Burton Randol


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Stable Configurations of Repelling Points on Flat Tori 2019 Marina Nechayeva
Burton Randol
+ Hardy-type results on the average of the lattice point error term over long intervals 2016 Burton Randol
+ A Hardy-type result on the average of the lattice point error term over long intervals 2015 Burton Randol
+ Stable configurations of repelling points on compact manifolds II 2014 Marina Nechayeva
Burton Randol
+ Stable configurations of repelling points on compact manifolds 2014 Burton Randol
+ Stable configurations of repelling points on compact manifolds II 2014 Marina Nechayeva
Burton Randol
+ Stable Configurations of repelling Points on compact Manifolds 2012 Burton Randol
+ Stable Configurations of repelling points on compact hyperbolic Manifolds 2011 Burton Randol
+ Asymptotics of Weighted Lattice Point Counts Inside Dilating Polygons 2010 Marina Nechayeva
Burton Randol
+ Approximation of Measures on S^n by discrete Measures 2006 Marina Nechayeva
Burton Randol
+ None 1997 Burton Randol
+ PDF Some Remarks on the Stability of a Property Related to the Mean Value Theorem for Harmonic Functions 1992 Burton Randol
+ A Remark on λ 2g-2 1990 Burton Randol
+ PDF A remark on 𝜆_{2𝑔-2} 1990 Burton Randol
+ Estimating small eigenvalues of Riemann surfaces 1987 Józef Dodziuk
Thea Pignataro
Burton Randol
Dennis M. Sullivan
+ The Behavior Under Projection of Dilating Sets in a Covering Space 1984 Burton Randol
+ The Selberg Trace Formula 1984 Burton Randol
+ The behavior under projection of dilating sets in a covering space 1984 Burton Randol
+ A Dirichlet Series of Eigenvalue Type with Applications to Asymptotic Estimates 1981 Burton Randol
+ PDF The Length Spectrum of a Riemann Surface is Always of Unbounded Multiplicity 1980 Burton Randol
+ Cylinders in Riemann surfaces 1979 Burton Randol
+ The Riemann Hypothesis for Selberg's Zeta-Function and the Asymptotic Behavior of Eigenvalues of the Laplace Operator 1978 Burton Randol
+ PDF The Riemann hypothesis for Selberg’s zeta-function and the asymptotic behavior of eigenvalues of the Laplace operator 1978 Burton Randol
+ PDF On the Asymptotic Distribution of Closed Geodesics on Compact Riemann Surfaces 1977 Burton Randol
+ PDF On the asymptotic distribution of closed geodesics on compact Riemann surfaces 1977 Burton Randol
+ PDF On the analytic continuation of the Minakshisundaram-Pleijel zeta function for compact Riemann surfaces 1975 Burton Randol
+ PDF On the Analytic Continuation of the Minakshisundaram-Pleijel Zeta Function for Compact Riemann Surfaces 1975 Burton Randol
+ PDF Small eigenvalues of the Laplace operator on compact Riemann surfaces 1974 Burton Randol
+ PDF The Asymptotic Behavior of a Fourier Transform and the Localization Property for Eigenfunction Expansions for some Partial Differential Operators 1972 Burton Randol
+ PDF The asymptotic behavior of a Fourier transform and the localization property for eigenfunction expansions for some partial differential operators 1972 Burton Randol
+ PDF On the Asymptotic Behavior of the Fourier Transform of the Indicator Function of a Convex Set 1969 Burton Randol
+ On the Fourier Transform of the Indicator Function of a Planar Set 1969 Burton Randol
+ PDF On the asymptotic behavior of the Fourier transform of the indicator function of a convex set 1969 Burton Randol
+ PDF On the Fourier transform of the indicator function of a planar set. 1969 Burton Randol
+ PDF Functions whose Higher Powers are Orthogonal to a Given Function 1967 Burton Randol
Neil W. Rickert
+ PDF A Lattice-Point Problem. II 1966 Burton Randol
+ PDF A lattice-point problem. II 1966 Burton Randol
+ PDF A lattice-point problem 1966 Burton Randol
+ PDF A Lattice-Point Problem 1966 Burton Randol
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF A lattice-point problem 1966 Burton Randol
+ PDF On the Fourier transform of the indicator function of a planar set. 1969 Burton Randol
+ PDF Small eigenvalues of the Laplace operator on compact Riemann surfaces 1974 Burton Randol
+ Harmonic Analysis and Discontinuous Groups in Weakly Symmetric Riemannian Spaces With Applications to Dirichlet Series 1956 Atle Selberg
+ Selberg's trace formula as applied to a compact riemann surface 1972 H. P. McKean
+ On the Fourier Transform of the Indicator Function of a Planar Set 1969 Burton Randol
+ PDF A Lattice-Point Problem 1966 Burton Randol
+ �ber Integrale auf konvexen K�rpern I 1950 Edmund Hlawka
+ PDF Asymptotic Expansions 1956 Leo Moser
Max Wyman
+ Fourier Transforms Related to Convex Sets 1962 Carl Herz
+ PDF On the asymptotic behavior of the Fourier transform of the indicator function of a convex set 1969 Burton Randol
+ PDF Estimates for the Fourier transform of the characteristic function of a convex set 1971 Ingvar L Svensson
+ PDF The Selberg Trace Formula for PSL(2,ℝ) 1983 Dennis A. Hejhal
+ Zur analytischen Theorie hyperbolischer Raumformen und Bewegungsgruppen. II 1961 Heinz Huber
+ The general theory of Dirichlet's series 1915 G. H. Hardy
+ Riemannsche Flächen mit Eigenwerten in (0,1/4) 1977 Peter Buser
+ Discrete Energy Asymptotics on a Riemannian circle 2009 Johann S. Brauchart
Douglas P. Hardiny
Edward B. Saffy
+ A Dirichlet Series of Eigenvalue Type with Applications to Asymptotic Estimates 1981 Burton Randol
+ PDF On the number of lattice points in a compact 𝑛-dimensional polyhedron 1979 Marysia Tarnopolska-Weiss
+ The asymptotic distribution of lattice points in hyperbolic space 1979 William J. Wolfe
+ Number of lattice points in families of homothetic domains in Rn 1983 Alexander Varchenko
+ PDF The Riemann hypothesis for Selberg’s zeta-function and the asymptotic behavior of eigenvalues of the Laplace operator 1978 Burton Randol
+ PDF Summation of Multiple Fourier Series by Spherical Means 1936 Salomon Bochner
+ PDF Chat Critical Points and Supersymmetric Vacua, III: String/M Models 2006 Michael R. Douglas
Bernard Shiffman
Steve Zelditch
+ PDF The Selberg Trace Formula for PSL(2,ℝ) Volume I 1976 Dennis A. Hejhal
+ The variance of the hyperbolic lattice point counting function 2005 Robert Nyden Hill
Leonid Parnovski
+ PDF Chat Sharp rate of average decay of the Fourier transform of a bounded set 2003 Luca Brandolini
Steve Hofmann
Alex Iosevich
+ PDF Distribution of the error term for the number of lattice points inside a shifted circle 1993 Pavel Bleher
Zheming Cheng
Freeman J. Dyson
Joel L. Lebowitz
+ PDF A lattice-point problem. II 1966 Burton Randol
+ Zeta-functions for expanding maps and Anosov flows 1976 David Ruelle
+ On logarithmically small errors in the lattice point problem 2000 M. M. Skriganov
A. N. Starkov
+ PDF On integer points in polygons 1993 M. M. Skriganov
+ Decay of the Fourier Transform 2014 Alex Iosevich
Elijah Liflyand
+ Über eine neue Klasse automorpher Funktionen und ein Gitterpunktproblem in der hyperbolischen Ebene. I. 1956 Heinz Huber
+ The Asymptotic Distribution of Lattice Points in Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Spaces 1982 Peter D. Lax
Ralph S. Phillips
+ PDF Chat Average Growth of the Spectral Function on a Riemannian Manifold 2009 Hugues Lapointe
Iosif Polterovich
Yuri Safarov
+ The Average Order of the Arithmetical Functions P(<i>x</i> ) and δ(<i>x</i> ) 1917 G. H. Hardy
+ PDF Localization and summability of multiple fourier series 1958 Elias M. Stein
+ On Selberg’s Eigenvalue Conjecture 1995 Wenzhi Luo
Zeév Rudnick
Peter Sarnak
+ PDF Five short stories about the cardinal series 1985 John R. Higgins
+ PDF Zeta functions of Selberg's type for compact space forms of symmetric spaces of rank one 1977 Ramesh Gangolli
+ The Circle Problem in the Hyperbolic Plane 1994 Ralph S. Phillips
Zeév Rudnick
+ PDF Some Properties of the Eigenfunctions of The Laplace-Operator on Riemannian Manifolds 1949 S. Minakshisundaram
Åke Pleijel
+ The behavior under projection of dilating sets in a covering space 1984 Burton Randol
+ Uniform distribution of sequences 1974 L. Kuipers
Harald Niederreiter
+ PDF On the asymptotic distribution of closed geodesics on compact Riemann surfaces 1977 Burton Randol
+ Über den ersten Eigenwert des Laplace-Operators auf kompakten Riemannschen Flächen 1974 Heinz Huber
+ PDF Summation of multiple Fourier series by spherical means 1936 Salomon Bochner
+ Ueber die Eigenwerte des Laplace-Operators auf kompakten Riemannschen Flächen 1976 Heinz Huber
+ Ein Satz �ber Kettenbr�che, mit arithmetischen Anwendungen 1923 A. Khintchine