Christoph Thiele


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Infinite quantum signal processing for arbitrary Szeg\H o functions 2024 Michel Alexis
Lin Lin
Gevorg Mnatsakanyan
Christoph Thiele
Jiasu Wang
+ PDF Chat Carleson Operators on Doubling Metric Measure Spaces 2024 Lars Becker
Floris van Doorn
Asgar Jamneshan
Rajula Srivastava
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Chat Uniform bounds for bilinear symbols with linear K-quasiconformally embedded singularity 2024 Marco Fraccaroli
Olli Saari
Christoph Thiele
+ When does e<sup>−/τ/</sup> maximize Fourier extension for a conic section? 2023 Giuseppe Negro
Diogo Oliveira e Silva
Christoph Thiele
+ Real Analysis, Harmonic Analysis and Applications 2023 Michael Christ
Detlef MĂŒller
Christoph Thiele
Ana Vargas
+ Norm-variation of triple ergodic averages for commuting transformations 2023 Polona Durcik
Lenka SlavĂ­kovĂĄ
Christoph Thiele
+ Quantum signal processing and nonlinear Fourier analysis 2023 Michel Alexis
Gevorg Mnatsakanyan
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Chat Band-Limited Maximizers for a Fourier Extension Inequality on the Circle, II 2022 James Barker
Christoph Thiele
Pavel Zorin‐Kranich
+ PDF Chat Local bounds for singular Brascamp–Lieb forms with cubical structure 2022 Polona Durcik
Lenka SlavĂ­kovĂĄ
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Paraproducts for bilinear multipliers associated with convex sets 2022 Olli Saari
Christoph Thiele
+ When does $e^{-\lvert τ\rvert }$ maximize Fourier extension for a conic section? 2022 Giuseppe Negro
Diogo Oliveira e Silva
Christoph Thiele
+ Phase space localizing operators 2022 Marco Fraccaroli
Olli Saari
Christoph Thiele
+ Band-Limited Maximizers for a Fourier Extension Inequality on the Circle, II 2022 James Barker
Christoph Thiele
Pavel Zorin‐Kranich
+ PDF Chat Singular Brascamp–Lieb: A Survey 2021 Polona Durcik
Christoph Thiele
+ Local bounds for singular Brascamp-Lieb forms with cubical structure 2021 Polona Durcik
Lenka SlavĂ­kovĂĄ
Christoph Thiele
+ Paraproducts for bilinear multipliers associated with convex sets 2021 Olli Saari
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Chat Singular Brascamp–Lieb inequalities with cubical structure 2020 Polona Durcik
Christoph Thiele
+ Band-limited maximizers for a Fourier extension inequality on the circle, II 2020 James Barker
Christoph Thiele
Pavel Zorin‐Kranich
+ PDF Chat Power-type cancellation for the simplex Hilbert transform 2019 Polona Durcik
Vjekoslav Kovač
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Chat Band-Limited Maximizers for a Fourier Extension Inequality on the Circle 2019 Diogo Oliveira e Silva
Christoph Thiele
Pavel Zorin‐Kranich
+ Singular Brascamp-Lieb: a survey 2019 Polona Durcik
Christoph Thiele
+ Singular Brascamp-Lieb inequalities 2018 Polona Durcik
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Square functions for bi-Lipschitz maps and directional operators 2018 Francesco Di Plinio
Shaoming Guo
Christoph Thiele
Pavel Zorin‐Kranich
+ Real Analysis, Harmonic Analysis, and Applications 2018 Michael Christ
Detlef MĂŒller
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Chat A sharp trilinear inequality related to Fourier restriction on the circle 2017 Emanuel Carneiro
Damiano Foschi
Diogo Oliveira e Silva
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Estimates for certain integrals of products of six Bessel functions 2017 Diogo Oliveira e Silva
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Chat Lipschitz Linearization of the Maximal Hyperbolic Cross Multiplier 2017 Olli Saari
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Chat Norm variation of ergodic averages with respect to two commuting transformations 2017 Polona Durcik
Vjekoslav Kovač
Kristina Ana Ć kreb
Christoph Thiele
+ On the first chapter 2017 Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Chat A local T(b) theorem for perfect multilinear Calderón–Zygmund operators 2017 Mariusz Mirek
Christoph Thiele
Christoph Thiele
+ A formal system of mathematics based on definitions 2017 Christoph Thiele
+ Variational estimates for the bilinear iterated Fourier integral 2016 Yen Do
Camil Muscalu
Christoph Thiele
+ On a trilinear singular integral form with determinantal kernel 2016 Philip T. Gressman
Danqing He
Vjekoslav Kovač
Brian Street
Christoph Thiele
Po-Lam Yung
+ Variational estimates for the bilinear iterated Fourier integral 2016 Yen Do
Camil Muscalu
Christoph Thiele
+ Hilbert transforms along Lipschitz direction fields: A lacunary model 2016 Shaoming Guo
Christoph Thiele
+ Endpoint bounds for the bilinear Hilbert transform 2015 Francesco Di Plinio
Christoph Thiele
Christoph Thiele
Pavel Zorin‐Kranich
+ Estimates for certain integrals of products of six Bessel functions 2015 Diogo Oliveira e Silva
Christoph Thiele
+ Weighted martingale multipliers in the non-homogeneous setting and outer measure spaces 2015 Christoph Thiele
Sergei Treil
Alexander Volberg
+ A local $T(b)$ theorem for perfect multilinear Calder\'{o}n-Zygmund operators 2015 Mariusz Mirek
Christoph Thiele
+ A local $T(b)$ theorem for perfect multilinear CalderĂłn-Zygmund operators 2015 Mariusz Mirek
Christoph Thiele
+ Estimates for certain integrals of products of six Bessel functions 2015 Diogo Oliveira e Silva
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF 𝐿^{𝑝} theory for outer measures and two themes of Lennart Carleson united 2014 Yen Do
Christoph Thiele
+ Endpoint bounds for the bilinear Hilbert transform 2014 Francesco Di Plinio
Christoph Thiele
+ Multi-Linear Multipliers Associated to Simplexes of Arbitrary Length 2014 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ Weighted martingale multipliers in non-homogeneous setting and outer measure spaces 2014 Christoph Thiele
Sergei Treil
Alexander Volberg
+ Endpoint bounds for the bilinear Hilbert transform 2014 Francesco Di Plinio
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF <i>L</i><sup><i>p</i></sup>estimates for the Hilbert transforms along a one-variable vector field 2013 Michael Bateman
Christoph Thiele
+ A T(1) theorem for entangled multilinear dyadic Calder\'{o}n-Zygmund operators 2013 Vjekoslav Kovač
Christoph Thiele
+ Lp theory for outer measures and two themes of Lennart Carleson united 2013 Yen Do
Christoph Thiele
+ A T(1) theorem for entangled multilinear dyadic Calderón–Zygmund operators 2013 Vjekoslav Kovač
Christoph Thiele
+ A T(1) theorem for entangled multilinear dyadic Calderón-Zygmund operators 2013 Vjekoslav Kovač
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Variational estimates for paraproducts 2012 Yen Do
Camil Muscalu
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF A variation norm Carleson theorem 2012 Richard Oberlin
Andreas Seeger
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
James Wright
+ Nonlinear Fourier Analysis 2012 Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF The Hilbert transform does not map $L^1(Mw)$ to $L^{1,\infty}(w)$ 2012 MarĂ­a Carmen Reguera
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF New uniform bounds for a Walsh model of the bilinear Hilbert transform 2011 Richard Oberlin
Christoph Thiele
+ The Hilbert transform does not map L^1(Mw) to L^1,∞(w) 2010 María Carmen Reguera
Christoph Thiele
+ The Hilbert transform does not map L^1(Mw) to L^{1,\infty}(w) 2010 MarĂ­a Carmen Reguera
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Multilinear singular operators with fractional rank 2010 Ciprian Demeter
Malabika Pramanik
Christoph Thiele
+ New uniform bounds for a Walsh model of the bilinear Hilbert transform 2010 Richard Oberlin
Christoph Thiele
+ On the two-dimensional bilinear Hilbert transform 2010 Ciprian Demeter
Christoph Thiele
+ Variational estimates for paraproducts 2010 Yen Do
Camil Muscalu
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF A CalderĂłn Zygmund decomposition for multiple frequencies and an application to an extension of a Lemma of Bourgain 2010 FĂ«dor Nazarov
Richard Oberlin
Christoph Thiele
+ New uniform bounds for a Walsh model of the bilinear Hilbert transform 2010 Richard Oberlin
Christoph Thiele
+ The Hilbert transform does not map L^1(Mw) to L^{1,\infty}(w) 2010 MarĂ­a Carmen Reguera
Christoph Thiele
+ A variation norm Carleson theorem 2009 Richard Oberlin
Andreas Seeger
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
James Wright
+ PDF Modulation invariant bilinear T(1) theorem 2009 Árpåd Bényi
Ciprian Demeter
Andrea R. Nahmod
Christoph Thiele
Rodolfo H. Torres
Paco Villarroya
+ A Calderon Zygmund decomposition for multiple frequencies and an application to an extension of a lemma of Bourgain 2009 FĂ«dor Nazarov
Richard Oberlin
Christoph Thiele
+ Multilinear singular operators with fractional rank 2009 Ciprian Demeter
Malabika Pramanik
Christoph Thiele
+ A variation norm Carleson theorem 2009 Richard Oberlin
Andreas Seeger
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
James Wright
+ PDF The Walsh model for $M_2^*$ Carleson 2008 Ciprian Demeter
Michael T. Lacey
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Chat Breaking the duality in the return times theorem 2008 Ciprian Demeter
Michael T. Lacey
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Maximal multilinear operators 2008 Ciprian Demeter
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ On the two dimensional Bilinear Hilbert Transform 2008 Ciprian Demeter
Christoph Thiele
+ The Walsh model for $M_2^{*}$ Carleson 2007 Ciprian Demeter
Michael T. Lacey
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Wave equation and multiplier estimates on ax+b groups 2007 Detlef MĂŒller
Christoph Thiele
+ Modulation invariant bilinear T(1) theorem 2007 Árpåd Bényi
Ciprian Demeter
Andrea R. Nahmod
Christoph Thiele
Rodolfo H. Torres
Paco Villarroya
+ Multi-linear multipliers associated to simplexes of arbitrary length 2007 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ The Walsh model for $M_2^{*}$ Carleson 2007 Ciprian Demeter
Michael T. Lacey
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Multi-parameter paraproducts 2006 Camil Muscalu
Jill Pipher
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ Carleson’s theorem 2006 Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Interpolation of multilinear operators 2006 Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Multilinear forms with modulation symmetries 2006 Christoph Thiele
+ Wave Packet Analysis 2006 Christoph Thiele
+ The bi-Carleson operator 2006 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ Breaking the duality in the return times theorem 2006 Ciprian Demeter
Michael T. Lacey
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ Breaking the duality in the return times theorem 2006 Ciprian Demeter
Michael T. Lacey
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF On multilinear oscillatory integrals, nonsingular and singular 2005 Michael Christ
Xiaochun Li
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ Maximal multilinear operators 2005 Ciprian Demeter
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ The Bi-Carleson operator 2004 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Chat L p estimates for the biest II. The Fourier case 2004 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Chat L p estimates for the biest I. The Walsh case 2004 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Bi-parameter paraproducts 2004 Camil Muscalu
Jill Pipher
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ Wave equation and multiplier estimates on ax+b groups 2004 Detlef Mueller
Christoph Thiele
+ Multi-parameter paraproducts 2004 Camil Muscalu
Jill Pipher
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ The Bi-Carleson operator 2004 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ Bi-parameter paraproducts 2003 Camil Muscalu
Jill Pipher
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
Dirk Gorges
G. Marletta
Christoph Thiele
+ Singular integrals meet modulation invariance 2003 Christoph Thiele
+ PDF A counterexample to a multilinear endpoint question of Christ and Kiselev 2003 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ On multilinear oscillatory integrals, nonsingular and singular 2003 Michael Christ
Xiaochun Li
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ Bi-parameter paraproducts 2003 Camil Muscalu
Jill Pipher
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ A Discrete Model for the Bi-Carleson Operator 2002 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Chat Uniform estimates on multi-linear operators with modulation symmetry 2002 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Chat Uniform estimates on paraproducts 2002 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Chat A Carleson type theorem for a Cantor group model of the scattering transform 2002 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ A Uniform Estimate 2002 Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Carleson measures, trees, extrapolation, and T(b) theorems 2002 Pascal Auscher
Steve Hofmann
Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Multilinear singular integrals 2002 Christoph Thiele
+ PDF A uniform estimate for quartile operators 2002 Christoph Thiele
+ On the bi-carleson operator I. The Walsh case 2002 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ Multi-linear operators given by singular multipliers 2001 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF The maximal quartile operator 2001 Christoph Thiele
+ Uniform estimates on multi-linear operators with modulation symmetry 2001 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ $L^p$ estimates for the biest II. The Fourier case 2001 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ A counterexample to a multilinear endpoint question of Christ and Kiselev 2001 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ Uniform estimates on paraproducts 2001 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ Carleson measures, trees, extrapolation, and $T(b)$ theorems 2001 Pascal Auscher
Steve Hofmann
Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ $L^p$ estimates for the biest I. The Walsh case 2001 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF The quartile operator and pointwise convergence of Walsh series 2000 Christoph Thiele
+ PDF A proof of boundedness of the Carleson operator 2000 Michael T. Lacey
Christoph Thiele
+ Normal forms of involutive complex Hamiltonian matrices under the real symplectic group 1999 Detlef MĂŒller
Christoph Thiele
+ On Calder\'on's conjecture 1999 Michael T. Lacey
Christoph Thiele
+ On Calderon's Conjecture 1999 Michael T. Lacey
Christoph Thiele
+ Multi-linear operators given by singular multipliers 1999 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ On CalderĂłn's conjecture 1999 Michael T. Lacey
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF On Calderón’s conjecture for the bilinear Hilbert transform 1998 Michael T. Lacey
Christoph Thiele
+ L p Estimates on the Bilinear Hilbert Transform for 2 &lt; p &lt; &amp;#8734 1997 Michael T. Lacey
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF <i> L <sup>p</sup> </i> estimates for the bilinear Hilbert transform 1997 Michael T. Lacey
Christoph Thiele
+ The topological structure of auslander reiten quivers of special string algebras 1993 Christoph Thiele
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Harmonic Analysis: Real-variable Methods, Orthogonality, and Oscillatory Integrals 2002 Elias M. Stein
Timothy S Murphy
+ L p Estimates on the Bilinear Hilbert Transform for 2 &lt; p &lt; &amp;#8734 1997 Michael T. Lacey
Christoph Thiele
+ On Calderon's Conjecture 1999 Michael T. Lacey
Christoph Thiele
+ Pointwise Convergence of Fourier Series 1973 Charles Fefferman
+ Multi-linear operators given by singular multipliers 2001 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF On convergence and growth of partial sums of Fourier series 1966 Lennart Carleson
+ On the bilinear Hilbert transform 1998 Michael T. Lacey
+ PDF Uniform bounds for the bilinear Hilbert transforms, I 2004 Loukas Grafakos
Xiaochun Li
+ PDF A proof of boundedness of the Carleson operator 2000 Michael T. Lacey
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Pointwise ergodic theorems for arithmetic sets 1989 Jean Bourgain
+ PDF The quartile operator and pointwise convergence of Walsh series 2000 Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Chat L p estimates for the biest II. The Fourier case 2004 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ Some Maximal Inequalities 1971 Charles Fefferman
E. M. Stein
+ PDF Chat Uniform estimates on multi-linear operators with modulation symmetry 2002 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ A Boundedness Criterion for Generalized Calderon-Zygmund Operators 1984 Guy David
Jean-Lin Journé
+ A Uniform Estimate 2002 Christoph Thiele
+ The Bilinear Maximal Functions Map into L p for 2/3 &lt; p ≀ 1 2000 Michael T. Lacey
+ PDF Strong variational and jump inequalities in harmonic analysis 2008 Roger L. Jones
Andreas Seeger
James Wright
+ PDF Bi-parameter paraproducts 2004 Camil Muscalu
Jill Pipher
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF A counterexample to a multilinear endpoint question of Christ and Kiselev 2003 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ On the two-dimensional bilinear Hilbert transform 2010 Ciprian Demeter
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Multilinear estimates and fractional integration 1999 Carlos E. Kenig
Elias M. Stein
+ WKB and Spectral Analysis¶of One-Dimensional Schrödinger Operators¶with Slowly Varying Potentials 2001 Michael Christ
Alexander Kiselev
+ PDF Chat L p estimates for the biest I. The Walsh case 2004 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ On interpolation of multi-linear operators 1988 Svante Janson
+ PDF The Marcinkiewicz multiplier condition for bilinear operators 2001 Loukas Grafakos
N. J. Kalton
+ PDF <i> L <sup>p</sup> </i> estimates for the bilinear Hilbert transform 1997 Michael T. Lacey
Christoph Thiele
+ Oscillation in ergodic theory 1998 R. W. L. Jones
Robert Kaufman
Joseph Rosenblatt
ΜátĂ© Wierdl
+ Wave Packet Analysis 2006 Christoph Thiele
+ PDF 𝐿^{𝑝} theory for outer measures and two themes of Lennart Carleson united 2014 Yen Do
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Chat Breaking the duality in the return times theorem 2008 Ciprian Demeter
Michael T. Lacey
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Boundedness of the twisted paraproduct 2012 Vjekoslav Kovač
+ WKB Asymptotic Behavior of Almost All Generalized Eigenfunctions for One-Dimensional Schrödinger Operators with Slowly Decaying Potentials 2001 Michael Christ
Alexander Kiselev
+ PDF Bilinear operators with non-smooth symbol, I 2001 John E. Gilbert
Andrea R. Nahmod
+ PDF A variation norm Carleson theorem 2012 Richard Oberlin
Andreas Seeger
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
James Wright
+ On Calder\'on's conjecture 1999 Michael T. Lacey
Christoph Thiele
+ Multilinear Calderón–Zygmund Theory 2002 Loukas Grafakos
Rodolfo H. Torres
+ PDF On commutators of singular integrals 1975 Calixto P. CalderĂłn
+ PDF New uniform bounds for a Walsh model of the bilinear Hilbert transform 2011 Richard Oberlin
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Polynomial growth estimates for multilinear singular integral operators 1987 Michael Christ
Jean-Lin Journé
+ PDF On Calderón’s conjecture for the bilinear Hilbert transform 1998 Michael T. Lacey
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Uniform Bounds for the Bilinear Hilbert Transforms, II 2006 Xiaochun Li
+ PDF On commutators of singular integrals and bilinear singular integrals 1975 Ronald R. Coifman
Yves Meyer
+ PDF Boundedness of Bilinear Operators with nonsmooth symbols 2000 John E. Gilbert
Andrea R. Nahmod
+ PDF Chat Bellman function technique for multilinear estimates and an application to generalized paraproducts 2011 Vjekoslav Kovač
+ PDF A Littlewood-Paley Inequality for Arbitrary Intervals 1985 José L. Rubio de Francia
+ Maximal Functions Associated to Filtrations 2001 Michael Christ
Alexander Kiselev
+ On the Convergence of Fourier Series 1935 J. Marcinkiewicz
+ PDF Maximal multilinear operators 2008 Ciprian Demeter
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele