John Haslegrave


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ The extremal generalised Randić index for a given degree range 2025 John Haslegrave
+ PDF Chat Graphs with given automorphism group and large clique number 2025 John Haslegrave
+ PDF Chat Stable cuts, NAC-colourings and flexible realisations of graphs 2024 Katie Clinch
Dániel Garamvölgyi
John Haslegrave
Tony Huynh
Jan Legerský
Anthony Nixon
+ PDF Chat Random triangulations of the d-sphere with minimum volume 2024 Agelos Georgakopoulos
John Haslegrave
Joel Larsson Danielsson
+ PDF Chat Balanced two-type annihilation: mean-field asymptotics 2024 John Haslegrave
Peter Keevash
+ PDF Chat Dissipative particle systems on expanders 2024 John Haslegrave
Peter Keevash
+ PDF Chat Lower bounds for the Randi\'c index in terms of matching number 2024 Saieed Akbari
Sina Ghasemi Nezhad
Reyhane Ghazizadeh
John Haslegrave
Elahe Tohidi
+ PDF Chat The extremal generalised Randi\'c index for a given degree range 2024 John Haslegrave
+ Tight bounds on the chromatic edge stability index of graphs 2023 Saieed Akbari
John Haslegrave
Mehrbod S. Javadi
Nasim Nahvi
Helia Niaparast
+ Determining triangulations and quadrangulations by boundary distances 2023 John Haslegrave
+ When removing an independent set is optimal for reducing the chromatic number 2023 Stijn Cambie
John Haslegrave
Ross J. Kang
+ Monitoring edge-geodetic sets: Hardness and graph products 2023 John Haslegrave
+ PDF Chat Sum Index, Difference Index and Exclusive Sum Number of Graphs 2023 John Haslegrave
+ PDF Chat Ramsey numbers of cycles versus general graphs 2023 John Haslegrave
Joseph Hyde
Jaehoon Kim
Hong Liu
+ Boundary rigidity of 3D CAT(0) cube complexes 2023 John Haslegrave
Alex Scott
Youri Tamitegama
Jane Tan
+ PDF Chat Crux and Long Cycles in Graphs 2022 John Haslegrave
Jie Hu
Jaehoon Kim
Hong Liu
Bingyu Luan
Guanghui Wang
+ On the relationship between variable Wiener index and variable Szeged index 2022 Stijn Cambie
John Haslegrave
+ PDF Chat Degrees in Link Graphs of Regular Graphs 2022 Itaı Benjamini
John Haslegrave
+ PDF Chat Time Dependent Biased Random Walks 2022 John Haslegrave
Thomas Sauerwald
John Sylvester
+ The path minimises the average size of a connected induced subgraph 2022 John Haslegrave
+ The number and average size of connected sets in graphs with degree constraints 2022 John Haslegrave
+ When removing an independent set is optimal for reducing the chromatic number 2022 Stijn Cambie
John Haslegrave
Ross J. Kang
+ Tight Bounds on the Chromatic Edge Stability Index of Graphs 2022 Saieed Akbari
John Haslegrave
Mehrbod S. Javadi
Nasim Nahvi
Helia Niaparast
+ Monitoring edge-geodetic sets: hardness and graph products 2022 John Haslegrave
+ Competing types in preferential attachment graphs with community structure 2022 John Haslegrave
Jonathan Jordan
Mark Yarrow
+ PDF Chat Ramsey numbers of cycles versus general graphs 2021 John Haslegrave
Joseph Hyde
Jaehoon Kim
Hong Liu
+ PDF Chat Determining triangulations and quadrangulations by boundary distances 2021 John Haslegrave
+ Spanning surfaces in 3-graphs 2021 Agelos Georgakopoulos
John Haslegrave
Richard Montgomery
Bhargav Narayanan
+ PDF Chat Three-speed ballistic annihilation: phase transition and universality 2021 John Haslegrave
Vladas Sidoravičius
Laurent Tournier
+ PDF Chat Crux and long cycles in graphs 2021 John Haslegrave
Jie Hu
Jaehoon Kim
Hong Liu
Bingyu Luan
Guanghui Wang
+ PDF Chat The power of two choices for random walks 2021 Agelos Georgakopoulos
John Haslegrave
Thomas Sauerwald
John Sylvester
+ PDF Chat The number and average size of connected sets in graphs with degree constraints 2021 John Haslegrave
+ PDF Chat Extremal density for sparse minors and subdivisions 2021 John Haslegrave
Jaehoon Kim
Hong Liu
+ The path minimises the average size of a connected set 2021 John Haslegrave
+ PDF Chat Extremal Density for Sparse Minors and Subdivisions 2021 John Haslegrave
Jaehoon Kim
Hong Liu
+ Crux and long cycles in graphs 2021 John Haslegrave
Jie Hu
Jaehoon Kim
Hong Liu
Bingyu Luan
Guanghui Wang
+ PDF Chat A time-invariant random graph with splitting events 2021 Agelos Georgakopoulos
John Haslegrave
+ On the relationship between variable Wiener index and variable Szeged index 2021 Stijn Cambie
John Haslegrave
+ Sum index, difference index and exclusive sum number of graphs 2021 John Haslegrave
+ Determining triangulations and quadrangulations by boundary distances 2021 John Haslegrave
+ Ramsey numbers of cycles versus general graphs 2021 John Haslegrave
Joseph Hyde
Jaehoon Kim
Hong Liu
+ PDF Chat Combinatorial Universality in Three-Speed Ballistic Annihilation 2020 John Haslegrave
Laurent Tournier
+ PDF Chat Site percolation and isoperimetric inequalities for plane graphs 2020 John Haslegrave
Christoforos Panagiotis
+ Countable graphs are majority 3-choosable 2020 John Haslegrave
+ PDF Chat Percolation on an infinitely generated group 2020 Agelos Georgakopoulos
John Haslegrave
+ Choice and Bias in Random Walks 2020 Agelos Georgakopoulos
John Haslegrave
Thomas Sauerwald
John Sylvester
+ Extremal density for sparse minors and subdivisions 2020 John Haslegrave
Jaehoon Kim
Hong Liu
+ PDF Chat Countable graphs are majority 3-choosable 2020 John Haslegrave
+ Combinatorial universality in three-speed ballistic annihilation 2020 John Haslegrave
Laurent Tournier
+ Countable graphs are majority 3-choosable 2020 John Haslegrave
+ A time-invariant random network evolution 2019 Agelos Georgakopoulos
John Haslegrave
+ A time-invariant random graph with splitting events 2019 Agelos Georgakopoulos
John Haslegrave
+ PDF Chat Condensation in preferential attachment models with location‐based choice 2019 John Haslegrave
Jonathan Jordan
Mark Yarrow
+ Forcing large tight components in 3-graphs 2018 Agelos Georgakopoulos
John Haslegrave
Richard Montgomery
+ The three-speed ballistic annihilation threshold is 1/4 2018 John Haslegrave
Vladas Sidoravičius
Laurent Tournier
+ Three-speed ballistic annihilation: phase transition and universality. 2018 John Haslegrave
Vladas Sidoravičius
Laurent Tournier
+ PDF Chat Three-speed ballistic annihilation: phase transition and universality 2018 John Haslegrave
Vladas Sidoravičius
Laurent Tournier
+ Spanning surfaces in 3-graphs 2018 Agelos Georgakopoulos
John Haslegrave
Richard Montgomery
Bhargav Narayanan
+ PDF Chat Spanning surfaces in 3-graphs 2018 Agelos Georgakopoulos
John Haslegrave
Richard Montgomery
Bhargav Narayanan
+ The ballistic annihilation threshold is positive 2018 John Haslegrave
+ Non-convergence of proportions of types in a preferential attachment graph with three co-existing types 2018 John Haslegrave
Jonathan Jordan
+ PDF Chat Locating a robber with multiple probes 2017 John Haslegrave
Richard A. B. Johnson
Sebastian Koch
+ Proof of a local antimagic conjecture. 2017 John Haslegrave
+ PDF Chat Reaching consensus on a connected graph 2017 John Haslegrave
Mate Puljiz
+ PDF Chat Majority dynamics with one nonconformist 2017 John Haslegrave
C. Cannings
+ Proof of a local antimagic conjecture 2017 John Haslegrave
+ PDF Chat Subdivisions in the Robber Locating game 2016 John Haslegrave
Richard A. B. Johnson
Sebastian Koch
+ PDF Chat Preferential attachment with choice 2015 John Haslegrave
Jonathan Jordan
+ PDF Chat The Robber Locating game 2015 John Haslegrave
Richard A. B. Johnson
Sebastian Koch
+ PDF Chat Bounds on Herman's algorithm 2014 John Haslegrave
+ PDF Chat Judicious partitions of uniform hypergraphs 2014 John Haslegrave
+ Extremal results on average subtree density of series-reduced trees 2014 John Haslegrave
+ An evasion game on a graph 2013 John Haslegrave
+ PDF Chat The Bollobás-Thomason conjecture for 3-uniform hypergraphs 2012 John Haslegrave
+ PDF Chat Judicious partitions of 3-uniform hypergraphs 2009 John Haslegrave
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat A proof of Mader's conjecture on large clique subdivisions in C4-free graphs 2017 Hong Liu
Richard Montgomery
+ Decay kinetics of ballistic annihilation 1993 E. Ben‐Naim
S. Redner
F. Leyvraz
+ Proof of a Conjecture of Mader, Erdös and Hajnal on Topological Complete Subgraphs 1998 B. Bollobás
Andrew Thomason
+ PDF Chat Ballistic annihilation kinetics: The case of discrete velocity distributions 1995 P. L. Krapivsky
S. Redner
F. Leyvraz
+ Note on a one-dimensional system of annihilating particles 2017 Vladas Sidoravičius
Laurent Tournier
+ PDF Chat Proof of Komlós's conjecture on Hamiltonian subsets 2017 Jaehoon Kim
Hong Liu
Maryam Sharifzadeh
Katherine Staden
+ Topological cliques in graphs II 1996 János Komlós
Endre Szemerédi
+ The average order of a subtree of a tree 2009 Andrew Vince
Hua Wang
+ PDF Chat The combinatorics of the colliding bullets 2019 Nicolas Broutin
Jean‐François Marckert
+ Universality classes for deterministic surface growth 1988 Joachim Krug
Herbert Spohn
+ Asymptotic behavior of densities for two-particle annihilating random walks 1991 Maury Bramson
Joel L. Lebowitz
+ PDF Chat On the chromatic vertex stability number of graphs 2022 Saieed Akbari
Arash Beikmohammadi
Sandi Klavžar
Nazanin Movarraei
+ PDF Chat Ballistic-annihilation kinetics for a multivelocity one-dimensional ideal gas 1995 Michel Droz
P. Rey
L. Frachebourg
J. Piasecki
+ The bullet problem with discrete speeds 2019 Brittany Dygert
Christoph Kinzel
Matthew Junge
Annie Raymond
Erik Slivken
Jennifer Zhu
+ PDF Chat Existence of phase transition for percolation using the Gaussian free field 2020 Hugo Duminil‐Copin
Subhajit Goswami
Aran Raoufi
Franco Severo
Ariel Yadin
+ Ballistic annihilation and deterministic surface growth 1995 Vladimir Belitsky
Pablo A. Ferrari
+ Annihilation kinetics in the one-dimensional ideal gas 1985 Yves Elskens
H. L. Frisch
+ PDF Chat Site Recurrence for Annihilating Random Walks on $Z_d$ 1983 Richard Arratia
+ On the average number of nodes in a subtree of a tree 1983 Robert E. Jamison
+ An extremal function for contractions of graphs 1984 Andrew Thomason
+ Blow-up Lemma 1997 János Komlós
Gábor N. Sárközy
Endre Szemerédi
+ On the Mean Connected Induced Subgraph Order of Cographs 2017 Matthew E. Kroeker
Lucas Mol
Ortrud R. Oellermann
+ Judicious Partitions of 3-uniform Hypergraphs 2000 B Bollobás
Alex Scott
+ Characterisations and examples of graph classes with bounded expansion 2011 Jaroslav Nešetřil
Patrice Ossona de Mendez
David R. Wood
+ PDF Chat Further properties of a random graph with duplications and deletions 2015 Ágnes Backhausz
Tamás F. Móri
+ Lower bound of the hadwiger number of graphs by their average degree 1984 Alexandr Kostochka
+ Remarks on an asymptotic method in combinatorics 1984 E. Rodney Canfield
+ PDF Chat Separators for sphere-packings and nearest neighbor graphs 1997 Gary L. Miller
Shang‐Hua Teng
William P. Thurston
Stephen A. Vavasis
+ PDF Chat A separator theorem for nonplanar graphs 1990 Noga Alon
Paul Seymour
Robin Thomas
+ None 1998 A. Ermakov
Bálint Tóth
Wendelin Werner
+ The Extremal Function for Complete Minors 2001 Andrew Thomason
+ Subtrees of graphs 2018 Alex Chin
Gary Gordon
Kellie J. MacPhee
C.H. Vincent
+ Judicious Partitions of Hypergraphs 1997 B Bollobás
Alex Scott
+ PDF Chat Judicious partitions and related problems 2005 Alex Scott
+ PDF Chat The Extremal Function For Noncomplete Minors 2005 Joseph Samuel Myers
Andrew Thomason
+ PDF Chat On the structure of linear graphs 1946 Paul Erdős
A. H. Stone
+ An evasion game on a graph 2013 John Haslegrave
+ A Dirac-Type Theorem for 3-Uniform Hypergraphs 2006 Vojtěch Rödl
Andrzej Ruciński
Endre Szemerédi
+ The disjoint paths problem in quadratic time 2011 Ken‐ichi Kawarabayashi
Yusuke Kobayashi
Bruce Reed
+ PDF Chat Bandwidth, expansion, treewidth, separators and universality for bounded-degree graphs 2009 Julia Böttcher
Klaas P. Pruessmann
Anusch Taraz
Andreas Würfl
+ On a bottleneck bipartition conjecture of Erd?s 1992 Thomas Dale Porter
+ PDF Chat Exact Bounds for Judicious Partitions of Graphs 1999 B. Bollobás
Alex Scott
+ Dirac-type conditions for hamiltonian paths and cycles in 3-uniform hypergraphs 2011 Vojtěch Rödl
Andrzej Ruciński
Endre Szemerédi
+ The Regularity Lemma and Its Applications in Graph Theory 2002 János Komlós
Ali Shokoufandeh
Miklós Simonovits
Endre Szemerédi
+ Problems and results on judicious partitions 2002 B. Bollobás
Alex Scott
+ Linearity of grid minors in treewidth with applications through bidimensionality 2008 Erik D. Demaine
MohammadTaghi Hajiaghayi
+ PDF Chat Kinetics and Scaling in Ballistic Annihilation 2002 Emmanuel Trizac
+ Sachs′ Linkless Embedding Conjecture 1995 Neil Robertson
Paul Seymour
Rajan M. Thomas
+ PDF Chat Grad and classes with bounded expansion I. Decompositions 2007 Jaroslav Nešetřil
Patrice Ossona de Mendez
+ On the Asymptotic Behavior of One-Sided Large Deviation Probabilities 1982 S. V. Nagaev