in nuclear collisions 1993 Jean Letessier
A. Tounsi
Ulrich Heinz
J. Sollfrank
Johann Rafelski
+ Strange anti-baryons and high entropy phase 1993 Jean Letessier
A. Tounsi
Ulrich Heinz
Johann Rafelski
J. Sollfrank
+ PDF Chat Hot hadronic matter and strange anti-baryons 1992 Jean Letessier
A. Tounsi
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Strange anti-baryons—QGP versus HC 1992 Johann Rafelski
Jean Letessier
A. Tounsi
+ Quark-gluon plasma in nuclear collisions at 200 GeV/A 1988 Johann Rafelski
A. Schnabel
+ Bosons Bound in Strong Potentials 1985 Walter Greiner
Berndt Müller
Johann Rafelski
+ Overcritical Potential for Bose Fields 1985 Walter Greiner
Berndt Müller
Johann Rafelski
+ The Wave Equation for Spin-1/2 Particles 1985 Walter Greiner
Berndt Müller
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Strange particle production in pp and pN reactions 1984 Walter Greiner
Peter M. Koch
Johann Rafelski
+ Pocketbook of mathematical functions 1984 Michael Danos
Johann Rafelski
+ Role of Isospin in pp̄ Annihilation 1984 Johann Rafelski
Berndt Müller
+ A five-dimensional Dirac-theory and its relation to nonlocal theories in four dimensions 1983 A. Schäfer
Johann Rafelski
Walter Greiner
+ PDF Chat Analytic structure and explicit solution of an important implicit equation 1982 Rolf Hagedorn
Johann Rafelski
+ Singularities in quantum field theory 1979 M. Danos
Johann Rafelski
+ Bound States of Fermions in External and Self-Consistent Fields 1978 Johann Rafelski
+ Virial theorem and stability of localized solutions of relativistic classical interacting fields 1977 Johann Rafelski
+ Some consequences of fermi-type theory of weak interactions 1977 M. Danos
Johann Rafelski
+ Soliton solutions of a selfinteracting dirac field in three space dimensions 1977 Johann Rafelski
+ Bose condensation in supercritical external fields 1975 Abraham Klein
Johann Rafelski
+ Solution of the Dirac equation with two Coulomb centers 1974 B. Mueller
Johann Rafelski
Walter Greiner
+ Charged vacuum in overcritical fields 1974 Johann Rafelski
Baerbel Mueller
Walter Greiner
+ PDF Chat Fields Nonlocal in Clifford Space. I. Classical Gauge-Invariant Nonlinear Field Theory 1972 Michael Danos
Walter Greiner
Johann Rafelski
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat SHARE: Statistical hadronization with resonances 2005 G. Torrieri
S. Steinke
Wojciech Broniówski
Wojciech Florkowski
Jean Letessier
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Sudden Hadronization in Relativistic Nuclear Collisions 2000 Johann Rafelski
Jean Letessier
+ PDF Chat SHAREv2: fluctuations and a comprehensive treatment of decay feed-down 2006 G. Torrieri
Sangyong Jeon
Jean Letessier
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Hadron production and phase changes in relativistic heavy-ion collisions 2008 Jean Letessier
Johann Rafelski
+ On Gauge Invariance and Vacuum Polarization 1951 Julian Schwinger
+ PDF Chat Evidence for a phase with high specific entropy in nuclear collisions 1993 Jean Letessier
A. Tounsi
Ulrich Heinz
J. Sollfrank
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Centrality dependence of bulk fireball properties in<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msqrt><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mi>s</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="italic">NN</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:mrow></mml:msqrt><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mn>200</mml:mn><mml:mspace width="0.3em" /><mml:mi fontstyle="normal">GeV</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math>Au–Au collisions 2005 Johann Rafelski
Jean Letessier
Giorgio Torrieri
+ PDF Chat Heavy flavor hadrons in statistical hadronization of strangeness-rich QGP 2007 I. Kuznetsova
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Hadrons and Quark–Gluon Plasma 2002 Jean Letessier
Johann Rafelski
+ PDF Chat Chemical nonequilibrium and deconfinement in 200<i>A</i>GeV sulphur induced reactions 1999 Jean Letessier
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+ PDF Chat Search for QGP and thermal freeze-out of strange hadrons 2001 Giorgio Torrieri
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+ PDF Chat Expected production of strange baryons and antibaryons in baryon-poor QGP 1999 Johann Rafelski
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+ PDF Chat Strangeness chemical equilibration in a quark-gluon plasma 2007 Jean Letessier
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+ PDF Chat Gluon production, cooling, and entropy in nuclear collisions 1994 Jean Letessier
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+ PDF Chat Pion and muon production in<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:msup><mml:mi>e</mml:mi><mml:mo>−</mml:mo></mml:msup></mml:math>,<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:msup><mml:mi>e</mml:mi><mml:mo>+</mml:mo></mml:msup></mml:math>,<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>γ</mml:mi></mml:math>plasma 2008 Inga Kuznetsova
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+ PDF Chat Chemical nonequilibrium in high-energy nuclear collisions 1999 Jean Letessier
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+ PDF Chat Strangeness conservation in hot nuclear fireballs 1995 Jean Letessier
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+ PDF Chat Quark-gluon plasma freeze-out from a supercooled state? 1994 T CSORG
+ Relic neutrino freeze-out: Dependence on natural constants 2014 Jeremiah Birrell
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+ PDF Chat Chemical equilibrium study in nucleus-nucleus collisions at relativistic energies 2004 F. Becattini
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+ PDF Chat Acceleration and vacuum temperature 2012 Lance Labun
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+ PDF Chat Electron–positron pairs in physics and astrophysics: From heavy nuclei to black holes 2009 R. Ruffini
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+ PDF Chat Relic neutrino decoupling including flavour oscillations 2005 G. Mangano
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+ PDF Chat From Quark-Gluon Universe to Neutrino Decoupling: 200 2012 Michael J. Fromerth
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+ PDF Chat Testing limits of statistical hadronization 2003 Johann Rafelski
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+ PDF Chat Chemical equilibration in Pb+Pb collisions at the SPS 1999 P. Braun‐Munzinger
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+ PDF Chat SHARE with CHARM 2014 M. Petran
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+ Quark–gluon plasma as the possible source of cosmological dark radiation 2014 Jeremiah Birrell
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+ PDF Chat Effects of radiation reaction in relativistic laser acceleration 2010 Yaron Hadad
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+ PDF Chat Quark-gluon plasma fireball 2000 S. Hamieh
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+ PDF Chat Erratum: Strange hadrons and their resonances: A diagnostic tool of quark-gluon plasma freeze-out dynamics [Phys. Rev. C<b>64</b>, 054907 (2001)] 2002 Johann Rafelski
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+ PDF Chat Critical hadronization pressure 2009 Johann Rafelski
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+ PDF Chat Vacuum-decay time in strong external fields 2009 Lance Labun
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+ Probing collision dynamics at RHIC 2004 Olga Barannikova
+ PDF Chat QCD equations of state and the quark-gluon plasma liquid model 2003 Jean Letessier
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+ PDF Chat Strangeness and statistical QCD 2002 Johann Rafelski
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+ PDF Chat Importance of reaction volume in hadronic collisions: canonical enhancement 2002 Johann Rafelski
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