D. S. Lubinsky


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Bounds on Orthonormal Polynomials for Restricted Measures 2023 D. S. Lubinsky
+ On Local Asymptotics for Orthonormal Polynomials 2023 Eli Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ PDF Bounds on orthogonal polynomials and separation of their zeros 2022 Eli Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ PDF Asymptotics for orthogonal polynomials and separation of their zeros 2022 Eli Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Average growth of Lp norms of Erdős–Szekeres polynomials 2022 C. Billsborough
Sarah Gold
E. Linder
D. S. Lubinsky
Janson S. Yu.
+ PDF Variance of real zeros of random orthogonal polynomials for varying and exponential weights 2022 D. S. Lubinsky
Igor E. Pritsker
+ Orthogonal Dirichlet Polynomials 2022 D. S. Lubinsky
+ PDF Нули, оценки и асимптотики для ортогональных полиномов на единичной окружности 2022 D. S. Lubinsky
+ Real roots of random orthogonal polynomials with exponential weights 2022 Yen Do
D. S. Lubinsky
Hoi H. Nguyen
Oanh Kieu Nguyen
Igor E. Pritsker
+ PDF On zeros, bounds, and asymptotics for orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle 2022 D. S. Lubinsky
+ PDF Correction to “Local asymptotics for orthonormal polynomials on the unit circle via universality” 2021 D. S. Lubinsky
+ PDF Distribution of eigenvalues of Toeplitz matrices with smooth entries 2021 D. S. Lubinsky
+ PDF Some biorthogonal polynomials arising in numerical analysis and approximation theory 2021 D. S. Lubinsky
Avram Sidi
+ On lower bounds for Erdős-Szekeres products 2021 C. Billsborough
Michael Freedman
Sarah B. Hart
Gidon Kowalsky
D. S. Lubinsky
A. Pomeranz
A. Sammel
+ Variance of real zeros of random orthogonal polynomials 2021 D. S. Lubinsky
Igor E. Pritsker
+ PDF Chat Variance of real zeros of random orthogonal polynomials 2021 D. S. Lubinsky
Igor E. Pritsker
+ On Baker’s Patchwork Conjecture for Diagonal Padé Approximants 2021 D. S. Lubinsky
+ The effect of adding endpoint masspoints on bounds for orthogonal polynomials 2021 D. S. Lubinsky
+ On Eigenvalue Distribution of Varying Hankel and Toeplitz Matrices with Entries of Power Growth or Decay 2021 Gidon Kowalsky
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Variance of real zeros of random orthogonal polynomials 2021 D. S. Lubinsky
Igor E. Pritsker
+ Local asymptotics for orthonormal polynomials on the unit circle via universality 2020 D. S. Lubinsky
+ PDF Local limits for orthogonal polynomials for varying measures via universality 2020 Eli Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ On Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund Inequalities at Hermite Zeros and Their Airy Function Cousins 2020 D. S. Lubinsky
+ Local asymptotics for orthonormal polynomials in the interior of the support via universality 2019 D. S. Lubinsky
+ The Spurious Side of Diagonal Multipoint Padé Approximants 2019 D. S. Lubinsky
+ PDF Orthogonal Dirichlet polynomials with constant weight 2019 D. S. Lubinsky
+ PDF Pointwise Asymptotics for Orthonormal Polynomials at the Endpoints of the Interval via Universality 2018 D. S. Lubinsky
+ Statement of Main Results 2018 Eli Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Universality Limits and Entropy Integrals 2018 Eli Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Formulae Involving Bernstein-Szegő Polynomials 2018 Eli Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Bounds for Christoffel Functions 2018 Eli Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Bounds and Asymptotics for Orthogonal Polynomials for Varying Weights 2018 Eli Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Markov-Bernstein Inequalities in L ∞ 2018 Eli Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Derivatives of Discretized Polynomials 2018 Eli Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Spacing of Zeros 2018 Eli Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Potential Theoretic Estimates 2018 Eli Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Mean Convergence of Interpolation at Zeros of Airy Functions 2018 D. S. Lubinsky
+ Weighted Polynomial Approximations 2018 Eli Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Introduction 2018 Eli Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Restricted Range Inequalities 2018 Eli Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Asymptotics of Orthonormal Polynomials 2018 Eli Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Bounds on Orthogonal Polynomials 2018 Eli Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ On Uniform Convergence of Diagonal Multipoint Padé Approximants for Entire Functions 2017 D. S. Lubinsky
+ Exact interpolation, spurious poles, and uniform convergence of multipoint Padé approximants 2017 D. S. Lubinsky
+ On an Asymptotic Equality for Reproducing Kernels and Sums of Squares of Orthonormal Polynomials 2017 Aleksandar Ignjatović
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Scaling Limits of Polynomials and Entire Functions of Exponential Type 2017 D. S. Lubinsky
+ On Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund inequalities at Jacobi zeros and their Bessel function cousins 2017 D. S. Lubinsky
+ PDF Universality in measure in the bulk for varying weights 2016 Eli Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ PDF Expected number of real zeros for random orthogonal polynomials 2016 D. S. Lubinsky
Igor E. Pritsker
Xiaoju Xie
+ PDF An Update on Local Universality Limits for Correlation Functions Generated by Unitary Ensembles 2016 D. S. Lubinsky
+ Gaussian fluctuations of eigenvalues of random Hermitian matrices associated with fixed and varying weights 2016 D. S. Lubinsky
+ An Update on Local Universality Limits for Correlation Functions generated by Unitary Ensembles (First Draft) 2016 D. S. Lubinsky
+ Sobolev orthogonal polynomials on the unit ball via outward normal derivatives 2016 Antonia M. Delgado
Lidia Fernández
D. S. Lubinsky
Teresa E. Pérez
Miguel A. Piñar
+ Quadrature identities for interlacing and orthogonal polynomials 2016 D. S. Lubinsky
+ Simultaneous Gaussian quadrature for Angelesco systems 2016 D. S. Lubinsky
Walter Van Assche
+ Simultaneous Gaussian quadrature for Angelesco systems 2016 D. S. Lubinsky
Walter Van Assche
+ Universality Limits Involving Orthogonal Polynomials on a Smooth Closed Contour 2016 Eli Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Sobolev orthogonal polynomials on the unit ball via outward normal derivatives 2015 Antonia M. Delgado
Lidia Fernández
D. S. Lubinsky
Teresa E. Pérez
Miguel A. Piñar
+ Scaling Limits for Mixed Kernels 2015 D. S. Lubinsky
+ PDF Chat Expected number of real zeros for random linear combinations of orthogonal polynomials 2015 D. S. Lubinsky
Igor E. Pritsker
Xiaoju Xie
+ Asymptotic Behavior of Nikolskii Constants for Polynomials on the Unit Circle 2015 Eli Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Dirichlet orthogonal polynomials with Laguerre weight 2015 D. S. Lubinsky
+ L p Christoffel functions, L p universality, and Paley-Wiener spaces 2015 Eli Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Expected number of real zeros for random linear combinations of orthogonal polynomials 2015 D. S. Lubinsky
Igor E. Pritsker
Xiaoju Xie
+ Sobolev orthogonal polynomials on the unit ball via outward normal derivatives 2015 Antonia M. Delgado
Lidia Fernández
D. S. Lubinsky
Teresa E. Pérez
Miguel A. Piñar
+ Expected number of real zeros for random orthogonal polynomials 2015 D. S. Lubinsky
Igor E. Pritsker
Xiaoju Xie
+ PDF On sharp constants in Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund and Plancherel-Polya inequalities 2014 D. S. Lubinsky
+ Uniform Mean Value Estimates and Discrete Hilbert Inequalities VIA Orthogonal Dirichlet Series 2014 D. S. Lubinsky
+ Asymptotic zero distribution of biorthogonal polynomials 2014 D. S. Lubinsky
Avram Sidi
Herbert Stahl
+ Reflections on the Baker–Gammel–Wills (Padé) Conjecture 2014 D. S. Lubinsky
+ PDF Weighted Markov-Bernstein inequalities for entire functions of exponential type 2014 D. S. Lubinsky
+ Orthogonal Dirichlet polynomials with arctangent density 2013 D. S. Lubinsky
+ PDF A variational principle for correlation functions for unitary ensembles, with applications 2013 D. S. Lubinsky
+ Universality Limits involving Orthogonal Polynomials on an Arc of the Unit Circle 2013 D. S. Lubinsky
Vy Nguyen
+ Christoffel functions and universality on the boundary of the ball 2012 András Kroó
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Bulk universality holds pointwise in the mean for compactly supported measures 2012 D. S. Lubinsky
+ Polynomials biorthogonal to dilations of measures, and their asymptotics 2012 D. S. Lubinsky
Avram Sidi
D. S. Lubinsky
+ PDF Christoffel Functions and Universality in the Bulk for Multivariate Orthogonal Polynomials 2012 András Kroó
D. S. Lubinsky
+ How poles of orthogonal rational functions affect their Christoffel functions 2012 Karl Deckers
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Bulk universality holds in measure for compactly supported measures 2012 D. S. Lubinsky
+ Discrete beta ensembles based on Gauss type quadratures 2012 D. S. Lubinsky
+ PDF The degree of shape preserving weighted polynomial approximation 2011 D. Leviatan
D. S. Lubinsky
+ On Christoffel Functions and Related Quantities for Compactly Supported Measures 2011 D. S. Lubinsky
+ Asymptotics for Christoffel functions based on orthogonal rational functions 2011 Karl Deckers
D. S. Lubinsky
+ The size of the set of μ-irregular points of a measure μ 2011 Eli Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Averages of ratios os Christoffel functions for compactly supported measures 2011 D. S. Lubinsky
+ PDF New integral identities for orthogonal polynomials on the real line 2010 D. S. Lubinsky
+ Universality Limits at the Soft Edge of the Spectrum via Classical Complex Analysis 2010 Eli Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ A Maximal Function Approach to Christoffel Functions and Nevai’s Operators 2010 D. S. Lubinsky
+ PDF Universality Type Limits for Bergman Orthogonal Polynomials 2010 D. S. Lubinsky
+ PDF Applications of new Geronimus type identities for real orthogonal polynomials 2010 D. S. Lubinsky
+ PDF Some equivalent formulations of universality limits in the bulk 2010 Eli Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Universality in the bulk holds close to given points 2009 D. S. Lubinsky
+ A new approach to universality limits involving orthogonal polynomials 2009 D. S. Lubinsky
+ Some recent methods for establishing universality limits 2009 D. S. Lubinsky
+ Orthogonal polynomials and Padé approximants for reciprocal polynomial weights 2009 D. S. Lubinsky
+ Universality limits for random matrices and de Branges spaces of entire functions 2009 D. S. Lubinsky
+ PDF On the Airy Reproducing Kernel, Sampling Series, and Quadrature Formula 2009 Eli Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ PDF Which Weights on $\r$ Admit $L_p$ Jackson Theorems? 2009 D. S. Lubinsky
+ PDF Universality Limits at the Hard Edge of the Spectrum for Measures with Compact Support 2008 D. S. Lubinsky
+ PDF Universality limits in the bulk for varying measures 2008 Eli Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ PDF Universality Limits for Exponential Weights 2008 Eli Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ PDF Zero Distribution of Composite Polynomials and Polynomials Biorthogonal to Exponentials 2008 D. S. Lubinsky
Avram Sidi
+ PDF Universality limits in the bulk for arbitrary measures on compact sets 2008 D. S. Lubinsky
+ Best approximating entire functions to \𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑥\𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑡^{𝛼} in 𝐿₂ 2008 Michael I. Ganzburg
D. S. Lubinsky
+ PDF Universality Limits Involving Orthogonal Polynomials on the Unit Circle 2007 Eli Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ PDF Large Sieve Inequalities via Subharmonic Methods and the Mahler Measure of the Fekete Polynomials 2007 Tamás Erdélyi
D. S. Lubinsky
+ PDF Applications of universality limits to zeros and reproducing kernels of orthogonal polynomials 2007 Eli Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ PDF Asymptotics of derivatives of orthogonal polynomials on the real line 2007 Eli Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Orthogonal polynomials for weights close to indeterminacy 2007 Eli Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ A New Approach to Universality at the Edge of the Spectrum 2007 D. S. Lubinsky
+ A Survey of Weighted Approximation for Exponential Weights 2007 D. S. Lubinsky
+ A Survey of Weighted Polynomial Approximation with Exponential Weights 2007 D. S. Lubinsky
+ Biorthogonal Polynomials and Numerical Integration Formulas for Infinite Intervals 2007 Avram Sidii
D. S. Lubinsky
+ A New Approach to Universality Limits involving Orthogonal Polynomials 2007 D. S. Lubinsky
+ Which weights on ℝ admit Jackson Theorems?admit Jackson Theorems? 2006 D. S. Lubinsky
+ Jackson and Bernstein theorems for the weight exp(−|x|) on ℝ 2006 D. S. Lubinsky
+ Asymptotics of derivatives of orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle 2006 D. S. Lubinsky
+ On recurrence coefficients for rapidly decreasing exponential weights 2006 Eli Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Zero distribution of Müntz extremal polynomials in 𝐿_{𝑝}[0,1] 2006 D. S. Lubinsky
E. B. Saff
+ PDF On the Bernstein Constants of Polynomial Approximation 2006 D. S. Lubinsky
+ PDF Weights whose biorthogonal polynomials admit a Rodrigues formula 2006 D. S. Lubinsky
I. Soran
+ Orthogonal polynomials for exponential weights <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi>x</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>2</mml:mn><mml:mi>ρ</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msup><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi>e</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mo>-</mml:mo><mml:mn>2</mml:mn><mml:mi>Q</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mi>x</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:math> on <mml:… 2005 Eli Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Condition numbers of Hankel matrices for exponential weights 2005 D. S. Lubinsky
+ Orthogonal polynomials for exponential weights <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi>x</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>2</mml:mn><mml:mi>ρ</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msup><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi>e</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mo>-</mml:mo><mml:mn>2</mml:mn><mml:mi>Q</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mi>x</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:math> on <mml:… 2005 Eli Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ PDF Asymptotics for Sobolev Orthogonal Polynomials for Exponential Weights 2004 Jeffrey S. Geronimo
D. S. Lubinsky
Francisco Marcellán
+ PDF A Hilbert transform representation of the error in Lagrange interpolation 2004 D. G. Kubayi
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Smallest eigenvalues of Hankel matrices for exponential weights 2004 Yang Chen
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Rogers-Ramanujan and the Baker-Gammel-Wills (Pad\'e) conjecture 2004 D. S. Lubinsky
+ Rogers-Ramanujan and the Baker-Gammel-Wills (Padé) conjecture 2004 D. S. Lubinsky
+ Asymptotics for entropy integrals associated with exponential weights 2003 Eli Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ PDF Rogers–Ramanujan and the Baker–Gammel–Wills (Padé) conjecture 2003 D. S. Lubinsky
+ Quadrature sums and Lagrange interpolation for general exponential weights 2003 D. G. Kubayi
D. S. Lubinsky
+ On Weighted Mean Convergence of Lagrange Interpolation for General Arrays 2002 D. S. Lubinsky
+ Lp boundedness of (C,1) means of orthonormal expansions for general exponential weights 2002 D. S. Lubinsky
H.P. Mashele
+ Lp Markov–Bernstein Inequalities on All Arcs of the Circle 2002 C.K. Kobindarajah
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Mathematica evidence that Ramanujan kills Baker–Gammel–Wills 2002 Arnold Knopfmacher
D. S. Lubinsky
+ PDF Weighted Maximum Over Minimum Modulus of Polynomials, Applied to Ray Sequences of Padé Approximants 2002 D. S. Lubinsky
+ PDF Curious q-Series as Counterexamples in Padé Approximation 2002 D. S. Lubinsky
+ None 2002 D. S. Lubinsky
G. Mastroianni
+ Large Sieve Estimates on Arcs of a Circle 2001 Leonid Golinskiĭ
D. S. Lubinsky
Paul Nevai
+ Green Equilibrium Measures and Representations of an External Field 2001 A. L. Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ PDF Sharp estimates for the maximum over minimum modulus of rational functions 2001 D. S. Lubinsky
+ Convergence versus correspondence for sequences of rational functions 2001 Lisa Lorentzen
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Markov-Bernstein and Nikolskii Inequalities 2001 Eli Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Weighted Polynomial Approximation 2001 Eli Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Basic Estimates for Q, at 2001 Eli Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Zeros of Orthogonal Polynomials 2001 Eli Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Asymptotics of Extremal Polynomials 2001 Eli Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Bounds on Orthogonal Polynomials 2001 Eli Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Lp Markov–Bernstein Inequalities on Arcs of the Circle 2001 D. S. Lubinsky
+ Asymptotics of Orthonormal Polynomials 2001 Eli Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ (I < p < ~o) ASSOCIATED WITH WEIGHTS ON I-l,1) 2001 D. S. Lubinsky
Edward B. Saff
+ Asymptotics of Extremal Errors 2001 Eli Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Further Bounds and Applications 2001 Eli Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Smoothness of σt 2001 Eli Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Christoffel Functions 2001 Eli Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Restricted Range Inequalities 2001 Eli Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Introduction and Results 2001 Eli Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Orthogonal Polynomials for Exponential Weights 2001 Eli Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ PDF On the Maximum and Minimum Modulus of Rational Functions 2000 D. S. Lubinsky
+ On Mean Convergence of Lagrange Interpolation for General Arrays 2000 D. S. Lubinsky
+ Asymptotic Behavior of Entire Functions with Positive Coefficients: Research Problems 2000-2 2000 D. S. Lubinsky
+ (C, 1) Means of Orthonormal Expansions for Exponential Weights 2000 D. S. Lubinsky
Detlef H. Mache
+ None 2000 D. S. Lubinsky
+ Ray guarding configurations of adjacent rectangles 2000 Ian Sanders
D. S. Lubinsky
M. Sears
+ PDF On Converse Marcinkiewicz—Zygmund Inequalities in L p ,p&gt;1 1999 D. S. Lubinsky
+ The Size of (q; q)nforqon the Unit Circle 1999 D. S. Lubinsky
+ On Boundedness of Lagrange Interpolation inLp,p&lt;1 1999 D. S. Lubinsky
+ PDF Small values of polynomials and potentials with $L_p$ normalization 1999 D. S. Lubinsky
+ None 1999 D. S. Lubinsky
G. Mastroianni
+ Will Ramanujan kill Baker-Gammel-Wills? (A Selective Survey of Padé Approximation) 1999 D. S. Lubinsky
+ PDF Mean Convergence of Lagrange Interpolation for Exponential weights on [-1, 1] 1998 D. S. Lubinsky
+ Bounds for orthogonal polynomials for exponential weights 1998 A. L. Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Jackson Theorems for Erdős Weights inLp(0&lt;p⩽∞) 1998 Steven B. Damelin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ PDF On <i>q</i>-Exponential Functions for |<i>q</i>| = 1 1998 D. S. Lubinsky
+ Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund Inequalities: Methods and Results 1998 D. S. Lubinsky
+ Forward and Converse Theorems of Polynomial Approximation for Exponential Weights on [−1,1], II 1997 D. S. Lubinsky
+ Forward and Converse Theorems of Polynomial Approximation for Exponential Weights on [−1,1], I 1997 D. S. Lubinsky
+ Jackson and smoothness theorems for freud weights 1997 Z. Ditzian
D. S. Lubinsky
+ The weighted Lp-norms of orthonormal polynomials for Erdös weights 1997 D. S. Lubinsky
+ PDF Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Mean Convergence of Lagrange Interpolation for Erdős Weights 1996 Steven B. Damelin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ PDF Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Mean Convergence of Lagrange Interpolation for Erdős Weights II 1996 Steven B. Damelin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Kronecker type theorems, normality and continuity of the multivariate Padé operator 1996 Annie Cuyt
Kathy Driver
D. S. Lubinsky
+ A direct approach to convergence of multivariate, nonhomogeneous, Padé approximants 1996 Annie Cuyt
K. Driver
D. S. Lubinsky
+ On the diagonal Padé approximants of meromorphic functions 1996 D. S. Lubinsky
+ PDF Nuttall-Pommerenke theorems for homogeneous Padé approximants 1996 Annie Cuyt
K. Driver
D. S. Lubinsky
+ PDF On the size of lemniscates of polynomials in one and several variables 1996 Annie Cuyt
K. Driver
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Necessary and sufficient conditions for mean convergence of orthogonal expansions for Freud weights 1995 Shing-Whu Jha
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Weighted Approximation with Varying Weight, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1569, V. Torik, Springer-Verlag, 1994, vi + 115 pp 1995 D. S. Lubinsky
+ PDF Erratum: Christoffel functions, orthogonal polynomials, and Nevai's conjecture for Freud weights 1995 A. L. Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Full quadrature sums for pth powers of polynomials with Freud weights 1995 D. S. Lubinsky
D.M. Matjila
+ Orthogonal Polynomials and Christoffel Functions for Exp (−|X|a), a ≤ 1 1995 A. L. Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Mean Convergence of Lagrange Interpolation for Freud Weights 1995 D. S. Lubinsky
D.M. Matjila
+ Functions of the Second Kind for Freud Weights and Series Expansions of Hilbert Transforms 1995 G. Criscuolo
B.M. Dellavecchia
D. S. Lubinsky
G. Mastroianni
+ PDF Convergence of diagonal Padé approximants for functions analytic near 0 1995 D. S. Lubinsky
Avram Sidi
+ Weighted polynomial approximation with Freud weights 1994 D. S. Lubinsky
Вилмос Тотик
+ PDF Degree of Approximation by Rational Functions with Prescribed Numerator Degree 1994 D. Leviatan
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Lp Markov-Bernstein Inequalities for Freud Weights 1994 A. L. Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ The Weighted Lp-Norms of Orthonormal Polynomials for Freud Weights 1994 D. S. Lubinsky
Ferenc Móricz
+ Best Weighted Polynomial Approximation via Jacobi Expansions 1994 D. S. Lubinsky
Вилмос Тотик
+ Zeros of Orthogonal and Biorthogonal Polynomials: Some Old, Some New 1994 D. S. Lubinsky
+ Christoffel functions and orthogonal polynomials for exponential weights on [-1,1] 1994 A. L. Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Hermite-Padé Polynomials and Approximation Properties 1994 K. Driver
D. S. Lubinsky
Hans Wallin
+ Behavior of Alternation Points in Best Rational Approximation 1994 Dietrich Braess
D. S. Lubinsky
Edward B. Saff
+ Behavior of alternation points in best rational approximation 1993 Dietrich Braess
D. S. Lubinsky
Edward B. Saff
+ An update on orthogonal polynomials and weighted approximation on the real line 1993 D. S. Lubinsky
+ Convergence of simultaneous Hermite-Padé approximants to the n-tuple of q-hypergeometric series {2Φ0((A, αj), (1, 1); z)}jn=1 1993 Marcel G. de Bruin
K. Driver
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Mean convergence of Lagrange interpolation for Erdős weights 1993 D. S. Lubinsky
Thandwa Mthembu
+ Pointwise convergence of Fourier transforms 1993 D. S. Lubinsky
F. M�ricz
+ Markov–Bernstein and Nikolskiui Inequalities, and Christoffel Functions for Exponential Weights on $( - 1,1)$ 1993 D. S. Lubinsky
E. B. Saff
+ Distribution of points for convergent interpolatory integration rules on (??, ?) 1993 Thomas Bloom
D. S. Lubinsky
Herbert Stahl
+ What distributions of points are possible for convergent sequences of interpolatory integration rules? 1993 Thomas Bloom
D. S. Lubinsky
Herbert Stahl
+ Convergence of Padé approximants for aq-hypergeometric series (wynn's power series III) 1993 K. Driver
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Distribution of Points in Convergent Sequences of Interpolatory Integration Rules: The Rates 1993 Tom Bloom
D. S. Lubinsky
Herbert Stahl
+ On the degree of non-uniqueness of simultaneous Hermite-Pade approximants to a vector of entire functions 1993 K. Driver
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Convergence of simultaneous Hermite-Padé approximants to then-tuple ofq-hypergeometric series $$\{ {}_1\Phi _1 (_{(c,\gamma _j )}^{(1,1)} ;z)\} _{j = 1}^n $$ 1992 Marcel G. de Bruin
K. Driver
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Christoffel functions, orthogonal polynomials, and Nevai's conjecture for Freud weights 1992 A. L. Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Hermite and Hermite-Fejér interpolation and associated product integration rules on the real line: The L∞ theory 1992 D. S. Lubinsky
+ Sub-Exponential Growth of Solutions of Difference Equations 1992 D. S. Lubinsky
Paul Nevai
+ PDF Hermite and Hermite-Fejer Interpolation and Associated Product Integration Rules on the Real Line: The <i>L</i><sub>1</sub> Theory 1992 D. S. Lubinsky
Philip D. Rabinowitz
+ Spurious Poles in Diagonal Rational Approximation 1992 D. S. Lubinsky
+ Orthogonal expansions and the error of weighted polynomial approximation for erdös weights 1992 D. S. Lubinsky
Thandwa Mthembu
+ Distribution of poles of diagonal rational approximants to functions of fast rational approximability 1991 D. S. Lubinsky
+ Convergence of Padé approximants for aq-hypergeometric series (Wynn's Power Series I) 1991 K. Driver
D. S. Lubinsky
+ On Density of Generalized Polynomials 1991 Nira Dyn
D. S. Lubinsky
Boris Shekhtman
+ Lp Markov-Bernstein inequalities for Erdős weights 1991 D. S. Lubinsky
Thandwa Mthembu
+ PDF Singularly continuous measures in Nevai’s class 𝑀 1991 D. S. Lubinsky
+ Irregular distribution of {nβ}, n=1,2,3,…, quadrature of singular integrands, and curious basic hypergeometric series 1991 K. Driver
D. S. Lubinsky
G. Petruska
Peter Sarnak
+ The supremum norm of reciprocals of Christoffel functions for Erdős weights 1990 D. S. Lubinsky
Thandwa Mthembu
+ Non-normality of continued fraction partial quotients modulo q 1990 Arnold Knopfmacher
D. S. Lubinsky
+ $L_\infty $ Markov and Bernstein Inequalities for Freud Weights 1990 A. L. Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ PDF Coefficient Bounds in the Lorentz Representation of a Polynomial 1990 D. S. Lubinsky
Zvi Ziegler
+ L ∞ Markov and Bernstein inequalities for Freud weights 1990 A. L. Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ L∞ Markov and Bernstein inequalities for Erdös weights 1990 D. S. Lubinsky
+ The Approximate Approach to Orthogonal Polynomials for Weights On (-∞,∞) 1990 D. S. Lubinsky
+ On uniform convergence of rational, Newton-Pad� interpolants of type (n, n) with free poles asn?? 1989 D. S. Lubinsky
+ PDF Sufficient conditions for asymptotics associated with weighted extremal problems onR 1989 D. S. Lubinsky
Edward B. Saff
+ PDF Noninterpolatory integration rules for Cauchy principal value integrals 1989 P. Rabinowitz
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Strong asymptotics for extremal errors and polynomials associated with Erdös-type weights 1989 D. S. Lubinsky
+ Uniform and mean approximation by certain weighted polynomials, with applications 1988 D. S. Lubinsky
Edward B. Saff
+ Freud's conjecture and approximation of reciprocals of weights by polynomials 1988 Arnold Knopfmacher
D. S. Lubinsky
Paul Nevai
+ A proof of Freud's conjecture for exponential weights 1988 D. S. Lubinsky
H. N. Mhaskar
Edward B. Saff
+ Padé tables of entire functions of very slow and smooth growth, II 1988 D. S. Lubinsky
+ Jump Distributions on [ -1, 1 ] whose Orthogonal Polynomials have Leading Coefficients with Given Asymptotic Behavior 1988 D. S. Lubinsky
+ PDF Convergence of Interpolation to Transforms of Totally Positive Kernels 1988 Nira Dyn
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Strong Asymptotics for Extremal Polynomials Associated With Weights on Ir 1988 D. S. Lubinsky
Edward B. Saff
+ Asymptotic behaviour of the ratio of Christoffel functions for weights W2 and W2g 1988 Arnold Knopfmacher
D. S. Lubinsky
+ PDF Jump distributions on [-1,1] whose orthogonal polynomials have leading coefficients with given asymptotic behavior 1988 D. S. Lubinsky
+ Further properties of Un, R(x) 1988 D. S. Lubinsky
Edward B. Saff
+ The case p=2 : Orthonormal polynomials 1988 D. S. Lubinsky
Edward B. Saff
+ Proof of the asymptotics for the Lp extremal polynomials 1988 D. S. Lubinsky
Edward B. Saff
+ Bernstein's formula and bernstein extremal polynomials 1988 D. S. Lubinsky
Edward B. Saff
+ The largest zeros of extremal polynomials 1988 D. S. Lubinsky
Edward B. Saff
+ Nth root asymptotics for extremal polynomials 1988 D. S. Lubinsky
Edward B. Saff
+ Weighted polynomials and zeros of extremal polynomials 1988 D. S. Lubinsky
Edward B. Saff
+ Approximation by certain weighted polynomials, II 1988 D. S. Lubinsky
Edward B. Saff
+ Proof of the asymptotics for Enp(W) 1988 D. S. Lubinsky
Edward B. Saff
+ Approximation by certain weighted polynomials, I 1988 D. S. Lubinsky
Edward B. Saff
+ PDF Strong Asymptotics for Extremal Polynomials Associated with Weights on ℝ 1988 D. S. Lubinsky
Edward B. Saff
+ Convergence of Padé approximants of partial theta functions and the Rogers-Szegö polynomials 1987 D. S. Lubinsky
Edward B. Saff
+ Uniform convergence of rows of the Padé table for functions with smooth Maclaurin series coefficients 1987 D. S. Lubinsky
+ A survey of general orthogonal polynomials for weights on finite and infinite intervals 1987 D. S. Lubinsky
+ Orthogonal Polynomials and Their Derivatives, II 1987 Stanford S. Bonan
D. S. Lubinsky
Paul Nevai
+ Convergence theorems for rows of differential and algebraic Hermite-Padé approximations 1987 George A. Baker
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Quadrature Sums Involving <i>p</i>th Powers of Polynomials 1987 D. S. Lubinsky
A. Máté
Paul Nevai
+ A product quadrature algorithm by Hermite interpolation 1987 Ayse Alaylioglu
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Polynomial approximation with exponential weights 1987 Z. Ditzian
D. S. Lubinsky
Paul Nevai
Вилмос Тотик
+ Mean convergence of Lagrange interpolation for Freud's weights with application to product integration rules 1987 Arnold Knopfmacher
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Weights on the real line that admit good relative polynomial approximation, with applications 1987 A. L. Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Canonical products and the weights exp(−¦x¦α), α &gt; 1, with applications 1987 A. L. Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Analogues of Freud’s conjecture for Erdös type weights and related polynomial approximation problems 1987 Arnold Knopfmacher
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Strong asymptotics for Lp extremal polynomials (1&lt;p≤∞) associated with weights on [−1, 1] 1987 D. S. Lubinsky
Edward B. Saff
+ Gaussian quadrature, weights on the whole real line and even entire functions with nonnegative even order derivatives 1986 D. S. Lubinsky
+ PDF Best rational approximations of entire functions whose Maclaurin series coefficients decrease rapidly and smoothly 1986 A. L. Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ PDF Freud’s conjecture for exponential weights 1986 D. S. Lubinsky
H. N. Mhaskar
Edward B. Saff
+ PDF Convergence of Product Integration Rules for Functions With Interior and Endpoint Singularities Over Bounded and Unbounded Intervals 1986 D. S. Lubinsky
Avram Sidi
+ aussian Quadrature, Weights on th ine and Even Entire Functions Even Order Derivative 1986 D. S. Lubinsky
Paul G. Neval
+ PDF Convergence of product integration rules for functions with interior and endpoint singularities over bounded and unbounded intervals 1986 D. S. Lubinsky
Avram Sidi
+ Padé tables of entire functions of very slow and smooth growth 1985 D. S. Lubinsky
+ Estimates of Freud-Christoffel functions for some weights with the whole real line as support 1985 D. S. Lubinsky
+ Simultaneous rational approximation of a function and its derivatives in the complex plane 1985 A. L. Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ On Nevai's bounds for orthogonal polynomials associated with exponential weights 1985 D. S. Lubinsky
+ Even entire functions absolutely monotone in [0,∞) and weights on the whole real line 1985 D. S. Lubinsky
+ PDF Padé tables of a class of entire functions 1985 D. S. Lubinsky
+ Note on polynomial approximation of monomials and diophantine approximation 1985 D. S. Lubinsky
+ Product integration of logarithmic singular integrands based on cubic splines 1984 Ayse Alaylioglu
D. S. Lubinsky
D. Eyre
+ On convergence of rational and best rational approximations 1984 D. S. Lubinsky
+ PDF Rates of convergence of Gaussian quadrature for singular integrands 1984 D. S. Lubinsky
P. Rabinowitz
+ PDF A weighted polynomial inequality 1984 D. S. Lubinsky
+ Geometric convergence of Lagrangian interpolation and numerical integration rules over unbounded contours and intervals 1983 D. S. Lubinsky
+ Convergence of exponential interpolation for completely bounded functions 1983 Avram Sidi
D. S. Lubinsky
+ PDF Divergence of complex rational approximations 1983 D. S. Lubinsky
+ On the Zeros of Some Polynomials that Arise in Numerical Quadrature and Convergence Acceleration 1983 Avram Sidi
D. S. Lubinsky
+ PDF On the largest zeroes of orthogonal polynomials for certain weights 1983 D. S. Lubinsky
A. M. Sharif
+ PDF Convergence of linear and nonlinear Padé approximants from series of orthogonal polynomials 1983 D. S. Lubinsky
Avram Sidi
+ Best approximation over the whole complex plane 1982 D. S. Lubinsky
Oved Shisha
+ On non-diagonal Padé approximants 1980 D. S. Lubinsky
+ Diagonal Padé approximants and capacity 1980 D. S. Lubinsky
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Géza Freud, orthogonal polynomials and Christoffel functions. A case study 1986 Paul Nevai
+ PDF Orthogonal Polynomials 1971 69
+ Orthogonal polynomials 2022 T. W. Körner
Terence Tao
+ Logarithmic Potentials with External Fields 1997 Edward B. Saff
Вилмос Тотик
+ Where does the sup norm of a weighted polynomial live? 1985 H. N. Mhaskar
Edward B. Saff
+ General Orthogonal Polynomials 1992 Herbert Stahl
Вилмос Тотик
+ PDF Extremal problems for polynomials with exponential weights 1984 H. N. Mhaskar
E. B. Saff
+ Orthogonal Polynomials 1972 Albert L. Rabenstein
+ Orthogonal Polynomials for Exponential Weights 2001 Eli Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Orthogonal Polynomials and Random Matrices: A Riemann-Hilbert Approach 2000 Percy Deift
+ Essentials of Padé approximants 1975 George A. Baker
+ A new approach to universality limits involving orthogonal polynomials 2009 D. S. Lubinsky
+ On Markov-Bernstein-type inequalities and their applications 1977 G. Freud
+ PDF Universality and fine zero spacing on general sets 2008 Вилмос Тотик
+ Asymptotics for Christoffel functions for general measures on the real line 2000 Вилмос Тотик
+ PDF Erratum: Christoffel functions, orthogonal polynomials, and Nevai's conjecture for Freud weights 1995 A. L. Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ PDF Universality limits in the bulk for varying measures 2008 Eli Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Introduction to the Theory of Weighted Polynomial Approximation 1997 H. N. Mhaskar
+ Polynomials and Polynomial Inequalities 1995 Peter Borwein
Tamás Erdélyi
+ PDF Where does the 𝐿^{𝑝}-norm of a weighted polynomial live? 1987 H. N. Mhaskar
Edward B. Saff
+ Weighted polynomial inequalities 1986 Paul Nevai
Вилмос Тотик
+ PDF Orthogonal polynomials 1979 Paul Nevai
+ PDF Two extensions of Lubinsky’s universality theorem 2008 Barry Simon
+ Orthogonal Polynomials on the Unit Circle 2005 Barry Simon
+ Christoffel functions, orthogonal polynomials, and Nevai's conjecture for Freud weights 1992 A. L. Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ None 2002 Arno B. J. Kuijlaars
M. Vanlessen
+ Gaussian quadrature, weights on the whole real line and even entire functions with nonnegative even order derivatives 1986 D. S. Lubinsky
+ Padé approximants and convergence in capacity 1973 Ch. Pommerenke
+ Moduli of Smoothness 1987 Z. Ditzian
Вилмос Тотик
+ Uniform asymptotics for polynomials orthogonal with respect to varying exponential weights and applications to universality questions in random matrix theory 1999 Percy Deift
T. Kriecherbauer
K. T-R McLaughlin
Stephanos Venakides
Xin Zhou
+ Szego's Extremum Problem on the Unit Circle 1991 Attila Máté
Paul Nevai
Вилмос Тотик
+ Potential Theory in the Complex Plane 1995 Thomas Ransford
+ Analytic function theory 1959 Einar Hille
+ The convergence of Padé approximants of meromorphic functions 1970 J. Nuttall
+ PDF Bounded Analytic Functions. 1982 Peter W. Jones
John B. Garnett
+ The convergence of padé approximants and the size of the power series coefficients 1974 Hans Wallin
+ Diagonal Padé approximants and capacity 1980 D. S. Lubinsky
+ PDF Sur L'Approximation Polynomiale Avec Poids exp(-|x|) 1978 G. Freud
André Giroux
Q. I. Rahman
+ The logarithmic integral 1986 Paul Koosis
+ On orthogonal polynomials 1979 Paul Nevai
+ PDF Universality limits in the bulk for arbitrary measures on compact sets 2008 D. S. Lubinsky
+ PDF Weighted Approximation with Varying Weight 1994 Вилмос Тотик
+ Log-Gases and Random Matrices 2010 Peter J. Forrester
+ Quadrature Sums Involving <i>p</i>th Powers of Polynomials 1987 D. S. Lubinsky
A. Máté
Paul Nevai
+ Potential theory and approximation of analytic functions by rational interpolation 1979 Hans Wallin
+ PDF Divergence of complex rational approximations 1983 D. S. Lubinsky
+ Canonical products and the weights exp(−¦x¦α), α &gt; 1, with applications 1987 A. L. Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ Uniform Asymptotics for Polynomials Orthogonal With Respect to a General Class of Discrete Weights and Universality Results for Associated Ensembles 2003 Jinho Baik
Thomas Kriecherbauer
K. T-R McLaughlin
Peter D. Miller
+ Lectures on entire functions 1996 B. Yu. Levin