Tetsuya Shiromizu


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Loosely trapped surface for slowly rotating black hole 2024 Keisuke Izumi
Tetsuya Shiromizu
Daisuke Yoshida
Yoshimune Tomikawa
Hirotaka Yoshino
+ PDF Chat Attractive gravity probe surface in Einstein-Maxwell system 2024 Kangjae Lee
Keisuke Izumi
Tetsuya Shiromizu
Hirotaka Yoshino
Yoshimune Tomikawa
+ PDF Chat Loosely trapped surface for slowly rotating black hole 2024 Keisuke Izumi
Tetsuya Shiromizu
Daisuke Yoshida
Yohimune Tomikawa
Hirotaka Yoshino
+ PDF Chat Attractive gravity probe surface, positivity of quasi-local mass and Arnowitt-Deser-Misner mass expression 2023 Tetsuya Shiromizu
Keisuke Izumi
+ PDF Chat Attractive gravity probe surface with positive cosmological constant 2023 Tetsuya Shiromizu
Keisuke Izumi
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic behavior of null geodesics near future null infinity. IV. Null-access theorem for generic asymptotically flat spacetime 2023 Masaya Amo
Keisuke Izumi
Yoshimune Tomikawa
Tetsuya Shiromizu
Hirotaka Yoshino
+ PDF Chat Attractive gravity probe surfaces in higher dimensions 2023 Keisuke Izumi
Yoshimune Tomikawa
Tetsuya Shiromizu
Hirotaka Yoshino
+ PDF Chat Erratum: Asymptotic behavior of null geodesics near future null infinity. III. Photons towards inward directions [Phys. Rev. D <b>106</b> , 084007 (2022)] 2023 Masaya Amo
Keisuke Izumi
Yoshimune Tomikawa
Hirotaka Yoshino
Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ Asymptotic behavior of null geodesics near future null infinity IV: Null-access theorem for generic asymptotically flat spacetime 2023 Masaya Amo
Keisuke Izumi
Yoshimune Tomikawa
Tetsuya Shiromizu
Hirotaka Yoshino
+ A generalization of photon sphere based on escape/capture cone 2023 Masaya Amo
Keisuke Izumi
Hirotaka Yoshino
Yoshimune Tomikawa
Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ Attractive gravity probe surface with positive cosmological constant 2023 Tetsuya Shiromizu
Keisuke Izumi
+ Attractive gravity probe surface, positivity of quasi-local mass and Arnowitt-Deser-Misner mass expression 2023 Tetsuya Shiromizu
Keisuke Izumi
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic behavior of null geodesics near future null infinity. III. Photons towards inward directions 2022 Masaya Amo
Keisuke Izumi
Yoshimune Tomikawa
Hirotaka Yoshino
Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ PDF Chat Maximum size of black holes in our accelerating Universe 2022 Tetsuya Shiromizu
Keisuke Izumi
Kangjae Lee
Diego Soligon
+ PDF Chat Brane dynamics of holographic BCFTs 2022 Keisuke Izumi
Tetsuya Shiromizu
Kenta Suzuki
Tadashi Takayanagi
Norihiro Tanahashi
+ PDF Chat Four types of attractive gravity probe surfaces 2022 Kangjae Lee
Tetsuya Shiromizu
Keisuke Izumi
Hirotaka Yoshino
Yoshimune Tomikawa
+ PDF Chat The positive mass theorem in Kaluza–Klein picture 2022 Tetsuya Shiromizu
Diego Soligon
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic behavior of null geodesics near future null infinity. II. Curvatures, photon surface, and dynamically transversely trapping surface 2022 Masaya Amo
Tetsuya Shiromizu
Keisuke Izumi
Hirotaka Yoshino
Yoshimune Tomikawa
+ PDF Chat Refined inequalities for a loosely trapped surface and attractive gravity probe surface 2022 Kangjae Lee
Tetsuya Shiromizu
Keisuke Izumi
+ Maximum size of black holes in our accelerating Universe 2022 Tetsuya Shiromizu
Keisuke Izumi
Kangjae Lee
Diego Soligon
+ Attractive gravity probe surfaces in higher dimensions 2022 Keisuke Izumi
Yoshimune Tomikawa
Tetsuya Shiromizu
Hirotaka Yoshino
+ Refined inequalities for loosely trapped surface/attractive gravity probe surface 2021 Kangjae Lee
Tetsuya Shiromizu
Keisuke Izumi
+ PDF Chat Uniqueness of static spacetime with conformal scalar in higher dimensions 2021 Keisuke Izumi
Yoshimune Tomikawa
Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic behavior of null geodesics near future null infinity: Significance of gravitational waves 2021 Masaya Amo
Keisuke Izumi
Yoshimune Tomikawa
Hirotaka Yoshino
Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ PDF Chat Divergence equations and uniqueness theorem of static spacetimes with conformal scalar hair 2021 Takeshi Shinohara
Yoshimune Tomikawa
Keisuke Izumi
Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ On uniqueness of static spacetime with conformal scalar in higher dimensions 2021 Keisuke Izumi
Yoshimune Tomikawa
Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ PDF Chat Area bound for surfaces in generic gravitational field 2021 Keisuke Izumi
Yoshimune Tomikawa
Tetsuya Shiromizu
Hirotaka Yoshino
+ PDF Chat Holographic entanglement entropy of a de Sitter braneworld with Lovelock terms 2021 Kouki Kushihara
Keisuke Izumi
Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ Area bound for surfaces in generic gravitational field 2021 Keisuke Izumi
Yoshimune Tomikawa
Tetsuya Shiromizu
Hirotaka Yoshino
+ Formation of dynamically transversely trapping surfaces and the stretched hoop conjecture 2020 Hirotaka Yoshino
Keisuke Izumi
Tetsuya Shiromizu
Yoshimune Tomikawa
+ Loosely trapped surface and dynamically transversely trapping surface in Einstein-Maxwell system 2020 Kangjae Lee
Tetsuya Shiromizu
Hirotaka Yoshino
Keisuke Izumi
Yoshimune Tomikawa
+ The positive mass theorem in Kaluza-Klein picture 2020 Tetsuya Shiromizu
Diego Soligon
+ PDF Chat Transversely trapping surfaces: Dynamical version 2019 Hirotaka Yoshino
Keisuke Izumi
Tetsuya Shiromizu
Yoshimune Tomikawa
+ PDF Chat Divergence equations and uniqueness theorem of static black holes 2018 Masato Nozawa
Tetsuya Shiromizu
Keisuke Izumi
Sumio Yamada
+ PDF Chat On uniqueness of static spacetimes with non-trivial conformal scalar field 2017 Yoshimune Tomikawa
Tetsuya Shiromizu
Keisuke Izumi
+ PDF Chat Extension of photon surfaces and their area: Static and stationary spacetimes 2017 Hirotaka Yoshino
Keisuke Izumi
Tetsuya Shiromizu
Yoshimune Tomikawa
+ PDF Chat On the uniqueness of the static black hole with conformal scalar hair 2017 Yoshimune Tomikawa
Tetsuya Shiromizu
Keisuke Izumi
+ PDF Chat Area bound for a surface in a strong gravity region 2017 Tetsuya Shiromizu
Yoshimune Tomikawa
Keisuke Izumi
Hirotaka Yoshino
+ PDF Chat Violation of cosmic censorship in the gravitational collapse of a dust cloud in five dimensions 2016 Ryosuke Mizuno
Seij Ohashi
Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ On uniqueness of static black hole with conformal scalar hair 2016 Yoshimune Tomikawa
Tetsuya Shiromizu
Keisuke Izumi
+ Violation of cosmic censorship in the gravitational collapse of a dust cloud in five dimension 2016 Ryosuke Mizuno
Seiju Ohashi
Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ PDF Chat Effective theory of black holes in the 1/D expansion 2015 Roberto Emparan
Tetsuya Shiromizu
Ryotaku Suzuki
Kentaro Tanabe
Takahiro Tanaka
+ PDF Chat New definition of a wormhole throat 2015 Yoshimune Tomikawa
Keisuke Izumi
Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ PDF Chat Wormhole on DGP brane 2014 Yoshimune Tomikawa
Tetsuya Shiromizu
Keisuke Izumi
+ Positive mass theorem in extended supergravities 2014 Masato Nozawa
Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ PDF Chat DGP braneworld with a bubble of nothing 2014 Keisuke Izumi
Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ PDF Chat Modeling scalar fields consistent with positive mass 2014 Masato Nozawa
Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ Generalised Lichnerowicz lemma, black hole uniqueness and positive mass theorem (Geometry of Moduli Space of Low Dimensional Manifolds) 2013 Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ PDF Chat Static spacetimes with/without black holes in dynamical Chern-Simons gravity 2013 Tetsuya Shiromizu
Kentaro Tanabe
+ PDF Chat Strictly static spacetimes and positive mass in the Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet theory 2013 Tetsuya Shiromizu
Seiju Ohashi
+ Quasi-local characteristics of dynamical extreme black holes 2013 Tetsuya Shiromizu
Sumio Yamada
Kentaro Tanabe
+ PDF Chat No-go on strictly stationary spacetimes in four/higher dimensions 2012 Tetsuya Shiromizu
Seiju Ohashi
Ryotaku Suzuki
+ PDF Chat Caged black hole with Maxwell charge 2012 Ryotaku Suzuki
Shunichiro Kinoshita
Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ PDF Chat Gravitational collapse of charged dust cloud in the Lovelock gravity 2012 Seiju Ohashi
Tetsuya Shiromizu
Sanjay Jhingan
+ PDF Chat Angular momentum at null infinity in higher dimensions 2012 Kentaro Tanabe
Tetsuya Shiromizu
Shunichiro Kinoshita
+ PDF Chat Late-time symmetry near black hole horizons 2012 Kentaro Tanabe
Tetsuya Shiromizu
Shunichiro Kinoshita
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic flatness at null infinity in arbitrary dimensions 2011 Kentaro Tanabe
Shunichiro Kinoshita
Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ PDF Chat Spherical collapse of inhomogeneous dust cloud in the Lovelock theory 2011 Seiju Ohashi
Tetsuya Shiromizu
Sanjay Jhingan
+ PDF Chat Perturbative no-hair property of form fields for higher dimensional static black holes 2011 Tetsuya Shiromizu
Seiju Ohashi
Kentaro Tanabe
+ PDF Chat Angular momentum at null infinity in five dimensions 2011 Kentaro Tanabe
Norihiro Tanahashi
Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ PDF Chat Chapter 3. Topology and Uniqueness of Higher Dimensional Black Holes 2011 Daisuke Ida
Akihiro Ishibashi
Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ Asymptotic structure at timelike infinity: higher orders 2011 Kentaro Tanabe
Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ PDF Chat Multipole moments for black objects in five dimensions 2010 Kentaro Tanabe
Seiju Ohashi
Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ PDF Chat Extreme charged black holes in a braneworld with a cosmological constant 2010 Ryotaku Suzuki
Tetsuya Shiromizu
Norihiro Tanahashi
+ PDF Chat No-dipole-hair theorem for higher-dimensional static black holes 2010 Roberto Emparan
Seiju Ohashi
Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ PDF Chat On asymptotic structure at null infinity in five dimensions 2010 Kentaro Tanabe
Norihiro Tanahashi
Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ PDF Chat Static black hole uniqueness and Penrose inequality 2010 Ryosuke Mizuno
Seiju Ohashi
Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ PDF Chat Primordial magnetic field from noninflationary cosmic expansion in Hoƙava-Lifshitz gravity 2009 Satoshi Maeda
Shinji Mukohyama
Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ Asymptotic flatness at null infinity in five dimensions 2009 Kentaro Tanabe
Norihiro Tanahashi
Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ PDF Chat Riemannian Penrose inequality and a virtual gravitational collapse 2009 Seiju Ohashi
Tetsuya Shiromizu
Sumio Yamada
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic flatness at spatial infinity in higher dimensions 2009 Kentaro Tanabe
Norihiro Tanahashi
Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ PDF Chat Primordial magnetic fields from second-order cosmological perturbations: tight coupling approximation 2009 Satoshi Maeda
Satoshi Kitagawa
Tsutomu Kobayashi
Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ PDF Chat Curvature corrections to the low energy effective theory in 6D regularized braneworlds 2008 Tsutomu Kobayashi
Tetsuya Shiromizu
Claudia de Rham
+ PDF Chat Proposal for an experiment to search for Randall-Sundrum-type corrections to Newton’s law of gravitation 2008 Mofazzal Azam
M. Sami
C. S. Unnikrishnan
Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ Curvature corrections to the low energy effective theory in 6D regularized braneworlds 2008 Tsutomu Kobayashi
Tetsuya Shiromizu
Claudia de Rham
+ PDF Chat Low energy effective theory on a regularized brane in 6D gauged chiral supergravity 2007 Frederico Arroja
Tsutomu Kobayashi
K. Koyama
Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ PDF Chat Low energy effective theory on a regularized brane in six-dimensional flux compactifications 2007 Shunsuke Fujii
Tsutomu Kobayashi
Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ PDF Chat Collision of high-energy closed strings: Formation of a ringlike apparent horizon 2007 Hirotaka Yoshino
Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ PDF Chat Galaxy clustering constraints on deviations from Newtonian gravity at cosmological scales. II. Perturbative and numerical analyses of power spectrum and bispectrum 2007 Akihito Shirata
Yasushi Suto
Chiaki Hikage
Tetsuya Shiromizu
Naoki Yoshida
+ PDF Chat Cosmological magnetic fields from nonlinear effects 2007 Tsutomu Kobayashi
Roy Maartens
Tetsuya Shiromizu
Keitaro Takahashi
+ Galaxy clustering constraints on deviations from Newtonian gravity at cosmological scales II: Perturbative and numerical analyses of power spectrum and bispectrum 2007 Akihito Shirata
Yasushi Suto
Chiaki Hikage
Tetsuya Shiromizu
Naoki Yoshida
+ PDF Chat Close-slow analysis for head-on collision of two black holes in higher dimensions: Bowen-York initial data 2006 Hirotaka Yoshino
Tetsuya Shiromizu
Masaru Shibata
+ PDF Chat Positive Energy Theorem Implies Constraints on Static Steller Models 2006 Tetsuya Shiromizu
Hirotaka Yoshino
+ PDF Chat Low energy effective gravitational equations on a Gauss-Bonnet brane 2006 Tsutomu Kobayashi
Tetsuya Shiromizu
Nathalie Deruelle
+ On existence of matter outside a static black hole 2006 Tetsuya Shiromizu
Sumio Yamada
Hirotaka Yoshino
+ PDF Chat Holographic entanglement entropy of de Sitter braneworld 2006 Yukinori Iwashita
Tsutomu Kobayashi
Tetsuya Shiromizu
Hirotaka Yoshino
+ On static existence of a star outside a black hole 2006 Tetsuya Shiromizu
Sumio Yamada
Hirotaka Yoshino
+ PDF Chat High-energy effective theory for orbifold branes 2006 Tetsuya Shiromizu
Shunsuke Fujii
Claudia de Rham
Hirotaka Yoshino
+ Weaker Gravity at Submillimetre Scales in Braneworld Models 2006 Claudia de Rham
Tetsuya Shiromizu
Andrew J. Tolley
+ Positive energy theorem implies constraints on static steller models 2006 Tetsuya Shiromizu
Hirotaka Yoshino
+ PDF Chat High-energy effective theory for a bulk brane 2005 Claudia de Rham
Shunsuke Fujii
Tetsuya Shiromizu
Hirotaka Yoshino
+ PDF Chat Kaluza-Klein bubble like structure and celestial sphere in the inflationary universe 2005 Tetsuya Shiromizu
Shinya Tomizawa
Yuki Uchida
Shinji Mukohyama
+ PDF Chat Close-limit analysis for head-on collision of two black holes in higher dimensions: Brill-Lindquist initial data 2005 Hirotaka Yoshino
Tetsuya Shiromizu
Masaru Shibata
+ PDF Chat Gravitational collapse disturbs the dS/CFT correspondence? 2005 Yukinori Iwashita
Hirotaka Yoshino
Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ PDF Chat Baryon number violation due to brane dynamics 2005 Tomoko Uesugi
Shunsuke Fujii
Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ PDF Chat Positivity bounds for the Yano-Arnowitt-Deser-Misner mass density 2005 David Kastor
Tetsuya Shiromizu
Shinya Tomizawa
Jennie Traschen
+ PDF Chat Gravity is controlled by the cosmological constant 2005 Yukinori Iwashita
Tetsuya Shiromizu
Keitaro Takahashi
Shunsuke Fujii
+ Galaxy clustering constraints on deviations from Newtonian gravity at cosmological scales 2005 Akihito Shirata
Tetsuya Shiromizu
Naoki Yoshida
Yasushi Suto
+ Constraining deviations from Newton's law of gravity on cosmological scales: confrontation to power spectrum of SDSS galaxies 2005 Akihito Shirata
Tetsuya Shiromizu
Naoki Yoshida
Yasushi Suto
+ PDF Chat Gravity in the Randall-Sundrum two<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>D</mml:mi></mml:math>-brane model 2004 Tetsuya Shiromizu
Keitaro Takahashi
Y. Himemoto
Shuto Yamamoto
+ PDF Chat Asymmetric D-braneworld 2004 Keitaro Takahashi
Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ PDF Chat Randall-Sundrum two D-brane model 2004 Tetsuya Shiromizu
Y. Himemoto
Keitaro Takahashi
+ PDF Chat Twist of a stationary black hole or ring in five dimensions 2004 Shinya Tomizawa
Yuki Uchida
Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ PDF Chat Spacetime dynamics and baryogenesis in the braneworld 2004 Tetsuya Shiromizu
K. Koyama
+ Kaluza-Klein bubble and celestial sphere in inflationary universe 2004 Tetsuya Shiromizu
Shinya Tomizawa
Yuki Uchida
Shinji Mukohyama
+ PDF Chat Low energy effective action on a self-gravitating D-brane 2004 Sumitada Onda
Tetsuya Shiromizu
K. Koyama
Shoko Hayakawa
+ PDF Chat Spatial infinity in higher dimensional spacetimes 2004 Tetsuya Shiromizu
Shinya Tomizawa
+ PDF Chat D-braneworld cosmology. II. Higher order corrections 2004 Tomoko Uesugi
Tetsuya Shiromizu
Takashi Torii
Keitaro Takahashi
+ PDF Chat Kinematical bound in asymptotically translationally invariant space-times 2004 Tetsuya Shiromizu
Daisuke Ida
Shinya Tomizawa
+ Comment on spatial infinity in higher dimensional spacetimes 2004 Tetsuya Shiromizu
Shinya Tomizawa
+ PDF Chat Cosmological constant and gravitational theory on a D-brane 2003 Tetsuya Shiromizu
K. Koyama
Takashi Torii
+ PDF Chat Can we live on a D-brane? Effective theory on a self-gravitating D-brane 2003 Tetsuya Shiromizu
K. Koyama
Sumitada Onda
Takashi Torii
+ PDF Chat Steep inflation followed by Born–Infeld reheating 2003 M. Sami
Naresh Dadhich
Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ PDF Chat D-braneworld cosmology 2003 Tetsuya Shiromizu
Takashi Torii
Tomoko Uesugi
+ PDF Chat Effective theory for close limit of two branes 2003 Tetsuya Shiromizu
K. Koyama
Keitaro Takahashi
+ PDF Chat Low energy effective theory for a two branes system: Covariant curvature formulation 2003 Tetsuya Shiromizu
K. Koyama
+ D-braneworld 2003 Tetsuya Shiromizu
Takashi Torii
Tomoko Uesugi
+ Cosmological constant, dilaton field and Freund–Rubin compactification 2002 Takashi Torii
Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ PDF Chat Uniqueness of (dilatonic) charged black holes and black<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>p</mml:mi></mml:math>-branes in higher dimensions 2002 G. W. Gibbons
Daisuke Ida
Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ PDF Chat Uniqueness and Nonuniqueness of Static Black Holes in Higher Dimensions 2002 G. W. Gibbons
Daisuke Ida
Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ PDF Chat Slicing and brane dependence of the (A)dS/CFT correspondence 2002 A. M. Ghezelbash
Daisuke Ida
Robert B. Mann
Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ PDF Chat Quantum Creation of the Randall-Sundrum Bubble 2002 H. Ochiai
Daisuke Ida
Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ PDF Chat Brane-World and Holography 2002 Tetsuya Shiromizu
Takashi Torii
Daisuke Ida
+ PDF Chat Uniqueness and Non-Uniqueness of Static Vacuum Black Holes in Higher Dimensions 2002 G. W. Gibbons
Daisuke Ida
Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical instability of the brane-world: Randall-Sundrum bubbles 2001 Daisuke Ida
Tetsuya Shiromizu
Hirotaka Ochiai
+ PDF Chat Gravitational energy, dS/CFT correspondence and cosmic no-hair 2001 Tetsuya Shiromizu
Daisuke Ida
Takashi Torii
+ PDF Chat Stability of<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">AdS</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>p</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:mrow><mml:mo>×</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">S</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>n</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:mrow><mml:mo>×</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">S</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><
 2001 Tetsuya Shiromizu
Daisuke Ida
Hirotaka Ochiai
Takashi Torii
+ PDF Chat Anti–de Sitter no-hair, AdS/CFT and the brane-world 2001 Tetsuya Shiromizu
Daisuke Ida
+ PDF Chat Charged brane-world black holes 2001 Andrew Chamblin
Harvey S. Reall
H. Shinkai
Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ PDF Chat Erratum: Global structure of exact cosmological solutions in the brane world [Phys. Rev. D<b>62</b>, 024028 (2000)] 2000 Shinji Mukohyama
Tetsuya Shiromizu
Kei-ichi Maeda
+ PDF Chat Black holes in the brane world: Time symmetric initial data 2000 Tetsuya Shiromizu
Masaru Shibata
+ PDF Chat Global structure of exact cosmological solutions in the brane world 2000 Shinji Mukohyama
Tetsuya Shiromizu
Kei-ichi Maeda
+ PDF Chat The Einstein equations on the 3-brane world 2000 Tetsuya Shiromizu
Kei-ichi Maeda
Misao Sasaki
+ PDF Chat Fate of the Kaluza-Klein bubble 2000 H. Shinkai
Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ PDF Chat Gravity, stability, and energy conservation on the Randall-Sundrum brane world 2000 Misao Sasaki
Tetsuya Shiromizu
Kei-ichi Maeda
+ PDF Chat A probe particle in a Kerr-Newman-de Sitter cosmos 2000 Tetsuya Shiromizu
Uchida Gen
+ PDF Chat Cosmological Spinning Multi-'Black-Hole' Solution in String Theory 1999 Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ PDF Chat Stringy probe particle and force balance 1999 Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ PDF Chat Gravitational mass in asymptotically de Sitter space-times with compactified dimensions 1999 Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ PDF Chat Spacetimes which are asymptotic to certain Friedman-Robertson-Walker spacetimes at timelike infinity 1999 Tetsuya Shiromizu
Uchida Gen
+ PDF Chat Dilatonic probe, force balance and gyromagnetic ratio 1999 Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ PDF Chat Perturbation analysis of deformed<b><i>Q</i></b>-balls and primordial magnetic field 1999 Tetsuya Shiromizu
Tomoko Uesugi
Mayumi Aoki
+ PDF Chat Asymptotically Schwarzschild space–times 1999 Uchida Gen
Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ PDF Chat Freely Falling 2-Surfaces and the Effective Gravitational Mass 1999 Keita Ikumi
Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ PDF Chat Gravitational mass in asymptotically de Sitter space-times with compactified dimensions 1999 Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ PDF Chat Freely Falling 2-Surfaces and the Effective Gravitational Mass 1999 Keita Ikumi
Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ PDF Chat Back Reaction to the Spectrum of Magnetic Field in the Kinetic Dynamo Theory 1999 Tetsuya Shiromizu
Ryoichi Nishi
+ PDF Chat Timelike infinity and asymptotic symmetry 1998 Uchida Gen
Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ PDF Chat Inverse cascade of primordial magnetic field in MHD turbulence 1998 Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ Asymptotically Schwarzschild Spacetime 1998 Uchida Gen
Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ PDF Chat Generation of a magnetic field due to excited<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>Q</mml:mi></mml:math>-balls 1998 Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ The Total Hamiltonian of the Double Null Formalism and the Quasi-Local Energy 1997 Keita Ikumi
Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ Dissipative Quantum Tunneling from Quantum Potential Approach -- Back Reaction of Particle Creation -- 1997 Fumiaki Shibata
Masahiro Morikawa
Tetsuya Shiromizu
Masahide Yamaguchi
+ PDF Chat Quantum Subcritical Bubbles 1996 Tomoko Uesugi
Masahiro Morikawa
Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ PDF Chat Small Thermal Fluctuations on a Large Domain 1996 Tetsuya Shiromizu
Masahiro Morikawa
+ PDF Chat Quantum Decoherence of Subcritical Bubble in Electroweak Phase Transition 1996 Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ PDF Chat Thermal Fluctuations in Electroweak Phase Transition 1995 Tetsuya Shiromizu
Masahiro Morikawa
Jun’ichi Yokoyama
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of Subcritical Bubbles in First Order Phase Transition 1995 Tetsuya Shiromizu
Masahiro Morikawa
Jun’ichi Yokoyama
+ PDF Chat The volume expansion rate and the age of the Universe 1995 Takashi Nakamura
Ken-ichi Nakao
Takeshi Chiba
Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ PDF Chat Gravitational mass in asymptotically de Sitter spacetimes 1994 Ken‐ichi Nakao
Tetsuya Shiromizu
Kei-ichi Maeda
+ PDF Chat A cosmological constant limits the size of black holes 1994 Sean A. Hayward
Tetsuya Shiromizu
Ken‐ichi Nakao
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Large Mass Hierarchy from a Small Extra Dimension 1999 Lisa Randall
Raman Sundrum
+ PDF Chat An Alternative to Compactification 1999 Lisa Randall
Raman Sundrum
+ PDF Chat The Einstein equations on the 3-brane world 2000 Tetsuya Shiromizu
Kei-ichi Maeda
Misao Sasaki
+ PDF Chat Brane world effective action at low energies and AdS/CFT correspondence 2002 Sugumi Kanno
Jiro Soda
+ PDF Chat Low energy effective theory for a two branes system: Covariant curvature formulation 2003 Tetsuya Shiromizu
K. Koyama
+ PDF Chat Uniqueness and Nonuniqueness of Static Black Holes in Higher Dimensions 2002 G. W. Gibbons
Daisuke Ida
Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ PDF Chat Anti–de Sitter no-hair, AdS/CFT and the brane-world 2001 Tetsuya Shiromizu
Daisuke Ida
+ PDF Chat AdS/CFT and gravity 2001 Steven S. Gubser
+ PDF Chat The Inverse Mean Curvature Flow and the Riemannian Penrose Inequality 2001 Gerhard Huisken
Tom Ilmanen
+ PDF Chat Quantum (in)stability of dilatonic AdS backgrounds and the holographic renormalization group with gravity 2000 Shin’ichi Nojiri
Sergei D. Odintsov
Sergio Zerbini
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of anti-de Sitter domain walls 1999 Per Kraus
+ PDF Chat Gravity in the Randall-Sundrum Brane World 2000 Jaume Garriga
Takahiro Tanaka
+ PDF Chat Gravity, stability, and energy conservation on the Randall-Sundrum brane world 2000 Misao Sasaki
Tetsuya Shiromizu
Kei-ichi Maeda
+ Brane new world 2000 S. W. Hawking
Thomas Hertog
H. S. Reall
+ PDF Chat Radion and holographic brane gravity 2002 Sugumi Kanno
Jiro Soda
+ PDF Chat On the proof of the positive mass conjecture in general relativity 1979 Richard Schoen
Shing-Tung Yau
+ PDF Chat Proof of the Riemannian Penrose Inequality Using the Positive Mass Theorem 2001 Hubert L. Bray
+ NAKED SINGULARITIES 1973 Roger Penrose
+ PDF Chat Uniqueness and Non-Uniqueness of Static Vacuum Black Holes in Higher Dimensions 2002 G. W. Gibbons
Daisuke Ida
Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ PDF Chat Brane world inflation induced by quantum effects 2000 Shin’ichi Nojiri
Sergei D. Odintsov
+ PDF Chat Brane-world creation and black holes 2000 Jaume Garriga
Misao Sasaki
+ The Large Scale Structure of Space-Time 1973 S. W. Hawking
George Ellis
+ PDF Chat Uniqueness of (dilatonic) charged black holes and black<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>p</mml:mi></mml:math>-branes in higher dimensions 2002 G. W. Gibbons
Daisuke Ida
Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ PDF Chat A Rotating Black Ring Solution in Five Dimensions 2002 Roberto Emparan
Harvey S. Reall
+ PDF Chat The geometry of photon surfaces 2001 Clarissa–Marie Claudel
K. S. Virbhadra
George Ellis
+ PDF Chat The large $N$ limit of superconformal field theories and supergravity 1998 Juan Maldacena
+ PDF Chat Positive mass theorems for black holes 1983 G. W. Gibbons
S. W. Hawking
Gary T. Horowitz
Malcolm J. Perry
+ PDF Chat Brane-world cosmology 2000 Daisuke Ida
+ PDF Chat Uniqueness theorem of static degenerate and nondegenerate charged black holes in higher dimensions 2003 Marek Rogatko
+ The hierarchy problem and new dimensions at a millimeter 1998 Nima Arkani–Hamed
Savas Dimopoulos
G. Dvali
+ PDF Chat Can we live on a D-brane? Effective theory on a self-gravitating D-brane 2003 Tetsuya Shiromizu
K. Koyama
Sumitada Onda
Takashi Torii
+ PDF Chat Inflation in the five-dimensional universe with an orbifold extra dimension 1999 Takeshi Nihei
+ PDF Chat Global structure of exact cosmological solutions in the brane world 2000 Shinji Mukohyama
Tetsuya Shiromizu
Kei-ichi Maeda
+ None 1998 Seungsu Hwang
+ PDF Chat Higher dimensional Bondi energy with a globally specified background structure 2008 Akihiro Ishibashi
+ PDF Chat Singular hypersurfaces and thin shells in general relativity 1967 W. Israel
+ PDF Chat Bent domain walls as braneworlds 1999 Nemanja Kaloper
+ PDF Chat Brane cosmological evolution in a bulk with cosmological constant 2000 Pierre Binétruy
CĂ©dric Deffayet
Ulrich Ellwanger
David Langlois
+ Instability of the Kaluza-Klein vacuum 1982 Edward Witten
+ PDF Chat First M87 Event Horizon Telescope Results. I. The Shadow of the Supermassive Black Hole 2019 Kazunori Akiyama
A. Alberdi
W. Alef
Keiichi Asada
Rebecca Azulay
Anne-Kathrin Baczko
David Ball
M. Baloković
John Barrett
Dan Bintley
+ PDF Chat Black Holes at the Large Hadron Collider 2001 Savas Dimopoulos
G. Landsberg
+ Brane-world black holes 2000 Andrew Chamblin
S. W. Hawking
Harvey S. Reall
+ PDF Chat Schwarzschild black hole lensing 2000 K. S. Virbhadra
George Ellis
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic flatness and Bondi energy in higher dimensional gravity 2005 Stefan Hollands
Akihiro Ishibashi
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic flatness at null infinity in arbitrary dimensions 2011 Kentaro Tanabe
Shunichiro Kinoshita
Tetsuya Shiromizu
+ PDF Chat A cosmological constant limits the size of black holes 1994 Sean A. Hayward
Tetsuya Shiromizu
Ken‐ichi Nakao
+ PDF Chat General laws of black-hole dynamics 1994 Sean A. Hayward
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Properties of Fields and Space-Times 1963 Roger Penrose
+ PDF Chat Extension of photon surfaces and their area: Static and stationary spacetimes 2017 Hirotaka Yoshino
Keisuke Izumi
Tetsuya Shiromizu
Yoshimune Tomikawa
+ PDF Chat Low energy effective action on a self-gravitating D-brane 2004 Sumitada Onda
Tetsuya Shiromizu
K. Koyama
Shoko Hayakawa