Yakov Eliashberg


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Singularities of smooth maps 2024 Kai Cieliebak
Yakov Eliashberg
N. Mishachev
+ Introduction to the ℎ-Principle 2024 Kai Cieliebak
Yakov Eliashberg
N. Mishachev
+ Microflexible 𝔄-invariant differential relations 2024 Kai Cieliebak
Yakov Eliashberg
N. Mishachev
+ Igusa functions 2024 Kai Cieliebak
Yakov Eliashberg
N. Mishachev
+ One-dimensional convex integration 2024 Kai Cieliebak
Yakov Eliashberg
N. Mishachev
+ Further applications to symplectic geometry 2024 Kai Cieliebak
Yakov Eliashberg
N. Mishachev
+ Thom transversality theorem 2024 Kai Cieliebak
Yakov Eliashberg
N. Mishachev
+ Homotopy principle 2024 Kai Cieliebak
Yakov Eliashberg
N. Mishachev
+ Open Diff 𝑉-invariant differential relations 2024 Kai Cieliebak
Yakov Eliashberg
N. Mishachev
+ Multivalued holonomic approximation 2024 Kai Cieliebak
Yakov Eliashberg
N. Mishachev
+ First order linear differential operators 2024 Kai Cieliebak
Yakov Eliashberg
N. Mishachev
+ Homotopy principle for ample differential relations 2024 Kai Cieliebak
Yakov Eliashberg
N. Mishachev
+ Holonomic approximation 2024 Kai Cieliebak
Yakov Eliashberg
N. Mishachev
+ PDF Chat Honda–Huang’s work on contact convexity revisited 2023 Yakov Eliashberg
Dishant M. Pancholi
+ PDF Chat Arboreal models and their stability 2023 Daniel Álvarez‐Gavela
Yakov Eliashberg
David Nadler
+ PDF Chat Geomorphology of Lagrangian ridges 2022 Daniel Álvarez‐Gavela
Yakov Eliashberg
David Nadler
+ Honda-Huang's work on contact convexity revisited 2022 Yakov Eliashberg
Dishant M. Pancholi
+ Making cobordisms symplectic 2021 Yakov Eliashberg
Emmy Murphy
+ PDF Chat Stabilized convex symplectic manifolds are Weinstein 2021 Yakov Eliashberg
Noboru Ogawa
Toru Yoshiyasu
+ Arborealization I: Stability of arboreal models 2021 Daniel Álvarez‐Gavela
Yakov Eliashberg
David Nadler
+ The space of tight contact structures on ${\mathbb R}^3$ is contractible 2021 Yakov Eliashberg
N. Mishachev
+ Arboreal models and their stability 2021 Daniel Álvarez‐Gavela
Yakov Eliashberg
David A. Nadler
+ Positive arborealization of polarized Weinstein manifolds 2020 Daniel Álvarez‐Gavela
Yakov Eliashberg
David Nadler
+ Arborealization III: Positive arborealization of polarized Weinstein manifolds 2020 Daniel Álvarez‐Gavela
Yakov Eliashberg
David Nadler
+ PDF Chat New Applications of Symplectic Topology in Several Complex Variables 2020 Kai Cieliebak
Yakov Eliashberg
+ Positive arborealization of polarized Weinstein manifolds 2020 Daniel Álvarez‐Gavela
Yakov Eliashberg
David A. Nadler
+ Arborealization II: Geomorphology of Lagrangian ridges 2019 Daniel Álvarez‐Gavela
Yakov Eliashberg
David Nadler
+ Rigid and Flexible Facets of Symplectic Topology 2019 Yakov Eliashberg
+ Geomorphology of Lagrangian ridges 2019 Daniel Álvarez‐Gavela
Yakov Eliashberg
David A. Nadler
+ PDF Chat Weinstein manifolds revisited 2018 Yakov Eliashberg
+ PDF Chat Weinstein manifolds revisited 2018 Yakov Eliashberg
+ PDF Chat Flexible Lagrangians 2018 Yakov Eliashberg
Sheel Ganatra
Oleg Lazarev
+ PDF Chat Contact orderability up to conjugation 2017 Kai Cieliebak
Yakov Eliashberg
Leonid Polterovich
+ Weinstein manifolds revisited 2017 Yakov Eliashberg
+ Weinstein manifolds revisited 2017 Yakov Eliashberg
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Function theory on symplectic manifolds 2016 Yakov Eliashberg
+ Existence and classification of overtwisted contact structures in all dimensions 2016 Matthew Strom Borman
Yakov Eliashberg
Emmy Murphy
+ Making cobordisms symplectic 2015 Yakov Eliashberg
Emmy Murphy
+ PDF Chat Existence and classification of overtwisted contact structures in all dimensions 2015 Matthew Strom Borman
Yakov Eliashberg
Emmy Murphy
+ Making cobordisms symplectic 2015 Yakov Eliashberg
Emmy Murphy
+ Flexible Lagrangians 2015 Yakov Eliashberg
Sheel Ganatra
Oleg Lazarev
+ PDF Chat Recent advances in symplectic flexibility 2014 Yakov Eliashberg
+ Existence and classification of overtwisted contact structures in all dimensions 2014 Matthew Strom Borman
Yakov Eliashberg
Emmy Murphy
+ PDF Chat The topology of rationally and polynomially convex domains 2014 Kai Cieliebak
Yakov Eliashberg
+ PDF Chat Stein Structures: Existence and Flexibility 2014 Kai Cieliebak
Yakov Eliashberg
+ Existence and classification of overtwisted contact structures in all dimensions 2014 Matthew Strom Borman
Yakov Eliashberg
Emmy Murphy
+ Symplectic, Poisson, and noncommutative geometry 2014 ćŸč æ±ŸćŁ
Yakov Eliashberg
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+ PDF Chat Constructing exact Lagrangian immersions with few double points 2013 Tobias Ekholm
Yakov Eliashberg
Emmy Murphy
Ivan Smith
+ A Few Snapshots from the Work of Mikhail Gromov 2013 Dmitri Burago
Yakov Eliashberg
Mladen Bestvina
Franc Forstnerič
Larry Guth
Alexander Nabutovsky
Anthony Phillips
John Roe
A. M. Vershik
+ PDF Chat Lagrangian caps 2013 Yakov Eliashberg
Emmy Murphy
+ Constructing exact Lagrangian immersions with few double points 2013 Tobias Ekholm
Yakov Eliashberg
Emmy Murphy
Ivan Smith
+ Flexible Weinstein manifolds 2013 Kai Cieliebak
Yakov Eliashberg
+ The topology of rationally and polynomially convex domains 2013 Kai Cieliebak
Yakov Eliashberg
+ Constructing exact Lagrangian immersions with few double points 2013 Tobias Ekholm
Yakov Eliashberg
Emmy Murphy
Ivan Smith
+ Stein structures: existence and flexibility 2013 Kai Cieliebak
Yakov Eliashberg
+ Lagrangian caps 2013 Yakov Eliashberg
Emmy Murphy
+ PDF Chat Some algebraic topology 2012 Kai Cieliebak
Yakov Eliashberg
+ Modifications of Weinstein structures 2012 Kai Cieliebak
Yakov Eliashberg
+ Shapes for 𝑖-convex hypersurfaces 2012 Kai Cieliebak
Yakov Eliashberg
+ Modifications of đœ-convex Morse functions 2012 Kai Cieliebak
Yakov Eliashberg
+ Stein manifolds of complex dimension two 2012 Kai Cieliebak
Yakov Eliashberg
+ Exotic Stein structures 2012 Kai Cieliebak
Yakov Eliashberg
+ PDF Chat đœ-convex functions and hypersurfaces 2012 Kai Cieliebak
Yakov Eliashberg
+ PDF Chat Effect of Legendrian surgery 2012 Frédéric Bourgeois
Tobias Ekholm
Yakov Eliashberg
+ From Stein to Weinstein and Back: Symplectic Geometry of Affine Complex Manifolds 2012 Kai Cieliebak
Yakov Eliashberg
+ PDF Chat Topology of Spaces of S-Immersions 2011 Yakov Eliashberg
N. Mishachev
+ PDF Chat Symplectic homology product via Legendrian surgery 2011 Frédéric Bourgeois
Tobias Ekholm
Yakov Eliashberg
+ PDF Chat Madsen–Weiss for geometrically minded topologists 2011 Yakov Eliashberg
SĂžren Galatius
N. Mishachev
+ The space of framed functions is contractible 2011 Yakov Eliashberg
N. Mishachev
+ Topology of spaces of S-immersions 2011 Yakov Eliashberg
N. Mishachev
+ Wrinkled Embeddings 2011 Yakov Eliashberg
N. Mishachev
+ Symplectic quasi-states on the quadric surface and Lagrangian submanifolds 2010 Yakov Eliashberg
Leonid Polterovich
+ Effect of Legendrian Surgery 2009 Frédéric Bourgeois
Tobias Ekholm
Yakov Eliashberg
+ PDF Chat Erratum to “Geometry of contact transformations and domains: orderability versus squeezing” 2009 Yakov Eliashberg
Sang Seon Kim
Leonid Polterovich
+ PDF Chat Topologically trivial Legendrian knots 2009 Yakov Eliashberg
Maia Fraser
+ Wrinkled embeddings 2009 Yakov Eliashberg
N. Mishachev
+ Effect of Legendrian Surgery 2009 Frédéric Bourgeois
Tobias Ekholm
Yakov Eliashberg
+ Symplectic and Contact Geometry Return to MSRI 2009 Yakov Eliashberg
Eleny Ionel
Ethan Cotterill
+ Topologically Trivial Legendrian Knots 2008 Yakov Eliashberg
Maia Fraser
+ Symplectic field theory and its applications 2007 Yakov Eliashberg
+ Symplectic field theory and its applications 2007 Yakov Eliashberg
+ PDF Chat Book Review: $J$-holomorphic curves and symplectic topology 2006 Yakov Eliashberg
+ PDF Chat Geometry of contact transformations and domains: orderability versus squeezing 2006 Yakov Eliashberg
Sang Seon Kim
Leonid Polterovich
+ Symplectic field theory and its applications 2006 Yakov Eliashberg
+ Geometry of contact transformations and domains: orderability vs. squeezing 2005 Yakov Eliashberg
Sang Seon Kim
Leonid Polterovich
+ PDF Chat A few remarks about symplectic filling 2004 Yakov Eliashberg
+ Different Faces of Geometry 2004 Simon Donaldson
Yakov Eliashberg
Mikhael Gromov
+ PDF Chat Compactness results in Symplectic Field Theory 2003 Frédéric Bourgeois
Yakov Eliashberg
Helmut Hofer
Kris Wysocki
Eduard Zehnder
+ Few remarks about symplectic filling 2003 Yakov Eliashberg
+ MSRI Hot Topic: Floer homology for 3-manifolds. 2003 Yakov Eliashberg
Robion Kirby
P. B. Kronheimer
+ A few remarks about symplectic filling 2003 Yakov Eliashberg
+ Further applications to symplectic geometry 2002 Yakov Eliashberg
N. Mishachev
+ Thom transversality theorem 2002 Yakov Eliashberg
N. Mishachev
+ Homotopy principle for ample differential relations 2002 Yakov Eliashberg
N. Mishachev
+ One-dimensional convex integration 2002 Yakov Eliashberg
N. Mishachev
+ PDF Chat Open Diff 𝑉-invariant differential relations 2002 Yakov Eliashberg
N. Mishachev
+ PDF Chat Microflexible 𝔘-invariant differential relations 2002 Yakov Eliashberg
N. Mishachev
+ First order linear differential operators 2002 Yakov Eliashberg
N. Mishachev
+ Symplectic and contact structures on open manifolds 2002 Yakov Eliashberg
N. Mishachev
+ PDF Chat Holonomic approximation 2002 Yakov Eliashberg
N. Mishachev
+ Homotopy principle 2002 Yakov Eliashberg
N. Mishachev
+ Topology of Lagrangian Submanifolds (Proceedings of the Workshop "Algebraic Geometry and Integrable Systems related to String Theory") 2001 Yakov Eliashberg
Manabu Akaho
Takeo Nishinou
+ Holonomic approximation and Gromov's h-principle 2001 Yakov Eliashberg
N. Mishachev
+ PDF Chat Partially ordered groups and geometry of contact transformations 2000 Yakov Eliashberg
Leonid Polterovich
+ Wrinkling of smooth mappings-II Wrinkling of embeddings and K. Igusa’s theorem 2000 Yakov Eliashberg
N. Mishachev
+ PDF Chat Introduction to Symplectic Field Theory 2000 Yakov Eliashberg
A. Glvental
Helmut Hofer
+ Symplectic Topology and its Challenges for the 21st Century 2000 Yakov Eliashberg
+ Introduction to Symplectic Field Theory 2000 Yakov Eliashberg
Alexander Givental
Helmut Hofer
+ Partially ordered groups and geometry of contact transformations 1999 Yakov Eliashberg
Leonid Polterovich
+ Symplectic topology in the nineties 1998 Yakov Eliashberg
+ Lagrangian intersection theory: Finite-dimensional approach 1998 Yakov Eliashberg
Misha Gromov
+ PDF Chat Wrinkling of smooth mappings III. Foliations of codimension greater than one 1998 Yakov Eliashberg
N. Mishachev
+ Classification of topologically trivial Legendrian knots 1998 Yakov Eliashberg
Maia Fraser
+ Invariants in contact topology 1998 Yakov Eliashberg
+ Wrinkling of smooth mappings and its applications. I 1997 Yakov Eliashberg
N. Mishachev
+ Lagrangian intersections and the stable Morse theory 1997 Yakov Eliashberg
Misha Gromov
+ Symplectic geometry of plurisubharmonic functions 1997 Yakov Eliashberg
+ Local Lagrangian 2-Knots are Trivial 1996 Yakov Eliashberg
Leonid Polterovich
+ Lagrangian intersections in Contact geometry 1995 Yakov Eliashberg
Helmut Hofer
Dietmar Salamon
+ Topology of 2-knots in ℝ4 and symplectic geometry 1995 Yakov Eliashberg
+ Lagrangian Intersections in Contact Geometry 1995 Yakov Eliashberg
Helmut Hofer
Dietmar Salamon
+ Geometries in interaction : GAFA special issue in honor of Mikhail Gromov 1995 Mikhael Gromov
Yakov Eliashberg
+ An energy–capacity inequality for the symplectic holonomy of hypersurfaces flat at infinity 1994 Yakov Eliashberg
Helmut Hofer
+ PDF Chat A Hamiltonian characterization of the three-ball 1994 Yakov Eliashberg
Helmut Hofer
Leonid Polterovich
+ None 1993 Yakov Eliashberg
+ Embeddings of Stein Manifolds of Dimension n into the Affine Space of Dimension 3n/2 + 1 1992 Yakov Eliashberg
Mikhael Gromov
+ Towards the definition of symplectic boundary 1992 Yakov Eliashberg
Helmut Hofer
+ PDF Chat Contact 3-manifolds twenty years since J. Martinet's work 1992 Yakov Eliashberg
+ PDF Chat The diameter of the symplectomorphism group is infinite 1991 Yakov Eliashberg
Tudor S. RaĆŁiu
+ PDF Chat New Invariants of Open Symplectic and Contact Manifolds 1991 Yakov Eliashberg
+ Filling by holomorphic discs and its applications 1991 Yakov Eliashberg
+ PDF Chat On symplectic manifolds with some contact properties 1991 Yakov Eliashberg
+ PDF Chat New invariants of open symplectic and contact manifolds 1991 Yakov Eliashberg
+ Convex symplectic manifolds 1991 Yakov Eliashberg
Mikhael Gromov
+ PDF Chat On the Diameter of the Symplectomorphism Group of the Ball 1991 Yakov Eliashberg
Tudor S. RaĆŁiu
+ PDF Chat The spectral geometry of flat disks 1990 Robert Brooks
Yakov Eliashberg
Curtis T. McMullen
+ PDF Chat Classification of overtwisted contact structures on 3-manifolds 1989 Yakov Eliashberg
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Pseudo holomorphic curves in symplectic manifolds 1985 M. Gromov
+ Partial Differential Relations 1986 Mikhael Gromov
+ From Stein to Weinstein and Back: Symplectic Geometry of Affine Complex Manifolds 2012 Kai Cieliebak
Yakov Eliashberg
+ Convex symplectic manifolds 1991 Yakov Eliashberg
Mikhael Gromov
+ Loose Legendrian embeddings in high dimensional contact manifolds 2012 Emmy Murphy
+ Filling by holomorphic discs and its applications 1991 Yakov Eliashberg
+ Symplectic manifolds with contact type boundaries 1991 Dusa McDuff
+ PDF Chat Classification of overtwisted contact structures on 3-manifolds 1989 Yakov Eliashberg
+ PDF Chat Contact 3-manifolds twenty years since J. Martinet's work 1992 Yakov Eliashberg
+ PDF Chat Structures de contact sur les fibrés principaux en cercles de dimension trois 1977 Robert Lutz
+ PDF Chat Introduction to Symplectic Field Theory 2000 Yakov Eliashberg
A. Glvental
Helmut Hofer
+ PDF Chat Geometry of contact transformations and domains: orderability versus squeezing 2006 Yakov Eliashberg
Sang Seon Kim
Leonid Polterovich
+ PDF Chat Morse theory for Lagrangian intersections 1988 Andreas Floer
+ Differential algebra of Legendrian links 2002 Yuri Chekanov
+ Pseudoholomorphic curves in symplectizations with applications to the Weinstein conjecture in dimension three 1993 Helmut Hofer
+ PDF Chat Symplectic invariants and Hamiltonian dynamics 1995 Helmut Hofer
Eduard Zehnder
+ Introduction to the ℎ-Principle 2024 Kai Cieliebak
Yakov Eliashberg
N. Mishachev
+ On the topological properties of symplectic maps 1990 Helmut Hofer
+ Symplectic homology I open sets in ℂ n 1994 Andreas Floer
Helmut Hofer
+ The unregularized gradient flow of the symplectic action 1988 Andreas Floer
+ First steps in symplectic topology 1986 Vladimir I. Arnold
+ Convexité en topologie de contact 1991 Emmanuel Giroux
+ On the Structure of Manifolds 1962 Stephen T. Smale
+ Géométrie de contact: de la dimension trois vers les dimensions supérieures 2003 Emmanuel Giroux
+ Wrinkling of smooth mappings and its applications. I 1997 Yakov Eliashberg
N. Mishachev
+ Invariants of Legendrian and transverse knots in the standard contact space 1997 Dmitry Fuchs
Serge Tabachnikov
+ None 1999 Ilya Ustilovsky
+ Tight contact structures and Seiberg-Witten invariants 1997 Paolo Lisca
Gordana Matic̀
+ PDF Chat Structures de contact en dimension trois et bifurcations des feuilletages de surfaces 2000 Emmanuel Giroux
+ PDF Chat Handle attaching in symplectic homology and the Chord Conjecture 2002 Kai Cieliebak
+ PDF Chat Non-isotopic Legendrian submanifolds in R2n+1 2005 Tobias Ekholm
John B. Etnyre
Michael G. Sullivan
+ The Maslov index for paths 1993 Joel W. Robbin
Dietmar Salamon
+ PDF Chat On the Floer homology of cotangent bundles 2005 Alberto Abbondandolo
Matthias Schwarz
+ Invariants in contact topology 1998 Yakov Eliashberg
+ PDF Chat New invariants of open symplectic and contact manifolds 1991 Yakov Eliashberg
+ Symplectic topology as the geometry of generating functions 1992 Claude Viterbo
+ The Birkhoff-Lewis fixed point theorem and a conjecture of V.I. Arnold 1983 C. Conley
Eduard Zehnder
+ PDF Chat Existence and classification of overtwisted contact structures in all dimensions 2015 Matthew Strom Borman
Yakov Eliashberg
Emmy Murphy
+ Persistance d'intersection avec la section nulle au cours d'une isotopie hamiltonienne dans un fibrïżœ cotangent 1985 François Laudenbach
Jean-Claude Sikorav
+ PDF Chat Lefschetz fibrations and symplectic homology 2009 Mark McLean
+ A Morse-Bott approach to contact homology 2002 Frédéric Bourgeois
+ PDF Chat On the volume elements on a manifold 1965 JĂŒrgen Moser
+ The Classification of Immersions of Spheres in Euclidean Spaces 1959 Stephen T. Smale
+ PDF Chat Immersions of manifolds 1959 Morris W. Hirsch
+ Altering symplectic manifolds by homologous recombination 2010 Mohammed Abouzaid
Paul Seidel
+ Lagrangian Intersections in Contact Geometry 1995 Yakov Eliashberg
Helmut Hofer
Dietmar Salamon