N. V. Gerasimeniuk


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Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Equivariant Flow-Based Sampling for Lattice Gauge Theory 2020 Gurtej Kanwar
Michael S. Albergo
Denis Boyda
K. Cranmer
Daniel C. Hackett
Sébastien Racanière
Danilo Jimenez Rezende
Phiala E. Shanahan
+ PDF Chat Machine learning estimators for lattice QCD observables 2019 Boram Yoon
Tanmoy Bhattacharya
Rajan Gupta
+ PDF Chat Regressive and generative neural networks for scalar field theory 2019 Kai Zhou
Gergely Endrődi
Long-Gang Pang
H. Stöcker
+ PDF Chat Machine learning and the physical sciences 2019 Giuseppe Carleo
J. I. Cirac
K. Cranmer
Laurent Daudet
Maria Schuld
Naftali Tishby
Leslie Vogt-Maranto
Lenka Zdeborová
+ PDF Chat Flow-based generative models for Markov chain Monte Carlo in lattice field theory 2019 Michael S. Albergo
Gurtej Kanwar
Phiala E. Shanahan
+ PDF Chat Detection of Phase Transition via Convolutional Neural Networks 2017 Akinori Tanaka
Akio Tomiya
+ Statistical Theory of Equations of State and Phase Transitions. II. Lattice Gas and Ising Model 1952 T. D. Lee
Chongming Yang
+ PDF Chat Lattice Gauge Equivariant Convolutional Neural Networks 2022 Matteo Favoni
Andreas Ipp
David I. Müller
Daniel Schuh
+ PDF Chat Finding the deconfinement temperature in lattice Yang-Mills theories from outside the scaling window with machine learning 2021 Denis Boyda
M. N. Chernodub
N. V. Gerasimeniuk
V. A. Goy
Sergei Liubimov
A. V. Molochkov
+ Lee-Yang zeros in lattice QCD for searching phase transition points 2019 Masayuki Wakayama
V. G. Bornyakov
Denis Boyda
V. A. Goy
Hidehiro Iida
A. V. Molochkov
Atsushi Nakamura
V.I. Zakharov
+ PDF Chat Scaling and asymptotic scaling in the SU(2) gauge theory 1993 J. Fingberg
Urs M. Heller
F. Karsch
+ Solving secular and polynomial equations: A multiprecision algorithm 2013 Dario A. Bini
Leonardo Robol
+ PDF Chat Thermodynamics of two flavor QCD from imaginary chemical potentials 2009 Massimo D’Elia
Francesco Sanfilippo
+ PDF Chat Simulating QCD at finite density 2010 Philippe de Forcrand
+ PDF Chat Machine learning quantum phases of matter beyond the fermion sign problem 2017 Peter Broecker
Juan Carrasquilla
Roger G. Melko
Simon Trebst
+ PDF Chat Learning phase transitions by confusion 2017 Evert van Nieuwenburg
Ye-Hua Liu
Sebastian D. Huber
+ PDF Chat Higher order quark number fluctuations via imaginary chemical potentials in <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:msub><mml:mi>N</mml:mi><mml:mi>f</mml:mi></mml:msub><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mn>2</mml:mn><mml:mo>+</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:math> QCD 2017 Massimo D’Elia
G. Gagliardi
Francesco Sanfilippo
+ PDF Chat New approach to canonical partition functions computation in <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi>N</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>f</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:math> lattice QCD at finite baryon density 2017 V. G. Bornyakov
Denis Boyda
V. A. Goy
A. V. Molochkov
Atsushi Nakamura
А. А. Николаев
В. И. Захаров
+ PDF Chat Machine learning of explicit order parameters: From the Ising model to SU(2) lattice gauge theory 2017 Sebastian J. Wetzel
Manuel Scherzer
+ PDF Chat Cluster expansion model for QCD baryon number fluctuations: No phase transition at <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi>μ</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>B</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub><mml:mo stretchy="false">/</mml:mo><mml:mi>T</mml:mi><mml:mo>&lt;</mml:mo><mml:mi>π</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math> 2018 Volodymyr Vovchenko
Jan Steinheimer
Owe Philipsen
Horst Stoecker
+ PDF Chat Machine learning action parameters in lattice quantum chromodynamics 2018 Phiala E. Shanahan
Daniel Trewartha
William Detmold
+ PDF Chat Fourier coefficients of the net baryon number density and chiral criticality 2019 Gábor Almási
Bengt Friman
Kenji Morita
Pok Man Lo
K. Redlich
+ Machine Learning in High Energy Physics Community White Paper 2018 Kim Albertsson
Piero Altoè
Dustin Anderson
Michael Benjamin Andrews
Juan Pedro Araque Espinosa
A. Aurisano
L. Basara
A. J. Bevan
W. Bhimji
Daniele Bonacorsi
+ High-Temperature QCD: theory overview 2019 Massimo D’Elia
+ Classifying Topological Charge in SU(3) Yang-Mills Theory with Machine Learning 2019 Takuya Matsumoto
Masakiyo Kitazawa
Yasuhiro Kohno
+ PDF Chat Finite size and cut-off effects on the Roberge-Weiss transition in <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">N</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">f</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:math> QCD with staggered fermions 2020 Owe Philipsen
Alessandro Sciarra
+ PDF Chat The QCD equation of state at finite density from analytical continuation 2017 Jana Günther
R. Bellwied
Szabolcs Borsányi
Zoltán Fodor
S. D. Katz
Attila Pásztor
Claudia Ratti
+ PDF Chat Towards novel insights in lattice field theory with explainable machine learning 2020 Stefan Blücher
Lukas Kades
Jan M. Pawlowski
Nils Strodthoff
Julian M. Urban
+ PDF Chat Use of the canonical approach in effective models of QCD 2020 Masayuki Wakayama
Seung-il Nam
Atsushi Hosaka
+ PDF Chat Extending machine learning classification capabilities with histogram reweighting 2020 Dimitrios Bachtis
Gert Aarts
Biagio Lucini
+ PDF Chat Topological defects and confinement with machine learning: The case of monopoles in compact electrodynamics 2020 M. N. Chernodub
Harold Erbin
V. A. Goy
A. V. Molochkov
+ PDF Chat On the generalizability of artificial neural networks in spin models 2022 Hon Man Yau
Nan Su
+ PDF Chat Sampling using<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mi>SU</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mi>N</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:math>gauge equivariant flows 2021 Denis Boyda
Gurtej Kanwar
Sébastien Racanière
Danilo Jimenez Rezende
Michael S. Albergo
K. Cranmer
Daniel C. Hackett
Phiala E. Shanahan
+ PDF Chat Classifying topological charge in SU(3) Yang–Mills theory with machine learning 2020 Takuya Matsumoto
Masakiyo Kitazawa
Yasuhiro Kohno
+ Reducing autocorrelation times in lattice simulations with generative adversarial networks 2020 Jan M. Pawlowski
Julian M. Urban
+ PDF Chat Mapping the phases of quantum chromodynamics with beam energy scan 2020 Adam Bzdak
ShinIchi Esumi
Volker Koch
Jinfeng Liao
Mikhail Stephanov
Nu Xu
+ A high-bias, low-variance introduction to Machine Learning for physicists 2019 Pankaj Mehta
Marin Bukov
Ching-Hao Wang
Alexandre G. R. Day
Clint Richardson
Charles K. Fisher
David J. Schwab
+ PDF Chat Scaling and asymptotic scaling in the SU(2) gauge theory 1993 J. Fingberg
Urs M. Heller
F. Karsch
+ Finite size scaling analysis of ising model block distribution functions 1981 Kurt Binder
+ PDF Chat Localization properties of Dirac modes at the Roberge-Weiss phase transition 2022 Marco Cardinali
Massimo D’Elia
Francesco Garosi
Matteo Giordano
+ PDF Chat Taylor expansions and Padé approximants for cumulants of conserved charge fluctuations at nonvanishing chemical potentials 2022 Dennis Bollweg
Jishnu Goswami
Olaf Kaczmarek
F. Karsch
Swagato Mukherjee
Péter Petreczky
Christian Schmidt
Philipp Scior
+ PDF Chat Resummed lattice QCD equation of state at finite baryon density: Strangeness neutrality and beyond 2022 Szabolcs Borsányi
Jana N. Guenther
Ruben Kara
Zoltán Fodor
Paolo Parotto
Attila Pásztor
Claudia Ratti
Kálman Szabó
+ PDF Chat Lee-Yang zero distribution of high temperature QCD and the Roberge-Weiss phase transition 2015 Keitaro Nagata
Kouji Kashiwa
Atsushi Nakamura
Shinsuke M. Nishigaki
+ Generalizing Hamiltonian Monte Carlo with Neural Networks 2017 Daniel Levy
Matthew D. Hoffman
Jascha Sohl‐Dickstein
+ PDF Chat Strongly interacting quark-gluon plasma, and the critical behavior of QCD at imaginary<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>μ</mml:mi></mml:math> 2007 Massimo D’Elia
Francesco Di Renzo
Maria Paola Lombardo
+ PDF Chat Roberge-Weiss endpoint in<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:msub><mml:mi>N</mml:mi><mml:mi>f</mml:mi></mml:msub><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:math>QCD 2011 Claudio Bonati
Guido Cossu
Massimo D’Elia
Francesco Sanfilippo
+ None 2000 Dario A. Bini
Giuseppe Fiorentino
+ PDF Chat The QCD phase diagram for small densities from imaginary chemical potential 2002 Philippe de Forcrand
Owe Philipsen
+ PDF Chat Finite density QCD via an imaginary chemical potential 2003 Massimo D’Elia
Maria-Paola Lombardo
+ PDF Chat Equation of state and heavy-quark free energy at finite temperature and density in two flavor lattice QCD with Wilson quark action 2010 Shinji Ejiri
Y. Maezawa
N. Ukita
Sinya Aoki
Tetsuo Hatsuda
N. Ishii
K. Kanaya
T. Umeda