Tanja Eisner


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat A view on multiple recurrence 2022 Tanja Eisner
+ A view on multiple recurrence 2022 Tanja Eisner
+ Divergence of weighted square averages in L1 2021 Zoltán Buczolich
Tanja Eisner
+ PDF Chat Embeddability of real and positive operators 2020 Tanja Eisner
Agnes Radl
+ PDF Chat Power bounded operators and the mean ergodic theorem for subsequences 2020 Tanja Eisner
Veronika Müller
+ Embeddability of real and positive operators 2020 Tanja Eisner
Agnes Radl
+ Resolvent conditions and growth of powers of operators 2020 Guy Cohen
Christophe Cuny
Tanja Eisner
Michael Lin
+ Power bounded operators and the mean ergodic theorem for subsequences 2020 Tanja Eisner
Veronika Müller
+ Power bounded operators and the mean ergodic theorem for subsequences 2020 Tanja Eisner
Veronika Müller
+ Embeddability of real and positive operators 2020 Tanja Eisner
Agnes Radl
+ Stability of Operators and Operator Semigroups 2019 Tanja Eisner
+ Divergence of weighted square averages in $L^1$ 2019 Zoltán Buczolich
Tanja Eisner
+ PDF Chat Nilsystems and ergodic averages along primes 2019 Tanja Eisner
+ Wiener's lemma along primes and other subsequences 2019 Christophe Cuny
Tanja Eisner
Bálint Farkas
+ Resolvent conditions and growth of powers of operators 2019 Guy Cohen
Christophe Cuny
Tanja Eisner
Michael Lin
+ Divergence of weighted square averages in $L^1$ 2019 Zoltán Buczolich
Tanja Eisner
+ PDF On modulated ergodic theorems 2018 Tanja Eisner
Michael Lin
+ PDF Automatic sequences as good weights for ergodic theorems 2018 Tanja Eisner
Jakub Konieczny
+ Automatic sequences as good weights for ergodic theorems 2017 Tanja Eisner
Jakub Konieczny
+ On the pointwise entangled ergodic theorem 2017 Tanja Eisner
Dávid Kunszenti-Kovács
+ On modulated ergodic theorems 2017 Tanja Eisner
Michael Lin
+ Wiener's lemma along primes and other subsequences 2017 Christophe Cuny
Tanja Eisner
Bálint Farkas
+ Automatic sequences as good weights for ergodic theorems 2017 Tanja Eisner
Jakub Konieczny
+ Wiener's lemma along primes and other subsequences 2016 Christophe Cuny
Tanja Eisner
Bálint Farkas
+ Operator Theory, Function Spaces, and Applications 2016 Tanja Eisner
Birgit Jacob
André C. M. Ran
Hans Zwart
+ On the pointwise entangled ergodic theorem 2015 Tanja Eisner
Dávid Kunszenti-Kovács
+ PDF Chat A polynomial version of Sarnak's conjecture 2015 Tanja Eisner
+ PDF Chat (Uniform) convergence of twisted ergodic averages 2015 Tanja Eisner
Ben Krause
+ A polynomial version of Sarnak's conjecture 2015 Tanja Eisner
+ Arithmetic Progressions and Ergodic Theory 2015 Tanja Eisner
Bálint Farkas
Markus Haase
Rainer Nagel
+ Mixing Dynamical Systems 2015 Tanja Eisner
Bálint Farkas
Markus Haase
Rainer Nagel
+ Operator Theoretic Aspects of Ergodic Theory 2015 Tanja Eisner
Bálint Farkas
Markus Haase
Rainer Nagel
+ Topological Dynamics and Colorings 2015 Tanja Eisner
Bálint Farkas
Markus Haase
Rainer Nagel
+ Minimality and Recurrence 2015 Tanja Eisner
Bálint Farkas
Markus Haase
Rainer Nagel
+ What Is Ergodic Theory? 2015 Tanja Eisner
Bálint Farkas
Markus Haase
Rainer Nagel
+ The Spectral Theorem and Dynamical Systems 2015 Tanja Eisner
Bálint Farkas
Markus Haase
Rainer Nagel
+ The C ∗-Algebra C(K) and the Koopman Operator 2015 Tanja Eisner
Bálint Farkas
Markus Haase
Rainer Nagel
+ The Kronecker Factor and Systems with Discrete Spectrum 2015 Tanja Eisner
Bálint Farkas
Markus Haase
Rainer Nagel
+ The Jacobs–de Leeuw–Glicksberg Decomposition 2015 Tanja Eisner
Bálint Farkas
Markus Haase
Rainer Nagel
+ Mean Ergodic Operators on C(K) 2015 Tanja Eisner
Bálint Farkas
Markus Haase
Rainer Nagel
+ Recurrence and Ergodicity 2015 Tanja Eisner
Bálint Farkas
Markus Haase
Rainer Nagel
+ The Mean Ergodic Theorem 2015 Tanja Eisner
Bálint Farkas
Markus Haase
Rainer Nagel
+ Topological Dynamical Systems 2015 Tanja Eisner
Bálint Farkas
Markus Haase
Rainer Nagel
+ More Ergodic Theorems 2015 Tanja Eisner
Bálint Farkas
Markus Haase
Rainer Nagel
+ The Banach Lattice $$\mathrm{L}^{\!p}$$ and the Koopman Operator 2015 Tanja Eisner
Bálint Farkas
Markus Haase
Rainer Nagel
+ A polynomial version of Sarnak's conjecture 2015 Tanja Eisner
+ On the pointwise entangled ergodic theorem 2015 Tanja Eisner
Dávid Kunszenti-Kovács
+ Applications of Ultrafilters in Ergodic Theory and Combinatorial Number Theory 2013 Jakub Konieczny
Tanja Eisner
Ale Jan Homburg
Piotr Niemiec
+ PDF On the entangled ergodic theorem 2013 Tanja Eisner
Dávid Kunszenti-Kovács
+ Linear sequences and weighted ergodic theorems 2013 Tanja Eisner
+ PDF Linear Sequences and Weighted Ergodic Theorems 2013 Tanja Eisner
+ PDF Chat Uniformity in the Wiener-Wintner theorem for nilsequences 2013 Tanja Eisner
Pavel Zorin‐Kranich
+ Linear sequences and weighted ergodic theorems 2013 Tanja Eisner
+ Arithmetic progressions -- an operator theoretic view 2012 Tanja Eisner
Rainer Nagel
+ PDF Chat On typical properties of Hilbert space operators 2012 Tanja Eisner
Tamás Mátrai
+ PDF Chat Large values of the Gowers-Host-Kra seminorms 2012 Tanja Eisner
Terence Tao
+ On the Wiener-Wintner theorem for nilsequences 2012 Tanja Eisner
+ Hilbertian Jamison sequences and rigid dynamical systems 2011 Tanja Eisner
Sophie Grivaux
+ PDF Nonconventional ergodic averages and multiple recurrence for von Neumann dynamical systems 2011 Tim Austin
Tanja Eisner
Terence Tao
+ Hilbertian Jamison sequences and rigid dynamical systems 2011 Tanja Eisner
Sophie Grivaux
+ Hilbertian Jamison sequences and rigid dynamical systems 2011 Tanja Eisner
Sophie Grivaux
+ PDF A "typical" contraction is unitary 2010 Tanja Eisner
+ On typical properties of Hilbert space operators 2010 Tanja Eisner
Tamás Mátrai
+ On the entangled ergodic theorem 2010 Tanja Eisner
Dávid Kunszenti-Kovács
András Serény
Andr ́as Ser ́eny
+ Large values of the Gowers-Host-Kra seminorms 2010 Tanja Eisner
Terence Tao
+ Stability of C0-semigroups 2010 Tanja Eisner
+ Stability of Operators and Operator Semigroups 2010 Tanja Eisner
+ On the entangled ergodic theorem 2010 Tanja Eisner
Dávid Kunszenti-Kovács
+ On typical properties of Hilbert space operators 2010 Tanja Eisner
Tamás Mátrai
+ PDF Chat Embedding operators into strongly continuous semigroups 2009 Tanja Eisner
+ Rigidity of contractions on Hilbert spaces 2009 Tanja Eisner
+ Nonconventional ergodic averages and multiple recurrence for von Neumann dynamical systems 2009 Tim Austin
Tanja Eisner
Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Category theorems for stable semigroups 2008 Tanja Eisner
András Serény
+ The growth of a C 0-semigroup characterised by its cogenerator 2008 Tanja Eisner
Hans Zwart
+ Embedding operators into strongly continuous semigroups 2008 Tanja Eisner
+ A "typical" contraction is unitary 2008 Tanja Eisner
+ The growth of a C_0-semigroup characterised by its cogenerator 2008 Tanja Eisner
Hans Zwart
+ On the weak analogue of the Trotter-Kato theorem 2008 Tanja Eisner
András Serény
+ Category theorems for stable semigroups 2008 Tanja Eisner
András Serény
+ The Spectral Mapping Property of Delay Semigroups 2008 András Bátkai
Tanja Eisner
Yuri Latushkin
+ Category theorems for stable operators on Hilbert spaces 2008 Tanja Eisner
+ Weakly and almost weakly stable C_0-semigroups 2008 Tanja Eisner
Bálint Farkas
Rainer Nagel
András Serény
+ A "typical" contraction is unitary 2008 Tanja Eisner
+ Category theorems for stable semigroups 2008 Tanja Eisner
András Serény
+ On the weak analogue of the Trotter-Kato theorem 2008 Tanja Eisner
András Serény
+ Embedding operators into strongly continuous semigroups 2008 Tanja Eisner
+ The growth of a C_0-semigroup characterised by its cogenerator 2008 Tanja Eisner
Hans Zwart
+ A Note on Polynomially Growing C0-Semigroups 2007 Tanja Eisner
Hans Zwart
+ Weakly and almost weakly stable C<SUB align=right>0-semigroups 2007 Tanja Eisner
Bálint Farkas
Rainer Nagel
András Serény
+ Weak Stability for Orbits of C 0-semigroups on Banach Spaces 2007 Tanja Eisner
Bálint Farkas
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Recurrence in Ergodic Theory and Combinatorial Number Theory 1981 Harry Furstenberg
+ PDF One-parameter semigroups for linear evolution equations 2001 Klaus‐Jochen Engel
Rainer Nagel
+ PDF Nonconventional ergodic averages and nilmanifolds 2005 Bernard Host
Bryna Kra
+ PDF Pointwise ergodic theorems for arithmetic sets 1989 Jean Bourgain
+ Modulated and subsequential ergodic theorems in Hilbert and Banach spaces 2002 Daniel Berend
Michael Lin
Joseph Rosenblatt
Arkady Tempelman
+ PDF Chat Uniformity seminorms on ℓ∞ and applications 2009 Bernard Host
Bryna Kra
+ Category theorems for stable operators on Hilbert spaces 2008 Tanja Eisner
+ Ergodic behavior of diagonal measures and a theorem of Szemerédi on arithmetic progressions 1977 Harry Furstenberg
+ PDF Ergodic theorems of weak mixing type 1976 Lee Jones
Michael Lin
+ PDF On modulated ergodic theorems for Dunford-Schwartz operators 1999 Michael Lin
J. Olsen
Arkady Tempelman
+ Ergodic Theory: with a view towards Number Theory 2011 Manfred Einsiedler
Thomas Ward
+ Pointwise ergodic theorem along the prime numbers 1988 Μáté Wierdl
+ Ergodic Theory via Joinings 2003 Eli Glasner
+ Operator Theoretic Aspects of Ergodic Theory 2015 Tanja Eisner
Bálint Farkas
Markus Haase
Rainer Nagel
+ PDF The weighted pointwise ergodic theorem and the individual ergodic theorem along subsequences 1985 Alexandra Bellow
Viktor Losert
+ Pointwise convergence of ergodic averages for polynomial sequences of translations on a nilmanifold 2004 A. Leibman
+ Convergence of weighted polynomial multiple ergodic averages 2008 Qing Chu
+ PDF Linear equations in primes 2010 Ben Green
Terence Tao
+ Harmonic Analysis of Operators on Hilbert Space 1970 Béla Szõkefalvi-Nagy
Ciprian Foiaş
Hari Bercovici
László Kérchy
+ Universal characteristic factors and Furstenberg averages 2006 Tamar Ziegler
+ Lectures on ergodic theory 1956 Paul R. Halmos
+ Harmonic Analysis and Ergodic Theory 1941 Norbert Wiener
Aurel Wintner
+ Wiener Wintner Ergodic Theorems 2003 Idris Assani
+ Theory of Operator Algebras II 2003 Masamichi Takesaki
+ An approach to pointwise ergodic theorems 1988 Jean Bourgain
+ Double recurrence and almost sure convergence. 1990 Jean Bourgain
+ Banach Lattices and Positive Operators 1974 Helmut Schaefer
+ Weakly and almost weakly stable C<SUB align=right>0-semigroups 2007 Tanja Eisner
Bálint Farkas
Rainer Nagel
András Serény
+ Ergodic Theory 1982 I. P. Cornfeld
Ya. G. Sinaĭ
Sergey Fomin
+ Stability of Operators and Operator Semigroups 2019 Tanja Eisner
+ Uniform distribution of sequences 1974 L. Kuipers
Harald Niederreiter
+ PDF Chat Embedding operators into strongly continuous semigroups 2009 Tanja Eisner
+ ERGODIC THEOREMS (de Gruyter Studies in Mathematics 6) 1986 D. Newton
+ Unimodular eigenvalues and weak mixing 1980 Lee Jones
Michael Lin
+ PDF The generic transformation has roots of all orders 2000 Jonathan M. King
+ What Does the Spectral Theorem Say? 1963 Paul R. Halmos
+ PDF On polynomials in primes and J. Bourgain's circle method approach to ergodic theorems II 1993 R. Nair
+ Spectral Theory of Dynamical Systems 1998 M. G. Nadkarni
+ PDF Chat (Uniform) convergence of twisted ergodic averages 2015 Tanja Eisner
Ben Krause
+ Polynomial Ergodic Averages Converge Rapidly: Variations on a Theorem of Bourgain 2014 Ben Krause
+ In General a Measure Preserving Transformation is Mixing 1944 Paul R. Halmos
+ PDF Chat Uniformity in the Wiener-Wintner theorem for nilsequences 2013 Tanja Eisner
Pavel Zorin‐Kranich
+ PDF Intersective polynomials and polynomial Szemeredi theorem 2008 Vitaly Bergelson
A. Leibman
Emmanuel Lesigne
+ PDF The quantitative behaviour of polynomial orbits on nilmanifolds 2012 Ben Green
Terence Tao
+ PDF Distribution of values of bounded generalized polynomials 2007 Vitaly Bergelson
A. Leibman
+ PDF Polynomial extensions of van der Waerden’s and Szemerédi’s theorems 1996 Vitaly Bergelson
A. Leibman
+ PDF Weakly mixing properties of semigroups of linear operators 1978 Fumio Hiai
+ PDF Chat Uniformity in the polynomial Wiener–Wintner theorem 2006 Nikos Frantzikinakis
+ PDF Chat A Survey of the Return Times Theorem 2013 Idris Assani
Kimberly Presser