C. S. Seshadri


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Standard Monomial Theory and the Work of Demazure 2018 C. S. Seshadri
C. S. Seshadri
Rahul Kumar Singh
+ Cotangent Bundle to the Flag Variety - I 2016 V. Lakshmibai
C. S. Seshadri
Rahul Kumar Singh
+ Introduction to the Theory of Standard Monomials 2016 C. S. Seshadri
+ Standard monomial theory on SLn(k)/Q 2016 C. S. Seshadri
+ Schubert Varieties in the Grassmannian 2016 C. S. Seshadri
+ Schubert varieties in G/Q 2016 C. S. Seshadri
+ Schubert geometry and representation theory 2012 C. S. Seshadri
V. Balaji
V. Lakshmibai
M. Pavaman Murthy
Madhav V. Nori
+ Parahoric bundles on a compact Riemann surface 2010 V. Balaji
C. S. Seshadri
+ Geometric Reductivity--A Quotient Space Approach 2010 Pramathanath Sastry
C. S. Seshadri
+ Moduli of parahoric $\mathcal G$--torsors on a compact Riemann surface 2010 V. Balaji
C. S. Seshadri
+ Moduli of π -Vector Bundles over an Algebraic Curve 2010 C. S. Seshadri
+ Remarks on parabolic structures 2010 C. S. Seshadri
+ Studies in the History of Indian Mathematics 2010 C. S. Seshadri
+ Moduli Spaces of Torsion Free Sheaves on Nodal Curves and Generalisations – I 2009 C. S. Seshadri
+ Cohomology of a Moduli Space of Vector Bundles 2007 V. Balaji
C. S. Seshadri
+ A Pieri-Chevalley Type Formula for K (G/B) and Standard Monomial Theory 2003 Peter Littelmann
C. S. Seshadri
+ A tribute to C.S. Seshadri : a collection of articles on geometry and representation theory 2003 C. S. Seshadri
V. Lakshmibai
+ Semistable principal bundles—I (characteristic zero) 2002 V. Balaji
C. S. Seshadri
+ Degenerations of the moduli spaces of vector bundles on curves II (generalized Gieseker moduli spaces) 1999 D. S. Nagaraj
C. S. Seshadri
+ Degenerations of the moduli spaces of vector bundles on curves I 1997 D. S. Nagaraj
C. S. Seshadri
+ Remarks on the moduli space of principal bundles 1996 V. Balaji
C. S. Seshadri
+ Poincare Polynomials of Some Moduli Varieties 1991 V. Balaji
C. S. Seshadri
+ For smooth projective varieties v/~, the Weil conjectures as established by Deligne, tell us that the number of rational 1991 V. Balaji
C. S. Seshadri
+ PDF Chat Geometry of GP−V 1986 V. Lakshmibai
C. S. Seshadri
+ PDF Chat Singular locus of a Schubert variety 1984 V. Lakshmibai
C. S. Seshadri
+ Schubert Varieties and the Variety of Complexes 1983 C. Musili
C. S. Seshadri
+ Standard monomial theory 1981 C. Musili
C. S. Seshadri
+ PDF Chat Moduli of vector bundles on curves with parabolic structures 1980 V. B. Mehta
C. S. Seshadri
+ Geometry ofG/P—IV (Standard monomial theory for classical types) 1979 V. Lakshmibai
C. Musili
C. S. Seshadri
+ PDF Chat Compactifications of the generalized Jacobian variety 1979 Tadao Oda
C. S. Seshadri
+ PDF Chat Geometry of đș/𝑃 1979 V. Lakshmibai
C. Musili
C. S. Seshadri
+ Geometry of G/P-II [The work of De Concini and Procesi and the basic conjectures] 1978 V. Lakshmibai
C. S. Seshadri
+ Geometric reductivity over arbitrary base 1977 C. S. Seshadri
+ PDF Chat Moduli of vector bundles on curves with parabolic structures 1977 C. S. Seshadri
+ Lectures on deformations of singularities 1976 Michael Artin
C. S. Seshadri
Allen Tannenbaum
+ PDF Chat Correction to “Cohomology of line bundles on $G/B$” 1975 Lakshmi Bai
C. Musili
C. S. Seshadri
+ PDF Chat Cohomology of line bundles on $G/B$ 1974 Lakshmi Bai
C. Musili
C. S. Seshadri
+ Errata to "Quotient Spaces Modulo Reductive Algebraic Groups" 1972 C. S. Seshadri
+ Quotient Spaces Modulo Reductive Algebraic Groups 1972 C. S. Seshadri
+ Space of Unitary Vector Bundles on a Compact Riemann Surface 1967 C. S. Seshadri
+ Stable and Unitary Vector Bundles on a Compact Riemann Surface 1965 M. S. Narasimhan
C. S. Seshadri
+ Universal property of the Picard variety of a complete variety 1965 C. S. Seshadri
+ Holomorphic vector bundles on a compact Riemann surface 1964 M. S. Narasimhan
C. S. Seshadri
+ Some results on the quotient space by an algebraic group of automorphisms 1963 C. S. Seshadri
+ Quotient space by an abelian variety 1963 C. S. Seshadri
+ PDF Chat On a theorem of Weitzenböck in invariant theory 1962 C. S. Seshadri
+ PDF Chat Algebraic vector bundles over the product of an affine curve and the affine line 1959 C. S. Seshadri
+ Generalized Multiplicative Meromorphic Functions on a Complex Analytic Manifold 1957 C. S. Seshadri
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Space of Unitary Vector Bundles on a Compact Riemann Surface 1967 C. S. Seshadri
+ Geometric Invariant Theory 1965 David Mumford
+ Geometric Invariant Theory 1994 David Mumford
John E. Fogarty
Frances Kirwan
+ Some Enumerative Results in the Theory of Forms 1943 W. V. D. Hodge
+ Linear Systems on Homogeneous Spaces 1976 George R. Kempf
+ The Yang-Mills equations over Riemann surfaces 1983 Michael Atiyah
Raoul Bott
+ Faisceaux Algebriques Coherents 1955 Jean-Pierre Serre
+ Stable and Unitary Vector Bundles on a Compact Riemann Surface 1965 M. S. Narasimhan
C. S. Seshadri
+ On the cohomology groups of moduli spaces of vector bundles on curves 1975 G. Harder
M. S. Narasimhan
+ Methods of Algebraic Geometry 1994 W. V. D. Hodge
D. Pedoe
+ Stable principal bundles on a compact Riemann surface 1975 A. Ramanathan
+ Quotient Spaces Modulo Reductive Algebraic Groups 1972 C. S. Seshadri
+ Geometric reductivity over arbitrary base 1977 C. S. Seshadri
+ A short proof of the Kempf vanishing theorem 1980 William Haboush
+ A characteristic free approach to invariant theory 1976 Corrado De Concini
Claudio Procesi
+ Lectures on Chevalley Groups 2016 Robert Steinberg
+ Reductive Groups are Geometrically Reductive 1975 William Haboush
+ Vector Bundles Over an Elliptic Curve 1957 Michael Atiyah
+ Valuative Criteria for Families of Vector Bundles on Algebraic Varieties 1975 Stacy G. Langton
+ PDF Chat Cohomology of line bundles on $G/B$ 1974 Lakshmi Bai
C. Musili
C. S. Seshadri
+ PDF Chat D. Mumford, Geometric Invariant Theory (Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete. Band 34. Springer-Verlag, Berlin) 1967 Peter Fantham
+ PDF Chat Geometry of đș/𝑃 1979 V. Lakshmibai
C. Musili
C. S. Seshadri
+ On the Homology of Compactifications of Moduli Spaces of Vector Bundles Over a Riemann Surface 1986 Frances Kirwan
+ Some results on the quotient space by an algebraic group of automorphisms 1963 C. S. Seshadri
+ PDF Chat Moduli of vector bundles on curves with parabolic structures 1980 V. B. Mehta
C. S. Seshadri
+ PDF Chat Principal bundles over projective manifolds with parabolic structure over a divisor 2001 V. Balaji
Indranil Biswas
D. S. Nagaraj
+ PDF Chat The irreducibility of the space of curves of given genus 1969 Pierre Deligne
D. Mumford
+ Geometry of G/P-II [The work of De Concini and Procesi and the basic conjectures] 1978 V. Lakshmibai
C. S. Seshadri
+ PDF Chat The homology of Kummer manifolds 1956 Edwin H. Spanier
+ PDF Chat Sur quelques points d'algĂšbre homologique, I 1957 Alexander Grothendieck
+ Standard monomial theory 1981 C. Musili
C. S. Seshadri
+ PDF Chat Moduli of representations of the fundamental group of a smooth projective variety. II 1994 Carlos Simpson
+ On the conormal bundle of the determinantal variety 1982 Elisabetta Strickland
+ Groupes et algĂšbres de Lie 1971 NicolĂĄs Bourbaki
+ Arithmetic Cohen-Macaulayness and Arithmetic Normality for Schubert Varieties 1981 C. DeConcini
V. Lakshmibai
+ Secants of minuscule and cominuscule minimal orbits 2015 Laurent Manivel
Mateusz MichaƂek
+ Representation-functors and flag-algebras for the classical groups I 1979 Glenn Lancaster
Jacob Towber
+ PDF Chat Higgs bundles and local systems 1992 Carlos Simpson
+ Holomorphic vector bundles on a compact Riemann surface 1964 M. S. Narasimhan
C. S. Seshadri
+ Cohomology of certain moduli spaces of vector bundles 1988 V. Balaji
+ Grassmannians and their Schubert subvarieties are arithmetically Cohen-Macaulay 1973 Melvin Hochster
+ PDF Chat Geometric Satake, Springer correspondence and small representations 2013 Pramod N. Achar
Anthony Henderson
+ On the Foundations of Combinatorial Theory: IX Combinatorial Methods in Invariant Theory 1974 Peter Doubilet
Gian‐Carlo Rota
Joël Stein
+ PDF Chat Compactifications of the generalized Jacobian variety 1979 Tadao Oda
C. S. Seshadri
+ Green polynomials and singularities of unipotent classes 1981 G. Lusztig
+ Deformations of the Moduli Space of Vector Bundles Over an Algebraic Curve 1975 M. S. Narasimhan
S. Ramanan
+ Two new functors from modules to algebras 1977 Jacob Towber
+ PDF Chat Uniformization of $${\mathcal {G}}$$ -bundles 2009 Jochen Heinloth
+ PDF Chat $B$-structures on $G$-bundles and local triviality 1995 Vladimir Drinfeld
Carlos Simpson
+ Strongly inner anisotropic forms of simple algebraic groups 1990 Jacques Tits