M. G. Mingolla


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Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Experimental realization of sub-shot-noise quantum imaging 2010 G. Brida
Marco Genovese
Ivano Ruo Berchera
+ PDF Chat Research on hidden variable theories: A review of recent progresses 2005 Marco Genovese
+ PDF Chat Biased Tomography Schemes: An Objective Approach 2006 Z. Hradil
D. Mogilevtsev
J. Řeháček
+ PDF Chat Experimental Reconstruction of Photon Statistics without Photon Counting 2005 Guido Zambra
Alessandra Andreoni
Maria Bondani
Marco Gramegna
Marco Genovese
G. Brida
Andrea Rossi
Matteo G. A. Paris
+ PDF Chat Quantum process tomography with coherent states 2011 Saleh Rahimi-Keshari
Artur Scherer
Ady Mann
A. T. Rezakhani
A. I. Lvovsky
Barry C. Sanders
+ PDF Chat Tomography of quantum detectors 2008 Jeff S. Lundeen
Alejandro Feito
Hendrik B. Coldenstrodt-Ronge
K. L. Pregnell
Christine Silberhorn
Timothy C. Ralph
Jens Eisert
Martin B. Plenio
Ian A. Walmsley
+ PDF Chat Complete Characterization of Quantum-Optical Processes 2008 Mirko Lobino
Dmitry Korystov
Connor Kupchak
Eden Figueroa
Barry C. Sanders
A. I. Lvovsky
+ Absolute efficiency estimation of photon-number-resolving detectors using twin beams 2009 A. P. Worsley
Hendrik B. Coldenstrodt-Ronge
Jeff S. Lundeen
Peter J. Mosley
Brian J. Smith
Graciana Puentes
Nicholas Thomas-Peter
Ian A. Walmsley
+ PDF Chat Exploiting quantum parallelism of entanglement for a complete experimental quantum characterization of a single-qubit device 2003 F. De Martini
A. Mazzei
Marco Ricci
Giacomo Mauro D’Ariano
+ Determination of quasiprobability distributions in terms of probability distributions for the rotated quadrature phase 1989 Karl Vogel
H. Risken
+ PDF Chat Quantum state measurement by realistic heterodyne detection 1996 Matteo G. A. Paris
+ PDF Chat Diagnosis, Prescription, and Prognosis of a Bell-State Filter by Quantum Process Tomography 2003 Morgan W. Mitchell
Christopher W. Ellenor
Sara Schneider
Aephraim M. Steinberg
+ PDF Chat Experimental quantum process tomography of non-trace-preserving maps 2010 Irene Bongioanni
Linda Sansoni
Fabio Sciarrino
Giuseppe Vallone
Paolo Mataloni
+ PDF Chat Photon-number resolution using time-multiplexed single-photon detectors 2003 Michael J. Fitch
B. C. Jacobs
T. B. Pittman
J. D. Franson
+ PDF Chat Optical Quantum Computing 2007 Jeremy L. O’Brien
+ PDF Chat State reconstruction by on/off measurements 2009 Alessia Allevi
Alessandra Andreoni
Maria Bondani
G. Brida
Marco Genovese
Marco Gramegna
P. Traina
Stefano Olivares
Matteo G. A. Paris
Guido Zambra
+ PDF Chat Real-time quantum feedback prepares and stabilizes photon number states 2011 C. Sayrin
I. Dotsenko
Xingxing Zhou
Bruno Peaudecerf
T. Rybarczyk
Sébastien Gleyzes
Pierre Rouchon
Mazyar Mirrahimi
Hadis Amini
M. Brune
+ PDF Chat Fiber-assisted detection with photon number resolution 2003 Daryl Achilles
Christine Silberhorn
Cezary Śliwa
Konrad Banaszek
Ian A. Walmsley
+ Sufficient conditions for convergence of antinormally ordered expansions of boson number operator functions f(a<sup>+</sup>a) 1983 R. Baltin
+ PDF Chat Distribution of Time-Bin Entangled Qubits over 50 km of Optical Fiber 2004 I. Marcikic
Hugues de Riedmatten
Wolfgang Tittel
Hugo Zbinden
Matthieu Legré
Nicolas Gisin
+ PDF Chat Maximum-likelihood estimation of quantum measurement 2001 Jaromı́r Fiurášek
+ PDF Chat Generating, manipulating and measuring entanglement and mixture with a reconfigurable photonic circuit 2011 Peter Shadbolt
Maria Rodas Verde
Alberto Peruzzo
Alberto Politi
Anthony Laing
Mirko Lobino
Jonathan C. F. Matthews
Mark G. Thompson
Jeremy L. O’Brien
+ PDF Chat High-efficiency photon-number detection for quantum information processing 2003 Edo Waks
Kyo Inoue
William D. Oliver
Eleni Diamanti
Y. Yamamoto
+ PDF Chat Experimental Realization of Teleporting an Unknown Pure Quantum State via Dual Classical and Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Channels 1998 D. Boschi
S. Branca
F. De Martini
Lucién Hardy
Sandu Popescu
+ PDF Chat Photon-number statistics with silicon photomultipliers 2010 Marco Ramilli
Alessia Allevi
V. Chmill
Maria Bondani
M. Caccia
Alessandra Andreoni
+ PDF Chat Quantum Process Tomography of a Controlled-NOT Gate 2004 Jeremy L. O’Brien
Geoff J. Pryde
Alexei Gilchrist
Daniel F. V. James
Nathan K. Langford
Timothy C. Ralph
A. G. White
+ PDF Chat Quantum Tomography for Measuring Experimentally the Matrix Elements of an Arbitrary Quantum Operation 2001 Giacomo Mauro D’Ariano
Paoloplacido Lo Presti
+ PDF Chat Robustness of raw quantum tomography 2010 M. Asorey
Paolo Facchi
Giuseppe Florio
V. I. Man’ko
G. Marmo
Saverio Pascazio
E. C. G. Sudarshan
+ PDF Chat Quantum Metrology 2006 Vittorio Giovannetti
Seth Lloyd
Lorenzo Maccone
+ PDF Chat Quantum communication 2007 Nicolas Gisin
Rob Thew
+ PDF Chat Experimental quantum teleportation 1997 Dik Bouwmeester
Jian-Wei Pan
Klaus Mattle
Manfred Eibl
Harald Weinfurter
Anton Zeilinger
+ PDF Chat Entanglement purification for quantum communication 2001 Jian-Wei Pan
Christoph Simon
Časlav Brukner
Anton Zeilinger
+ PDF Chat Photonic quantum technologies 2009 Jeremy L. O’Brien
Akira Furusawa
Jelena Vučković
+ PDF Chat Photon statistics without counting photons 2004 Andrea Rossi
Stefano Olivares
Matteo G. A. Paris
+ PDF Chat Statistical Estimation of the Efficiency of Quantum State Tomography Protocols 2010 Yu. I. Bogdanov
G. Brida
Marco Genovese
S. P. Kulik
E. V. Moreva
Alexander P. Shurupov
+ PDF Chat Ancilla-Assisted Quantum Process Tomography 2003 Joseph B. Altepeter
David Branning
E. Jeffrey
Tzu-Chieh Wei
Paul G. Kwiat
Rob Thew
Jeremy L. O’Brien
Michael A. Nielsen
A. G. White
+ PDF Chat Quantum and classical correlations of intense beams of light investigated via joint photodetection 2005 Andrea Agliati
Maria Bondani
Alessandra Andreoni
Giovanni De Cillis
Matteo G. A. Paris
+ PDF Chat Noise-free high-efficiency photon-number-resolving detectors 2005 Danna Rosenberg
Adriana Lita
Aaron Miller
Sae Woo Nam