Gershon Wolansky


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Functional Dimensionality of Koopman Eigenfunction Space 2025 I. Bernard Cohen
Haibin Li
Gershon Wolansky
+ Dual formulation of constrained solutions of the multi-state Choquard equation 2024 Gershon Wolansky
+ PDF Chat Invariance principle and McKean-Vlasov limit for randomized load balancing in heavy traffic 2024 Rami Atar
Gershon Wolansky
+ PDF Chat Functional Dimensionality of Koopman Eigenfunction Space 2024 I. Bernard Cohen
Haibin Li
Gershon Wolansky
+ Functional Dimensionality of Koopman Eigenfunction Space 2024 I. Bernard Cohen
Haibin Li
Gershon Wolansky
+ PDF Chat The linearized Poisson–Nernst–Planck system as heat flow on the interval under non‐local boundary conditions 2023 Gershon Wolansky
+ PDF Chat The linearized Poisson-Nernst-Planck system as heat flow on the interval under non-local boundary conditions 2023 Gershon Wolansky
+ Dual formulation for constraint solutions of the multi-state Choquard equation 2023 Gershon Wolansky
+ On the critical mass Patlak-Keller-Segel system for multi-species populations: global existence and infinte time aggregation 2022 D. Karmakar
Gershon Wolansky
+ Heat kernel for the linearized Poisson -Nernst-Planck equation 2021 Gershon Wolansky
+ The linearized Poisson-Nernst-Planck system as heat flow on the interval under non-local boundary conditions 2021 Gershon Wolansky
+ On the critical mass Patlak-Keller-Segel system for multi-species populations: global existence and infinite time aggregation 2020 Debabrata Karmakar
Gershon Wolansky
+ On semi-discrete sub-partitions of vector-valued measures 2020 Shlomi Gover
Gershon Wolansky
+ On the critical mass Patlak-Keller-Segel system for multi-species populations: global existence and infinite time aggregation 2020 Debabrata Karmakar
Gershon Wolansky
+ Maximal entropy solutions under prescribed mass and energy 2019 Daniele Bartolucci
Gershon Wolansky
+ Optimal partitions and Semi-discrete optimal transport. 2019 Gershon Wolansky
+ On Patlak-Keller-Segel system for several populations: A gradient flow approach 2019 Debabrata Karmakar
Gershon Wolansky
+ On Patlak-Keller-Segel system for several populations: a gradient flow approach 2019 Debabrata Karmakar
Gershon Wolansky
+ Is the mailing Gilbert-Steiner problem convex? 2019 Gershon Wolansky
+ PDF Chat Contact Angles of Liquid Drops Subjected to a Rough Boundary 2019 Gershon Wolansky
+ Semi-discrete optimal transport 2019 Gershon Wolansky
+ On Patlak-Keller-Segel system for several populations: a gradient flow approach 2019 D. Karmakar
Gershon Wolansky
+ Self-similar solutions of decaying Keller-Segel systems for several populations 2018 Debabrata Karmakar
Gershon Wolansky
+ Fast Entropic Regularized Optimal Transport Using Semidiscrete Cost Approximation 2018 Evgeny Tenetov
Gershon Wolansky
Ron Kimmel
+ Happy family of stable marriages 2018 Gershon Wolansky
+ Geometrical optics and optimal transport 2017 Jacob Rubinstein
Gershon Wolansky
+ Contact angles of liquid drops subjected to a rough boundary 2017 Gershon Wolansky
+ Contact angles of liquid drops subjected to a rough boundary 2017 Gershon Wolansky
+ From optimal transportation to optimal teleportation 2016 Gershon Wolansky
+ On optimal partitions, individual values and cooperative games: Does a wiser agent always produce a higher value? 2016 Gershon Wolansky
+ A discrete approximation of the entropy functional for probability measures on the plane 2016 Gershon Wolansky
+ On Optimal partitions and Individual values: Does a wiser agent becomes richer? 2015 Gershon Wolansky
+ On optimal partitions, individual values and cooperative games: Will a wiser agent always produce a higer value? 2015 Gershon Wolansky
+ On optimal partitions, individual values and cooperative games: Will a wiser agent always gets richer? 2015 Gershon Wolansky
+ Semi-Discrete approximation of Optimal Mass Transport 2015 Gershon Wolansky
+ On optimal partitions, individual values and cooperative games: Will a wiser agent always produce a higer value? 2015 Gershon Wolansky
+ PDF Chat On Semi-discrete Monge–Kantorovich and Generalized Partitions 2014 Gershon Wolansky
+ A generalization of Thue's theorem to packings of non-equal discs, and an application to a discrete approximation of entropy 2014 Rom Pinchasi
Gershon Wolansky
+ Chemotactic systems in the presence of conflicts: a new functional inequality 2014 Gershon Wolansky
+ From optimal transportation to optimal teleportation 2014 Gershon Wolansky
+ From optimal transportation to optimal teleportation via the critical Sobolev embedding 2014 Gershon Wolansky
+ From optimal transportation to optimal teleportation 2014 Gershon Wolansky
+ A generalization of Thue's theorem to packings of non-equal discs, and an application to a discrete approximation of entropy 2014 Rom Pinchasi
Gershon Wolansky
+ Chemotactic systems in the presence of conflicts: a new functional inequality 2014 Gershon Wolansky
+ The Patlak–Keller–Segel model of chemotaxis on ${\mathbb R}^2$ with singular drift and mortality rate 2013 Gershon Wolansky
Elio Espejo
+ Ray mapping and illumination control 2013 Vladimir Oliker
Jacob Rubinstein
Gershon Wolansky
+ On Semi-discrete Monge Kantorovich and generalized partitions 2012 Gershon Wolansky
+ On semi-discrete Monge problem and generalized optimal partitions 2012 Gershon Wolansky
+ On Semi-discrete Monge Kantorovich and generalized partitions 2012 Gershon Wolansky
+ On semi-discrete Monge problem and generalized optimal partitions 2012 Gershon Wolansky
+ PDF Chat Concentration of bloch eigenstates in the presence of gauge at the semi-classical limit 2011 Gershon Wolansky
+ PDF Chat Limit theorems for optimal mass transportation 2011 Gershon Wolansky
+ Limit theorems for optimal mass transportation and applications to networks 2011 Gershon Wolansky
+ Sticky particles on the line under harmonic interactions 2010 A. RaczyƄski
Gershon Wolansky
+ PDF Chat Combinatorial Ricci Curvature and Laplacians for Image Processing 2009 Emil Saucan
Gershon Wolansky
Haibin Li
Yehoshua Y. Zeevi
+ Combinatorial Ricci Curvature and Laplacians for Image Processing 2009 Emil Saucan
Eli Appleboilm
Gershon Wolansky
Yehoshua Y. Zeevi
+ Limit Theorems for Optimal Mass Transportation 2009 Gershon Wolansky
+ Some new links between the weak KAM and Monge problems 2009 Gershon Wolansky
+ Optimal networks by mass transportation via points allocation 2009 Gershon Wolansky
+ Incompressible, Quasi-Isometric Deformations of 2-Dimensional Domains 2009 Gershon Wolansky
+ Concentration of Bloch eigenstates in the presence of gauge at the semi-classical limit 2009 Gershon Wolansky
+ Combinatorial Ricci Curvature and Laplacians for Image Processing 2009 Emil Saucan
Eli Appleboilm
Gershon Wolansky
Yehoshua Y. Zeevi
+ Limit Theorems for Optimal Mass Transportation 2009 Gershon Wolansky
+ On Time Reversible Description of the Process of Coagulation and Fragmentation 2008 Gershon Wolansky
+ Spectral properties of Schrödinger operators on radial N-dimensional infinite trees 2008 Yehuda Pinchover
Gershon Wolansky
Daphne Zelig
+ Diffusion's induced transport in periodic channels and an inverse problem 2008 Gershon Wolansky
+ PDF Chat Extended least action principle for steady flows under a prescribed flux 2007 Gershon Wolansky
+ PDF Chat Simplified mathematical model for the formation of null singularities inside black holes. II. Proof for a particular case 2007 Dan Gorbonos
Gershon Wolansky
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of a system of sticking particles of finite size on the line 2007 Gershon Wolansky
+ PDF Chat On the mobility and efficiency of mechanical systems 2007 Gershon Wolansky
+ Optimal Transportation in the presence of a prescribed pressure field(Variational Problems and Related Topics) 2007 Gershon Wolansky
+ Incompressible, quasi-rigid deformations of 2-dimensional domains 2007 Gershon Wolansky
+ Determining Sets for the Discrete Laplacian 2007 Aviad Rubinstein
Jacob Rubinstein
Gershon Wolansky
+ Minimizers of Dirichlet functionals on the n-torus and the Weak KAM Theory 2007 Gershon Wolansky
+ Supercurrents in networks with constricted junctions 2006 Jacob Rubinstein
Peter Sternberg
Gershon Wolansky
+ PDF Chat Elliptic problems on networks with constrictions 2006 Jacob Rubinstein
Peter Sternberg
Gershon Wolansky
+ Spectral properties of Schrodinger operators defined on N-dimensional infinite trees 2006 Yehuda Pinchover
Gershon Wolansky
Daphne Zelig
+ PDF Chat Moser-Trudinger and logarithmic HLS inequalities for systems 2005 Itai Shafrir
Gershon Wolansky
+ Rotation nombers for measure-valued circle maps 2005 Gershon Wolansky
+ A weighted least action principle for dispersive waves 2005 Jacob Rubinstein
Gershon Wolansky
+ On the mobility and efficiency of mechanical systems 2005 Gershon Wolansky
+ Extended least action principle for steady flows under a prescribed flux 2005 Gershon Wolansky
+ The logarithmic HLS inequality for systems on compact manifolds 2004 Itai Shafrir
Gershon Wolansky
+ On the equation u<sub>t</sub>= Δu + M exp u/∫exp udx in planar domains 2004 Gershon Wolansky
+ Mass Transportation, the Monge-Kantorovich problem, Hamilton-Jacobi equation and metrics on measure-valued functions 2003 Gershon Wolansky
+ Optimal Transportation in the presence of a prescribed pressure field 2003 Gershon Wolansky
+ Multi-components chemotactic system in the absence of conflicts 2002 Gershon Wolansky
+ Two theorems in catoptrics 2002 Jacob Rubinstein
Gershon Wolansky
+ Moser–Trudinger type inequalities for systems in two dimensions 2001 Itai Shafrir
Gershon Wolansky
+ A Concentration Theorem for the Heat Equation 2001 Gershon Wolansky
+ Static Solutions of the Vlasov-Einstein System 2001 Gershon Wolansky
+ Existence and nonlinear stability of steady states of the Schrödinger-Poisson system 2001 Peter A. Markowich
Gerhard Rein
Gershon Wolansky
+ Nonlinear Stability for Saddle Solutions of Ideal Flows and Symmetry Breaking 1998 Gershon Wolansky
Michael Ghil
+ On the Solutions of Liouville Systems 1997 Michel Chipot
Itai Shafrir
Gershon Wolansky
+ A critical parabolic estimate and application to nonlocal equations arising in chemotaxis 1997 Gershon Wolansky
+ Critical behavior of semi-linear elliptic equations with sub-critical exponents 1996 Gershon Wolansky
+ On the slow evolution of quasi-stationary shock waves 1994 Gershon Wolansky
+ On the evolution of self-interacting clusters and applications to semilinear equations with exponential nonlinearity 1992 Gershon Wolansky
+ On steady distributions of self-attracting clusters under friction and fluctuations 1992 Gershon Wolansky
+ Resonance trapping in dissipative and antidissipative systems: An ergodic approach 1992 Gershon Wolansky
+ The Barotropic Vorticity Equation Under Forcing and Dissipation: Bifurcations of Nonsymmetric Responses and Multiplicity of Solutions 1989 Gershon Wolansky
+ Existence, uniqueness, and stability of stationary barotropic flow with forcing and dissipation 1988 Gershon Wolansky
+ PDF Chat Stochastic perturbations to conservative dynamical systems on the plane. II. Recurrency conditions 1988 Gershon Wolansky
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Polar factorization and monotone rearrangement of vector‐valued functions 1991 Yann Brenier
+ PDF Chat Topics in Optimal Transportation 2003 CĂ©dric Villani
+ On the Solutions of Liouville Systems 1997 Michel Chipot
Itai Shafrir
Gershon Wolansky
+ A computational fluid mechanics solution to the Monge-Kantorovich mass transfer problem 2000 Jean‐David Benamou
Yann Brenier
+ Optimal Transport: Old and New 2013 CĂ©dric Villani
+ PDF Chat On the Translocation of Masses 2006 L. V. Kantorovich
+ Gradient Flows: In Metric Spaces and in the Space of Probability Measures 2005 Luigi Ambrosio
Nicola Gigli
Giuseppe Savaré
+ Competing symmetries, the logarithmic HLS inequality and Onofri's inequality ons n 1992 Eric A. Carlen
Michael Loss
+ Convex Analysis and Monotone Operator Theory in Hilbert Spaces 2017 Heinz H. Bauschke
Patrick L. Combettes
+ PDF Chat Differential equations methods for the Monge-Kantorovich mass transfer problem 1999 L. C. Evans
Wilfrid Gangbo
+ On steady distributions of self-attracting clusters under friction and fluctuations 1992 Gershon Wolansky
+ Nonlinear aspects of chemotaxis 1981 Stephen Childress
J. K. Percus
+ PDF Chat Two-dimensional Keller-Segel model: Optimal critical mass and qualitative properties of the solutions 2006 Adrien Blanchet
Jean Dolbeault
Benoı̂t Perthame
+ Sharp Sobolev Inequalities on the Sphere and the Moser--Trudinger Inequality 1993 William Beckner
+ Generalizing the Keller–Segel Model: Lyapunov Functionals, Steady State Analysis, and Blow-Up Results for Multi-species Chemotaxis Models in the Presence of Attraction and Repulsion Between Competitive Interacting Species 2010 Dirk Horstmann
+ PDF Chat The geometry of optimal transportation 1996 Wilfrid Gangbo
Robert J. McCann
+ Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics 1972 Michael C. Reed
Barry Simon
+ Optimal Transportation in the presence of a prescribed pressure field 2003 Gershon Wolansky
+ On the evolution of self-interacting clusters and applications to semilinear equations with exponential nonlinearity 1992 Gershon Wolansky
+ PDF Chat Moser-Trudinger and logarithmic HLS inequalities for systems 2005 Itai Shafrir
Gershon Wolansky
+ Variational Convergence for Functions and Operators 1984 HĂ©dy Attouch
+ Weak Solutions to a Parabolic-Elliptic System of Chemotaxis 2002 Takasi Senba
Takashi Suzuki
+ Convergence of Spectra of Mesoscopic Systems Collapsing onto a Graph 2001 Peter Kuchment
Hongbiao Zeng
+ PDF Chat Functional inequalities, thick tails and asymptotics for the critical mass Patlak–Keller–Segel model 2011 Adrien Blanchet
Eric A. Carlen
José A. Carrillo
+ PDF Chat Conformally invariant systems of nonlinear PDE of Liouville type 1995 Sagun Chanillo
Michael K.‐H. Kiessling
+ PDF Chat On Semi-discrete Monge–Kantorovich and Generalized Partitions 2014 Gershon Wolansky
+ Curvature Functions for Compact 2-Manifolds 1974 Jerry L. Kazdan
F. W. Warner
+ From 1970 until present: the Keller-Segel model in chemotaxis and its consequences 2003 Dirk Horstmann
+ A weighted least action principle for dispersive waves 2005 Jacob Rubinstein
Gershon Wolansky
+ A sharp form of an inequality by N. Trudinger 1971 J. Moser
+ Moser-Trudinger inequalities and Liouville systems 1999 Guofang Wang
+ Asymptotic behaviour for small mass in the two-dimensional parabolic–elliptic Keller–Segel model 2009 Adrien Blanchet
Jean Dolbeault
Miguel Escobedo
Javier FernĂĄndez
+ PDF Chat Effective Hamiltonians and Averaging for Hamiltonian Dynamics I 2001 L. C. Evans
Diogo A. Gomes
+ PDF Chat Infinite time aggregation for the critical Patlak‐Keller‐Segel model in ℝ<sup>2</sup> 2007 Adrien Blanchet
José A. Carrillo
Nader Masmoudi
+ The 8π‐problem for radially symmetric solutions of a chemotaxis model in the plane 2006 Piotr Biler
Grzegorz Karch
Philippe Laurençot
Tadeusz Nadzieja
+ The $8\pi$-problem for radially symmetric solutions of a chemotaxis model in a disc 2006 Piotr Biler
Grzegorz Karch
Philippe Laurençot
Tadeusz Nadzieja
+ The dual Least Action Problem for an ideal, incompressible fluid 1993 Yann Brenier
+ On the minimizing measures of Lagrangian dynamical systems 1992 Ricardo Mañé
+ Linear and Quasi-linear Equations of Parabolic Type 1968 O. LadyĆŸenskaja
V. A. Solonnikov
N. Ural’ceva
+ PDF Chat Compact sets in the spaceL p (O,T; B) 1986 Jacques Simon
+ Energies with respect to a measure and applications to low dimensional structures 1997 Guy Bouchitté
Giuseppe Buttazzo
Pierre Seppecher
+ PDF Chat A Multiscale Approach to Optimal Transport 2011 Quentin MĂ©rigot
+ Spectral analysis of a family of second-order elliptic operators with nonlocal boundary condition indexed by a probability measure 2007 Iddo Ben-Ari
Ross G. Pinsky
+ PDF Chat Action minimizing invariant measures for positive definite Lagrangian systems 1991 John N. Mather
+ PDF Chat Hedonic price equilibria, stable matching, and optimal transport: equivalence, topology, and uniqueness 2009 Pierre‐AndrĂ© Chiappori
Robert J. McCann
Lars Nesheim
+ Uniqueness and Long Time Asymptotic for the Keller–Segel Equation: The Parabolic–Elliptic Case 2015 Giani Egaña FernĂĄndez
Stéphane Mischler
+ PDF Chat Convergence of the Mass-Transport Steepest Descent Scheme for the Subcritical Patlak–Keller–Segel Model 2008 Adrien Blanchet
Vincent Calvez
José A. Carrillo
+ Weak KAM pairs and Monge-Kantorovich duality 2019 Patrick Bernard
Boris Buffoni
+ PDF Chat Optimal mass transportation and Mather theory 2007 Patrick Bernard
Boris Buffoni