Simonas Draukšas


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Vytautas Dūdėnas 2
L. Lavoura 2
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Electroweak radiative corrections for collider physics 2020 Ansgar Denner
S. Dittmaier
+ PDF Chat Nielsen identities of the SM and the definition of mass 2000 Paolo Gambino
Pietro Antonio Grassi
+ PDF Chat Simple on-shell renormalization framework for the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix 2006 Bernd A. Kniehl
A. Sirlin
+ PDF Chat Gauge dependence and renormalization of tan β in the minimal supersymmetric standard model 2002 A. Freitas
Dominik Stöckinger
+ PDF Chat Gauge dependence of the on-shell renormalized mixing matrices 2001 Youichi Yamada
+ PDF Chat Higgs triplets, decoupling, and precision measurements 2008 Mu‐Chun Chen
S. Dawson
C. B. Jackson
+ PDF Chat Renormalization of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix 2000 A. Barroso
L. Brücher
Rui Santos
+ PDF Chat A global fit to extended oblique parameters 1994 C. P. Burgess
Stephen Godfrey
Heinz König
David London
Ivan Maksymyk
+ PDF Chat Application of the background-field method to the electroweak standard model 1995 Ansgar Denner
G. Weiglein
S. Dittmaier
+ PDF Chat Mass bounds in a model with a triplet Higgs 2003 J. R. Forshaw
A. Sabio Vera
Benjamin Earle White
+ PDF Chat Renormalization of vacuum expectation values in spontaneously broken gauge theories 2013 Marcus Sperling
Dominik Stöckinger
Alexander Voigt
+ Search for a standard model-like Higgs boson in the mass range between 70 and 110 GeV in the diphoton final state in proton-proton collisions at <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msqrt><mml:mrow><mml:mi>s</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msqrt><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mn>8</mml:mn></mml:math> and 13 TeV 2019 A. M. Sirunyan
A. Tumasyan
W. Adam
F. Ambrogi
E. Asilar
T. Bergauer
J. Brandstetter
E. Brondolin
M. Dragicevic
J. Erö
+ PDF Chat 2, 84, 30, 993, 560, 15456, 11962, 261485, . . .: higher dimension operators in the SM EFT 2017 Brian Henning
Xiaochuan Lu
Tom Melia
Hitoshi Murayama
+ PDF Chat The minimal set of electroweak precision parameters 2006 Giacomo Cacciapaglia
Csaba Csáki
Guido Marandella
Алессандро Струмиа
+ PDF Chat Electroweak symmetry breaking after LEP1 and LEP2 2004 Riccardo Barbieri
Alex Pomarol
Riccardo Rattazzi
Алессандро Струмиа
+ PDF Chat Renormalization group evolution of the Standard Model dimension six operators III: gauge coupling dependence and phenomenology 2014 Rodrigo Alonso
Elizabeth Jenkins
Aneesh V. Manohar
Michael Trott
+ PDF Chat (Non)decoupling of the Higgs triplet effects 2007 Piotr H. Chankowski
Stefan Pokorski
J. Wagner
+ PDF Chat Vacuum stability, perturbativity, EWPD and Higgs-to-diphoton rate in type II seesaw models 2012 Eung Jin Chun
Hyun Min Lee
Pankaj Sharma
+ PDF Chat Higgs mass bounds in a triplet model 2001 J. R. Forshaw
Benjamin Earle White
Douglas A. Ross
+ Renormalization schemes for the Two-Higgs-Doublet Model and applications to h → WW/ZZ → 4 fermions 2017 Lukas Altenkamp
Stefan Dittmaier
Heidi Rzehak
+ PDF Chat Precision observables in SU(2) × U(1) models with an additional Higgs triplet 1998 Thomas Blank
W. Hollik
+ PDF Chat A novel approach to confront electroweak data and theory 1994 K. Hagiwara
D. Haidt
C. S. Kim
S. Matsumoto
+ PDF Chat Toward deconstructing the simplest seesaw mechanism 2022 Sanjoy Mandal
O. G. Miranda
G. Sanchez Garcia
J. W. F. Valle
Xun-Jie Xu
+ PDF Chat Prescription for finite oblique parameters S and U in extensions of the SM with m <sub> W </sub> ≠ m <sub> Z </sub> cos θ <sub> W </sub> 2022 Francisco Albergaria
L. Lavoura
+ PDF Chat <mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>W</mml:mi></mml:math> -boson mass in the triplet seesaw model 2022 Julian Heeck
+ PDF Chat Kinetic mixing, dark Higgs triplets, and <mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:msub><mml:mi>M</mml:mi><mml:mi>W</mml:mi></mml:msub></mml:math> 2022 Thomas G. Rizzo
+ PDF Chat SMEFT analysis of mW 2022 Emanuele Bagnaschi
John Ellis
Maeve Madigan
Ken Mimasu
Verónica Sanz
Tevong You
+ PDF Chat <mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>W</mml:mi></mml:math> -boson mass, electroweak precision tests, and SMEFT 2022 J. Fan
Lingfeng Li
Tao Liu
Kun-Feng Lyu
+ Electroweak precision tests for triplet scalars 2023 Yu Cheng
Xiao-Gang He
Fei Huang
J. F. Sun
Zhi-Peng Xing
+ PDF Chat Beyond<i>S</i>,<i>T</i>, and<i>U</i> 1994 Ivan Maksymyk
C. P. Burgess
David London
+ PDF Chat Custodial symmetry violation in scalar extensions of the standard model* 2023 H. Y. Song
X. Wan
Jiang-Hao Yu
+ PDF Chat Renormalization of the<i>S</i>parameter in holographic models of electroweak symmetry breaking 2008 Gustavo Burdman
Leandro Da Rold
+ PDF Chat Physical renormalization condition for the quark-mixing matrix 2004 Ansgar Denner
Elisabeth Kraus
M. Roth
+ PDF Chat Generating Feynman diagrams and amplitudes with FeynArts 3 2001 Thomas Hahn
+ PDF Chat Novel formulations of CKM matrix renormalization 2009 Bernd A. Kniehl
A. Sirlin
Marvin L. Marshak
+ PDF Chat Probing extended scalar sectors with precision e+e− → Zh and Higgs diphoton studies 2021 Michael J. Ramsey-Musolf
Jiang-Hao Yu
J. Zhou
+ PDF Chat On-shell Renormalization of Fermion Masses, Fields, and Mixing Matrices at 1-loop 2022 Simonas Draukšas
+ $SU(2)_L$ triplet scalar as the origin of the 95 GeV excess? 2023 Saiyad Ashanujjaman
Sumit Banik
Guglielmo Coloretti
Andreas Crivellin
B. Mellado
Anza-Tshilidzi Mulaudzi
+ Gauge invariance, gauge-parameter independence and properties of Green functions 1995 Ansgar Denner
S. Dittmaier
G. Weiglein
+ PDF Chat Searches for additional Higgs bosons and for vector leptoquarks in ττ final states in proton-proton collisions at $$ \sqrt{s} $$ = 13 TeV 2023 A. Tumasyan
W. Adam
Janik Walter Andrejkovic
T. Bergauer
S. Chatterjee
K. Damanakis
M. Dragicevic
A. Escalante Del Valle
P. S. Hussain
M. Jeitler
+ PDF Chat All-Order Renormalization of the Propagator Matrix for Fermionic Systems with Flavor Mixing 2014 Bernd A. Kniehl
+ PDF Chat Automatic evaluation of UV and <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si39.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi>R</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:math> terms for beyond the Standard Model Lagrangians: A proof-of-principle 2015 Céline Degrande
+ PDF Chat Automatic calculation of supersymmetric renormalization group equations and loop corrections 2010 Florian Staub
+ PDF Chat <mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>CP</mml:mi></mml:math>violation and family mixing in the effective electroweak Lagrangian 2001 D. Espriu
J. Manzano
+ PDF Chat Triplet Higgs boson collider phenomenology after the LHC 2013 Christoph Englert
Emanuele Ré
Michael Spannowsky
+ PDF Chat On-shell renormalization of the mixing matrices in Majorana neutrino theories 2009 Andrea A. Almasy
Bernd A. Kniehl
A. Sirlin
+ Renormalization of the Cabibbo–Kobayashi–Maskawa matrix in standard model 2003 Yong Zhou
+ PDF Chat Fermion mixing renormalization and gauge invariance 1999 Paolo Gambino
Pietro Antonio Grassi
Fantina Madricardo
+ PDF Chat Erratum: Basis-independent methods for the two-Higgs-doublet model [Phys. Rev. D<b>72</b>, 035004 (2005)] 2005 Sacha Davidson
Howard E. Haber
+ PDF Chat Mixing-matrix renormalization revisited 2001 Antonio O. Bouzas