Benjamin Silberglitt


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Curriculum-Based Measurement of Oral Reading: An Evaluation of Growth Rates and Seasonal Effects Among Students Served in General and Special Education 2010 Theodore J. Christ
Benjamin Silberglitt
Seungsoo Yeo
Damien C. Cormier
+ Sensitivity to Growth Over Time of the Preschool Numeracy Indicators With a Sample of Preschoolers in Head Start 2009 Robin L. Hojnoski
Benjamin Silberglitt
Randy G. Floyd
+ Reliability and Validity of the Preschool Numeracy Indicators 2008 Robin Lee Hojnoski
Randy G. Floyd
Benjamin Silberglitt
+ How Much Growth Can We Expect? A Conditional Analysis of R—CBM Growth Rates by Level of Performance 2007 Benjamin Silberglitt
John M. Hintze
+ The St. Croix River Education District Model: Incorporating Systems-Level Organization and a Multi-Tiered Problem-Solving Process for Intervention Delivery 2007 Kerry A. Bollman
Benjamin Silberglitt
Kimberly Gibbons
+ Relationship of reading fluency assessment data with state accountability test scores: A longitudinal comparison of grade levels 2006 Benjamin Silberglitt
Matthew K. Burns
Na’im Madyun
Kathryn E. Lail
+ Formative Assessment Using Cbm-R Cut Scores To Track Progress Toward Success On State-Mandated Achievement Tests: a Comparison of Methods 2005 Benjamin Silberglitt
John M. Hintze
+ A Longitudinal Examination of the Diagnostic Accuracy and Predictive Validity of R-CBM and High-Stakes Testing 2005 John M. Hintze
Benjamin Silberglitt
+ A Schoolwide Organization System for Raising Reading Achievement Using General Outcome Measures and Evidence-Based Instruction: One Education District's Experience 2003 Kathryn B. Howe
Barbara J. Scierka
Kimberly Gibbons
Benjamin Silberglitt
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Standard Reading Assessment Passages (RAPs) For Use in General Outcome Measurement: A Manual Describing Development and Technical Features 2002 Kathryn B. Howe
Michelle M. Shinn
+ A Schoolwide Organization System for Raising Reading Achievement Using General Outcome Measures and Evidence-Based Instruction: One Education District's Experience 2003 Kathryn B. Howe
Barbara J. Scierka
Kimberly Gibbons
Benjamin Silberglitt
+ Formative Assessment Using Cbm-R Cut Scores To Track Progress Toward Success On State-Mandated Achievement Tests: a Comparison of Methods 2005 Benjamin Silberglitt
John M. Hintze
+ Using Curriculum-based Measurement to Establish Growth Standards for Students with Learning Disabilities 2001 Stanley L. Deno
Lynn S. Fuchs
Douglas Marston
Jongho Shin
+ Best practices in measuring growth and development for preschool children 2002 Scott R. McConnell
Jeffrey S. Priest
S. D. Davis
M. McEvoy
+ A Longitudinal Examination of the Diagnostic Accuracy and Predictive Validity of R-CBM and High-Stakes Testing 2005 John M. Hintze
Benjamin Silberglitt
+ Applied Discriminant Analysis 1995 Charles E. Heckler
+ Signal Detection Theory and ROC Analysis in Psychology and Diagnostics 2014 John A. Swets
+ Technical Adequacy of the Maze Task for Curriculum-Based Measurement of Reading Growth 2000 Jongho Shin
Stanley L. Deno
Christine A. Espin
+ Matthew Effects in Reading: Some Consequences of Individual Differences in the Acquisition of Literacy 1986 Keith E. Stanovich
+ PDF Chat Developing Curriculum-Based Measurement Systems For Data-Based Special Education Problem Solving 1987 Stanley L. Deno
Lynn S. Fuchs
+ Applied Longitudinal Analysis 2011 Garrett M. Fitzmaurice
Nan M. Laird
James H. Ware
+ The Generalizability of CBM Oral Reading Fluency Measures across General and Special Education 2001 John M. Hintze
Hilary Ann Pelle Petitte
+ Validating curriculum-based measurement in reading from a behavioral perspective. 1992 Tami F. Derr-Minneci
Edward S. Shapiro
+ A preliminary investigation of within-year growth patterns in reading and mathematics curriculum-based measures 2009 Suzanne Bamonto Graney
Kristen N. Missall
Rebecca S. MartĂ­nez
Melissa Bergstrom
+ Identifying Reading Disabilities by Responsiveness-to-Instruction: Specifying Measures and Criteria 2004 Douglas Fuchs
Lynn S. Fuchs
Donald L. Compton
+ Test of Early Mathematics Ability–Third Edition 2006 Stacy L. Bliss
+ Classification in context: An alternative approach to identifying early reading disability. 2001 Deborah L. Speece
Lisa Pericola Case
+ Further development of measures of early math performance for preschoolers 2006 Amanda M. VanDerHeyden
Carmen Broussard
Amanda M. Cooley
+ PDF Chat Learning to read and write: A longitudinal study of 54 children from first through fourth grades. 1988 Connie Juel
+ Specifying Piecewise Latent Trajectory Models for Longitudinal Data 2008 David B. Flora
+ Program evaluation using hierarchical linear modeling with curriculum-based measurement reading probes. 2001 Scott A. Stage
+ Minimum Reading Fluency Rate Necessary for Comprehension: A Potential Criterion for Curriculum-Based Assessments 2002 Matthew K. Burns
James A. Tucker
Andrea Hauser
Renee L. Thelen
Katherine J. Holmes
Kelly White
+ PDF Chat Predicting First‐Grade Math Achievement from Developmental Number Sense Trajectories 2007 Nancy C. Jordan
David Kaplan
Maria N. Locuniak
Chaitanya Ramineni
+ Power of the likelihood ratio test in covariance structure analysis 1985 Albert Satorra
Willem E. Saris
+ Specific reading disability (dyslexia): what have we learned in the past four decades? 2004 Frank R. Vellutino
Jack Μ. Fletcher
Margaret J. Snowling
Donna M. Scanlon
+ Number Sense 1999 Russell Gersten
David J. Chard
+ Progress Monitoring Measures in Mathematics 2007 Anne Foegen
Cynthia L. Jiban
Stanley L. Deno
+ The Validity of a Response-to-Instruction Paradigm to Identify Reading Disabilities: A Longitudinal Analysis of Individual Differences and Contextual Factors 2003 Lisa Pericola Case
Deborah L. Speece
Dawn Eddy Molloy
+ Making Sense of Number Sense 2005 Daniel B. Berch
+ An Analysis of Early Numeracy Curriculum-Based Measurement 2008 Ben Clarke
Scott Baker
Keith Smolkowski
David J. Chard
+ Choosing between Logistic Regression and Discriminant Analysis 1978 S. James Press
Sandra Jo Wilson
+ The Maze as a Classroom-Based Reading Measure: Construction Methods, Reliability, and Validity 1992 Richard Parker
Jan E. Hasbrouck
Gerald Tindal
+ Further Progress Towards a Standardised Curriculum-based Measure of Reading: Calibrating a new passage reading test against the New South Wales Basic Skills Test 2002 Alison Madelaine
Kevin Wheldall
+ Identifying Early Numeracy Indicators for Kindergarten and First‐Grade Students 2009 Erica S. Lembke
Anne Foegen
+ Literature Synthesis on Curriculum-Based Measurement in Reading 2007 Miya Miura Wayman
Teri Wallace
Hilda Ives Wiley
RenĂĄta TichĂĄ
Christine A. Espin
+ Effects of Curriculum-Based Measurement and Consultation on Teacher Planning and Student Achievement in Mathematics Operations 1991 Lynn S. Fuchs
Douglas Fuchs Carol L. Hamlett
Pamela M. Stecker
+ Effects of Instrumental Use of Curriculum-Based Measurement to Enhance Instructional Programs 1989 Lynn S. Fuchs
Douglas Fuchs
Carol L. Hamlett
+ Best practices in problem analysis 2008 Theodore J. Christ
+ Oral Reading Fluency and Authentic Reading Material: Criterion Validity of the Technical Features of CBM Survey-Level Assessment 1997 John M. Hintze
Kristin L. Conte
Edward S. Shapiro
Isabella M. Basile
+ None 2002 George H. Noell
Frank M. Gresham
Kristin A. Gansle
+ Socioeconomic gradients in mathematical ability and their responsiveness to intervention during early childhood. 1999 Robbie Case
Sharon Griffin
Wendy M. Kelly
+ The St. Croix River Education District Model: Incorporating Systems-Level Organization and a Multi-Tiered Problem-Solving Process for Intervention Delivery 2007 Kerry A. Bollman
Benjamin Silberglitt
Kimberly Gibbons
+ Preliminary Evidence of the Technical Adequacy of the Preschool Numeracy Indicators 2006 Randy G. Floyd
Robin L. Hojnoski
Jennifer M. Key
+ Word Recognition by Second Graders: The Unit of Perception and Interrelationships among Accuracy, Latency, and Comprehension 1979 Christine McCormick
S. Jay Samuels
+ Epidemiology: An introduction 2016 Kenneth J. Rothman
+ An Examination of Variability as a Function of Passage Variance in CBM Progress Monitoring 2004 John M. Hintze
Theodore J. Christ
+ Statistical Methods for Psychology. 1994 Andrew C. Gudgeon
David C. Howell
+ Concurrent Validity and Diagnostic Accuracy of the Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills and the Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing 2003 John M. Hintze
Amanda L. Ryan
Gary D. Stoner
+ Effects of Expert System Consultation within Curriculum-Based Measurement, Using a Reading Maze Task 1992 Lynn S. Fuchs
Douglas Fuchs
Carol L. Hamlett
Carl Ferguson