Konrad Szymański


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Rotational covariance restricts available quantum states 2024 F. Otto
Konrad Szymański
+ PDF Chat Useful entanglement can be extracted from noisy graph states 2024 Konrad Szymański
Lina Vandré
Otfried Gühne
+ Rotational covariance restricts available quantum states 2024 F. Otto
Konrad Szymański
+ PDF Chat Universal witnesses of vanishing energy gap 2021 Konrad Szymański
Karol Życzkowski
+ PDF Chat Confident entanglement detection via the separable numerical range 2021 Timo Simnacher
Jakub Czartowski
Konrad Szymański
Karol Życzkowski
+ Confident entanglement detection via separable numerical range 2021 Timo Simnacher
Jakub Czartowski
Konrad Szymański
Karol Życzkowski
+ Universal witnesses of vanishing energy gap. 2021 Konrad Szymański
Karol Życzkowski
+ PDF Chat Quantum correlation protection through spin self-rephasing in a one-dimensional Bose gas 2020 Konrad Szymański
Krzysztof Pawłowski
+ PDF Chat Separability gap and large-deviation entanglement criterion 2019 Jakub Czartowski
Konrad Szymański
Bartłomiej Gardas
Yan V. Fyodorov
Karol Życzkowski
+ PDF Chat Geometric and algebraic origins of additive uncertainty relations 2019 Konrad Szymański
Karol Życzkowski
+ Geometric and algebraic origins of additive uncertainty relations 2018 Konrad Szymański
Karol Życzkowski
+ PDF Chat Evolution of entanglement under an Ising-like Hamiltonian with particle losses 2017 Konrad Szymański
Krzysztof Pawłowski
+ Classification of joint numerical ranges of three hermitian matrices of size three 2017 Konrad Szymański
Stephan Weis
Karol Życzkowski
+ Uncertainty relations and joint numerical ranges 2017 Konrad Szymański
+ PDF Chat Convex set of quantum states with positive partial transpose analysed by hit and run algorithm 2017 Konrad Szymański
C. Benoît
Tomasz Szarek
Karol Życzkowski
+ PDF Chat Efficient polarization of high-angular-momentum systems 2016 Simon Rochester
Konrad Szymański
Mark G. Raizen
Szymon Pustelny
Marcis Auzinsh
Dmitry Budker
+ PDF Chat Efficient polarization of high-angular-momentum systems 2016 Simon Rochester
Szymon Pustelny
Konrad Szymański
Mark G. Raizen
Marcis Auzinsh
Dmitry Budker
+ PDF Chat Simulations of γ quanta scattering in a single module of the J-PET detector 2014 Konrad Szymański
P. Moskal
T. Bednarski
P. Białas
E. Czerwiński
Krzysztof Giergiel
Ł. Kapłon
Andrzej Kochanowski
G. Korcyl
Jakub Kowal
+ PDF Chat Determination of the map of efficiency of the Jagiellonian Positron Emission Tomograph (J-PET) detector with the GATE package 2014 P. Kowalski
L. Raczyński
T. Bednarski
P. Białas
E. Czerwiński
Krzysztof Giergiel
Ł. Kapłon
Andrzej Kochanowski
G. Korcyl
Jakub Kowal
+ PDF Chat Calibration of photomultipliers gain used in the J-PET detector 2014 T. Bednarski
E. Czerwiński
P. Moskal
P. Białas
Krzysztof Giergiel
Ł. Kapłon
Andrzej Kochanowski
G. Korcyl
Jakub Kowal
P. Kowalski
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Separability gap and large-deviation entanglement criterion 2019 Jakub Czartowski
Konrad Szymański
Bartłomiej Gardas
Yan V. Fyodorov
Karol Życzkowski
+ Classification of joint numerical ranges of three hermitian matrices of size three 2017 Konrad Szymański
Stephan Weis
Karol Życzkowski
+ PDF Chat Physical origins of ruled surfaces on the reduced density matrices geometry 2016 Ji-Yao Chen
Zhengfeng Ji
Zheng-Xin Liu
Xiaofei Qi
Nengkun Yu
Bei Zeng
D. L. Zhou
+ PDF Chat Quantum entanglement 2009 Ryszard Horodecki
Paweł Horodecki
Michał Horodecki
Karol Horodecki
+ Nondifferentiabie points of ∂<i>W</i><sub><i>c</i></sub>(<i>A</i>) 1986 Natália Bebiano
+ PDF Chat State-Independent Uncertainty Relations and Entanglement Detection in Noisy Systems 2017 René Schwonnek
Lars Dammeier
Reinhard F. Werner
+ PDF Chat Das algebraische Analogon zu einem Satze von Fej�r 1918 Otto Toeplitz
+ PDF Chat Volume of the set of separable states 1998 Karol Życzkowski
Paweł Horodecki
Anna Sanpera
Maciej Lewenstein
+ PDF Chat Formulas for Rational-Valued Separability Probabilities of Random Induced Generalized Two-Qubit States 2015 Paul B. Slater
Charles F. Dunkl
+ PDF Chat Joint product numerical range and geometry of reduced density matrices 2016 Jianxin Chen
Cheng Guo
Zhengfeng Ji
Yiu‐Tung Poon
Nengkun Yu
Bei Zeng
Jie Zhou
+ PDF Chat Discontinuity of maximum entropy inference and quantum phase transitions 2015 Jianxin Chen
Zhengfeng Ji
Chi-Kwong Li
Yiu‐Tung Poon
Yi Shen
Nengkun Yu
Bei Zeng
D. L. Zhou
+ PDF Chat Restricted numerical range: A versatile tool in the theory of quantum information 2010 Piotr Gawron
Zbigniew Puchała
Jarosław Adam Miszczak
Łukasz Skowronek
Karol Życzkowski
+ PDF Chat Numerical shadow and geometry of quantum states 2011 Charles F. Dunkl
Piotr Gawron
John Holbrook
Jarosław Adam Miszczak
Zbigniew Puchała
Karol Życzkowski
+ PDF Chat Geometry of entangled states 2001 Marek Kuś
Karol Życzkowski
+ TOF-PET detector concept based on organic scintillators 2012 P. Moskal
T. Bednarski
P. Białas
Marta Ciszewska
E. Czerwiński
A. Heczko
M. Kajetanowicz
Ł. Kapłon
Andrzej Kochanowski
Gabriela Konopka-Cupiał
+ Geometry of the numerical range of matrices 1981 Miroslav Fiedler
+ PDF Chat Maximally entangled mixed states of two qubits 2001 Frank Verstraete
Koenraad M. R. Audenaert
Bart De Moor
+ PDF Chat Signatures of quantum phase transitions from the boundary of the numerical range 2018 Ilya M. Spitkovsky
Stephan Weis
+ PDF Chat Geometry of the Set of Mixed Quantum States: An Apophatic Approach 2012 Ingemar Bengtsson
Stephan Weis
Karol Życzkowski
+ PDF Chat Largest separable balls around the maximally mixed bipartite quantum state 2002 Leonid Gurvits
Howard Barnum
+ PDF Chat Separability of mixed states: necessary and sufficient conditions 1996 Michał Horodecki
Paweł Horodecki
Ryszard Horodecki
+ TOF-PET detector concept based on organic scintillators 2013 P. Moskal
T. Bednarski
P. Białas
Marta Ciszewska
E. Czerwiński
A. Heczko
M. Kajetanowicz
Ł. Kapłon
Andrzej Kochanowski
Gabriela Konopka-Cupiał
+ PDF Chat The structure of ultrafine entanglement witnesses 2018 Mariami Gachechiladze
Nikolai Wyderka
Otfried Gühne
+ PDF Chat Entangled states close to the maximally mixed state 2007 Roland Hildebrand
+ Semidefinite Programming 1996 Lieven Vandenberghe
Stephen Boyd
+ PDF Chat Excitation spectrum and density matrix renormalization group iterations 2017 Natalia Chepiga
Frédéric Mila
+ STRIP-PET: a novel detector concept for the TOF-PET scanner 2013 P. Moskal
T. Bednarski
P. Białas
Marta Ciszewska
E. Czerwiński
A. Heczko
M. Kajetanowicz
Ł. Kapłon
Andrzej Kochanowski
Gabriela Konopka-Cupiał
+ PDF Chat A concise formula for generalized two-qubit Hilbert–Schmidt separability probabilities 2013 Paul B. Slater
+ PDF Chat Area law for the entropy of low-energy states 2009 Lluís Masanes
+ PDF Chat Variational quantum algorithms for discovering Hamiltonian spectra 2019 Tyson Jones
Suguru Endo
Sam McArdle
Xiao Yuan
Simon C. Benjamin
+ Geometry of Quantum States: An Introduction to Quantum Entanglement 2006 Ingemar Bengtsson
Karol Życzkowski
+ On eigenvalues and boundary curvature of the numerical range 2001 Lauren Caston
Milena Savova
Ilya M. Spitkovsky
Nahum Zobin
+ PDF Chat Ultrafine Entanglement Witnessing 2017 Farid Shähandeh
Martin Ringbauer
J. C. Loredo
Timothy C. Ralph
+ PDF Chat Maximally entangled mixed states under nonlocal unitary operations in two qubits 2000 Satoshi Ishizaka
Tohya Hiroshima
+ PDF Chat Adiabatic Theorem for Quantum Spin Systems 2017 Sven Bachmann
Wojciech De Roeck
Martin Fraas
+ PDF Chat Semidefinite geometry of the numerical range 2010 Didier Henrion
+ PDF Chat Undecidability of the spectral gap 2015 Toby S. Cubitt
David Pérez-Garcı́a
Michael M. Wolf
+ PDF Chat Better bound on the exponent of the radius of the multipartite separable ball 2005 Leonid Gurvits
Howard Barnum
+ PDF Chat Local gap threshold for frustration-free spin systems 2016 David Gosset
Evgeny Mozgunov
+ PDF Chat Squeezing the collective spin of a dilute atomic ensemble by cavity feedback 2010 Monika Schleier-Smith
Ian D. Leroux
Vladan Vuletić
+ PDF Chat Iterations of nonlinear entanglement witnesses 2008 Tobias Moroder
Otfried Gühne
Norbert Lütkenhaus
+ PDF Chat Squeezing and entanglement in a Bose–Einstein condensate 2008 Jérôme Estève
Christian Groß
Andreas Weller
S. Giovanazzi
Markus K. Oberthaler
+ The numerical range of 3 × 3 matrices 1997 Dennis S. Keeler
Leiba Rodman
Ilya M. Spitkovsky
+ Convexity of the Joint Numerical Range 2000 Chi-Kwong Li
Yiu‐Tung Poon
+ PDF Chat Generating random density matrices 2011 Karol Życzkowski
K. A. Penson
Ion Nechita
C. Benoît
+ PDF Chat Many-particle entanglement with Bose–Einstein condensates 2001 Anders S. Sørensen
L.-M. Duan
J. I. Cirac
P. Zoller
+ PDF Chat Numerical Computations of Separability Probabilities 2016 Jianjia Fei
Robert Joynt
+ PDF Chat Generic Local Hamiltonians are Gapless 2017 Ramis Movassagh
+ PDF Chat Atom-chip-based generation of entanglement for quantum metrology 2010 Max F. Riedel
Pascal Böhi
Yun Li
Theodor W. Hänsch
Alice Sinatra
Philipp Treutlein
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear Entanglement Witnesses 2006 Otfried Gühne
Norbert Lütkenhaus