Michael I. Buchoff


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Neutron-Antineutron Oscillations from Lattice QCD 2019 Enrico Rinaldi
Sergey Syritsyn
Michael L. Wagman
Michael I. Buchoff
Chris Schroeder
Joseph Wasem
+ PDF Chat Lattice QCD determination of neutron-antineutron matrix elements with physical quark masses 2019 Enrico Rinaldi
Sergey Syritsyn
Michael L. Wagman
Michael I. Buchoff
Chris Schroeder
Joseph Wasem
+ PDF Chat Perturbative renormalization of neutron-antineutron operators 2016 Michael I. Buchoff
Michael L. Wagman
+ PDF Chat Stealth dark matter: Dark scalar baryons through the Higgs portal 2015 Thomas Appelquist
R. C. Brower
Michael I. Buchoff
George Fleming
Xiao-Yong Jin
Joe Kiskis
Graham D. Kribs
Ethan T. Neil
James C. Osborn
C. Rebbi
+ PDF Chat Detecting Stealth Dark Matter Directly through Electromagnetic Polarizability 2015 Thomas Appelquist
Evan Berkowitz
R. C. Brower
Michael I. Buchoff
George Fleming
Xiao-Yong Jin
Joe Kiskis
Graham D. Kribs
Ethan T. Neil
James C. Osborn
+ PDF Chat Lattice QCD input for axion cosmology 2015 Evan Berkowitz
Michael I. Buchoff
Enrico Rinaldi
+ PDF Chat Neutron-Antineutron Operator Renormalization 2015 Michael L. Wagman
Michael I. Buchoff
+ Neutron-Antineutron Operator Renormalization 2015 Michael I. Buchoff
Michael L. Wagman
+ Neutron-Antineutron Operator Renormalization 2015 Michael I. Buchoff
Michael L. Wagman
+ PDF Chat QCD Phase Transition with Chiral Quarks and Physical Quark Masses 2014 Tanmoy Bhattacharya
Michael I. Buchoff
Norman H. Christ
Heng-Tong Ding
Rajan Gupta
Chulwoo Jung
F. Karsch
Zhongjie Lin
Robert D. Mawhinney
Greg McGlynn
+ PDF Chat Composite bosonic baryon dark matter on the lattice:<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mi>S</mml:mi><mml:mi>U</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mn>4</mml:mn><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:math>baryon spectrum and the effective Higgs interaction 2014 Thomas Appelquist
Evan Berkowitz
R. C. Brower
Michael I. Buchoff
George Fleming
Joe Kiskis
Meifeng Lin
Ethan T. Neil
James C. Osborn
C. Rebbi
+ PDF Chat QCD chiral transition,<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>U</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:msub><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo><mml:mi>A</mml:mi></mml:msub></mml:math>symmetry and the dirac spectrum using domain wall fermions 2014 Michael I. Buchoff
Michael Cheng
Norman H. Christ
Heng-Tong Ding
Chulwoo Jung
F. Karsch
Zhongjie Lin
Robert D. Mawhinney
Swagato Mukherjee
Péter Petreczky
+ PDF Chat Two-Color Gauge Theory with Novel Infrared Behavior 2014 Thomas Appelquist
R. C. Brower
Michael I. Buchoff
M. Cheng
George Fleming
Joe Kiskis
Meifeng Lin
E. T. Neil
James C. Osborn
C. Rebbi
+ PDF Chat Lattice calculation of composite dark matter form factors 2013 Thomas Appelquist
Richard C. Brower
Michael I. Buchoff
M. Cheng
Saul D. Cohen
George Fleming
Joe Kiskis
Meifeng Lin
Ethan T. Neil
James C. Osborn
+ Project X: Physics Opportunities 2013 Andreas S. Kronfeld
R. Tschirhart
Usama al-Binni
Wolfgang Altmannshofer
C. Ankenbrandt
K. S. Babu
Sunanda Banerjee
Matthew Bass
Brian Batell
David V. Baxter
+ PDF Chat Neutron-antineutron oscillations on the lattice 2012 Michael I. Buchoff
Chris Schroeder
Joseph Wasem
+ PDF Chat Chiral transition andU(1)Asymmetry restoration from lattice QCD using domain wall fermions 2012 Alexei Bazavov
Tanmoy Bhattacharya
Michael I. Buchoff
Michael Cheng
Norman H. Christ
Heng-Tong Ding
Rajan Gupta
Prasad Hegde
Chulwoo Jung
F. Karsch
+ Neutron-antineutron oscillations on the lattice 2012 Michael I. Buchoff
Chris Schroeder
Joseph Wasem
+ PDF Chat <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>S</mml:mi></mml:math>-wave scattering of strangeness<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mn>3</mml:mn></mml:math>baryons 2012 Michael I. Buchoff
Thomas Luu
Joseph Wasem
+ PDF Chat WWscattering parameters via pseudoscalar phase shifts 2012 Thomas Appelquist
Ronald Babich
Richard C. Brower
Michael I. Buchoff
M. Cheng
M. A. Clark
Saul D. Cohen
George Fleming
Joe Kiskis
Meifeng Lin
+ PDF Chat Finite isospin density probe for conformality 2012 Michael I. Buchoff
+ Approaching Conformality with Ten Flavors 2012 Thomas Appelquist
Richard C. Brower
Michael I. Buchoff
Michael Cheng
Saul D. Cohen
George Fleming
Joe Kiskis
Meifeng Lin
Heechang Na
Ethan T. Neil
+ Neutron-antineutron oscillations on the lattice 2012 Michael I. Buchoff
Chris Schroeder
Joseph Wasem
+ PDF Chat Extracting Scattering Parameters using the Isospin Chemical Potential 2011 Michael I. Buchoff
+ PDF Chat The phases of deuterium at extreme densities 2011 Paulo F. Bedaque
Michael I. Buchoff
Aleksey Cherman
+ Extracting scattering parameters using the isospin chemical potential 2010 Michael I. Buchoff
+ PDF Chat Color superconductivity at large<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>N</mml:mi></mml:math>: A new hope 2010 Michael I. Buchoff
Aleksey Cherman
Thomas D. Cohen
+ Topics in Lattice QCD and Effective Field Theory 2010 Michael I. Buchoff
+ Topics in Lattice QCD and Effective Field Theory 2010 Michael I. Buchoff
+ Extracting scattering parameters using the isospin chemical potential 2010 Michael I. Buchoff
+ PDF Chat Meson-baryon scattering parameters from lattice QCD with an isospin chemical potential 2009 Paulo F. Bedaque
Michael I. Buchoff
Brian C. Tiburzi
+ PDF Chat Sommerfeld enhancement from Goldstone pseudo-scalar exchange 2009 Paulo F. Bedaque
Michael I. Buchoff
Rashmish K. Mishra
+ PDF Chat Can fermions save large N dimensional reduction? 2009 Paulo F. Bedaque
Michael I. Buchoff
Aleksey Cherman
Roxanne P. Springer
+ PDF Chat <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>π</mml:mi><mml:mi>π</mml:mi></mml:math>scattering in twisted mass chiral perturbation theory 2009 Michael I. Buchoff
Jiunn-Wei Chen
André Walker-Loud
+ Search for Chiral Fermion Actions on Non-Orthogonal Lattices 2008 Michael I. Buchoff
+ Search for fermion actions on hyperdiamond lattices 2008 Paulo F. Bedaque
Michael I. Buchoff
Brian C. Tiburzi
André Walker-Loud
+ PDF Chat Isotropic and anisotropic lattice spacing corrections for<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">I</mml:mi><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:math><mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>π</mml:mi><mml:mi>π</mml:mi></mml:math>scattering from effective field theory 2008 Michael I. Buchoff
+ PDF Chat Effective field theory for the anisotropic Wilson lattice action 2008 Paulo F. Bedaque
Michael I. Buchoff
André Walker-Loud
+ PDF Chat Broken symmetries from minimally doubled fermions 2008 Paulo F. Bedaque
Michael I. Buchoff
Brian C. Tiburzi
André Walker-Loud
+ Search for Chiral Fermion Actions on Non-Orthogonal Lattices 2008 Michael I. Buchoff
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Precise determination of the<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>I</mml:mi><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:math><mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>π</mml:mi><mml:mi>π</mml:mi></mml:math>scattering length from mixed-action lattice QCD 2008 Silas R. Beane
Thomas Luu
Kostas Orginos
A. Parreño
Martin J. Savage
Aaron Torok
André Walker-Loud
+ PDF Chat <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>I</mml:mi><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mn>2</mml:mn><mml:mi>π</mml:mi><mml:mi>π</mml:mi></mml:math>scattering phase shift with two flavors of<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>O</mml:mi><mml:mfenced close=")" open="(" separators=" "><mml:mi>a</mml:mi></mml:mfenced></mml:math>improved dynamical quarks 2004 Takeshi Yamazaki
Sinya Aoki
M. Fukugita
K-I. Ishikawa
N. Ishizuka
Y. Iwasaki
K. Kanaya
T. Kaneko
Y. Kuramashi
M. Okawa
+ PDF Chat <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>I</mml:mi><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:math><mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>π</mml:mi><mml:mi>π</mml:mi></mml:math>scattering from fully-dynamical mixed-action lattice QCD 2006 Silas R. Beane
Paulo F. Bedaque
Kostas Orginos
Martin J. Savage
+ PDF Chat Thermal dark matter from a confining sector 2013 Matthew R. Buckley
Ethan T. Neil
+ PDF Chat Light asymmetric dark matter on the lattice: SU(2) technicolor with two fundamental flavors 2012 Randy Lewis
Claudio Pica
Francesco Sannino
+ PDF Chat Axial symmetries in lattice QCD with Kaplan fermions 1995 Vadim Furman
Yigal Shamir
+ PDF Chat Lattice QCD at finite isospin density at zero and finite temperature 2002 John B. Kogut
D.K. Sinclair
+ PDF Chat Spontaneous flavor and parity breaking with Wilson fermions 1998 Stephen R. Sharpe
Robert Singleton
+ The <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mi>π</mml:mi><mml:mo>+</mml:mo></mml:msup><mml:msup><mml:mi>π</mml:mi><mml:mo>+</mml:mo></mml:msup></mml:math> scattering length from maximally twisted mass lattice QCD 2010 Xu Feng
Karl Jansen
Dru B. Renner
+ PDF Chat Finite temperature transition for 2-flavor lattice QCD at finite isospin density 2004 John B. Kogut
D. K. Sinclair
+ PDF Chat QCD at a Finite isospin density: From the pion to quark-antiquark condensation 2001 D. Son
Mikhail Stephanov
+ PDF Chat QCD at Finite Isospin Density 2001 D. Son
Mikhail Stephanov
+ PDF Chat Quirky composite dark matter 2010 Graham D. Kribs
Tuhin S. Roy
John Terning
Kathryn M. Zurek
+ PDF Chat Meson-baryon scattering parameters from lattice QCD with an isospin chemical potential 2009 Paulo F. Bedaque
Michael I. Buchoff
Brian C. Tiburzi
+ PDF Chat High statistics analysis using anisotropic clover lattices: III. Baryon-baryon interactions 2010 Silas R. Beane
William Detmold
Huey-Wen Lin
Thomas Luu
Kostas Orginos
Martin J. Savage
Aaron Torok
André Walker-Loud
+ PDF Chat Toward TeV Conformality 2010 Thomas Appelquist
Artjom Avakian
Ronald Babich
Richard C. Brower
M. Cheng
M. A. Clark
Saul D. Cohen
George Fleming
Joe Kiskis
Ethan T. Neil
+ PDF Chat Detecting technibaryon dark matter 1994 John Eugene Bagnasco
Michael Dine
S. Thomas
+ Two nucleons on a lattice 2004 Silas R. Beane
Paulo F. Bedaque
A. Parreño
M. J. Savage
+ PDF Chat Chiral and deconfinement aspects of the QCD transition 2012 Alexei Bazavov
Tanmoy Bhattacharya
M. Cheng
Carleton DeTar
Heng-Tong Ding
Steven Gottlieb
Rajan Gupta
Prasad Hegde
Urs M. Heller
F. Karsch
+ PDF Chat Hyperons in two-flavor chiral perturbation theory 2008 Brian C. Tiburzi
André Walker-Loud
+ PDF Chat Two meson systems with Ginsparg-Wilson valence quarks 2007 Jiunn-Wei Chen
Donal O’Connell
André Walker-Loud
+ PDF Chat Light hadron spectroscopy using domain wall valence quarks on an asqtad sea 2009 André Walker-Loud
Huey-Wen Lin
David Richards
Robert G. Edwards
Michael Engelhardt
George Fleming
Ph. Hägler
Bernhard Musch
Meifeng Lin
Harvey B. Meyer
+ PDF Chat Hyperon–nucleon scattering from fully-dynamical lattice QCD 2007 Silas R. Beane
Paulo F. Bedaque
Thomas Luu
Kostas Orginos
Elisabetta Pallante
A. Parreño
Martin J. Savage
+ PDF Chat Finite volume corrections to<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>π</mml:mi><mml:mi>π</mml:mi></mml:math>scattering 2006 Paulo F. Bedaque
I. Sato
André Walker-Loud
+ PDF Chat Orthogonal technicolor with isotriplet dark matter on the lattice 2013 Ari Hietanen
Claudio Pica
Francesco Sannino
Ulrik Ishøj Søndergaard
+ PDF Chat Two flavors of dynamical quarks on anisotropic lattices 2003 T. Umeda
S. Aoki
M. Fukugita
Ken-Ichi Ishikawa
N. Ishizuka
Y. Iwasaki
K. Kanaya
Y. Kuramashi
V. Lesk
Yusuke Namekawa
+ PDF Chat Neutron–anti-neutron oscillation: theory and phenomenology 2009 Rabindra N. Mohapatra
+ PDF Chat On the scaling behavior of the chiral phase transition in QCD in finite and infinite volume 2011 Jens Braun
Bertram Klein
Piotr Piasecki
+ PDF Chat Localization and chiral symmetry in three flavor domain wall QCD 2008 D. J. Antonio
Kenneth C. Bowler
Peter A. Boyle
Norman H. Christ
M. A. Clark
Saul D. Cohen
C. Dawson
Alistair Hart
Bálint Joó
Chulwoo Jung
+ PDF Chat A comment on the strong interactions of color-neutral technibaryons 1993 R. Sekhar Chivukula
Andrew G. Cohen
Michael Luke
Martin J. Savage
+ PDF Chat Nucleon properties at finite lattice spacing in chiral perturbation theory 2003 Silas R. Beane
Martin J. Savage
+ PDF Chat A framework for exploring the interactions and decays of hyperons with lattice QCD 2004 Silas R. Beane
Paulo F. Bedaque
A. Parreño
Martin J. Savage
+ PDF Chat Hadron scattering lengths in lattice QCD 1995 M. Fukugita
Y. Kuramashi
M. Okawa
H. Mino
A. Ukawa
+ PDF Chat Darkogenesis: A baryon asymmetry from the dark matter sector 2010 Jessie Shelton
Kathryn M. Zurek
+ PDF Chat Baryon masses at in chiral perturbation theory 2005 Brian C. Tiburzi
+ PDF Chat <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:msup><mml:mi>K</mml:mi><mml:mo>+</mml:mo></mml:msup><mml:msup><mml:mi>K</mml:mi><mml:mo>+</mml:mo></mml:msup></mml:math>scattering length from lattice QCD 2008 Silas R. Beane
Thomas Luu
Kostas Orginos
A. Parreño
Martin J. Savage
Aaron Torok
André Walker-Loud
+ PDF Chat First Results from the LUX Dark Matter Experiment at the Sanford Underground Research Facility 2014 D. S. Akerib
H. M. Araújo
X. Bai
A. J. Bailey
J. Balajthy
S. Bedikian
E. P. Bernard
A. Bernstein
A. Bolozdynya
A. Bradley
+ PDF Chat Nonperturbative renormalization of quark bilinear operators and<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:msub><mml:mi>B</mml:mi><mml:mi>K</mml:mi></mml:msub></mml:math>using domain wall fermions 2008 Yasumichi Aoki
P. A. Boyle
Norman H. Christ
C. Dawson
M. A. Donnellan
Taku Izubuchi
Andreas Jüttner
S. Li
Robert D. Mawhinney
J. Noaki
+ PDF Chat Twisted mass chiral perturbation theory at next-to-leading order 2005 Stephen R. Sharpe
Jackson M. S. Wu
+ PDF Chat Chiral perturbation theory for the Wilson lattice action 2002 Gautam Rupak
Noam Shoresh
+ Observation of a new particle in the search for the Standard Model Higgs boson with the ATLAS detector at the LHC 2012 G. Aad
T. Abajyan
B. Abbott
J. Abdallah
S. Abdel Khalek
A. A. Abdelalim
O. Abdinov
R. Aben
B. Abi
M. Abolins
+ PDF Chat Nucleon and delta masses in twisted mass chiral perturbation theory 2005 André Walker-Loud
Jackson M. S. Wu
+ PDF Chat Heavy quarks on anisotropic lattices: The charmonium spectrum 2001 Ping Chen
+ PDF Chat Realistic calculations of nuclear disappearance lifetimes induced by<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>n</mml:mi><mml:mover accent="true"><mml:mi>n</mml:mi><mml:mo>¯</mml:mo></mml:mover></mml:math>oscillations 2008 E. Friedman
A. Gal
+ PDF Chat Multipion Systems in Lattice QCD and the Three-Pion Interaction 2008 Silas R. Beane
William Detmold
Thomas Luu
Kostas Orginos
Martin J. Savage
Aaron Torok
+ High statistics analysis using anisotropic clover lattices. II. Three-baryon systems 2009 Silas R. Beane
William Detmold
Thomas Luu
Kostas Orginos
A. Parreño
Martin J. Savage
Aaron Torok
André Walker-Loud
+ PDF Chat Multipion states in lattice QCD and the charged-pion condensate 2008 William Detmold
Martin J. Savage
Aaron Torok
Silas R. Beane
Thomas Luu
Kostas Orginos
A. Parreño
+ PDF Chat How dark are Majorana WIMPs? Signals from magnetic inelastic dark matter and Rayleigh dark matter 2012 Neal Weiner
Itay Yavin
+ PDF Chat Ginsparg-Wilson pions scattering in a sea of staggered quarks 2006 Jiunn-Wei Chen
Donal O’Connell
R. S. Van de Water
André Walker-Loud
+ PDF Chat Asymmetric dark matter 2009 David E. Kaplan
Markus A. Luty
Kathryn M. Zurek