R. A. Cuninghame‐Green


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Reducible Spectral Theory with Applications to the Robustness of Matrices in Max-Algebra 2009 Peter Butkovič
R. A. Cuninghame‐Green
Stéphane Gaubert
+ On matrix powers in max-algebra 2006 Peter Butkovič
R. A. Cuninghame‐Green
+ Bases in max-algebra 2004 R. A. Cuninghame‐Green
Peter Butkovič
+ PDF Chat Soluble Approximation of Linear Systems in Max-Plus Algebra 2001 Kataŕına Cechlárová
R. A. Cuninghame‐Green
+ PDF Chat Minimal (max,+) Realization of Convex Sequences 1998 Stéphane Gaubert
Peter Butkovič
R. A. Cuninghame‐Green
+ Maxpolynomial equations 1995 R. A. Cuninghame‐Green
+ Extremal eigenproblem for bivalent matrices 1995 R. A. Cuninghame‐Green
Peter Butkovič
+ An O(n2) algorithm for the maximum cycle mean of an n×n bivalent matrix 1992 Peter Butkovič
R. A. Cuninghame‐Green
+ On the regularity of matrices in min algebra 1991 Peter Butkovič
R. A. Cuninghame‐Green
+ Saddlepoints in group and semigroup minimization 1988 R. A. Cuninghame‐Green
Rainer E. Burkard
+ Eigenfunctions and optimal orbits 1984 R. A. Cuninghame‐Green
Rainer E. Burkard
+ Scheduling by Non-Commutative Algebra 1984 R. A. Cuninghame‐Green
W F Borawitz
+ The characteristic maxpolynomial of a matrix 1983 R. A. Cuninghame‐Green
+ Convergence problems in minimax algebra 1982 R. A. Cuninghame‐Green
F Huisman
+ An algebra for piecewise-linear minimax problems 1980 R. A. Cuninghame‐Green
P.F.J. Meijer
+ Linear Equations Over a Linear Blog 1979 R. A. Cuninghame‐Green
+ References and Notations 1979 R. A. Cuninghame‐Green
+ Aspects of the Eigenproblem 1979 R. A. Cuninghame‐Green
+ Duality for Matrices 1979 R. A. Cuninghame‐Green
+ The Equation A ⊗ x = b Over a Blog 1979 R. A. Cuninghame‐Green
+ Opening and Closing 1979 R. A. Cuninghame‐Green
+ Some Matrix Spaces 1979 R. A. Cuninghame‐Green
+ σø-Astic Matrices 1979 R. A. Cuninghame‐Green
+ Standard Matrices 1979 R. A. Cuninghame‐Green
+ Spectral Inequalities 1979 R. A. Cuninghame‐Green
+ Theory and Application of Mathematical Programming 1978 R. A. Cuninghame‐Green
Gautam Mitra
+ Projections in minimax algebra 1976 R. A. Cuninghame‐Green
+ Les Structures de Commutation A m Valeurs et les Calculatrice Numeriques. By Midhat J. Gazalé. Pp. 76. 14 NF 1959. (Paris: Gauthier-Villars; Louvain: E. Nauwelaerts) 1961 R. A. Cuninghame‐Green
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ A characterization of the minimum cycle mean in a digraph 1978 Richard M. Karp
+ A characterization of the minimum cycle mean in a digraph 1978 Richard M. Karp
+ PDF Chat An extension of Fenchel’s duality theorem to saddle functions and dual minimax problems 1974 L. McLinden
+ An algebra for piecewise-linear minimax problems 1980 R. A. Cuninghame‐Green
P.F.J. Meijer
+ PDF Chat Généralisation de l'algorithme de Warshall 1968 Pierre Robert
Jacques A. Ferland
+ Convergence problems in minimax algebra 1982 R. A. Cuninghame‐Green
F Huisman
+ Linear matrix period in max-plus algebra 2000 Martin Gavalec
+ On abstract dual linear programs 1963 Alan J. Hoffman
+ PDF Chat Minimal (max,+) Realization of Convex Sequences 1998 Stéphane Gaubert
Peter Butkovič
R. A. Cuninghame‐Green
+ Moduloïds and pseudomodules 1. Dimension theory 1991 Édouard Wagneur
+ PDF Chat Inequalities: Theory of Majorization and its Applications. 1981 Barry C. Arnold
Albert W. Marshall
Ingram Olkin
+ Inversion of matrices over a commutative semiring 1984 Christophe Reutenauer
Howard Straubing
+ A note on unsolvable systems of max–min (fuzzy) equations 2000 Kataŕına Cechlárová
+ An O(n2) algorithm for the maximum cycle mean of an n×n bivalent matrix 1992 Peter Butkovič
R. A. Cuninghame‐Green
+ On the dependence of the maximum cycle mean of a matrix on permutations of the rows and columns 1989 Peter Butkovič
Ján Plavka
+ A condition for the strong regularity of matrices in the minimax algebra 1985 Peter Butkovič
Ferdinand Hevery
+ Verb�nde stetiger Funktionen und kettenwertige Homomorphismen 1970 Peter Brucker
+ Resolving infeasibility in extremal algebras 1999 Kataŕına Cechlárová
Pavel Dikoxe
+ A combinatorial approach to matrix algebra 1985 Doron Zeilberger
+ Pattern Properties and Spectral Inequalities in Max Algebra 1995 R. B. Bapat
David P. Stanford
P. van den Driessche
+ A max version of the Perron-Frobenius theorem 1998 R.B. Bapat
+ Linear systems in (max, +) algebra 1990 Marianne Akian
Guy Cohen
Stéphane Gaubert
Ramine Nikoukhah
Jean-Pierre Quadrat
+ Permanents, max algebra and optimal assignment 1995 R.B. Bapat
+ On abstract duality in mathematical programming 1982 Rainer E. Burkard
H.W. Hamacher
Jørgen Tind
+ Projections in minimax algebra 1976 R. A. Cuninghame‐Green
+ Nonlinear Programming 1969 O. L. Mangasarian
+ The characteristic maxpolynomial of a matrix 1983 R. A. Cuninghame‐Green
+ On matrix powers in max-algebra 2006 Peter Butkovič
R. A. Cuninghame‐Green
+ An Algorithm for Separable Nonconvex Programming Problems 1969 James E. Falk
Richard M. Soland
+ PDF Chat On the dynamics of sup-norm non-expansive maps 2005 Bas Lemmens
Michael Scheutzow
+ Introduction to Approximation Theory 1969 T. J. Rivlin
E. W. Cheney
+ PDF Chat Iteration of order preserving subhomogeneous maps on a cone 2006 Marianne Akian
Stéphane Gaubert
Bas Lemmens
Roger D. Nussbaum
+ The influence of the marked reduced graph of a nonnegative matrix on the Jordan form and on related properties: A survey 1986 Hans Schneider
+ Sur certaines categories de couples d'applications croissantes 1972 Par Constantino M. De Barros
+ PDF Chat Sur l'algorithme matriciel de B. Roy 1968 Ioan Tomescu
+ Séries rationnelles positives et processus stochastiques 1975 Michel Fliess
+ A Survey of Modern Algebra 1954 Kenneth O. May
Garrett Birkhoff
Saunders MacLane
+ PDF Chat Inf-convolution, sous-additivité, convexité des fonctions numériques 1970 Jean Jacques Moreau
+ Nonlinear Programming. 1968 E. M. L. Beale
Hans Paul Kunzi
Wilhelm Krelle
W. Oettli
Frank Levin
+ PDF Chat Combinatorial Matrix Theory 1991 Richard A. Brualdi
H. J. Ryser
+ Algorithms in Combinatorial Geometry 1987 Herbert Edelsbrunner
+ Solving piecewise linear convex equations 1974 B. Curtis Eaves
+ PDF Chat Omega limit sets of nonexpansive maps: finiteness and cardinality estimates 1990 Roger D. Nussbaum
+ Publications of the Newton Institute 1993 H. P. F. Swinnerton-Dyer
+ A Survey of Modern Algebra 2017 Garrett Birkhoff
Saunders Mac Lane
+ Discrete max-plus spectral theory 2005 Marianne Akian
Stéphane Gaubert
Cormac Walsh
+ The Theory of Rings 1964 Neal H. McCoy
+ On rational series in one variable over certain dioids 1994 Stéphane Gaubert
+ Convergence of iterates of a nonlinear operator arising in statistical mechanics 1991 Roger D. Nussbaum
+ Mixed integer minimization models for piecewise-linear functions of a single variable 1976 R. R. Meyer