Séverine Rigot


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Horizontally Affine Functions on Step-2 Carnot Algebras 2023 Enrico Le Donne
Daniele Morbidelli
Séverine Rigot
+ PDF Chat Monotone sets and local minimizers for the perimeter in Carnot groups 2023 Séverine Rigot
+ PDF Chat Precisely monotone sets in step-2 rank-3 Carnot algebras 2023 Daniele Morbidelli
Séverine Rigot
+ PDF Chat Differentiation of Measures in Metric Spaces 2022 Séverine Rigot
+ New Trends on Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces 2022 Fabrice Baudoin
Séverine Rigot
Giuseppe Savaré
Nageswari Shanmugalingam
+ Monotone sets and local minimizers for the perimeter in Carnot groups 2022 Séverine Rigot
+ PDF Chat Differentiation of Measures in Metric Spaces 2021 Séverine Rigot
+ Horizontally affine maps on step-two Carnot groups 2020 Enrico Le Donne
Daniele Morbidelli
Séverine Rigot
+ Semmes surfaces and intrinsic Lipschitz graphs in the Heisenberg group 2020 Katrin Fässler
Tuomas Orponen
Séverine Rigot
+ Horizontally affine functions on step-2 Carnot algebras 2020 Enrico Le Donne
Daniele Morbidelli
Séverine Rigot
+ Quantitative notions of rectifiability in the Heisenberg groups 2019 Séverine Rigot
+ PDF Chat The Besicovitch covering property in the Heisenberg group revisited 2018 Sebastiano Nicolussi Golo
Séverine Rigot
+ Semmes surfaces and intrinsic Lipschitz graphs in the Heisenberg group 2018 Katrin Fässler
Tuomas Orponen
Séverine Rigot
+ The Besicovitch covering property in the Heisenberg group revisited 2018 Sebastiano Nicolussi Golo
Séverine Rigot
+ PDF Chat Differentiation of measures in metric spaces 2018 Séverine Rigot
+ Differentiation of measures in metric spaces 2018 Séverine Rigot
+ Semmes surfaces and intrinsic Lipschitz graphs in the Heisenberg group 2018 Katrin Fässler
Tuomas Orponen
Séverine Rigot
+ The Besicovitch covering property in the Heisenberg group revisited 2018 Sebastiano Nicolussi Golo
Séverine Rigot
+ PDF Chat Besicovitch covering property for homogeneous distances on the Heisenberg groups 2017 Enrico Le Donne
Séverine Rigot
+ PDF Chat Besicovitch Covering Property on graded groups and applications to measure differentiation 2016 Enrico Le Donne
Séverine Rigot
+ Besicovitch Covering Property on graded groups and applications to measure differentiation 2015 Enrico Le Donne
Séverine Rigot
+ PDF Chat Remarks about the Besicovitch Covering Property in Carnot groups of step 3 and higher 2015 Enrico Le Donne
Séverine Rigot
+ Remarks about Besicovitch covering property in Carnot groups of step 3 and higher 2015 Enrico Le Donne
Séverine Rigot
+ Besicovitch Covering Property on graded groups and applications to measure differentiation 2015 Enrico Le Donne
Séverine Rigot
+ Remarks about Besicovitch covering property in Carnot groups of step 3 and higher 2015 Enrico Le Donne
Séverine Rigot
+ Besicovitch Covering Property for homogeneous distances in the Heisenberg groups 2014 Enrico Le Donne
Séverine Rigot
+ Besicovitch Covering Property for homogeneous distances in the Heisenberg groups 2014 Enrico Le Donne
Séverine Rigot
+ PDF Chat Isodiametric sets in the Heisenberg group 2012 Gian Paolo Leonardi
Séverine Rigot
Davide Vittone
+ Isodiametric inequality in Carnot groups 2011 Séverine Rigot
+ PDF Chat Monge's transport problem in the Heisenberg group 2010 Luigi De Pascale
Séverine Rigot
+ Isodiametric sets in the Heisenberg group 2010 Gian Paolo Leonardi
Séverine Rigot
Davide Vittone
+ Isodiametric inequality in Carnot groups 2010 Séverine Rigot
+ Monge's transport problem in the Heisenberg group 2010 Luigi De Pascale
Séverine Rigot
+ PDF Chat Lipschitz Non-extension Theorems into Jet Space Carnot Groups 2010 Séverine Rigot
Stefan Wenger
+ Monge's transport problem in the Heisenberg group 2010 Luigi De Pascale
Séverine Rigot
+ Isodiametric sets in the Heisenberg group 2010 Gian Paolo Leonardi
Séverine Rigot
Davide Vittone
+ Isodiametric inequality in Carnot groups 2010 Séverine Rigot
+ Lipschitz non-extension theorems into jet space Carnot groups 2009 Séverine Rigot
Stefan Wenger
+ Transport de masse optimal et géométrie sous-riemannienne : le cas du groupe de Heisenberg 2007 Séverine Rigot
+ Quasiminimal Partitions with Prescribed Measure 2006 Séverine Rigot
+ Counter example to the Besicovitch covering property for some Carnot groups equipped with their Carnot-Carath�odory metric 2004 Séverine Rigot
+ PDF Chat Transport optimal de mesure dans le groupe de Heisenberg 2004 Séverine Rigot
+ Quasiminimal crystals with a volume constraint and uniform rectifiability 2003 Séverine Rigot
+ Optimal mass transportation in the Heisenberg group 2003 Luigi Ambrosio
Séverine Rigot
+ Isoperimetric sets on Carnot groups 2003 Gian Paolo Leonardi
Séverine Rigot
+ Ensembles quasiminimaux pour le périmètre avec contrainte de volume et rectificabilité uniforme 2001 Séverine Rigot
+ Uniform partial regularity of quasi minimizers for the perimeter 2000 Séverine Rigot
+ PDF Chat Ensembles quasi-minimaux avec contrainte de volume et rectifiabilité uniforme 2000 Séverine Rigot
+ Big pieces of $C^{1, \alpha }$-graphs for minimizers of the Mumford-Shah functional 2000 Séverine Rigot
+ 1. Sur un probleme de minimisation avec contrainte de volume 2. Sur la fonctionnelle de mumford-shah en dimension quelconque 1999 Séverine Rigot
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Principe de moindre action, propagation de la chaleur et estimees sous elliptiques sur certains groupes nilpotents 1977 Bernard Gaveau
+ Weighted Inequalities for Fractional Integrals on Euclidean and Homogeneous Spaces 1992 Eric T. Sawyer
Richard L. Wheeden
+ Optimal mass transportation in the Heisenberg group 2003 Luigi Ambrosio
Séverine Rigot
+ Foundations for the Theory of Quasiconformal Mappings on the Heisenberg Group 1995 Adam Korányi
Hans Martin Reimann
+ Hardy spaces on homogeneous groups 1982 Gerald B. Folland
Elias M. Stein
+ Geometric properties of Heisenberg-type groups 1985 Adam Korányi
+ Counter example to the Besicovitch covering property for some Carnot groups equipped with their Carnot-Carath�odory metric 2004 Séverine Rigot
+ Metriques de Carnot-Caratheodory et Quasiisometries des Espaces Symetriques de rang un 1989 Pierre Pansu
+ The tangent space in sub-Riemannian geometry 1996 A. Bellaïche
+ PDF Chat Vertical perimeter versus horizontal perimeter 2018 Assaf Naor
Robert M. Young
+ A general form of the covering principle and relative differentiation of additive functions 1945 A. S. Besicovitch
+ Lectures on Analysis on Metric Spaces 2001 Juha Heinonen
+ PDF Chat Compression bounds for Lipschitz maps from the Heisenberg group to L1 2011 Jeff Cheeger
Bruce Kleiner
Assaf Naor
+ PDF Chat Morceaux de Graphes Lipschitziens et Intégrales Singulières sur une Surface 1988 Guy David
+ Geometry of Sets and Measures in Euclidean Spaces: Fractals and Rectifiability 1995 Pertti Mattila
+ Geometric Measure Theory 1988 Herbert Fédérer
+ PDF Chat Metric differentiation, monotonicity and maps to L 1 2010 Jeff Cheeger
Bruce Kleiner
+ PDF Chat Subadditivity of homogeneous norms on certain nilpotent Lie groups 1981 Jacek M. Cygan
+ A Tour of Subriemannian Geometries, Their Geodesics and Applications 2006 Richard Montgomery
+ PDF Chat A smooth subadditive homogeneous norm on a homogeneous group 1990 Waldemar Hebisch
Adam Sikora
+ A general form of the covering principle and relative differentiation of additive functions. II 1946 A. S. Besicovitch
+ PDF Chat Fundamental solutions for a class of hypoelliptic PDE generated by composition of quadratic forms 1980 Aroldo Kaplan
+ PDF Chat Polar factorization of maps on Riemannian manifolds 2001 Robert J. McCann
+ Some properties of Carnot-Carathéodory balls in the Heisenberg group 2000 Roberto Monti
+ PDF Chat Besicovitch Covering Property on graded groups and applications to measure differentiation 2016 Enrico Le Donne
Séverine Rigot
+ Geometric Inequalities and Generalized Ricci Bounds in the Heisenberg Group 2009 Nicolas Juillet
+ PDF Chat The geometry of optimal transportation 1996 Wilfrid Gangbo
Robert J. McCann
+ PDF Chat Quantitative rectifiability and Lipschitz mappings 1993 Guy David
Stephen Semmes
+ Subelliptic, second order differential operators 1987 David Jerison
Antonio Sánchez-Calle
+ PDF Chat Carnot-Carathéodory spaces seen from within 1996 Mikhael Gromov
+ On the structure of finite perimeter sets in step 2 Carnot groups 2003 Bruno Franchi
Raul Serapioni
Francesco Serra Cassano
+ PDF Chat Partial Differential Equations and Monge-Kantorovich Mass Transfer 1997 L. C. Evans
+ PDF Chat Remarks about the Besicovitch Covering Property in Carnot groups of step 3 and higher 2015 Enrico Le Donne
Séverine Rigot
+ Rectifiability and perimeter in the Heisenberg group 2001 Raul Serapioni
Bruno Franchi
Francesco Serra Cassano
+ Lp metrics on the Heisenberg group and the Goemans-Linial conjecture 2006 James Lee
Assaf Naor
+ PDF Chat Intrinsic Lipschitz Graphs Within Carnot Groups 2015 Bruno Franchi
Raul Serapioni
+ Geometry of Sets and Measures in Euclidean Spaces 1995 Pertti Mattila
+ Some topics of geometric measure theory in Carnot groups 2016 Francesco Serra Cassano
+ Semmes surfaces and intrinsic Lipschitz graphs in the Heisenberg group 2020 Katrin Fässler
Tuomas Orponen
Séverine Rigot
+ PDF Chat On the inner cone property for convex sets in two-step Carnot groups, with applications to monotone sets 2020 Daniele Morbidelli
+ PDF Chat Besicovitch covering property for homogeneous distances on the Heisenberg groups 2017 Enrico Le Donne
Séverine Rigot
+ Partial regularity for quasi minimizers of perimeter 1999 Luigi Ambrosio
Emanuele Paolini
+ Isoperimetric and Sobolev inequalities for Carnot-Carath�odory spaces and the existence of minimal surfaces 1996 Nicola Garofalo
Duy-Minh Nhieu
+ Existence and stability results in the L1 theory of optimal transportation 2003 Luigi Ambrosio
Aldo Pratelli
+ Isoperimetric sets on Carnot groups 2003 Gian Paolo Leonardi
Séverine Rigot
+ PDF Chat Sets with constant normal in Carnot groups: properties and examples 2021 Costante Bellettini
Enrico Le Donne
+ Polar factorization and monotone rearrangement of vector‐valued functions 1991 Yann Brenier
+ PDF Chat Quasiminimal surfaces of codimension 1 and John domains 1998 Guy David
Stephen Semmes
+ PDF Chat A criterion for the boundedness of singular integrals on hypersurfaces 1989 Stephen Semmes