Kris K. Dreher


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Unsupervised Domain Transfer with Conditional Invertible Neural Networks 2023 Kris K. Dreher
Leonardo Ayala
Melanie Schellenberg
Marco Hübner
Jan-Hinrich Nölke
Tim Adler
Silvia Seidlitz
Jan Sellner
Alexander Studier-Fischer
Janek Gröhl
+ Photoacoustic image synthesis with generative adversarial networks 2022 Melanie Schellenberg
Janek Gröhl
Kris K. Dreher
Jan-Hinrich Nölke
Niklas Holzwarth
Minu D. Tizabi
Alexander Seitel
Lena Maier‐Hein
+ Semantic segmentation of multispectral photoacoustic images using deep learning 2022 Melanie Schellenberg
Kris K. Dreher
Niklas Holzwarth
Fabian Isensee
Annika Reinke
Nicholas Schreck
Alexander Seitel
Minu D. Tizabi
Lena Maier‐Hein
Janek Gröhl
+ Data-driven generation of plausible tissue geometries for realistic photoacoustic image synthesis. 2021 Melanie Schellenberg
Janek Gröhl
Kris K. Dreher
Niklas Holzwarth
Minu D. Tizabi
Alexander Seitel
Lena Maier‐Hein
+ PDF Chat Semantic segmentation of multispectral photoacoustic images using deep learning 2021 Janek Gröhl
Melanie Schellenberg
Kris K. Dreher
Niklas Holzwarth
Minu D. Tizabi
Alexander Seitel
Lena Maier‐Hein
+ Deep learning for biomedical photoacoustic imaging: A review 2021 Janek Gröhl
Melanie Schellenberg
Kris K. Dreher
Lena Maier‐Hein
+ Tattoo tomography: Freehand 3D photoacoustic image reconstruction with an optical pattern 2020 Niklas Holzwarth
Melanie Schellenberg
Janek Gröhl
Kris K. Dreher
Jan-Hinrich Nölke
Alexander Seitel
Minu D. Tizabi
Beat P. Müller‐Stich
Lena Maier‐Hein
+ Tattoo tomography: Freehand 3D photoacoustic image reconstruction with an optical pattern 2020 Niklas Holzwarth
Melanie Schellenberg
Janek Gröhl
Kris K. Dreher
Jan-Hinrich Nölke
Alexander Seitel
Minu D. Tizabi
Beat P. Müller‐Stich
Lena Maier‐Hein
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Methods and open-source toolkit for analyzing and visualizing challenge results 2021 Manuel Wiesenfarth
Annika Reinke
Bennett A. Landman
Matthias Eisenmann
Laura Aguilera Saiz
M. Jorge Cardoso
Lena Maier‐Hein
Annette Kopp‐Schneider
+ Deep learning for biomedical photoacoustic imaging: A review 2021 Janek Gröhl
Melanie Schellenberg
Kris K. Dreher
Lena Maier‐Hein
+ PDF Chat Learned spectral decoloring enables photoacoustic oximetry 2021 Janek Gröhl
Thomas Kirchner
Tim Adler
Lina Hacker
Niklas Holzwarth
Adrián Hernández-Aguilera
Mildred A. Herrera
Edgar Santos
Sarah E. Bohndiek
Lena Maier‐Hein
+ PDF Chat Deep learning in photoacoustic tomography: current approaches and future directions 2020 Andreas Hauptmann
Ben Cox
+ Unsupervised Representation Learning with Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks 2015 Alec Radford
Luke Metz
Soumith Chintala
+ O-Net: A Convolutional Neural Network for Quantitative Photoacoustic Image Segmentation and Oximetry 2019 Geoffrey P. Luke
Kevin Hoffer-Hawlik
Austin C. Van Namen
Ruibo Shang
+ PDF Chat Double-Stage Delay Multiply and Sum Beamforming Algorithm: Application to Linear-Array Photoacoustic Imaging 2017 Moein Mozaffarzadeh
Ali Mahloojifar
Mahdi Orooji
Saba Adabi
Kamran Avanaki
+ PDF Chat High-Resolution Image Synthesis and Semantic Manipulation with Conditional GANs 2018 Ting-Chun Wang
Ming-Yu Liu
Jun-Yan Zhu
Andrew Tao
Jan Kautz
Bryan Catanzaro
+ PDF Chat Context encoding enables machine learning-based quantitative photoacoustics 2018 Thomas Kirchner
Janek Gröhl
Lena Maier‐Hein
+ Eigenspectra optoacoustic tomography achieves quantitative blood oxygenation imaging deep in tissues 2016 Stratis Tzoumas
António Nunes
Ivan Olefir
Stefan Stangl
Panagiotis Symvoulidis
Sarah Glasl
Christine Bayer
Gabriele Multhoff
Vasilis Ntziachristos
+ PDF Chat Image-to-Image Translation with Conditional Adversarial Networks 2017 Phillip Isola
Jun-Yan Zhu
Tinghui Zhou
Alexei A. Efros
+ PDF Chat Medical Image Synthesis for Data Augmentation and Anonymization Using Generative Adversarial Networks 2018 Hoo-Chang Shin
Neil Tenenholtz
Jameson K. Rogers
Christopher G. Schwarz
Matthew L. Senjem
Jeffrey L. Gunter
Katherine P. Andriole
Mark Michalski
+ Real-time photoacoustic projection imaging using deep learning 2018 Johannes Schwab
Stephan Antholzer
Robert Nuster
Markus Haltmeier
+ GAN Augmentation: Augmenting Training Data using Generative Adversarial Networks 2018 Christopher Bowles
Liang Chen
Ricardo Guerrero
Paul Bentley
Roger N. Gunn
Alexander Hammers
David Alexander Dickie
María del C. Valdés Hernández
Joanna M. Wardlaw
Daniel Rueckert
+ PDF Chat On Splitting Training and Validation Set: A Comparative Study of Cross-Validation, Bootstrap and Systematic Sampling for Estimating the Generalization Performance of Supervised Learning 2018 Yun Xu
Royston Goodacre
+ PDF Chat Deep Learning Versus <tex>$\ell^{1}$</tex> -Minimization for Compressed Sensing Photoacoustic Tomography 2018 Stephan Antholzer
Johannes Schwab
Markus Haltmeier
+ Estimation of blood oxygenation with learned spectral decoloring for quantitative photoacoustic imaging (LSD-qPAI). 2019 Janek Gröhl
Thomas Kirchner
Tim Adler
Lena Maier‐Hein
+ PDF Chat NETT regularization for compressed sensing photoacoustic tomography 2019 Markus Haltmeier
Stephan Antholzer
Johannes Schwab
Peter Burgholzer
J. Bauer-Marschallinger
+ PDF Chat Learned backprojection for sparse and limited view photoacoustic tomography 2019 Johannes Schwab
Stephan Antholzer
Markus Haltmeier
+ What Clinicians Want: Contextualizing Explainable Machine Learning for Clinical End Use 2019 Sana Tonekaboni
Shalmali Joshi
Melissa D. McCradden
Anna Goldenberg
+ DIVA: Domain Invariant Variational Autoencoders 2019 Maximilian Ilse
Jakub M. Tomczak
Christos Louizos
Max Welling
+ Uncertainty handling in intra-operative multispectral imaging with invertible neural networks 2019 Tim Adler
Lynton Ardizzone
Leonardo Ayala
Janek Gröhl
Anant Vemuri
Sebastian Wirkert
Beat P. Müller‐Stich
Carsten Rother
Ullrich Köthe
Lena Maier‐Hein
+ Practical Deep Learning with Bayesian Principles 2019 Kazuki Osawa
Siddharth Swaroop
Anirudh Jain
Runa Eschenhagen
Richard E. Turner
Rio Yokota
Mohammad Emtiyaz Khan
+ What Uncertainties Do We Need in Bayesian Deep Learning for Computer Vision 2017 Alex Kendall
Yarin Gal
+ Analyzing Inverse Problems with Invertible Neural Networks 2018 Lynton Ardizzone
Jakob Kruse
Sebastian Wirkert
Daniel Rahner
E. Pellegrini
Ralf S. Klessen
Lena Maier‐Hein
Carsten Rother
Ullrich Köthe
+ Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning for Fast Adaptation of Deep Networks 2017 Chelsea Finn
Pieter Abbeel
Sergey Levine
+ PDF Chat Fully Dense UNet for 2-D Sparse Photoacoustic Tomography Artifact Removal 2019 Steven Guan
Amir Khan
Siddhartha Sikdar
Parag V. Chitnis
+ EfficientNet: Rethinking Model Scaling for Convolutional Neural Networks 2019 Mingxing Tan
Quoc V. Le
+ PDF Chat Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation Using Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Networks 2017 Jun-Yan Zhu
Taesung Park
Phillip Isola
Alexei A. Efros
+ PDF Chat Deep learning for photoacoustic tomography from sparse data 2018 Stephan Antholzer
Markus Haltmeier
Johannes Schwab
+ PDF Chat Exploiting the potential of unlabeled endoscopic video data with self-supervised learning 2018 Tobias Roß
David Zimmerer
Anant Vemuri
Fabian Isensee
Manuel Wiesenfarth
Sebastian Bodenstedt
Fabian Both
Philip Kessler
Martin Wagner
Beat P. Müller‐Stich
+ PDF Chat Recent advances in convolutional neural networks 2017 Jiuxiang Gu
Zhenhua Wang
Jason Kuen
Lianyang Ma
Amir Shahroudy
Bing Shuai
Ting Liu
Xingxing Wang
Gang Wang
Jianfei Cai
+ PDF Chat Learning from Simulated and Unsupervised Images through Adversarial Training 2017 Ashish Shrivastava
Tomas Pfister
Oncel Tuzel
Joshua M. Susskind
Wen-Da Wang
Russell Y. Webb
+ PDF Chat Synthetic data augmentation using GAN for improved liver lesion classification 2018 Maayan Frid-Adar
Eyal Klang
Michal Marianne Amitai
Jacob Goldberger
Hayit Greenspan
+ Dropout as a Bayesian Approximation: Representing Model Uncertainty in Deep Learning 2015 Yarin Gal
Zoubin Ghahramani
+ PDF Chat Deep Learning of truncated singular values for limited view photoacoustic tomography 2019 Johannes Schwab
Stephan Antholzer
Markus Haltmeier
Robert Nuster
Guenther Paltauf
+ Learned backprojection for sparse and limited view photoacoustic tomography 2019 Johannes Schwab
Stephan Antholzer
Markus Haltmeier
+ Practical Deep Learning with Bayesian Principles 2019 Kazuki Osawa
Siddharth Swaroop
Mohammad Emtiyaz Khan
Anirudh Jain
Runa Eschenhagen
Richard E. Turner
Rio Yokota
+ PyTorch: An Imperative Style, High-Performance Deep Learning Library 2019 Adam Paszke
Sam Gross
Francisco Massa
Adam Lerer
James Bradbury
Gregory Chanan
Trevor Killeen
Zeming Lin
Natalia Gimelshein
Luca Antiga
+ PDF Chat Embracing imperfect datasets: A review of deep learning solutions for medical image segmentation 2020 Nima Tajbakhsh
Laura Jeyaseelan
Qian Li
Jeffrey N. Chiang
Zhihao Wu
Xiaowei Ding
+ A New Deep Learning Method for Image Deblurring in Optical Microscopic Systems 2019 Huangxuan Zhao
Ziwen Ke
Ningbo Chen
Ke Li
Lidai Wang
Xiaojing Gong
Wei Zheng
Liang Song
Zhicheng Liu
Dong Liang
+ PDF Chat Meta-Sim: Learning to Generate Synthetic Datasets 2019 Amlan Kar
Aayush Prakash
Ming-Yu Liu
Eric Cameracci
Justin Yuan
Matt Rusiniak
David Acuna
Antonio Torralba
Sanja Fidler
+ PDF Chat Self-Ensembling With GAN-Based Data Augmentation for Domain Adaptation in Semantic Segmentation 2019 Jaehoon Choi
Taekyung Kim
Changick Kim
+ PDF Chat A new deep learning method for image deblurring in optical microscopic systems 2019 Huangxuan Zhao
Ziwen Ke
Ningbo Chen
Songjian Wang
Ke Li
Lidai Wang
Xiaojing Gong
Wei Zheng
Liang Song
Zhicheng Liu
+ Two-step training deep learning framework for computational imaging without physics priors 2021 Ruibo Shang
Kevin Hoffer-Hawlik
Fei Wang
Guohai Situ
Geoffrey P. Luke
+ NETT: solving inverse problems with deep neural networks 2020 Housen Li
Johannes Schwab
Stephan Antholzer
Markus Haltmeier
+ Learning to Simulate Complex Physics with Graph Networks 2020 Álvaro Sánchez‐González
Jonathan Godwin
Tobias Pfaff
Rex Ying
Jure Leskovec
Peter Battaglia
+ PDF Chat Checklist for Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging (CLAIM): A Guide for Authors and Reviewers 2020 John Mongan
Linda Moy
Charles E. Kahn
+ Embracing Imperfect Datasets: A Review of Deep Learning Solutions for Medical Image Segmentation 2019 Nima Tajbakhsh
Laura Jeyaseelan
Qian Li
Jeffrey N. Chiang
Zhihao Wu
Xiaowei Ding
+ Deep-Learning Image Reconstruction for Real-Time Photoacoustic System 2020 MinWoo Kim
Geng-Shi Jeng
Ivan Pelivanov
Matthew O’Donnell