Radu Ioan Boţ


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Fast Reflected Forward-Backward algorithm: achieving fast convergence rates for convex optimization with linear cone constraints 2024 Radu Ioan Boţ
Dang-Khoa Nguyen
Chunxiang Zong
+ PDF Chat Inertial dynamics with vanishing Tikhonov regularization for multobjective optimization 2024 Radu Ioan Boţ
Konstantin Sonntag
+ PDF Chat Generalized Fast Krasnoselskii-Mann Method with Preconditioners 2024 Radu Ioan Boţ
Enis Chenchene
Jalal Fadili
+ PDF Chat Extra-Gradient Method with Flexible Anchoring: Strong Convergence and Fast Residual Decay 2024 Radu Ioan Boţ
Enis Chenchene
+ PDF Chat Fast Convex Optimization via Time Scale and Averaging of the Steepest Descent 2024 Hédy Attouch
Radu Ioan Boţ
Dang‐Khoa Nguyen
+ PDF Chat Fast second-order dynamics with slow vanishing damping approaching the zeros of a monotone and continuous operator 2024 Radu Ioan Boţ
David Alexander Hulett
Dang-Khoa Nguyen
+ PDF Chat Tikhonov regularization of monotone operator flows not only ensures strong convergence of the trajectories but also speeds up the vanishing of the residuals 2024 Radu Ioan Boţ
Dang-Khoa Nguyen
+ PDF Chat On a Stochastic Differential Equation with Correction Term Governed by a Monotone and Lipschitz Continuous Operator 2024 Radu Ioan Boţ
Chiara Schindler
+ On a stochastic differential equation with correction term governed by a monotone and Lipschitz continuous operator 2024 Radu Ioan Boţ
Chiara Schindler
+ PDF Chat Accelerated Griffin-Lim Algorithm: A Fast and Provably Converging Numerical Method for Phase Retrieval 2023 Rossen Nenov
Dang‐Khoa Nguyen
Péter Balázs
Radu Ioan Boţ
+ PDF Chat Fast Optimistic Gradient Descent Ascent (OGDA) Method in Continuous and Discrete Time 2023 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
Dang-Khoa Nguyen
+ Fast Krasnosel’skiĭ–Mann Algorithm with a Convergence Rate of the Fixed Point Iteration of \(\boldsymbol{{ o} \left(\frac{1}{{ k}} \right)}\) 2023 Radu Ioan Boţ
Dang‐Khoa Nguyen
+ On the strong convergence of continuous Newton-like inertial dynamics with Tikhonov regularization for monotone inclusions 2023 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
Szilárd Csaba László
+ PDF Chat Alternating Proximal-Gradient Steps for (Stochastic) Nonconvex-Concave Minimax Problems 2023 Radu Ioan Boţ
Axel Böhm
+ PDF Chat Inertial Proximal Block Coordinate Method for a Class of Nonsmooth Sum-of-Ratios Optimization Problems 2023 Radu Ioan Boţ
Minh N. Dao
Guoyin Li
+ PDF Chat Fast convex optimization via closed-loop time scaling of gradient dynamics 2023 Hédy Attouch
Radu Ioan Boţ
Khoa Viet Nguyen
+ Fast convex optimization via closed-loop time scaling of gradient dynamics 2023 Hédy Attouch
Radu Ioan Boţ
Dang-Khoa Nguyen
+ Accelerated Griffin-Lim algorithm: A fast and provably converging numerical method for phase retrieval 2023 Rossen Nenov
Dang‐Khoa Nguyen
Péter Balázs
Radu Ioan Boţ
+ A Fast Optimistic Method for Monotone Variational Inequalities 2023 Michael Sedlmayer
Dang‐Khoa Nguyen
Radu Ioan Boţ
+ Fast Forward-Backward splitting for monotone inclusions with a convergence rate of the tangent residual of $o(1/k)$ 2023 Radu Ioan Boţ
Dang-Khoa Nguyen
Chunxiang Zong
+ A full splitting algorithm for fractional programs with structured numerators and denominators 2023 Radu Ioan Boţ
Guoyin Li
Min Tao
+ PDF Chat A fast continuous time approach with time scaling for nonsmooth convex optimization 2022 Radu Ioan Boţ
Mikhail A. Karapetyants
+ PDF Chat A primal-dual splitting algorithm for composite monotone inclusions with minimal lifting 2022 Francisco J. Aragón Artacho
Radu Ioan Boţ
David Torregrosa-Belén
+ PDF Chat Fast Augmented Lagrangian Method in the convex regime with convergence guarantees for the iterates 2022 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
Dang‐Khoa Nguyen
+ PDF Chat An accelerated minimax algorithm for convex-concave saddle point problems with nonsmooth coupling function 2022 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
Michael Sedlmayer
+ Two Steps at a Time---Taking GAN Training in Stride with Tseng's Method 2022 Axel Böhm
Michael Sedlmayer
Ernö Robert Csetnek
Radu Ioan Boţ
+ PDF Chat Second Order Splitting Dynamics with Vanishing Damping for Additively Structured Monotone Inclusions 2022 Radu Ioan Boţ
David Alexander Hulett
+ Fast optimization via inertial dynamics with closed-loop damping 2022 Hédy Attouch
Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ A fast continuous time approach with time scaling for nonsmooth convex optimization 2022 Radu Ioan Boţ
Mikhail A. Karapetyants
+ Second order splitting dynamics with vanishing damping for additively structured monotone inclusions 2022 Radu Ioan Boţ
David Alexander Hulett
+ Fast OGDA in continuous and discrete time 2022 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
Dang-Khoa Nguyen
+ A primal-dual splitting algorithm for composite monotone inclusions with minimal lifting 2022 Francisco J. Aragón Artacho
Radu Ioan Boţ
David Torregrosa-Belén
+ Fast Krasnosel'skii-Mann algorithm with a convergence rate of the fixed point iteration of $o\left(\frac{1}{k}\right)$ 2022 Radu Ioan Boţ
Dang-Khoa Nguyen
+ Fast convex optimization via time scale and averaging of the steepest descent 2022 Hédy Attouch
Radu Ioan Boţ
Dang-Khoa Nguyen
+ PDF Chat Extrapolated Proximal Subgradient Algorithms for Nonconvex and Nonsmooth Fractional Programs 2021 Radu Ioan Boţ
Minh N. Dao
Guoyin Li
+ Improved convergence rates and trajectory convergence for primal-dual dynamical systems with vanishing damping 2021 Radu Ioan Boţ
Dang‐Khoa Nguyen
+ PDF Chat Convergence Rates of First- and Higher-Order Dynamics for Solving Linear Ill-Posed Problems 2021 Radu Ioan Boţ
Guozhi Dong
Peter Elbau
Otmar Scherzer
+ Improved convergence rates and trajectory convergence for primal-dual dynamical systems with vanishing damping 2021 Radu Ioan Boţ
Dang‐Khoa Nguyen
+ PDF Chat Factorization of completely positive matrices using iterative projected gradient steps 2021 Radu Ioan Boţ
Dang‐Khoa Nguyen
+ A strongly convergent Krasnosel’skiǐ–Mann-type algorithm for finding a common fixed point of a countably infinite family of nonexpansive operators in Hilbert spaces 2021 Radu Ioan Boţ
Dennis Meier
+ Minibatch Forward-Backward-Forward Methods for Solving Stochastic Variational Inequalities 2021 Radu Ioan Boţ
Panayotis Mertikopoulos
Mathias Staudigl
Phan Tu Vuong
+ Fast Augmented Lagrangian Method in the convex regime with convergence guarantees for the iterates 2021 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
Dang-Khoa Nguyen
+ Improved convergence rates and trajectory convergence for primal-dual dynamical systems with vanishing damping 2021 Radu Ioan Boţ
Dang-Khoa Nguyen
+ An accelerated minimax algorithm for convex-concave saddle point problems with nonsmooth coupling function 2021 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
Michael Sedlmayer
+ PDF Chat A forward-backward dynamical approach for nonsmooth problems with block structure coupled by a smooth function 2020 Radu Ioan Boţ
Laura Kanzler
+ Inertial Proximal Block Coordinate Method for a Class of Nonsmooth and Nonconvex Sum-of-Ratios Optimization Problems 2020 Radu Ioan Boţ
Minh N. Dao
Guoyin Li
+ PDF Chat Variable Smoothing for Convex Optimization Problems Using Stochastic Gradients 2020 Radu Ioan Boţ
Axel Böhm
+ A primal-dual dynamical approach to structured convex minimization problems 2020 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
Szilárd Csaba László
+ PDF Chat Inducing strong convergence of trajectories in dynamical systems associated to monotone inclusions with composite structure 2020 Radu Ioan Boţ
Sorin‐Mihai Grad
Dennis Meier
Mathias Staudigl
+ PDF Chat Tikhonov regularization of a second order dynamical system with Hessian driven damping 2020 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
Szilárd Csaba László
+ PDF Chat Fixing and extending some recent results on the ADMM algorithm 2020 Sebastian Banert
Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ PDF Chat The forward–backward–forward method from continuous and discrete perspective for pseudo-monotone variational inequalities in Hilbert spaces 2020 Radu Ioan Boţ
E. R. Csetnek
Phan Tu Vuong
+ PDF Chat The Proximal Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers in the Nonconvex Setting: Convergence Analysis and Rates 2020 Radu Ioan Boţ
Dang‐Khoa Nguyen
+ A forward-backward dynamical approach for nonsmooth problems with block structure coupled by a smooth function 2020 Radu Ioan Boţ
Laura Kanzler
+ A Relaxed Inertial Forward-Backward-Forward Algorithm for Solving Monotone Inclusions with Application to GANs 2020 Radu Ioan Boţ
Michael Sedlmayer
Phan Tu Vuong
+ Inertial Proximal Block Coordinate Method for a Class of Nonsmooth Sum-of-Ratios Optimization Problems 2020 Radu Ioan Boţ
Minh N. Dao
Guoyin Li
+ Alternating proximal-gradient steps for (stochastic) nonconvex-concave minimax problems 2020 Radu Ioan Boţ
Axel Böhm
+ Two steps at a time -- taking GAN training in stride with Tseng's method 2020 Axel Böhm
Michael Sedlmayer
Ernö Robert Csetnek
Radu Ioan Boţ
+ A forward-backward dynamical approach for nonsmooth problems with block structure coupled by a smooth function 2020 Radu Ioan Boţ
Laura Kanzler
+ Forward-backward-forward methods with variance reduction for stochastic variational inequalities 2019 Radu Ioan Boţ
Panayotis Mertikopoulos
Mathias Staudigl
Phan Tu Vuong
+ Tikhonov regularization of a second order dynamical system with Hessian driven damping 2019 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
Szilárd Csaba László
+ A primal-dual dynamical approach to structured convex minimization problems 2019 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
Szilárd Csaba László
+ Variable smoothing for convex optimization problems using stochastic gradients. 2019 Radu Ioan Boţ
Axel Böhm
+ PDF Chat Newton-Like Dynamics Associated to Nonconvex Optimization Problems 2019 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ Forward-backward-forward methods with variance reduction for stochastic variational inequalities 2019 Radu Ioan Boţ
Panayotis Mertikopoulos
Mathias Staudigl
Phan Tu Vuong
+ PDF Chat A Proximal Minimization Algorithm for Structured Nonconvex and Nonsmooth Problems 2019 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
Dang‐Khoa Nguyen
+ Variable Metric ADMM for Solving Variational Inequalities with Monotone Operators over Affine Sets 2019 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
Dennis Meier
+ A strongly convergent Krasnosel'ski\vı-Mann-type algorithm for finding a common fixed point of a countably infinite family of nonexpansive operators in Hilbert spaces 2019 Radu Ioan Boţ
Dennis Meier
+ A primal-dual dynamical approach to structured convex minimization problems 2019 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
Szilárd Csaba László
+ Tikhonov regularization of a second order dynamical system with Hessian driven damping 2019 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
Szilárd Csaba László
+ Variable smoothing for convex optimization problems using stochastic gradients 2019 Radu Ioan Boţ
Axel Böhm
+ PDF Chat The Proximal Alternating Minimization Algorithm for Two-Block Separable Convex Optimization Problems with Linear Constraints 2018 Sandy Bitterlich
Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
Gert Wanka
+ Convergence Rates of First and Higher Order Dynamics for Solving Linear Ill-posed Problems 2018 Radu Ioan Boţ
Guozhi Dong
Peter Elbau
Otmar Scherzer
+ PDF Chat A forward–backward penalty scheme with inertial effects for monotone inclusions. Applications to convex bilevel programming 2018 Radu Ioan Boţ
Dang‐Khoa Nguyen
+ PDF Chat On the convergence of stochastic forward-backward-forward algorithms with variance reduction in pseudo-monotone variational inequalities 2018 Radu Ioan Boţ
Panayotis Mertikopoulos
Mathias Staudigl
Phan Tu Vuong
+ The Forward-Backward-Forward Method from discrete and continuous perspective for pseudo-monotone variational inequalities in Hilbert Spaces 2018 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
Phan Tu Vuong
+ The Forward-Backward-Forward Method from continuous and discrete perspective for pseudo-monotone variational inequalities in Hilbert spaces 2018 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
Phan Tu Vuong
+ PDF Chat A second-order dynamical approach with variable damping to nonconvex smooth minimization 2018 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
Szilárd Csaba László
+ PDF Chat ADMM for monotone operators: convergence analysis and rates 2018 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ The Proximal Alternating Minimization Algorithm for two-block separable convex optimization problems with linear constraints 2018 Sandy Bitterlich
Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
Gert Wanka
+ A proximal minimization algorithm for structured nonconvex and nonsmooth problems 2018 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
Dang‐Khoa Nguyen
+ PDF Chat A general double-proximal gradient algorithm for d.c. programming 2018 Sebastian Banert
Radu Ioan Boţ
+ PDF Chat Inducing strong convergence into the asymptotic behaviour of proximal splitting algorithms in Hilbert spaces 2018 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
Dennis Meier
+ PDF Chat A second-order dynamical system with Hessian-driven damping and penalty term associated to variational inequalities 2018 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ PDF Chat Approaching nonsmooth nonconvex minimization through second-order proximal-gradient dynamical systems 2018 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
Szilárd Csaba László
+ PDF Chat Inertial forward–backward methods for solving vector optimization problems 2018 Radu Ioan Boţ
Sorin‐Mihai Grad
+ PDF Chat Second-order dynamical systems with penalty terms associated to monotone inclusions 2018 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
Szilárd Csaba László
+ The proximal alternating direction method of multipliers in the nonconvex setting: convergence analysis and rates 2018 Radu Ioan Boţ
Dang‐Khoa Nguyen
+ Convergence Rates of First and Higher Order Dynamics for Solving Linear Ill-posed Problems 2018 Radu Ioan Boţ
Guozhi Dong
Peter Elbau
Otmar Scherzer
+ The Forward-Backward-Forward Method from continuous and discrete perspective for pseudo-monotone variational inequalities in Hilbert spaces 2018 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
Phan Tu Vuong
+ The Proximal Alternating Minimization Algorithm for two-block separable convex optimization problems with linear constraints 2018 Sandy Bitterlich
Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
Gert Wanka
+ The proximal alternating direction method of multipliers in the nonconvex setting: convergence analysis and rates 2018 Radu Ioan Boţ
Dang-Khoa Nguyen
+ A proximal minimization algorithm for structured nonconvex and nonsmooth problems 2018 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
Dang-Khoa Nguyen
+ Approaching nonsmooth nonconvex minimization through second order proximal-gradient dynamical systems 2017 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
Szilárd Csaba László
+ PDF Chat An Inertial Proximal-Gradient Penalization Scheme for Constrained Convex Optimization Problems 2017 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
Nimit Nimana
+ PDF Chat Gradient-type penalty method with inertial effects for solving constrained convex optimization problems with smooth data 2017 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
Nimit Nimana
+ PDF Chat Approaching Nonsmooth Nonconvex Optimization Problems Through First Order Dynamical Systems with Hidden Acceleration and Hessian Driven Damping Terms 2017 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ PDF Chat Levenberg-Marquardt Dynamics Associated to Variational Inequalities 2017 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ ADMM for monotone operators: convergence analysis and rates 2017 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ PDF Chat A forward-backward dynamical approach to the minimization of the sum of a nonsmooth convex with a smooth nonconvex function 2017 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ PDF Chat Proximal-gradient algorithms for fractional programming 2017 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ Second order dynamical systems with penalty terms associated to monotone inclusions 2017 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
Szilárd Csaba László
+ Approaching nonsmooth nonconvex minimization through second order proximal-gradient dynamical systems 2017 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
Szilárd Csaba László
+ Second order dynamical systems with penalty terms associated to monotone inclusions 2017 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
Szilárd Csaba László
+ Newton-like dynamics associated to nonconvex optimization problems 2017 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ ADMM for monotone operators: convergence analysis and rates 2017 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ Fixing and extending some recent results on the ADMM algorithm 2016 Sebastian Banert
Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ PDF Chat Conditional stability versus ill-posedness for operator equations with monotone operators in Hilbert space 2016 Radu Ioan Boţ
Bernd Hofmann
+ A general double-proximal gradient algorithm for d.c. programming 2016 Sebastian Banert
Radu Ioan Boţ
+ Approaching nonsmooth nonconvex optimization problems through first order dynamical systems with hidden acceleration and Hessian driven damping terms 2016 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ Inducing strong convergence into the asymptotic behaviour of proximal splitting algorithms in Hilbert spaces 2016 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
Dennis Meier
+ The Rockafellar Conjecture and type (FPV) 2016 Radu Ioan Boţ
Orestes Bueno
Stephen Simons
+ A second order dynamical system with Hessian-driven damping and penalty term associated to variational inequalities 2016 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ PDF Chat Solving monotone inclusions involving parallel sums of linearly composed maximally monotone operators 2016 Radu Ioan Boţ
Christopher Hendrich
+ Convergence rates for forward–backward dynamical systems associated with strongly monotone inclusions 2016 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ PDF Chat Penalty schemes with inertial effects for monotone inclusion problems 2016 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ PDF Chat Second-order dynamical systems associated to variational inequalities 2016 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ Levenberg-Marquardt dynamics associated to variational inequalities 2016 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ Proximal-gradient algorithms for fractional programming 2016 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ PDF Chat Second Order Forward-Backward Dynamical Systems For Monotone Inclusion Problems 2016 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ Inducing strong convergence into the asymptotic behaviour of proximal splitting algorithms in Hilbert spaces 2016 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
Dennis Meier
+ A general double-proximal gradient algorithm for d.c. programming 2016 Sebastian Banert
Radu Ioan Boţ
+ Levenberg-Marquardt dynamics associated to variational inequalities 2016 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ Proximal-gradient algorithms for fractional programming 2016 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ Fixing and extending some recent results on the ADMM algorithm 2016 Sebastian Banert
Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ Approaching nonsmooth nonconvex optimization problems through first order dynamical systems with hidden acceleration and Hessian driven damping terms 2016 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ A second order dynamical system with Hessian-driven damping and penalty term associated to variational inequalities 2016 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ Second order dynamical systems associated to variational inequalities 2015 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ Penalty schemes with inertial effects for monotone inclusion problems 2015 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ PDF Chat Approaching the solving of constrained variational inequalities via penalty term-based dynamical systems 2015 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ An inertial forward–backward algorithm for the minimization of the sum of two nonconvex functions 2015 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
Szilárd Csaba László
+ A forward-backward dynamical approach to the minimization of the sum of a nonsmooth convex with a smooth nonconvex function 2015 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ PDF Chat An inertial forward-backward-forward primal-dual splitting algorithm for solving monotone inclusion problems 2015 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ PDF Chat A Hybrid Proximal-Extragradient Algorithm with Inertial Effects 2015 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ Convergence rates for forward-backward dynamical systems associated with strongly monotone inclusions 2015 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ PDF Chat An Inertial Tseng’s Type Proximal Algorithm for Nonsmooth and Nonconvex Optimization Problems 2015 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ Second order forward-backward dynamical systems for monotone inclusion problems 2015 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ Approaching the solving of constrained variational inequalities via penalty term-based dynamical systems 2015 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ PDF Chat A Dynamical System Associated with the Fixed Points Set of a Nonexpansive Operator 2015 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ PDF Chat Inertial Douglas–Rachford splitting for monotone inclusion problems 2015 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
Christopher Hendrich
+ PDF Chat Backward Penalty Schemes for Monotone Inclusion Problems 2015 Sebastian Banert
Radu Ioan Boţ
+ A forward-backward-forward differential equation and its asymptotic properties 2015 Sebastian Banert
Radu Ioan Boţ
+ Second order forward-backward dynamical systems for monotone inclusion problems 2015 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ Second order dynamical systems associated to variational inequalities 2015 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ A forward-backward dynamical approach to the minimization of the sum of a nonsmooth convex with a smooth nonconvex function 2015 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ Approaching the solving of constrained variational inequalities via penalty term-based dynamical systems 2015 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ Penalty schemes with inertial effects for monotone inclusion problems 2015 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ Convergence rates for forward-backward dynamical systems associated with strongly monotone inclusions 2015 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ A dynamical system associated with the fixed points set of a nonexpansive operator 2014 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ PDF Chat Convex risk minimization via proximal splitting methods 2014 Radu Ioan Boţ
Christopher Hendrich
+ On the convergence rate of a forward-backward type primal-dual splitting algorithm for convex optimization problems 2014 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ An inertial forward-backward algorithm for the minimization of the sum of two nonconvex functions 2014 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
Szilárd Csaba László
+ A hybrid proximal-extragradient algorithm with inertial effects 2014 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ Backward Penalty Schemes for Monotone Inclusion Problems 2014 Sebastian Banert
Radu Ioan Boţ
+ An inertial Tseng's type proximal algorithm for nonsmooth and nonconvex optimization problems 2014 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ PDF Chat A variable smoothing algorithm for solving convex optimization problems 2014 Radu Ioan Boţ
Christopher Hendrich
+ An inertial alternating direction method of multipliers 2014 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ Inertial Douglas-Rachford splitting for monotone inclusion problems 2014 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
Christopher Hendrich
+ PDF Chat Forward-Backward and Tseng’s Type Penalty Schemes for Monotone Inclusion Problems 2014 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ PDF Chat On the convergence rate improvement of a primal-dual splitting algorithm for solving monotone inclusion problems 2014 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
André Heinrich
Christopher Hendrich
+ An inertial forward-backward-forward primal-dual splitting algorithm for solving monotone inclusion problems 2014 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ PDF Chat Convergence Analysis for a Primal-Dual Monotone + Skew Splitting Algorithm with Applications to Total Variation Minimization 2014 Radu Ioan Boţ
Christopher Hendrich
+ Recent Developments on Primal–Dual Splitting Methods with Applications to Convex Minimization 2014 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
Christopher Hendrich
+ Inertial Douglas-Rachford splitting for monotone inclusion problems 2014 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
Christopher Hendrich
+ A hybrid proximal-extragradient algorithm with inertial effects 2014 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ An inertial alternating direction method of multipliers 2014 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ Backward Penalty Schemes for Monotone Inclusion Problems 2014 Sebastian Banert
Radu Ioan Boţ
+ An inertial forward-backward algorithm for the minimization of the sum of two nonconvex functions 2014 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
Szilárd Csaba László
+ A dynamical system associated with the fixed points set of a nonexpansive operator 2014 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ An inertial forward-backward-forward primal-dual splitting algorithm for solving monotone inclusion problems 2014 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ An inertial Tseng's type proximal algorithm for nonsmooth and nonconvex optimization problems 2014 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ PDF Chat Employing different loss functions for the classification of images via supervised learning 2013 Radu Ioan Boţ
André Heinrich
Gert Wanka
Ernö Robert Csetnek
Erika Nagy
+ PDF Chat Regularizability of Ill-Posed Problems and the Modulus of Continuity 2013 Radu Ioan Boţ
Bernd Hofmann
Peter Mathé
+ An algorithm for solving monotone inclusions involving parallel sums of linearly composed maximally monotone operators 2013 Radu Ioan Boţ
Christopher Hendrich
+ Solving monotone inclusions involving parallel sums of linearly composed maximally monotone operators 2013 Radu Ioan Boţ
Christopher Hendrich
+ Forward-Backward and Tseng's Type Penalty Schemes for Monotone Inclusion Problems 2013 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ Convex risk minimization via proximal splitting methods 2013 Radu Ioan Boţ
Christopher Hendrich
+ On the convergence rate improvement of a primal-dual splitting algorithm for solving monotone inclusion problems 2013 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
André Heinrich
+ A Primal-Dual Splitting Algorithm for Finding Zeros of Sums of Maximal Monotone Operators 2013 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
André Heinrich
+ PDF Chat A Douglas--Rachford Type Primal-Dual Method for Solving Inclusions with Mixtures of Composite and Parallel-Sum Type Monotone Operators 2013 Radu Ioan Boţ
Christopher Hendrich
Bernd Hofmann
+ A Brøndsted–Rockafellar Theorem for Diagonal Subdifferential Operators 2013 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ On the convergence rate improvement of a primal-dual splitting algorithm for solving monotone inclusion problems 2013 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
André Heinrich
+ Convex risk minimization via proximal splitting methods 2013 Radu Ioan Boţ
Christopher Hendrich
+ Solving monotone inclusions involving parallel sums of linearly composed maximally monotone operators 2013 Radu Ioan Boţ
Christopher Hendrich
+ Forward-Backward and Tseng's Type Penalty Schemes for Monotone Inclusion Problems 2013 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ PDF Chat On the acceleration of the double smoothing technique for unconstrained convex optimization problems 2012 Radu Ioan Boţ
Christopher Hendrich
+ PDF Chat A double smoothing technique for solving unconstrained nondifferentiable convex optimization problems 2012 Radu Ioan Boţ
Christopher Hendrich
+ A Douglas-Rachford type primal-dual method for solving inclusions with mixtures of composite and parallel-sum type monotone operators 2012 Radu Ioan Boţ
Christopher Hendrich
+ Convergence analysis for a primal-dual monotone + skew splitting algorithm with applications to total variation minimization 2012 Radu Ioan Boţ
Christopher Hendrich
+ Iterative regularization with a general penalty term—theory and application to<i>L</i><sup>1</sup>and<i>TV</i>regularization 2012 Radu Ioan Boţ
Torsten Hein
+ Robust Duality in Parametric Convex Optimization 2012 Radu Ioan Boţ
V. Jeyakumar
Guoyin Li
+ A variable smoothing algorithm for solving convex optimization problems 2012 Radu Ioan Boţ
Christopher Hendrich
+ A primal-dual splitting algorithm for finding zeros of sums of maximally monotone operators 2012 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
André Heinrich
+ Attouch–Théra duality revisited: Paramonotonicity and operator splitting 2012 Heinz H. Bauschke
Radu Ioan Boţ
Warren Hare
Walaa M. Moursi
+ On the acceleration of the double smoothing technique for unconstrained convex optimization problems 2012 Radu Ioan Boţ
Christopher Hendrich
+ A double smoothing technique for solving unconstrained nondifferentiable convex optimization problems 2012 Radu Ioan Boţ
Christopher Hendrich
+ On the generalized parallel sum of two maximal monotone operators of Gossez type (D) 2012 Radu Ioan Boţ
Szilárd Csaba László
+ era duality revisited: Paramonotonicity and operator splitting 2012 Heinz H. Bauschke
Radu Ioan Boţ
Warren Hare
Walaa M. Moursi
+ A Douglas-Rachford type primal-dual method for solving inclusions with mixtures of composite and parallel-sum type monotone operators 2012 Radu Ioan Boţ
Christopher Hendrich
+ A variable smoothing algorithm for solving convex optimization problems 2012 Radu Ioan Boţ
Christopher Hendrich
+ A double smoothing technique for solving unconstrained nondifferentiable convex optimization problems 2012 Radu Ioan Boţ
Christopher Hendrich
+ A primal-dual splitting algorithm for finding zeros of sums of maximally monotone operators 2012 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
André Heinrich
+ Convergence analysis for a primal-dual monotone + skew splitting algorithm with applications to total variation minimization 2012 Radu Ioan Boţ
Christopher Hendrich
+ On the acceleration of the double smoothing technique for unconstrained convex optimization problems 2012 Radu Ioan Boţ
Christopher Hendrich
+ On Some Erroneous Statements in the Paper “Optimality Conditions for Extended Ky Fan Inequality with Cone and Affine Constraints and Their Applications” by A. Capătă 2011 Radu Ioan Boţ
E. R. Csetnek
+ Attouch-Th\'era duality revisited: paramonotonicity and operator splitting 2011 Heinz H. Bauschke
Radu Ioan Boţ
Warren Hare
Walaa M. Moursi
+ An upper estimate for the Clarke subdifferential of an infimal value function proved via the Mordukhovich subdifferential 2011 Radu Ioan Boţ
+ On the generalized parallel sum of two maximal monotone operators of Gossez type (D) 2011 Radu Ioan Boţ
Szilárd Csaba László
+ PDF Chat Looking for appropriate qualification conditions for subdifferential formulae and dual representations for convex risk measures 2011 Radu Ioan Boţ
Alina-Ramona Frătean
+ PDF Chat Error bound results for convex inequality systems via conjugate duality 2011 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ Optimization problems in statistical learning: Duality and optimality conditions 2011 Radu Ioan Boţ
Nicole Lorenz
+ A Comparison of Some Recent Regularity Conditions for Fenchel Duality 2011 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ Approaching the maximal monotonicity of bifunctions via representative functions 2011 Radu Ioan Boţ
Sorin‐Mihai Grad
+ Extending the classical vector Wolfe and Mond-Weir duality concepts via perturbations 2011 Radu Ioan Boţ
Sorin‐Mihai Grad
+ PDF Chat On linear vector optimization duality in infinite-dimensional spaces 2011 Radu Ioan Boţ
Sorin‐Mihai Grad
+ Attouch-Théra duality revisited: paramonotonicity and operator splitting 2011 Heinz H. Bauschke
Radu Ioan Boţ
Warren Hare
Walaa M. Moursi
+ On the generalized parallel sum of two maximal monotone operators of Gossez type (D) 2011 Radu Ioan Boţ
Szilárd Csaba László
+ PDF Chat Closedness type regularity conditions for surjectivity results involving the sum of two maximal monotone operators 2010 Radu Ioan Boţ
Sorin‐Mihai Grad
+ PDF Chat Classical linear vector optimization duality revisited 2010 Radu Ioan Boţ
Sorin‐Mihai Grad
Gert Wanka
+ Duality for vector optimization problems via a general scalarization 2010 Radu Ioan Boţ
Sorin‐Mihai Grad
+ PDF Chat Regularity conditions via generalized interiority notions in convex optimization: New achievements and their relation to some classical statements 2010 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ PDF Chat On the Dini-Hadamard subdifferential of the difference of two functions 2010 Radu Ioan Boţ
Delia-Maria Nechita
+ PDF Chat An extension of the variational inequality approach for obtaining convergence rates in regularization of nonlinear ill-posed problems 2010 Radu Ioan Boţ
Bernd Hofmann
+ PDF Chat On a Zero Duality Gap Result in Extended Monotropic Programming 2010 Radu Ioan Boţ
E. R. Csetnek
+ Error bound results for convex inequality systems via conjugate duality 2010 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ Looking for appropriate qualification conditions for subdifferential formulae and dual representations for convex risk measures 2010 Radu Ioan Boţ
Alina-Ramona Frătean
+ On the Dini-Hadamard subdifferential of the difference of two functions 2010 Radu Ioan Boţ
Delia-Maria Nechita
+ Wolfe duality and Mond–Weir duality via perturbations 2010 Radu Ioan Boţ
Sorin‐Mihai Grad
+ On extension results for n-cyclically monotone operators in reflexive Banach spaces 2010 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ On a zero duality gap result in extended monotropic programming 2010 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ Conjugate Duality in Convex Optimization 2010 Radu Ioan Boţ
+ On a zero duality gap result in extended monotropic programming 2010 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ Error bound results for convex inequality systems via conjugate duality 2010 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ On the Dini-Hadamard subdifferential of the difference of two functions 2010 Radu Ioan Boţ
Delia-Maria Nechita
+ Looking for appropriate qualification conditions for subdifferential formulae and dual representations for convex risk measures 2010 Radu Ioan Boţ
Alina-Ramona Frătean
+ Conjugate Duality in Convex Optimization 2009 Radu Ioan Boţ
+ Applications of the Duality to Monotone Operators 2009 Radu Ioan Boţ
+ Strong and Total Conjugate Duality 2009 Radu Ioan Boţ
+ Perturbation Functions and Dual Problems 2009 Radu Ioan Boţ
+ Moreau–Rockafellar Formulae and Closedness-Type Regularity Conditions 2009 Radu Ioan Boţ
+ Unconventional Fenchel Duality 2009 Radu Ioan Boţ
+ Biconjugate Functions 2009 Radu Ioan Boţ
+ On totally Fenchel unstable functions in finite dimensional spaces 2009 Radu Ioan Boţ
Andreas Löhne
+ Generalized Moreau–Rockafellar results for composed convex functions 2009 Radu Ioan Boţ
Sorin‐Mihai Grad
Gert Wanka
+ Lower semicontinuous type regularity conditions for subdifferential calculus 2009 Radu Ioan Boţ
Sorin‐Mihai Grad
+ Dual Representations for Convex Risk Measures via Conjugate Duality 2009 Radu Ioan Boţ
Nicole Lorenz
Gert Wanka
+ Existence results and gap functions for the generalized equilibrium problem with composed functions 2009 Radu Ioan Boţ
Adela Capătă
+ A new Fenchel dual problem in vector optimization 2009 Radu Ioan Boţ
Anca Dumitru
Gert Wanka
+ PDF Chat Enlargements of positive sets 2009 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ An extension of the variational inequality approach for nonlinear ill-posed problems 2009 Radu Ioan Boţ
Bernd Hofmann
+ Duality for set-valued optimization problems based on vector conjugacy 2009 Radu Ioan Boţ
Sorin‐Mihai Grad
Gert Wanka
+ RESEARCH ARTICLE Lower semicontinuous type regularity conditions for subdierential calculus 2009 Radu Ioan Boţ
Sorin‐Mihai Grad
+ Preliminaries on convex analysis and vector optimization 2009 Radu Ioan Boţ
Sorin‐Mihai Grad
Gert Wanka
+ PDF Chat New regularity conditions for Lagrange and Fenchel-Lagrange duality in infinite dimensional spaces 2009 Radu Ioan Boţ
Sorin‐Mihai Grad
Gert Wanka
+ Conjugate duality for vector optimization problems with finite dimensional image spaces 2009 Radu Ioan Boţ
Sorin‐Mihai Grad
Gert Wanka
+ Regularity conditions via generalized interiority notions in convex optimization: new achievements and their relation to some classical statements 2009 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ On extension results for n-cyclically monotone operators in reflexive Banach spaces 2009 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ Introduction 2009 Radu Ioan Boţ
Sorin‐Mihai Grad
Gert Wanka
+ Conjugate vector duality via scalarization 2009 Radu Ioan Boţ
Sorin‐Mihai Grad
Gert Wanka
+ On an open problem regarding totally Fenchel unstable functions 2008 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
Sorin‐Mihai Grad
Sorin‐Mihai Grad
+ A new constraint qualification for the formula of the subdifferential of composed convex functions in infinite dimensional spaces 2008 Radu Ioan Boţ
Sorin‐Mihai Grad
Gert Wanka
+ An Application of the Bivariate Inf-Convolution Formula to Enlargements of Monotone Operators 2008 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ Optimality conditions for weak efficiency to vector optimization problems with composed convex functions 2008 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ioan Bogdan Hodrea
Gert Wanka
+ Revisiting Some Duality Theorems via the Quasirelative Interior in Convex Optimization 2008 Radu Ioan Boţ
E. R. Csetnek
A. Moldovan
+ Duality for almost convex optimization problems via the perturbation approach 2008 Radu Ioan Boţ
G. Kassay
Gert Wanka
+ <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>ɛ</mml:mi></mml:math>-Optimality conditions for composed convex optimization problems 2008 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ioan Bogdan Hodrea
Gert Wanka
+ The conjugate of the pointwise maximum of two convex functions revisited 2008 Radu Ioan Boţ
Gert Wanka
+ Sequential optimality conditions for composed convex optimization problems 2008 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
Gert Wanka
+ PDF Chat On some abstract convexity notions in real linear spaces 2008 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
Gert Wanka
+ Regularity Conditions via Quasi-Relative Interior in Convex Programming 2008 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
Gert Wanka
+ Sequential characterization of solutions in convex composite programming and applications to vector optimization 2008 Radu Ioan Boţ
Anca Grad
Gert Wanka
+ Conjugate duality for multiobjective composed optimization problems 2007 Radu Ioan Boţ
Emese Vargyas
Gert Wanka
+ New Constraint Qualification and Conjugate Duality for Composed Convex Optimization Problems 2007 Radu Ioan Boţ
Sorin‐Mihai Grad
Gert Wanka
+ Comparison between different duals in multiobjective fractional programming 2007 Radu Ioan Boţ
Robert Chares
Gert Wanka
+ Some new Farkas-type results for inequality systems with DC functions 2007 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ioan Bogdan Hodrea
Gert Wanka
Radu Ioan Boţ
Gert Wanka
+ New regularity conditions for strong and total Fenchel–Lagrange duality in infinite dimensional spaces 2007 Radu Ioan Boţ
Sorin‐Mihai Grad
Gert Wanka
+ On the relations between different duals assigned to composed optimization problems 2007 Gert Wanka
Radu Ioan Boţ
Emese Vargyas
+ On strong and total Lagrange duality for convex optimization problems 2007 Radu Ioan Boţ
Sorin‐Mihai Grad
Gert Wanka
+ Fenchel’s Duality Theorem for Nearly Convex Functions 2007 Radu Ioan Boţ
Sorin‐Mihai Grad
Gert Wanka
+ Weaker Constraint Qualifications in Maximal Monotonicity 2007 Radu Ioan Boţ
Sorin‐Mihai Grad
Gert Wanka
+ A general approach for studying duality in multiobjective optimization 2007 Radu Ioan Boţ
Sorin‐Mihai Grad
Gert Wanka
+ Maximal Monotonicity for the Precomposition with a Linear Operator 2007 Radu Ioan Boţ
Sorin‐Mihai Grad
Gert Wanka
Gert Wanka
+ Fenchel-Lagrange Duality Versus Geometric Duality in Convex Optimization 2006 Radu Ioan Boţ
Sorin‐Mihai Grad
Gert Wanka
+ Almost Convex Functions: Conjugacy and Duality 2006 Radu Ioan Boţ
Sorin‐Mihai Grad
Gert Wanka
+ A new condition for maximal monotonicity via representative functions 2006 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
Gert Wanka
+ Farkas-type results for fractional programming problems 2006 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ioan Bogdan Hodrea
Gert Wanka
+ A weaker regularity condition for subdifferential calculus and Fenchel duality in infinite dimensional spaces 2005 Radu Ioan Boţ
Gert Wanka
+ Farkas-type results for inequality systems with composed convex functions via conjugate duality 2005 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ioan Bogdan Hodrea
Gert Wanka
+ Strong Duality for Generalized Convex Optimization Problems 2005 Radu Ioan Boţ
G. Kassay
Gert Wanka
+ An alternative formulation for a new closed cone constraint qualification 2005 Radu Ioan Boţ
Gert Wanka
+ Duality for multiobjective optimization problems with convex objective functions and D.C. constraints 2005 Radu Ioan Boţ
Gert Wanka
+ Duality for optimization problems with entropy-like objective functions 2005 Radu Ioan Boţ
Sorin‐Mihai Grad
Gert Wanka
+ Farkas-Type Results With Conjugate Functions 2005 Radu Ioan Boţ
Gert Wanka
+ An analysis of some dual problems in multiobjective optimization (II) 2004 Radu Ioan Boţ
Gert Wanka
+ An analysis of some dual problems in multiobjective optimization (I) 2004 Radu Ioan Boţ
Gert Wanka
+ PDF Chat Multiobjective Duality for Convex Semidefinite Programming Problems 2003 Gert Wanka
Radu Ioan Boţ
Sorin‐Mihai Grad
+ Duality for composed convex functions with applications in location theory 2003 Radu Ioan Boţ
Gert Wanka
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Convex Analysis in General Vector Spaces 2002 Constantin Zălinescu
+ Convex Analysis and Monotone Operator Theory in Hilbert Spaces 2017 Heinz H. Bauschke
Patrick L. Combettes
+ Conjugate Duality in Convex Optimization 2010 Radu Ioan Boţ
+ From Hahn-Banach to Monotonicity 2008 Stephen Simons
+ Convex Analysis and Monotone Operator Theory in Hilbert Spaces 2011 Heinz H. Bauschke
Patrick L. Combettes
+ Newton-Like Dynamics and Forward-Backward Methods for Structured Monotone Inclusions in Hilbert Spaces 2013 Basril Abbas
Hédy Attouch
B. F. Svaiter
+ Conjugate Duality in Convex Optimization 2009 Radu Ioan Boţ
+ PDF Chat A Monotone+Skew Splitting Model for Composite Monotone Inclusions in Duality 2011 Luis M. Briceño-Arias
Patrick L. Combettes
+ PDF Chat A First-Order Primal-Dual Algorithm for Convex Problems with Applications to Imaging 2010 Antonin Chambolle
Thomas Pock
+ PDF Chat Primal-Dual Splitting Algorithm for Solving Inclusions with Mixtures of Composite, Lipschitzian, and Parallel-Sum Type Monotone Operators 2011 Patrick L. Combettes
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+ A Fast Iterative Shrinkage-Thresholding Algorithm for Linear Inverse Problems 2009 Amir Beck
Marc Teboulle
+ On the Minimizing Property of a Second Order Dissipative System in Hilbert Spaces 2000 Felipe Álvarez
+ None 2001 Felipe Álvarez
Hédy Attouch
+ Convex functions: constructions, characterizations and counterexamples 2011 Jonathan M. Borwein
Jon D. Vanderwerff
+ A second-order gradient-like dissipative dynamical system with Hessian-driven damping. 2002 Felipe Álvarez
Hédy Attouch
Jérôme Bolte
Patrick Redont
+ Weak Convergence of a Relaxed and Inertial Hybrid Projection-Proximal Point Algorithm for Maximal Monotone Operators in Hilbert Space 2004 Felipe Álvarez
+ PDF Chat On the maximal monotonicity of subdifferential mappings 1970 R. T. Rockafellar
+ Asymptotic behavior of coupled dynamical systems with multiscale aspects 2009 Hédy Attouch
Marc-Olivier Czarnecki
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+ A Primal–Dual Splitting Method for Convex Optimization Involving Lipschitzian, Proximable and Linear Composite Terms 2012 Laurent Condat
+ Proximal alternating linearized minimization for nonconvex and nonsmooth problems 2013 Jérôme Bolte
Shoham Sabach
Marc Teboulle
+ A Modified Forward-Backward Splitting Method for Maximal Monotone Mappings 2000 Paul Tseng
+ PDF Chat On the convergence of the proximal algorithm for nonsmooth functions involving analytic features 2007 Hédy Attouch
Jérôme Bolte
+ A Primal-Dual Splitting Algorithm for Finding Zeros of Sums of Maximal Monotone Operators 2013 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
André Heinrich
+ An inertial forward–backward algorithm for the minimization of the sum of two nonconvex functions 2015 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
Szilárd Csaba László
+ Convergence of descent methods for semi-algebraic and tame problems: proximal algorithms, forward–backward splitting, and regularized Gauss–Seidel methods 2011 Hédy Attouch
Jérôme Bolte
B. F. Svaiter
+ Introductory Lectures on Convex Optimization: A Basic Course 2014 Ю Е Нестеров
+ Solving monotone inclusions via compositions of nonexpansive averaged operators 2004 Patrick L. Combettes
+ A weaker regularity condition for subdifferential calculus and Fenchel duality in infinite dimensional spaces 2005 Radu Ioan Boţ
Gert Wanka
+ Monotone Operators and the Proximal Point Algorithm 1976 R. T. Rockafellar
+ PDF Chat A Douglas--Rachford Type Primal-Dual Method for Solving Inclusions with Mixtures of Composite and Parallel-Sum Type Monotone Operators 2013 Radu Ioan Boţ
Christopher Hendrich
+ PDF Chat Convergence Analysis for a Primal-Dual Monotone + Skew Splitting Algorithm with Applications to Total Variation Minimization 2014 Radu Ioan Boţ
Christopher Hendrich
+ PDF Chat On the convergence rate improvement of a primal-dual splitting algorithm for solving monotone inclusion problems 2014 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
André Heinrich
Christopher Hendrich
+ Operateurs Maximaux Monotones - Et Semi-Groupes De Contractions Dans Les Espaces De Hilbert 1973 Haı̈m Brezis
+ The Łojasiewicz Inequality for Nonsmooth Subanalytic Functions with Applications to Subgradient Dynamical Systems 2007 Jérôme Bolte
Aris Daniilidis
Adrian S. Lewis
+ PDF Chat Prox-Penalization and Splitting Methods for Constrained Variational Problems 2011 Hédy Attouch
Marc-Olivier Czarnecki
Juan Peypouquet
+ PDF Chat Second Order Forward-Backward Dynamical Systems For Monotone Inclusion Problems 2016 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ PDF Chat Approaching the solving of constrained variational inequalities via penalty term-based dynamical systems 2015 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek
+ Convergence of a splitting inertial proximal method for monotone operators 2003 Abdellatif Moudafi
M. Oliny
+ PDF Chat iPiano: Inertial Proximal Algorithm for Nonconvex Optimization 2014 Peter Ochs
Yunjin Chen
Thomas Brox
Thomas Pock
+ Coupling the Gradient Method with a General Exterior Penalization Scheme for Convex Minimization 2011 Juan Peypouquet
+ The heavy ball with friction dynamical system for convex constrained minimization problems 2000 Hédy Attouch
Felipe Álvarez
+ Continuous Gradient Projection Method in Hilbert Spaces 2003 Jérôme Bolte
+ PDF Chat Proximal Alternating Minimization and Projection Methods for Nonconvex Problems: An Approach Based on the Kurdyka-Łojasiewicz Inequality 2010 Hédy Attouch
Jérôme Bolte
Patrick Redont
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+ PDF Chat Coupling Forward-Backward with Penalty Schemes and Parallel Splitting for Constrained Variational Inequalities 2011 Hédy Attouch
Marc-Olivier Czarnecki
Juan Peypouquet
+ Forward–Backward Penalty Scheme for Constrained Convex Minimization Without Inf-Compactness 2013 Nahla Noun
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Xavier Goudou
Patrick Redont
+ None 2002 Regina S. Burachik
B. F. Svaiter
+ PDF Chat Forward-Backward and Tseng’s Type Penalty Schemes for Monotone Inclusion Problems 2014 Radu Ioan Boţ
Ernö Robert Csetnek