Ludovic Marquis


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Convex cocompact groups in real hyperbolic spaces with limit set a Pontryagin sphere 2025 Sami Douba
Gye‐Seon Lee
Ludovic Marquis
Lorenzo Ruffoni
+ Convex cocompactness for Coxeter groups 2024 Jeffrey Danciger
François Guéritaud
Fanny Kassel
Gye-Seon Lee
Ludovic Marquis
+ Discrete Coxeter Groups 2024 Gye-Seon Lee
Ludovic Marquis
+ PDF Chat Deformation spaces of Coxeter truncation polytopes 2022 Suhyoung Choi
Gye-Seon Lee
Ludovic Marquis
+ PDF Chat A small closed convex projective 4-manifold via Dehn filling 2022 Gye-Seon Lee
Ludovic Marquis
Stefano Riolo
+ Discrete Coxeter groups 2021 Gye-Seon Lee
Ludovic Marquis
+ Convex cocompactness for Coxeter groups 2021 Jeffrey Danciger
François Guéritaud
Fanny Kassel
Gye-Seon Lee
Ludovic Marquis
+ PDF Chat Properly convex bending of hyperbolic manifolds 2020 Samuel A. Ballas
Ludovic Marquis
+ PDF Chat Convex projective generalized dehn filling 2020 Suhyoung Choi
Gye-Seon Lee
Ludovic Marquis
+ PDF Chat Surface groups of diffeomorphisms of the interval 2018 Ludovic Marquis
Juan Souto
+ PDF Chat Anti-de Sitter strictly GHC-regular groups which are not lattices 2018 Gye-Seon Lee
Ludovic Marquis
+ PDF Chat Coxeter group in Hilbert geometry 2017 Ludovic Marquis
+ Anti-de Sitter strictly GHC-regular groups which are not lattices 2017 Gye-Seon Lee
Ludovic Marquis
+ Erratum: Exemples de variétés projectives strictement convexes de volume fini en dimension quelconque 2017 Ludovic Marquis
+ Surface groups of diffeomorphisms of the interval 2017 Ludovic Marquis
Juan Souto
+ Anti-de Sitter strictly GHC-regular groups which are not lattices 2017 Gye-Seon Lee
Ludovic Marquis
+ PDF Chat Entropy Rigidity of Hilbert and Riemannian Metrics 2016 Thomas Barthelmé
Ludovic Marquis
Andrew Zimmer
Gye-Seon Lee
Ludovic Marquis
+ Deformations of convex real projective structures on manifolds and orbifolds 2016 Suhyoung Choi
Gye-Seon Lee
Ludovic Marquis
+ Deformations of convex real projective manifolds and orbifolds 2016 Suhyoung Choi
Gye-Seon Lee
Ludovic Marquis
+ Convex projective generalized Dehn filling 2016 Suhyoung Choi
Gye-Seon Lee
Ludovic Marquis
+ Entropy rigidity of Hilbert and Riemannian metrics 2015 Thomas Barthelmé
Ludovic Marquis
Andrew Zimmer
+ Entropy rigidity of Hilbert and Riemannian metrics 2015 Thomas Barthelmé
Ludovic Marquis
Andrew Zimmer
+ Around groups in Hilbert geometry 2014 Ludovic Marquis
+ Coxeter group in Hilbert geometry 2014 Ludovic Marquis
+ PDF Chat Le flot géodésique des quotients géométriquement finis des géométries de Hilbert 2014 Mickaël Crampon
Ludovic Marquis
+ PDF Chat Finitude géométrique en géométrie de Hilbert 2014 Mickaël Crampon
Ludovic Marquis
+ PDF Chat Around groups in Hilbert Geometry 2014 Ludovic Marquis
+ Coxeter group in Hilbert geometry 2014 Ludovic Marquis
+ PDF Chat Un lemme de Kazhdan-Margulis-Zassenhaus pour les géométries de Hilbert 2013 Mickaël Crampon
Ludovic Marquis
+ PDF Chat Exemples de variétés projectives strictement convexes de volume fini en dimension quelconque 2012 Ludovic Marquis
+ Le flot g\'eod\'esique des quotients geometriquement finis des g\'eom\'etries de Hilbert 2012 Mickaël Crampon
Ludovic Marquis
+ Finitude g\'eom\'etrique en g\'eom\'etrie de Hilbert 2012 Mickaël Crampon
Ludovic Marquis
+ PDF Chat Surface Projective Convexe de volume fini 2012 Ludovic Marquis
+ Le flot géodésique des quotients geometriquement finis des géométries de Hilbert 2012 Mickaël Crampon
Ludovic Marquis
+ Finitude géométrique en géométrie de Hilbert 2012 Mickaël Crampon
Ludovic Marquis
+ Un lemme de Kazhdan-Margulis-Zassenhaus pour les g\'eom\'etries de Hilbert 2011 Mickaël Crampon
Ludovic Marquis
+ Un lemme de Kazhdan-Margulis-Zassenhaus pour les géométries de Hilbert 2011 Mickaël Crampon
Ludovic Marquis
+ PDF Chat Espace des modules marqués des surfaces projectives convexes de volume fini 2010 Ludovic Marquis
+ Exemples de vari\'et\'es projectives strictement convexes de volume fini en dimension quelconque 2010 Ludovic Marquis
+ Exemples de variétés projectives strictement convexes de volume fini en dimension quelconque 2010 Ludovic Marquis
+ PDF Chat Espace des modules de certains polyèdres projectifs miroirs 2009 Ludovic Marquis
+ PDF Chat Tilling in projective geometry of dimension 2 and 3 2009 Ludovic Marquis
+ Surface projective convexe de volume fini 2009 Ludovic Marquis
+ Les pavages en géométrie projective de dimension 2 et 3 2009 Ludovic Marquis
+ Surface projective convexe de volume fini 2009 Ludovic Marquis
+ Espace des modules de certains polyedres projectifs miroirs 2008 Ludovic Marquis
+ Espace des modules de certains polyedres projectifs miroirs 2008 Ludovic Marquis
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Convexes divisibles IV : Structure du bord en dimension 3 2006 Yves Benoist
+ Convexes Hyperboliques et Quasiisométries 2006 Yves Benoist
+ PDF Chat Convex real projective structures on compact surfaces 1990 William M. Goldman
+ PDF Chat Convex projective structures on Gromov–Thurston manifolds 2007 Michael Kapovich
+ Quasi-homogeneous cones 1967 �. B. Vinberg
V. G. Kats
+ The Deformation Spaces of Projective Structures on 3-Dimensional Coxeter Orbifolds 2006 Suhyoung Choi
+ PDF Chat Espace des modules de certains polyèdres projectifs miroirs 2009 Ludovic Marquis
+ PDF Chat Convex projective structures on nonhyperbolic three-manifolds 2018 Samuel A. Ballas
Jeffrey Danciger
Gye-Seon Lee
+ Some linear groups virtually having a free quotient. 2000 G. A. Margulis
É. B. Vinberg
+ Around groups in Hilbert geometry 2014 Ludovic Marquis
+ On convex projective manifolds and cusps 2015 D. Cooper
D. D. Long
Stephan Tillmann
+ PDF Chat Projective deformations of weakly orderable hyperbolic Coxeter orbifolds 2015 Suhyoung Choi
Gye-Seon Lee
+ PDF Chat Surface Projective Convexe de volume fini 2012 Ludovic Marquis
+ PDF Chat Anosov representations: domains of discontinuity and applications 2012 Olivier Guichard
Anna Wienhard
+ Sur les automorphismes affines des ouverts convexes saillants 1970 Jacques Vey
+ PDF Chat The Minnesota Notes on Jordan Algebras and Their Applications 1999 Max Koecher
+ PDF Chat Deformations of noncompact projective manifolds 2014 Samuel A. Ballas
+ PDF Chat Deformation spaces associated to compact hyperbolic manifolds 1986 Dennis L. Johnson
John J. Millson
+ PDF Chat Coxeter group in Hilbert geometry 2017 Ludovic Marquis
+ Automorphismes des cônes convexes 2000 Yves Benoist
+ PDF Chat Buildings with isolated subspaces and relatively hyperbolic Coxeter groups 2009 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
+ The geometry and topology of three-manifolds 1979 William P. Thurston
+ PDF Chat Sur les variétés localement affines et localement projectives 1960 Jean-Paul Benzécri
+ PDF Chat Convex decompositions of real projective surfaces. II. Admissible decompositions 1994 Suhyoung Choi
+ Hyperbolic Coxeter groups 1988 Gábor Moussong
+ Fundamental Domains for Lattices in (R-)rank 1 Semisimple Lie Groups 1970 Howard Garland
M. S. Raghunathan
+ On Convex Projective Manifolds and Cusps 2011 Daryl Cooper
D. D. Long
Stephan Tillmann
+ PDF Chat Finite volume properly convex deformations of the figure-eight knot 2015 Samuel A. Ballas
+ PDF Chat Espace des modules marqués des surfaces projectives convexes de volume fini 2010 Ludovic Marquis
+ Moduli spaces of convex projective structures on surfaces 2006 V. V. Fock
A. B. Goncharov
+ PDF Chat Anosov flows, surface groups and curves in projective space 2006 François Labourie
+ PDF Chat Projective deformations of hyperbolic Coxeter 3-orbifolds 2011 Suhyoung Choi
Craig D. Hodgson
Gye-Seon Lee
+ PDF Chat Déformations de connexions localement plates 1968 Jean-Louis Koszul
+ Three-Dimensional Geometry and Topology 1997 William P. Thurston
Silvio Levy
+ On complexes with transitive groups of automorphisms 1950 Folke Lannér
+ A Note on Local Rigidity 2004 Nicolas Bergeron
Tsachik Gelander
+ PDF Chat Finitude géométrique en géométrie de Hilbert 2014 Mickaël Crampon
Ludovic Marquis
+ PDF Chat Convex real projective structures on closed surfaces are closed 1993 Suhyoung Choi
William M. Goldman
+ Lectures on hyperbolic Coxeter groups 1967 Jean-Louis Koszul
+ PDF Chat Flexing closed hyperbolic manifolds 2007 Daryl Cooper
D. D. Long
Morwen Thistlethwaite
+ Entropies of strictly convex projective manifolds 2009 Mickaël Crampon
+ PDF Chat The deformation spaces of convex [inline-graphic xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="01i" /]-structures on 2-orbifolds 2005 Suhyoung Choi
William M. Goldman
+ Affine spheres and convex [inline-graphic xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="01i" /]-manifolds 2001 John Loftin
+ PDF Chat Andreev’s Theorem on hyperbolic polyhedra 2007 Roland K. W. Roeder
John H. Hubbard
William Dunbar
+ Absence of crystallographic groups of reflections in Lobachevskii spaces of large dimension 1981 �. B. Vinberg
+ PDF Chat Convex cocompactness in pseudo-Riemannian hyperbolic spaces 2017 Jeffrey Danciger
François Guéritaud
Fanny Kassel
+ Convexes divisibles III 2005 Yves Benoist
+ PDF Chat The deformation theory of representations of fundamental groups of compact Kähler manifolds 1988 William M. Goldman
John J. Millson
+ Convex cocompact actions in real projective geometry 2017 Jeffrey Danciger
François Guéritaud
Fanny Kassel
+ Density Properties for Certain Subgroups of Semi-Simple Groups Without Compact Components 1960 Armand Borel