Balázs Strenner


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Quadratic-time computations for pseudo-Anosov mapping classes 2024 Dan Margalit
Balázs Strenner
Samuel J. Taylor
S. Öykü Yurttaş
+ PDF Chat Fibrations of 3–manifolds and asymptotic translation length in the arc complex 2023 Balázs Strenner
+ PDF Chat Minimal pseudo-Anosov stretch factors on nonoriented surfaces 2020 Livio Liechti
Balázs Strenner
+ PDF Chat The Arnoux-Yoccoz mapping classes via Penner's construction 2020 Livio Liechti
Balázs Strenner
+ PDF Chat Minimal Penner dilatations on nonorientable surfaces 2019 Livio Liechti
Balázs Strenner
+ Minimal Penner dilatations on nonorientable surfaces 2018 Livio Liechti
Balázs Strenner
+ PDF Chat Lifts of pseudo-Anosov homeomorphisms of nonorientable surfaces have vanishing SAF invariant 2018 Balázs Strenner
+ Minimal Penner dilatations on nonorientable surfaces 2018 Livio Liechti
Balázs Strenner
+ Fibrations of 3-manifolds and asymptotic translation length in the arc complex 2018 Balázs Strenner
+ PDF Chat Algebraic degrees of pseudo-Anosov stretch factors 2017 Balázs Strenner
+ PDF Chat Galois Conjugates of Pseudo-Anosov Stretch Factors are Dense in the Complex Plane 2017 Balázs Strenner
+ Galois conjugates of pseudo-Anosov stretch factors are dense in the complex plane 2017 Balázs Strenner
+ Galois conjugates of pseudo-Anosov stretch factors are dense in the complex plane 2017 Balázs Strenner
+ Lifts of pseudo-Anosov homeomorphisms of nonorientable surfaces have vanishing SAF invariant 2016 Balázs Strenner
+ Lifts of pseudo-Anosov homeomorphisms of nonorientable surfaces have vanishing SAF invariant 2016 Balázs Strenner
+ PDF Chat Pseudo-Anosov mapping classes not arising from Penner’s construction 2015 Hyunshik Shin
Balázs Strenner
+ Algebraic degrees and Galois conjugates of pseudo-Anosov stretch factors 2015 Balázs Strenner
+ How large dimension guarantees a given angle? 2012 Viktor Harangi
Tamàs Keleti
Gergely Kiss
Péter Maga
András Máthé
Pertti Mattila
Balázs Strenner
+ How large dimension guarantees a given angle 2011 Viktor Harangi
Tamás Keleti
Gergely Kiss
Péter Maga
András Máthé
Pertti Mattila
Balázs Strenner
+ How large dimension guarantees a given angle? 2011 Viktor Harangi
Tamás Keleti
Gergely Kiss
Péter Maga
András Máthé
Pertti Mattila
Balázs Strenner
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat A construction of pseudo-Anosov homeomorphisms 1988 Robert Penner
+ PDF Chat Algebraic degrees of pseudo-Anosov stretch factors 2017 Balázs Strenner
+ PDF Chat Bounds on least dilatations 1991 Robert Penner
+ PDF Chat On the geometry and dynamics of diffeomorphisms of surfaces 1988 William P. Thurston
+ PDF Chat Small dilatation mapping classes coming from the simplest hyperbolic braid 2010 Eriko Hironaka
+ PDF Chat The Minimal Dilatation of a Genus-Two Surface 2008 Jin‐Hwan Cho
Ji-Young Ham
+ A Primer on Mapping Class Groups 2011 Benson Farb
Dan Margalit
+ PDF Chat Démonstration d'un théorème de Penner sur la composition des twists de Dehn 1992 Albert Fathi
+ PDF Chat Pseudo-Anosov mapping classes not arising from Penner’s construction 2015 Hyunshik Shin
Balázs Strenner
+ Flow equivalence, hyperbolic systems and a new zeta function for flows 1982 David Fried
+ PDF Chat On the minimum dilatation of pseudo-Anosov homeromorphisms on surfaces of small genus 2011 Erwan Lanneau
Jean‐Luc Thiffeault
+ Algebraic degrees and Galois conjugates of pseudo-Anosov stretch factors 2015 Balázs Strenner
+ PDF Chat An upper bound for the least dilatation 1992 Max Bauer
+ PDF Chat Fibered faces, veering triangulations, and the arc complex 2017 Yair N. Minsky
S. J. Taylor
+ PDF Chat Teichmüller geodesics of infinite complexity 2003 Curtis T. McMullen
+ PDF Chat On groups generated by two positive multi-twists: Teichmueller curves and Lehmer’s number 2004 Christopher J. Leininger
+ PDF Chat A Construction of Pseudo-Anosov Homeomorphisms 1988 Robert Penner
+ PDF Chat Bounds on Least Dilatations 1991 R. C. Penner
+ PDF Chat An Upper Bound for the Least Dilatation 1992 Max Bauer
+ PDF Chat Veering triangulations and Cannon–Thurston maps 2016 François Guéritaud
+ Veech surfaces and complete periodicity in genus two 2004 Kariane Calta
+ PDF Chat On the minimum dilatation of braids on punctured discs 2010 Erwan Lanneau
Jean‐Luc Thiffeault
+ PDF Chat Lifts of pseudo-Anosov homeomorphisms of nonorientable surfaces have vanishing SAF invariant 2018 Balázs Strenner
+ An upper bound on the asymptotic translation lengths on the curve graph and fibered faces 2018 Hyungryul Baik
Hyunshik Shin
Chenxi Wu
+ The geometry of cross sections to flows 1982 David Fried
+ Constructing pseudo-Anosov maps 1985 D. D. Long
+ Minimal dilatation in Penner’s construction 2016 Livio Liechti
+ PDF Chat Minimal pseudo-Anosov translation lengths on the complex of curves 2011 Vaibhav Gadre
Chia-Yen Tsai
+ PDF Chat None 1997 Jian-yi Shi
+ The Diophantine Frobenius Problem 2005 Jorge L. Ramírez Alfonsín
+ Asymptotic Translation Length in the Curve Complex 2013 Aaron D. Valdivia
+ PDF Chat Cusp geometry of fibered 3-manifolds 2014 David Futer
Saul Schleimer
+ PDF Chat Billiards and Teichmüller curves on Hilbert modular surfaces 2003 Curtis T. McMullen
+ PDF Chat Ideal triangulations of pseudo-Anosov mapping tori 2011 Ian Agol
+ PDF Chat Algebraic degrees of stretch factors in mapping class groups 2016 Hyunshik Shin
+ Polynomial invariants for fibered 3-manifolds and Teichmüller geodesics for foliations 2000 Curtis T. McMullen
+ Problems on billiards, flat surfaces and translation surfaces 2006 Pascal Hubert
Howard Masur
Thomas Schmidt
Anton Zorich
+ PDF Chat Finite reflection groups 1959 Robert Steinberg
+ PDF Chat A family of pseudo-Anosov braids with small dilatation 2006 Eriko Hironaka
Eiko Kin
+ PDF Chat The noncompact hyperbolic 3-manifold of minimal volume 1987 Colin Adams
+ PDF Chat Minimum volume hyperbolic 3-manifolds 2009 Peter Milley
+ Probing mapping class groups using arcs 2005 Robert Penner
+ Full Dimensional Sets Without Given Patterns 2011 Péter Maga
+ Large dimensional sets not containing a given angle 2011 Viktor Harangi
+ On the minimum dilatation of pseudo-Anosov homeomorphisms on surfaces of small genus 2009 Erwan Lanneau
Jean‐Luc Thiffeault
+ PDF Chat Growth rate of surface homeomorphisms and flow equivalence 1985 David Fried
+ Lower bounds on volumes of hyperbolic Haken 3-manifolds 2007 Ian Agol
Peter A. Storm
William P. Thurston
+ PDF Chat On the distribution of the roots of a polynomial with integral coefficients 1951 Robert Breusch
+ PDF Chat Orientation-reversing involutions of the genus 3 Arnoux-Yoccoz surface and related surfaces 2010 Joshua P. Bowman
+ On the Nielsen-Thurston-Bers type of some self-maps of Riemann surfaces 1981 Irwin Kra