H. J. Lynch


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Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Spin-dependent resonances in the conduction edge of quantum wires 2000 TomaĆŸ Rejec
A. RamĆĄak
J. H. Jefferson
+ PDF Chat Kondo physics in carbon nanotubes 2000 Jesper NygÄrd
David Cobden
P. E. Lindelöf
+ PDF Chat Correlated charge detection for readout of a solid-state quantum computer 2003 T. M. Buehler
D. J. Reilly
R. Brenner
A. R. Hamilton
Andrew S. Dzurak
Robert G. Clark
+ PDF Chat Dephasing and the Orthogonality Catastrophe in Tunneling through a Quantum Dot: The “Which Path?” Interferometer 1997 I. L. Aleǐner
Ned S. Wingreen
Yigal Meir
+ PDF Chat Temperature-dependent suppression of conductance in quantum wires: Anomalous activation energy from pinning of the band edge 2001 Kei Hirose
Ned S. Wingreen
+ PDF Chat Few-electron quantum dot circuit with integrated charge read out 2003 J. M. Elzerman
Ronald Hanson
J. S. Greidanus
L. H. Willems van Beveren
S. De Franceschi
L. M. K. Vandersypen
Seigo Tarucha
Leo P. Kouwenhoven
+ PDF Chat Low-temperature transport through a quantum dot: The Anderson model out of equilibrium 1993 Yigal Meir
Ned S. Wingreen
Patrick A. Lee
+ PDF Chat Dephasing in a quantum dot due to coupling with a quantum point contact 1997 Y. Levinson
+ PDF Chat Ferromagnetic correlations in quasi-one-dimensional conducting channels 2000 B. Spivak
Fei Zhou
+ PDF Chat Interaction effects in a one-dimensional constriction 1998 K. J. Thomas
J. T. Nicholls
N. J. Appleyard
M. Y. Simmons
M. Pepper
D. R. Mace
W. R. Tribe
D. A. Ritchie
+ PDF Chat Bias and temperature dependence of the 0.7 conductance anomaly in quantum point contacts 2000 Anders Kristensen
Henrik Bruus
Adam E. Hansen
J. Jensen
P. E. Lindelof
C.J. Marckmann
Jesper NygÄrd
C. B. SĂžrensen
F. Beuscher
A. Forchel
+ PDF Chat A Tunable Kondo Effect in Quantum Dots 1998 S. M. Cronenwett
Tjerk H. Oosterkamp
Leo P. Kouwenhoven
+ PDF Chat Kondo effect in a single-electron transistor 1998 David Goldhaber‐Gordon
Hadas Shtrikman
D. Mahalu
David Abusch-Magder
U. Meirav
M. A. Kastner
+ PDF Chat From the Kondo Regime to the Mixed-Valence Regime in a Single-Electron Transistor 1998 David Goldhaber‐Gordon
Jörn Göres
M. A. Kastner
Hadas Shtrikman
D. Mahalu
U. Meirav
+ PDF Chat Many-body spin-related phenomena in ultra low-disorder quantum wires 2001 DJ Reilly
G. R. Facer
Andrew S. Dzurak
B. E. Kane
R. G. Clark
P.J. Stiles
R. G. Clark
A. R. Hamilton
Jeremy L. O’Brien
N. E. Lumpkin
+ PDF Chat Possible Spin Polarization in a One-Dimensional Electron Gas 1996 K. J. Thomas
J. T. Nicholls
M. Y. Simmons
M. Pepper
D. R. Mace
D. A. Ritchie
+ PDF Chat Anomalous Kondo Effect in a Quantum Dot at Nonzero Bias 1999 Friedrich C. Simmel
Robert H. Blick
J. P. Kotthaus
W. Wegscheider
M. Bichler
+ PDF Chat Temperature dependence of the “0.7” 2e2/h quasi-plateau in strongly confined quantum point contacts 1998 Anders Kristensen
P. E. Lindelöf
J. Jensen
M. Zaffalon
J. Hollingbery
S.W. Pedersen
Jesper NygÄrd
Henrik Bruus
S. M. Reimann
C. B. SĂžrensen
+ PDF Chat The Kondo Effect in the Unitary Limit 2000 Wilfred G. van der Wiel
S. De Franceschi
T. Fujisawa
J. M. Elzerman
Seigo Tarucha
Leo P. Kouwenhoven
+ PDF Chat Electron transport through double quantum dots 2002 Wilfred G. van der Wiel
S. De Franceschi
J. M. Elzerman
T. Fujisawa
Seigo Tarucha
Leo P. Kouwenhoven
+ PDF Chat Direct measurement of the destruction of charge quantization in a single-electron box 1999 David S. Duncan
Carol Livermore
R. M. Westervelt
K. D. Maranowski
A. C. Gossard