Ivan Dynnikov


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Rectangular Diagrams of Giroux Convex Surfaces 2024 Ivan Dynnikov
Maksim Vyacheslavovich Prasolov
+ PDF Chat Distinguishing Legendrian knots with trivial orientation-preserving symmetry group 2023 Ivan Dynnikov
Vladimir Shastin
+ Geometry of quasiperiodic functions on the plane 2023 Ivan Dynnikov
A. Ya. Maltsev
S P Novikov
+ An algorithm for comparing Legendrian knots 2023 Ivan Dynnikov
Maxim Prasolov
+ PDF Chat Dynamical Systems Around the Rauzy Gasket and Their Ergodic Properties 2022 Ivan Dynnikov
Pascal Hubert
Alexandra Skripchenko
+ PDF Chat Геометрия квазипериодических функций на плоскости 2022 Ivan Dynnikov
Andrei Yakovlevich Mal'tsev
Сергей Петрович Новиков
+ PDF Chat Искандер Асанович Тайманов (к шестидесятилетию со дня рождения) 2022 Alexey V. Bolsinov
Victor Matveevich Buchstaber
А. П. Веселов
P. G. Grinevich
Ivan Dynnikov
Valery Vasil'evich Kozlov
Yuri A. Kordyukov
D. V. Millionshchikov
Andrei Evgen'evich Mironov
Roman Novikov
+ PDF Chat Geometry of quasiperiodic functions on the plane 2022 Ivan Dynnikov
Andrei Yakovlevich Mal'tsev
Сергей Петрович Новиков
+ PDF Chat Features of the Motion of Ultracold Atoms in Quasiperiodic Potentials 2021 Ivan Dynnikov
A. Ya. Maltsev
+ PDF Chat Counting intersections of normal curves 2021 Ivan Dynnikov
+ PDF Chat Rectangular diagrams of surfaces: distinguishing Legendrian knots 2021 Ivan Dynnikov
Maxim Prasolov
+ PDF Chat Multiflypes of rectangular diagrams of links 2021 Ivan Dynnikov
V. V. Sokolova
+ PDF Chat Rectangular diagrams of surfaces: the basic moves 2020 Ivan Dynnikov
Maxim Prasolov
+ PDF Chat Classification of Legendrian knots of topological type 7<sub>6</sub> with maximal Thurston-Bennequin number 2020 Ivan Dynnikov
Maxim Prasolov
+ Dynamical systems around the Rauzy gasket and their ergodic properties 2020 Ivan Dynnikov
Pascal Hubert
Alexandra Skripchenko
+ PDF Chat Transverse-Legendrian links 2019 Ivan Dynnikov
+ Transverse-Legendrian links. 2019 Ivan Dynnikov
+ PDF Chat Classification of Legendrian knots of topological type 76 with maximal Thurston–Bennequin number 2019 Ivan Dynnikov
Maxim Prasolov
+ Theory of Dynamical Systems and Transport Phenomena in Normal Metals 2019 S P Novikov
R. De Leo
Ivan Dynnikov
A. Ya. Maltsev
+ On equivalence of Legendrian knots 2018 Ivan Dynnikov
Vladimir Shastin
+ Bounded Discrete Holomorphic Functions on the Hyperbolic Plane 2018 Ivan Dynnikov
+ PDF Chat Sergei Vladimirovich Matveev (on his 70th birthday) 2018 Victor Matveevich Buchstaber
V. A. Vassiliev
Andrei Yurievich Vesnin
Ivan Dynnikov
Yuri Grigor'evich Reshetnyak
Aleksei Bronislavovich Sossinsky
I. A. Taĭmanov
Vladimir G. Turaev
А. Т. Фоменко
Evgeny Fominykh
+ On equivalence of Legendrian knots 2018 Ivan Dynnikov
Vladimir Alekseevich Shastin
+ Distinguishing Legendrian knots with trivial orientation-preserving symmetry group 2018 Ivan Dynnikov
Vladimir Shastin
+ PDF Chat Rectangular diagrams of surfaces: representability 2017 Ivan Dynnikov
Maksim Vyacheslavovich Prasolov
+ Прямоугольные диаграммы поверхностей: представимость 2017 Ivan Dynnikov
Maxim Prasolov
+ Minimality of interval exchange transformations with restrictions 2017 Ivan Dynnikov
Alexandra Skripchenko
+ On a new discretization of complex analysis 2015 Ivan Dynnikov
+ PDF Chat О новой дискретизации комплексного анализа 2015 Ivan Dynnikov
+ PDF Chat Symmetric band complexes of thin type and chaotic sections which are not quite chaotic 2015 Ivan Dynnikov
Alexandra Skripchenko
+ Symmetric band complexes of thin type and chaotic sections which are not quite chaotic 2015 Ivan Dynnikov
Alexandra Skripchenko
+ Symmetric band complexes of thin type and chaotic sections which are not quite chaotic 2015 Ivan Dynnikov
Alexandra Skripchenko
+ PDF Chat On typical leaves of a measured foliated 2-complex of thin type 2014 Ivan Dynnikov
Alexandra Skripchenko
+ PDF Chat Bypasses for rectangular diagrams. A proof of the Jones conjecture and related questions 2014 Ivan Dynnikov
Maksim Vyacheslavovich Prasolov
+ PDF Chat On independence of some pseudocharacters on braid groups 2013 Ivan Dynnikov
Vladimir Shastin
+ Bypasses for rectangular diagrams. Proof of Jones' conjecture and related questions 2012 Ivan Dynnikov
Maxim Prasolov
+ Bypasses for rectangular diagrams. Proof of Jones' conjecture and related questions 2012 Ivan Dynnikov
Maxim Prasolov
+ Dual braid monoids 2008 Patrick Dehornoy
Ivan Dynnikov
Dale Rolfsen
Bert Wiest
+ The space of all braid orderings 2008 Patrick Dehornoy
Ivan Dynnikov
Dale Rolfsen
Bert Wiest
+ Automorphisms of a free group 2008 Patrick Dehornoy
Ivan Dynnikov
Dale Rolfsen
Bert Wiest
+ Bi-ordering the pure braid groups 2008 Patrick Dehornoy
Ivan Dynnikov
Dale Rolfsen
Bert Wiest
+ Alternating decompositions 2008 Patrick Dehornoy
Ivan Dynnikov
Dale Rolfsen
Bert Wiest
+ Hyperbolic geometry 2008 Patrick Dehornoy
Ivan Dynnikov
Dale Rolfsen
Bert Wiest
+ Braid groups 2008 Patrick Dehornoy
Ivan Dynnikov
Dale Rolfsen
Bert Wiest
+ Interval identification systems and plane sections of 3-periodic surfaces 2008 Ivan Dynnikov
+ PDF Chat Geometry of plane sections of the infinite regular skew polyhedron {4, 6 | 4} 2008 Roberto DeLeo
Ivan Dynnikov
+ Geometry of plane sections of the infinite regular skew polyhedron {4,6|4} 2008 Роберто Де Лео
Ivan Dynnikov
+ PDF Chat On the complexity of braids 2007 Ivan Dynnikov
Bert Wiest
+ An example of a fractal set of plane directions having chaotic intersections with a fixed 3-periodic surface 2007 R. De Leo
Ivan Dynnikov
+ PDF Chat Пример фрактального множества направлений плоскостей, дающих хаотическое пересечение с фиксированной 3-периодической поверхностью 2007 Роберто Де Лео
Роберто Де Лео
Ivan Dynnikov
Ivan Dynnikov
+ PDF Chat On the complexity of braids 2007 Ivan Dynnikov
Bert Wiest
+ PDF Chat On the complexity of braids 2007 Ivan Dynnikov
Bert Wiest
+ PDF Chat On the complexity of braids 2007 Ivan Dynnikov
Bert Wiest
+ PDF Chat On the complexity of braids 2007 Ivan Dynnikov
Bert Wiest
+ PDF Chat Arc-presentations of links: Monotonic simplification 2006 Ivan Dynnikov
+ PDF Chat Topology of quasi-periodic functions on the plane 2005 Ivan Dynnikov
S P Novikov
+ Finitely presented semigroups in knot theory. Oriented case 2004 Ivan Dynnikov
+ On the complexity of braids 2004 Ivan Dynnikov
Bert Wiest
+ Recognition algorithms in knot theory 2003 Ivan Dynnikov
+ PDF Chat Алгоритмы распознавания в теории узлов 2003 Ivan Dynnikov
Ivan Dynnikov
+ PDF Chat Geometry of the Triangle Equation on Two-Manifolds 2003 Ivan Dynnikov
S P Novikov
+ Arc-presentations of links. Monotonic simplification 2002 Ivan Dynnikov
Ivan Dynnikov
Konrad Polthier
+ On a Yang-Baxter map and the Dehornoy ordering 2002 Ivan Dynnikov
+ Why are braids orderable 2002 Patrick Dehornoy
Ivan Dynnikov
Dale Rolfsen
Bert Wiest
+ PDF Chat Об одном отображении Янга - Бакстера и упорядочении Деорнуа 2002 Ivan Dynnikov
Ivan Dynnikov
+ Exactly solvable periodic Darboux q-chains 2002 Ivan Dynnikov
Sergey Smirnov
+ Arc-presentations of links. Monotonic simplification 2002 Ivan Dynnikov
+ None 2001 Ivan Dynnikov
+ Three-page approach to knot theory. Universal semigroup 2000 Ivan Dynnikov
+ PDF Chat Трехстраничный подход в теории узлов. Универсальная полугруппа 2000 Ivan Dynnikov
Ivan Dynnikov
+ Discrete spectral symmetries of low-dimensional differential operators and difference operators on regular lattices and two-dimensional manifolds 2000 S. P. Novikov
Ivan Dynnikov
+ Three-page approach to knot theory. Encoding and local moves 1999 Ivan Dynnikov
+ PDF Chat Трехстраничный подход в теории узлов. Кодирование и локальные движения 1999 Ivan Dynnikov
Ivan Dynnikov
+ Surfaces in 3-Torus: Geometry of Plane Sections 1998 Ivan Dynnikov
+ Laplace transforms and simplicial connections 1997 Ivan Dynnikov
S P Novikov
+ PDF Chat Discrete spectral symmetries of low-dimensional differential operators and difference operators on regular lattices and two-dimensional manifolds 1997 S P Novikov
Ivan Dynnikov
+ The Alexander polynomial in several variables can be expressed in terms of the Vassiliev invariants 1997 Ivan Dynnikov
+ PDF Chat Полином Александера многих переменных выражается через инварианты Васильева 1997 Ivan Dynnikov
Ivan Dynnikov
+ PDF Chat Дискретные спектральные симметрии маломерных дифференциальных операторов и разностных операторов на правильных решетках и двумерных многообразиях 1997 Сергей Петрович Новиков
Сергей Петрович Новиков
Ivan Dynnikov
Ivan Dynnikov
+ Integrable Gradient Flows and Morse Theory 1995 Ivan Dynnikov
А. П. Веселов
+ Integrable Gradient Flows and Morse Theory 1995 Ivan Dynnikov
А. П. Веселов
+ Intersections of level surfaces of pseudoperiodic functions 1994 Ivan Dynnikov
+ Proof of S.P. Novikov's conjecture for the case of small perturbations of rational magnetic fields 1992 Ivan Dynnikov
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ A problem of Novikov on the semiclassical motion of an electron in a uniform almost rational magnetic field 1984 Anton Zorich
+ PDF Chat Dynamical Systems, Topology, and Conductivity in Normal Metals 2004 A. Ya. Maltsev
S P Novikov
+ PDF Chat An Atlas of Legendrian Knots 2013 Wutichai Chongchitmate
Lenhard Ng
+ PDF Chat Arc-presentations of links: Monotonic simplification 2006 Ivan Dynnikov
+ PDF Chat Legendrian knots, transverse knots and combinatorial Floer homology 2008 Peter Ozsváth
Zoltán Szabó
Dylan P. Thurston
+ Embedding knots and links in an open book I: Basic properties 1995 Peter R. Cromwell
+ PDF Chat Topology of Plane Sections of Periodic Polyhedra with an Application to the Truncated Octahedron 2006 Роберто Де Лео
+ Convexité en topologie de contact 1991 Emmanuel Giroux
+ PDF Chat Geometry of plane sections of the infinite regular skew polyhedron {4, 6 | 4} 2008 Roberto DeLeo
Ivan Dynnikov
+ Gauss Measures for Transformations on the Space of Interval Exchange Maps 1982 William A. Veech
+ PDF Chat Bypasses for rectangular diagrams. A proof of the Jones conjecture and related questions 2014 Ivan Dynnikov
Maksim Vyacheslavovich Prasolov
+ PDF Chat On the Hausdorff dimension of the Rauzy gasket 2016 Artur Avila
Pascal Hubert
Alexandra Skripchenko
+ PDF Chat Rectangular diagrams of surfaces: distinguishing Legendrian knots 2021 Ivan Dynnikov
Maxim Prasolov
+ Embedding knots and links in an open book II. Bounds on arc index 1996 Peter R. Cromwell
Ian J. Nutt
+ PDF Chat Topologically trivial Legendrian knots 2009 Yakov Eliashberg
Maia Fraser
+ PDF Chat On typical leaves of a measured foliated 2-complex of thin type 2014 Ivan Dynnikov
Alexandra Skripchenko
+ PDF Chat On connectedness of chaotic sections of some 3-periodic surfaces 2012 Alexandra Skripchenko
+ Interval identification systems and plane sections of 3-periodic surfaces 2008 Ivan Dynnikov
+ PDF Chat Diffusion for chaotic plane sections of 3-periodic surfaces 2016 Artur Avila
Pascal Hubert
Alexandra Skripchenko
+ PDF Chat On the classification of tight contact structures I 2000 Ko Honda
+ Прямоугольные диаграммы поверхностей: представимость 2017 Ivan Dynnikov
Maxim Prasolov
+ None 2001 Ivan Dynnikov
+ Pseudogroups of isometries of ℝ and Rips’ theorem on free actions on ℝ-trees 1994 Damien Gaboriau
Gilbert Levitt
F. Paulin
+ Interval Exchange Transformations and Measured Foliations 1982 Howard Masur
+ State models and the jones polynomial 1987 Louis H. Kauffman
+ PDF Chat Rectangular diagrams of Legendrian graphs 2014 Maxim Prasolov
+ PDF Chat Quasiperiodic functions and dynamical systems in quantum solid state physics 2003 A. Ya. Maltsev
S P Novikov
+ PDF Chat Arc index and the Kauffman polynomial 1998 H. R. Morton
Elisabetta Beltrami
+ La dynamique des pseudogroupes de rotations 1993 Gilbert Levitt
+ PDF Chat Structures de contact en dimension trois et bifurcations des feuilletages de surfaces 2000 Emmanuel Giroux
+ PDF Chat Studying links via closed braids IV: composite links and split links 2005 Joan S. Birman
William W. Menasco
+ Classification of topologically trivial Legendrian knots 1998 Yakov Eliashberg
Maia Fraser
+ Proof of S.P. Novikov's conjecture for the case of small perturbations of rational magnetic fields 1992 Ivan Dynnikov
+ Studying links via closed braids IV: composite links and split links 1990 Joan S. Birman
William W. Menasco
+ On codimension one foliations defined by closed one forms with singularities 1979 Hideki Imanishi
+ PDF Chat Topological phenomena in normal metals 1998 S P Novikov
A. Ya. Maltsev
+ Combinatorics of fronts of Legendrian links and the Arnol'd 4-conjectures 2005 Yu. V. Chekanov
Petr E. Pushkar
+ PDF Chat Symmetric band complexes of thin type and chaotic sections which are not quite chaotic 2015 Ivan Dynnikov
Alexandra Skripchenko
+ Regular Skew Polyhedra in Three and Four Dimension, and their Topological Analogues 1938 H. S. M. Coxeter
+ PDF Chat Discrete spectral symmetries of low-dimensional differential operators and difference operators on regular lattices and two-dimensional manifolds 1997 S P Novikov
Ivan Dynnikov
+ PDF Chat Rectangular diagrams of surfaces: representability 2017 Ivan Dynnikov
Maksim Vyacheslavovich Prasolov
+ PDF Chat Distinguishing Legendrian knots with trivial orientation-preserving symmetry group 2023 Ivan Dynnikov
Vladimir Shastin
+ Braids, Links, and Mapping Class Groups 1974 Joan S. Birman
+ Three-page approach to knot theory. Encoding and local moves 1999 Ivan Dynnikov
+ PDF Chat First-principles generation of stereographic maps for high-field magnetoresistance in normal metals: An application to Au and Ag 2005 Роберто Де Лео
+ Arc-presentations of links. Monotonic simplification 2002 Ivan Dynnikov
+ PDF Chat Levels of quasiperiodic functions on a plane, and Hamiltonian systems 1999 S. P. Novikov
+ Laplace transforms and simplicial connections 1997 Ivan Dynnikov
S P Novikov
+ Train-tracks for surface homeomorphisms 1995 Mladen Bestvina
Michael Handel
+ Algebraic properties of two-dimensional difference operators 1997 S P Novikov