Michael Hitrik


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat A direct approach to the analytic Bergman projection 2024 Alix Deleporte
Michael Hitrik
Johannes Sjöstrand
+ PDF Chat Overdamped QNM for Schwarzschild black holes 2024 Michael Hitrik
Maciej Zworski
+ PDF Chat Characterizing Boundedness of Metaplectic Toeplitz Operators 2023 L. A. Coburn
Michael Hitrik
Johannes Sjöstrand
+ PDF Chat Complex FIOs and composition of Toeplitz operators 2023 L. A. Coburn
Michael Hitrik
Johannes Sjöstrand
+ Characterizing boundedness of metaplectic Toeplitz operators 2023 L. A. Coburn
Michael Hitrik
Johannes Sjoestrand
+ Classically forbidden regions in the chiral model of twisted bilayer graphene. With an appendix by Zhongkai Tao and Maciej Zworski 2023 Michael Hitrik
Zhongkai Tao
Maciej Zworski
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical Gevrey operators in the complex domain 2022 Michael Hitrik
Richard Lascar
Johannes Sjöstrand
Maher Zerzeri
+ Adiabatic Evolution and Shape Resonances 2022 Michael Hitrik
Andrea Mantile
Johannes Sjoestrand
+ PDF Chat Asymptotics for Bergman projections with smooth weights: a direct approach 2022 Michael Hitrik
Matthew Stone
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical Gevrey operators and magnetic translations 2022 Michael Hitrik
Richard Lascar
Johannes Sjöstrand
Maher Zerzeri
+ Complex FIOs and composition of Toeplitz operators 2022 L. A. Coburn
Michael Hitrik
Johannes Sjoestrand
+ Semiclassical Gevrey operators on exponentially weighted spaces of holomorphic functions 2022 Michael Hitrik
Richard Lascar
Johannes Sjöstrand
Maher Zerzeri
+ PDF Chat Weyl symbols and boundedness of Toeplitz operators 2021 L. A. Coburn
Michael Hitrik
Johannes Sjöstrand
F. P. White
+ Asymptotics for Bergman projections with smooth weights: a direct approach 2021 Michael Hitrik
M. B. Stone
+ A direct approach to the analytic Bergman projection 2020 Alix Deleporte
Michael Hitrik
Johannes Sjoestrand
+ Semiclassical Gevrey operators and magnetic translations 2020 Michael Hitrik
Richard Lascar
Johannes Sjoestrand
Maher Zerzeri
+ Semiclassical Gevrey operators in the complex domain 2020 Michael Hitrik
Richard Lascar
Johannes Sjoestrand
Maher Zerzeri
+ PDF Chat Positivity, complex FIOs, and Toeplitz operators 2019 L. A. Coburn
Michael Hitrik
Johannes Sjöstrand
+ Weyl symbols and boundedness of Toeplitz operators 2019 L. A. Coburn
Michael Hitrik
Johannes Sjoestrand
F. P. White
+ Semigroup expansions for non-selfadjoint Schrödinger operators 2019 Ben Bellis
Michael Hitrik
+ Weyl symbols and boundedness of Toeplitz operators 2019 L. A. Coburn
Michael Hitrik
Johannes Sjoestrand
Francis J. White
+ PDF Chat Rational invariant tori and band edge spectra for non-selfadjoint operators 2018 Michael Hitrik
Johannes Sjöstrand
+ Semigroup expansions for non-selfadjoint Schrödinger operators 2018 Ben Bellis
Michael Hitrik
+ PDF Chat Two Minicourses on Analytic Microlocal Analysis 2018 Michael Hitrik
Johannes Sjöstrand
+ Algebraic and Analytic Microlocal Analysis 2018 Michael Hitrik
Dmitry Tamarkin
Boris Tsygan
Steve Zelditch
+ PDF Chat Short-time asymptotics of the regularizing effect for semigroups generated by quadratic operators 2017 Michael Hitrik
Karel Pravda‐Starov
Joe Viola
+ From semigroups to subelliptic estimates for quadratic operators 2017 Michael Hitrik
Karel Pravda–Starov
Joe Viola
+ Adiabatic evolution and shape resonances 2017 Michael Hitrik
Andrea Mantile
Johannes Sjoestrand
+ Short-time asymptotics of the regularizing effect for semigroups generated by quadratic operators 2015 Michael Hitrik
Karel Pravda–Starov
Joe Viola
+ Two minicourses on analytic microlocal analysis 2015 Michael Hitrik
Johannes Sjoestrand
+ Rational invariant tori and band edge spectra for non-selfadjoint operators 2015 Michael Hitrik
Johannes Sjoestrand
+ PDF Chat Spectra for Semiclassical Operators with Periodic Bicharacteristics in Dimension Two 2015 Michael A. Hall
Michael Hitrik
Johannes Sjöstrand
+ Rational invariant tori and band edge spectra for non-selfadjoint operators 2015 Michael Hitrik
Johannes Sjoestrand
+ Two minicourses on analytic microlocal analysis 2015 Michael Hitrik
Johannes Sjoestrand
+ Short-time asymptotics of the regularizing effect for semigroups generated by quadratic operators 2015 Michael Hitrik
Karel Pravda–Starov
Joe Viola
+ PDF Chat Tunnel effect and symmetries for non-selfadjoint operators 2014 Michael Hitrik
+ PDF Chat Supersymmetric structures for second order differential operators 2014 Frédéric Hérau
Michael Hitrik
Johannes Sjöstrand
+ Spectra for semiclassical operators with periodic bicharacteristics in dimension two 2014 Michael A. Hall
Michael Hitrik
Johannes Sjoestrand
+ Spectra for semiclassical operators with periodic bicharacteristics in dimension two 2014 Michael Hall
Michael Hitrik
Johannes Sjoestrand
+ PDF Chat Resolvent estimates for elliptic quadratic differential operators 2013 Michael Hitrik
Johannes Sjöstrand
Joe Viola
+ PDF Chat Eigenvalues and subelliptic estimates for non-selfadjoint semiclassical operators with double characteristics 2013 Michael Hitrik
Karel Pravda–Starov
+ PDF Chat Quadratic ${\mathcal P}{\mathcal T}$-symmetric operators with real spectrum and similarity to self-adjoint operators 2012 Emanuela Caliceti
Sandro Graffi
Michael Hitrik
Johannes Sjöstrand
+ Supersymmetric structures for second order differential operators 2012 Frédéric Hérau
Michael Hitrik
Johannes Sjoestrand
+ PDF Chat Diophantine Tori and Weyl Laws for Non-selfadjoint Operators in Dimension Two 2012 Michael Hitrik
Johannes Sjöstrand
+ Supersymmetric structures for second order differential operators 2012 Frédéric Hérau
Michael Hitrik
Johannes Sjoestrand
+ PDF Chat Transmission Eigenvalues for Elliptic Operators 2011 Michael Hitrik
Katsiaryna Krupchyk
Petri Ola
Lassi Païvärinta
+ Resolvent estimates for elliptic quadratic differential operators 2011 Michael Hitrik
Johannes Sjoestrand
Joe Viola
+ Eigenvalues and subelliptic estimates for non-selfadjoint semiclassical operators with double characteristics 2011 Michael Hitrik
Karel Pravda–Starov
+ Tunnel effect and symmetries for Kramers–Fokker–Planck type operators 2011 Frédéric Hérau
Michael Hitrik
Johannes Sjöstrand
+ PDF Chat The interior transmission problem and bounds on transmission eigenvalues 2011 Michael Hitrik
Katsiaryna Krupchyk
Petri Ola
Lassi Païvärinta
+ Resolvent estimates for elliptic quadratic differential operators 2011 Michael Hitrik
Johannes Sjoestrand
Joe Viola
+ Eigenvalues and subelliptic estimates for non-selfadjoint semiclassical operators with double characteristics 2011 Michael Hitrik
Karel Pravda–Starov
+ The interior transmission problem and bounds on transmission eigenvalues 2010 Michael Hitrik
Katsiaryna Krupchyk
Petri Ola
Lassi Païvärinta
+ Tunnel effect and symmetries for Kramers Fokker-Planck type operators 2010 Frédéric Hérau
Michael Hitrik
Johannes Sjoestrand
+ Transmission eigenvalues for elliptic operators 2010 Michael Hitrik
Katsiaryna Krupchyk
Petri Ola
Lassi Païvärinta
+ Semiclassical Hypoelliptic Estimates for Non-Selfadjoint Operators with Double Characteristics 2010 Michael Hitrik
Karel Pravda‐Starov
+ Transmission eigenvalues for operators with constant coefficients 2010 Michael Hitrik
Katsiaryna Krupchyk
Petri Ola
Lassi Païvärinta
+ PDF Chat Transmission Eigenvalues for Operators with Constant Coefficients 2010 Michael Hitrik
Katsiaryna Krupchyk
Petri Ola
Lassi Païvärinta
+ Transmission eigenvalues for operators with constant coefficients 2010 Michael Hitrik
Katsiaryna Krupchyk
Petri Ola
Lassi Païvärinta
+ Tunnel effect and symmetries for Kramers Fokker-Planck type operators 2010 Frédéric Hérau
Michael Hitrik
Johannes Sjoestrand
+ The interior transmission problem and bounds on transmission eigenvalues 2010 Michael Hitrik
Katsiaryna Krupchyk
Petri Ola
Lassi Païvärinta
+ Transmission eigenvalues for elliptic operators 2010 Michael Hitrik
Katsiaryna Krupchyk
Petri Ola
Lassi Païvärinta
+ PDF Chat Spectra and semigroup smoothing for non-elliptic quadratic operators 2009 Michael Hitrik
Karel Pravda‐Starov
+ Semiclassical hypoelliptic estimates for non-selfadjoint operators with double characteristics 2009 Michael Hitrik
Karel Pravda‐Starov
+ Tunnel Effect for Kramers-Fokker-Planck Type Operators: Return to Equilibrium and Applications 2008 Frédéric Hérau
Michael Hitrik
J. Sjöstrand
+ PDF Chat Non-Selfadjoint Perturbations of Selfadjoint Operators in Two Dimensions IIIa. One Branching Point 2008 Michael Hitrik
Johannes Sjöstrand
+ PDF Chat Tunnel Effect for Kramers–Fokker–Planck Type Operators 2008 Frédéric Hérau
Michael Hitrik
Johannes Sjöstrand
+ PDF Chat Rational invariant tori, phase space tunneling, and spectra for non-selfadjoint operators in dimension $2$ 2008 Michael Hitrik
Johannes Sjöstrand
+ Non-Selfadjoint Perturbations of Selfadjoint Operators in Two Dimensions IIIa. One Branching Point 2008 Michael Hitrik
Johannes Sjöstrand
+ Diophantine tori and spectral asymptotics for nonselfadjoint operators 2007 Michael Hitrik
Johannes Sjöstrand
San Vũ Ngọc
+ PDF Chat Energy decay for damped wave equations on partially rectangular domains 2007 Nicolas Burq
Michael Hitrik
+ Spectra and semigroup smoothing for non-elliptic quadratic operators 2007 Michael Hitrik
Karel Pravda‐Starov
+ Rational invariant tori, phase space tunneling, and spectra for non-selfadjoint operators in dimension 2 2007 Michael Hitrik
Johannes Sjoestrand
+ Energy decay for damped wave equations on partially rectangular domains 2006 Nicolas Burq
Michael Hitrik
+ Nonselfadjoint Perturbations of Selfadjoint Operators in Two Dimensions II. Vanishing Averages 2005 Michael Hitrik
Johannes Sjöstrand
+ Lagrangian tori and spectra for non-selfadjoint operators (based on joint works with J. Sjöstrand and S. Vũ Ngọc) 2005 Michael Hitrik
+ Non-selfadjoint perturbations of selfadjoint operators in 2 dimensions IIIa. One branching point 2005 Michael Hitrik
Johannes Sjoestrand
+ Diophantine tori and spectral asymptotics for non-selfadjoint operators 2005 Michael Hitrik
Johannes Sjoestrand
San Vũ Ngọc
+ PDF Chat Non-Selfadjoint Perturbations of Selfadjoint Operators in 2 Dimensions I 2004 Michael Hitrik
Johannes Sjöstrand
+ Boundary spectral behaviour for semiclassical operators in one dimension 2004 Michael Hitrik
+ None 2004 Michael Hitrik
Iosif Polterovich
+ Non-selfadjoint perturbations of selfadjoint operators in 2 dimensions II. Vanishing Averages 2003 Michael Hitrik
Johannes Sjoestrand
+ Eigenfrequencies and expansions for damped wave equations 2003 Michael Hitrik
+ Resolvent expansions and trace regularizations for Schrödinger operators 2003 Michael Hitrik
Iosif Polterovich
+ Existence of resonances in magnetic scattering 2002 Michael Hitrik
+ Eigenfrequencies for damped wave equations on Zoll manifolds 2002 Michael Hitrik
+ Properties of the Scattering Transform on the Real Line 2001 Michael Hitrik
+ PDF Chat Expansions and eigenfrequencies for damped wave equations 2001 Michael Hitrik
+ Regularized traces and Taylor expansions for the heat semigroup 2001 Michael Hitrik
Iosif Polterovich
+ PDF Chat Stability of an Inverse Problem in Potential Scattering on The Real Line 2000 Michael Hitrik
+ PDF Chat Bounds on Scattering Poles in One Dimension 1999 Michael Hitrik
+ Inverse scattering and distribution of resonances on the real line 1998 Michael Hitrik
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Spectral Asymptotics in the Semi-Classical Limit 1999 Mouez Dimassi
Johannes Sjöstrand
+ The analysis of linear partial differential operators 1990 Lars Hörmander
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical Analysis for the Kramers–Fokker–Planck Equation 2005 Frédéric Hérau
Johannes Sjöstrand
Christiaan C. Stolk
+ PDF Chat Pseudospectra of semiclassical (pseudo‐) differential operators 2003 Nils Dencker
Johannes Sjöstrand
Maciej Zworski
+ PDF Chat Non-Selfadjoint Perturbations of Selfadjoint Operators in 2 Dimensions I 2004 Michael Hitrik
Johannes Sjöstrand
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Distribution of Eigenfrequencies for Damped Wave Equations 2000 Johannes Sjöstrand
+ PDF Chat Parametrices for pseudodifferential operators with multiple characteristics 1974 Johannes Sjöstrand
+ PDF Chat Spectra and semigroup smoothing for non-elliptic quadratic operators 2009 Michael Hitrik
Karel Pravda‐Starov
+ Introduction to the Spectral Theory of Polynomial Operator Pencils 2012 A. Markus
+ PDF Chat Determinants of pseudodifferential operators and complex deformations of phase space 2002 Anders Melin
Johannes Sjöstrand
+ Symplectic classification of quadratic forms, and general Mehler formulas 1995 Lars Hörmander
+ Asymptotics of eigenvalue clusters for the Laplacian plus a potential 1977 Alan Weinstein
+ Eigenfrequencies for damped wave equations on Zoll manifolds 2002 Michael Hitrik
+ PDF Chat Density of Resonances for Strictly Convex Analytic Obstacles 1996 Johannes Sjöstrand
+ PDF Chat Isotropic Hypoellipticity and Trend to Equilibrium for the Fokker-Planck Equation with a High-Degree Potential 2003 Frédéric Hérau
Francis Nier
+ Bohr–Sommerfeld quantization condition for non-selfadjoint operators in dimension 2 2003 Anders Melin
Johannes Sjöstrand
+ None 2004 Michael Hitrik
+ Hypoelliptic Estimates and Spectral Theory for Fokker-Planck Operators and Witten Laplacians 2005 Bernard Helffer
Francis Nier
+ Exponential return to equilibrium for hypoelliptic quadratic systems 2012 Michela Ottobre
Grigorios A. Pavliotis
Karel Pravda‐Starov
+ Nonselfadjoint Perturbations of Selfadjoint Operators in Two Dimensions II. Vanishing Averages 2005 Michael Hitrik
Johannes Sjöstrand
+ PDF Chat Quadratic ${\mathcal P}{\mathcal T}$-symmetric operators with real spectrum and similarity to self-adjoint operators 2012 Emanuela Caliceti
Sandro Graffi
Michael Hitrik
Johannes Sjöstrand
+ From semigroups to subelliptic estimates for quadratic operators 2017 Michael Hitrik
Karel Pravda–Starov
Joe Viola
+ PDF Chat Analytic wavefront sets and operators with multiple characteristics 1983 Johannes Sjöstrand
+ PDF Chat Kramers Equation and Supersymmetry 2006 Julien Tailleur
Sorin Tănase‐Nicola
Jorge Kurchan
+ Equation des Ondes Amorties 1996 Gilles Lebeau
+ The hypoelliptic Laplacian on the cotangent bundle 2005 Jean‐Michel Bismut
+ Diophantine tori and spectral asymptotics for nonselfadjoint operators 2007 Michael Hitrik
Johannes Sjöstrand
San Vũ Ngọc
+ PDF Chat Metrics on the Phase Space and Non-Selfadjoint Pseudo-Differential Operators 2010 Nicolás Lerner
+ Microlocal Analysis and Precise Spectral Asymptotics 1998 Victor Ivrii
+ PDF Chat The Factorization Method for Inverse Problems 2007 Andreas Kirsch
N I Grinberg
+ PDF Chat Fourier integral operators. I 1971 Lars Hörmander
+ PDF Chat Elementary linear algebra for advanced spectral problems 2007 Johannes Sjöstrand
Maciej Zworski
+ PDF Chat Two Minicourses on Analytic Microlocal Analysis 2018 Michael Hitrik
Johannes Sjöstrand
+ The Interior Transmission Problem for Regions with Cavities 2010 Fioralba Cakoni
David Colton
Houssem Haddar
+ Notions of Convexity 2007 Lars Hörmander
+ PDF Chat Non-Selfadjoint Perturbations of Selfadjoint Operators in Two Dimensions IIIa. One Branching Point 2008 Michael Hitrik
Johannes Sjöstrand
+ A linear method for solving inverse scattering problems in the resonance region 2007 David Colton
+ PDF Chat Tunnel Effect for Kramers–Fokker–Planck Type Operators 2008 Frédéric Hérau
Michael Hitrik
Johannes Sjöstrand
+ Resonances for Bottles and Trace Formulae 2001 Johannes Sjöstrand
+ PDF Chat Resolvent Estimates for Non-Selfadjoint Operators via Semigroups 2009 Johannes Sjöstrand
+ Geometric bounds on the density of resonances for semiclassical problems 1990 Johannes Sjöstrand
+ Multiple wells in the semi-classical limit I 1984 Bernard Helffer
Johannes Sjöstrand
+ Manifolds all of whose Geodesics are Closed 1978 Arthur L. Besse
+ PDF Chat Positivity, complex FIOs, and Toeplitz operators 2019 L. A. Coburn
Michael Hitrik
Johannes Sjöstrand
+ PDF Chat Resolvent estimates for non-selfadjoint operators with double characteristics 2012 Joe Viola
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical resonances generated by a closed trajectory of hyperbolic type 1987 Christian Gérard
Johannes Sjöstrand
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic distribution of resonances for convex obstacles 1999 Johannes Sjöstrand
Maciej Zworski
+ Spectral Properties of Non-self-adjoint Operators in the Semi-classical Regime 2001 Paul Redparth
+ Introduction to the theory of linear nonselfadjoint operators 1969 M. Г. Крейн
Israel Gohberg
+ An integral equation approach and the interior transmission problem for Maxwell's equations 2007 Andreas Kirsch