Allison Lewko


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat An exact asymptotic for the square variation of partial sum processes 2015 Allison Lewko
Mark Lewko
+ Balancing Communication for Multi-party Interactive Coding. 2015 Allison Lewko
Ellen Vitercik
+ PDF Chat A Profitable Sub-prime Loan: Obtaining the Advantages of Composite Order in Prime-Order Bilinear Groups 2015 Allison Lewko
Sarah Meiklejohn
+ PDF Chat The square variation of rearranged Fourier series 2015 Allison Lewko
Mark Lewko
+ Balancing Communication for Multi-party Interactive Coding 2015 Allison Lewko
Ellen Vitercik
+ PDF Chat Maximal operators associated to multiplicative characters 2014 Allison Lewko
Mark Lewko
+ PDF Chat On the complexity of asynchronous agreement against powerful adversaries 2014 Allison Lewko
Mark Lewko
+ PDF Chat Orthonormal systems in linear spans 2014 Allison Lewko
Mark Lewko
+ PDF Chat On the complexity of asynchronous agreement against powerful adversaries 2013 Allison Lewko
Mark Lewko
+ On the Complexity of Asynchronous Agreement Against Powerful Adversaries 2013 Allison Lewko
Mark Lewko
+ On the Complexity of Asynchronous Agreement Against Powerful Adversaries 2013 Allison Lewko
Mark Lewko
+ The Square Variation of Rearranged Fourier Series 2012 Allison Lewko
Mark Lewko
+ A variational Barban–Davenport–Halberstam Theorem 2012 Allison Lewko
Mark Lewko
+ PDF Chat Estimates for the square variation of partial sums of Fourier series and their rearrangements 2012 Allison Lewko
Mark Lewko
+ The Square Variation of Rearranged Fourier Series 2012 Allison Lewko
Mark Lewko
+ Endpoint restriction estimates for the paraboloid over finite fields 2011 Allison Lewko
Mark Lewko
+ Maximal Operators Associated to Multiplicative Characters 2011 Allison Lewko
Mark Lewko
+ A Variational Barban-Davenport-Halberstam Theorem 2011 Allison Lewko
Mark Lewko
+ The Contest Between Simplicity and Efficiency in Asynchronous Byzantine Agreement 2011 Allison Lewko
+ Estimates for the Square Variation of Partial Sums of Fourier Series and their Rearrangements 2011 Allison Lewko
Mark Lewko
+ An Exact Asymptotic for the Square Variation of Partial Sum Processes 2011 Allison Lewko
Mark Lewko
+ PDF Chat On the structure of sets of large doubling 2011 Allison Lewko
Mark Lewko
+ PDF Chat The Contest between Simplicity and Efficiency in Asynchronous Byzantine Agreement 2011 Allison Lewko
+ A Variational Barban-Davenport-Halberstam Theorem 2011 Allison Lewko
Mark Lewko
+ An Exact Asymptotic for the Square Variation of Partial Sum Processes 2011 Allison Lewko
Mark Lewko
+ Maximal Operators Associated to Multiplicative Characters 2011 Allison Lewko
Mark Lewko
+ The Contest Between Simplicity and Efficiency in Asynchronous Byzantine Agreement 2011 Allison Lewko
+ Estimates for the Square Variation of Partial Sums of Fourier Series and their Rearrangements 2011 Allison Lewko
Mark Lewko
+ Restriction estimates for the paraboloid over finite fields 2010 Allison Lewko
Mark Lewko
+ Endpoint restriction estimates for the paraboloid over finite fields 2010 Allison Lewko
Mark Lewko
+ Sets of Large Doubling and a Question of Rudin 2010 Allison Lewko
Mark Lewko
+ On the Structure of Sets of Large Doubling 2010 Allison Lewko
Mark Lewko
+ Endpoint restriction estimates for the paraboloid over finite fields 2010 Allison Lewko
Mark Lewko
+ On the Structure of Sets of Large Doubling 2010 Allison Lewko
Mark Lewko
Common Coauthors
Coauthor Papers Together
Mark Lewko 28
Ellen Vitercik 2
Sarah Meiklejohn 1
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat A variation norm Carleson theorem 2012 Richard Oberlin
Andreas Seeger
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
James Wright
+ PDF Chat Estimates for the square variation of partial sums of Fourier series and their rearrangements 2012 Allison Lewko
Mark Lewko
+ Breaking the O(n^2) Bit Barrier: Scalable Byzantine agreement with an Adaptive Adversary 2010 Valerie King
Jared Saia
+ Exact asymptotic estimates of Brownian path variation 1972 S. J. Taylor
+ An Exact Asymptotic for the Square Variation of Partial Sum Processes 2011 Allison Lewko
Mark Lewko
+ PDF Chat Bounded orthogonal systems and the Λ(p)-set problem 1989 Jean Bourgain
+ On kolmogorov's rearrangement problem for orthogonal systems and garsia's conjecture 2006 Jean Bourgain
+ Existence of Almost Everywhere Convergent Rearrangements for Fourier Series of L 2 Functions 1964 Adriano M. Garsia
+ A variational Barban–Davenport–Halberstam Theorem 2012 Allison Lewko
Mark Lewko
+ PDF Chat Trigonometric Series with Gaps 1960 Walter Rudin
+ PDF Chat The $p$-variation of partial sum processes and the empirical process 1998 Jinghua Qian
+ PDF Chat Variation inequalities for the Fejér and Poisson kernels 2004 R. W. L. Jones
Gang Wang
+ PDF Chat The maximal large sieve 1972 Saburô Uchiyama
+ PDF Chat Fast asynchronous Byzantine agreement and leader election with full information 2010 Bruce M. Kapron
David Kempe
Valerie King
Jared Saia
Vishal Sanwalani
+ PDF Chat Orthonormal systems in linear spans 2014 Allison Lewko
Mark Lewko
+ PDF Chat Concentration of measure and isoperimetric inequalities in product spaces 1995 Michel Talagrand
+ On Pisier Type Problems and Results (Combinatorial Applications to Number Theory) 1990 Paul Erdős
Jaroslav Nešetřil
Vojtěch Rödl
+ Convex functions and Orlicz spaces 1961 M. A. Krasnosel’skii
I︠a︡. B. Rutit︠s︡kiĭ
Leo F. Boron
+ Topics in Harmonic Analysis Related to the Littlewood-Paley Theory. 1970 Elias M. Stein
+ Handbook of the Geometry of Banach spaces 2001 William B. Johnson
Joram Lindenstrauss
+ PDF Chat The Concentration of Measure Phenomenon 2005 Michel Ledoux
+ On the subspaces ofL p (p>2) spanned by sequences of independent random variables 1970 Haskell P. Rosenthal
+ An Application of Graph Theory to Additive Number Theory 1985 Noga Alon
P. Erdős
+ Some Applications of Ramsey's Theorem to Additive Number Theory 1980 P. Erdős
+ PDF Chat Sections of smooth convex bodies via majorizing measures 1995 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Chat Two proofs in combinatorial number theory 1985 Jaroslav Nešetřil
Vojtěch Rödl
+ PDF Chat On the divergence of rearranged trigonometric series 1975 Sabũrô Nakata
+ PDF Chat Restriction and Kakeya phenomena for finite fields 2004 Gerd Mockenhaupt
Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Extension theorems for paraboloids in the finite field setting 2009 Alex Iosevich
Doowon Koh
+ PDF Chat Longer than average intervals containing no primes 1987 A. Y. Cheer
D. A. Goldston
+ Selecting a proportion of characters 1998 Michel Talagrand
+ New concentration inequalities in product spaces 1996 Michel Talagrand
+ Maximal Operators Associated to Multiplicative Characters 2011 Allison Lewko
Mark Lewko
+ PDF Chat Extension theorems for the Fourier transform associated with nondegenerate quadratic surfaces in vector spaces over finite fields 2008 Alex Iosevich
Doowon Koh
+ Empirical Processes and p-variation 1997 R. M. Dudley
+ On the Law of the Iterated Logarithm 1941 Philip Hartman
Aurel Wintner
+ PDF Chat Mean Values of Character Sums 1979 Hugh L. Montgomery
R. C. Vaughan
+ Multiplicative Number Theory I: Classical Theory 2006 Hugh L. Montgomery
R. C. Vaughan
+ PDF Chat Extension theorems for spheres in the finite field setting 2010 Alex Iosevich
Doowon Koh
+ PDF Chat Some extremal functions in Fourier analysis 1985 Jeffrey D. Vaaler
+ An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers. By G. H. Hardy and E. M. Wright. 2nd edition. Pp. xvi, 407 25s. 1945. (Oxford) 1946 T. A. A. B.
+ PDF Chat An introduction to the theory of numbers 1960 G. H. Hardy
+ PDF Chat Examples of Λ(4) sets E and a graph structure in E x E 1999 Ivo Klemeš
+ p-Variation de fonctions aléatoires 2ième partie:Processus à accroissements indépendants 2006 Jean Bretagnolle
+ PDF Chat On the Barban–Davenport–Halberstam theorem: XIV 2002 C. Hooley
+ On the Barban-Davenport-Halberstam Theorem: IV 1975 C. Hooley
+ The Sizes of Compact Subsets of Hilbert Space and Continuity of Gaussian Processes 2010 R. M. Dudley
+ Th�or�me de Brun-Titchmarsh; application au th�or�me de Fermat 1985 �tienne Fouvry
+ Topics in Harmonic Analysis Related to the Littlewood-Paley Theory. (AM-63) 1970 Elias M. Stein
+ PDF Chat Converting Pairing-Based Cryptosystems from Composite-Order Groups to Prime-Order Groups 2010 David Freeman