Tabea Rebafka


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Enhancing the Power of Gaussian Graphical Model Inference by Modeling the Graph Structure 2024 Valentin Kilian
Tabea Rebafka
Fanny Villers
+ PDF Chat Data-Driven Score-Based Models for Generating Stable Structures with Adaptive Crystal Cells 2023 Arsen Sultanov
Jean‐Claude Crivello
Tabea Rebafka
Nataliya Sokolovska
+ Model-based clustering of multiple networks with a hierarchical algorithm 2023 Tabea Rebafka
+ PDF Chat Model-based clustering of multiple networks with a hierarchical algorithm 2023 Tabea Rebafka
+ Data-Driven Score-Based Models for Generating Stable Structures with Adaptive Crystal Cells 2023 Arsen Sultanov
Jean‐Claude Crivello
Tabea Rebafka
Nataliya Sokolovska
+ PDF Chat Model-based graph clustering of a collection of networks using an agglomerative algorithm 2022 Tabea Rebafka
+ PDF Chat Self-organizing maps for exploration of partially observed data and imputation of missing values 2022 Sara Rejeb
Catherine Duveau
Tabea Rebafka
+ PDF Chat False clustering rate control in mixture models 2022 Ariane Marandon
Tabea Rebafka
Étienne Roquain
Nataliya Sokolovska
+ Self-Organizing Maps for Exploration of Partially Observed Data and Imputation of Missing Values 2022 Sara Rejeb
Catherine Duveau
Tabea Rebafka
+ False membership rate control in mixture models 2022 Ariane Marandon
Tabea Rebafka
Étienne Roquain
Nataliya Sokolovska
+ PDF Chat Powerful multiple testing of paired null hypotheses using a latent graph model 2022 Tabea Rebafka
Étienne Roquain
Fanny Villers
+ Properties of the stochastic approximation EM algorithm with mini-batch sampling 2020 Estelle Kuhn
Catherine Matias
Tabea Rebafka
+ Graph inference with clustering and false discovery rate control 2019 Tabea Rebafka
Étienne Roquain
Fanny Villers
+ Consistent Spectral Methods for Dimensionality Reduction 2018 Malika Kharouf
Tabea Rebafka
Nataliya Sokolovska
+ PDF Chat A semiparametric extension of the stochastic block model for longitudinal networks 2018 Catarina N. Matias
Tabea Rebafka
Fanny Villers
+ PDF Chat Eigenrange: A Robust Spectral Method for Dimensionality Reduction 2016 Malika Kharouf
Tabea Rebafka
Nataliya Sokolovska
+ PDF Chat Nonparametric weighted estimators for biased data 2016 Fabienne Comte
Tabea Rebafka
+ A semiparametric extension of the stochastic block model for longitudinal networks 2015 Catherine Matias
Tabea Rebafka
Fanny Villers
+ Estimation and clustering in a semiparametric Poisson process stochastic block model for longitudinal networks 2015 Catherine Matias
Tabea Rebafka
Fanny Villers
+ PDF Chat Nonparametric estimation of the mixing density using polynomials 2015 Tabea Rebafka
François Roueff
+ A semiparametric extension of the stochastic block model for longitudinal networks 2015 Catherine Matias
Tabea Rebafka
Fanny Villers
+ PDF Chat Adaptive density estimation in the pile-up model involving measurement errors 2012 Fabienne Comte
Tabea Rebafka
+ OMP-type Algorithm with Structured Sparsity Patterns for Multipath Radar Signals 2011 Tabea Rebafka
CĂ©line LĂ©vy‐Leduc
Maurice Charbit
+ PDF Chat Information bounds and MCMC parameter estimation for the pile-up model 2010 Tabea Rebafka
François Roueff
Antoine Souloumiac
+ PDF Chat A Corrected Likelihood Approach for the Nonlinear Transformation Model with Application to Fluorescence Lifetime Measurements Using Exponential Mixtures 2010 Tabea Rebafka
François Roueff
Antoine Souloumiac
+ Adaptive Density Estimation in the Pile-up Model Involving Measurement Errors 2010 Fabienne Comte
Tabea Rebafka
+ Estimation dans le modÚle d'empilement avec application aux mesures de la fluorescence résolue en temps 2009 Tabea Rebafka
+ Bootstrap-based tolerance intervals for application to method validation 2007 Tabea Rebafka
Stéphan Clémençon
Max Feinberg
+ Minimax estimation of the mixing density of a mixture of exponential distributions 2005 Tabea Rebafka
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Modeling heterogeneity in random graphs through latent space models: a selective review 2014 Catherine Matias
Stéphane Robin
+ Assessing a mixture model for clustering with the integrated completed likelihood 2000 Christophe Biernacki
Gilles Celeux
G. Govaert
+ Maximum Likelihood from Incomplete Data Via the <i>EM</i> Algorithm 1977 A. P. Dempster
N. M. Laird
Donald B. Rubin
+ PDF Chat A mixture model for random graphs 2007 Jean‐Jacques Daudin
Franck Picard
Stéphane Robin
+ PDF Chat Uncovering latent structure in valued graphs: A variational approach 2010 Mahendra Mariadassou
Stéphane Robin
Corinne Vacher
+ PDF Chat Consistency of maximum-likelihood and variational estimators in the stochastic block model 2012 Alain CĂ©lisse
Jean‐Jacques Daudin
L. Pierre
+ PDF Chat A stochastic EM algorithm for a semiparametric mixture model 2006 Laurent Bordes
Didier Chauveau
Pierre Vandekerkhove
+ PDF Chat Estimating the intensity of a random measure by histogram type estimators 2008 Yannick Baraud
Lucien Birgé
+ The Tight Constant in the Dvoretzky-Kiefer-Wolfowitz Inequality 1990 Pascal Massart
+ Least Squares Cross-validation for Counting Process Intensities 1993 GĂ©rard Gregoire
+ PDF Chat High-Resolution Measurements of Face-to-Face Contact Patterns in a Primary School 2011 Juliette Stehlé
Nicolas Voirin
Alain Barrat
Ciro Cattuto
Lorenzo Isella
Jean-François Pinton
Marco Quaggiotto
Wouter Van den Broeck
Corinne RĂ©gis
Bruno Lina
+ PDF Chat Maximum likelihood estimation for social network dynamics 2010 Tom A. B. Snijders
Johan Koskinen
Michael Schweinberger
+ Semiparametric Hidden Markov Models 2012 Jörn Dannemann
+ A review of reliable maximum likelihood algorithms for semiparametric mixture models 1995 Dankmar Böhning
+ Stochastic blockmodeling of relational event dynamics 2013 Christopher DuBois
Carter T. Butts
Padhraic Smyth
+ PDF Chat Modern temporal network theory: a colloquium 2015 Petter Holme
+ A semi-parametric approach for mixture models: Application to local false discovery rate estimation 2007 Stéphane Robin
Avner Bar‐Hen
Jean‐Jacques Daudin
L. Pierre
+ Estimation and Prediction for Stochastic Blockstructures 2001 Krzysztof Nowicki
Tom A. B. Snijders
+ PDF Chat Penalized projection estimators of the Aalen multiplicative intensity 2006 Patricia Reynaud-Bouret
+ Parameter identifiability in a class of random graph mixture models 2010 Elizabeth S. Allman
Catherine Matias
John A. Rhodes
+ PDF Chat Latent self-exciting point process model for spatial-temporal networks 2014 Yoon-Sik Cho
Aram Galstyan
P. Jeffrey Brantingham
George Tita
+ PDF Chat The Geometry of Mixture Likelihoods: A General Theory 1983 Bruce G. Lindsay
+ PDF Chat Statistical Clustering of Temporal Networks Through a Dynamic Stochastic Block Model 2016 Catherine Matias
Vincent Miele
+ PDF Chat Monte Carlo Statistical Methods 2000 Hoon Kim
Christian P. Robert
George Casella
+ Comparing partitions 1985 Lawrence J. Hubert
Phipps Arabie
+ Estimating a network from multiple noisy realizations 2018 Can M. Le
Keith Levin
Elizaveta Levina
+ Asymptotic normality of maximum likelihood and its variational approximation for stochastic blockmodels 2013 Peter J. Bickel
David Choi
Xiangyu Chang
Hai Zhang
+ PDF Chat Mixtures of Exponential Distributions 1982 Nicholas P. Jewell
+ PDF Chat Fourier Methods for Estimating Mixing Densities and Distributions 1990 Cun‐Hui Zhang
+ PDF Chat Nonparametric estimation of mixing densities for discrete distributions 2005 François Roueff
Tobias Rydén
+ PDF Chat Information bounds and MCMC parameter estimation for the pile-up model 2010 Tabea Rebafka
François Roueff
Antoine Souloumiac
+ PDF Chat A Gradient Algorithm Locally Equivalent to the Em Algorithm 1995 Kenneth Lange
+ Large-Scale Simultaneous Hypothesis Testing 2004 Bradley Efron
L. А. Pastur
+ PDF Chat On the Convergence Properties of the EM Algorithm 1983 Changbao Wu
+ An Inverse Power Method for Nonlinear Eigenproblems with Applications in 1-Spectral Clustering and Sparse PCA 2010 Matthias Hein
Thomas BĂŒhler
+ Plots of <i>P</i>-values to evaluate many tests simultaneously 1982 Tore Schweder
Emil SpjĂžtvoll
+ MCMC Control Spreadsheets for Exponential Mixture Estimation 1999 Marie-Anne Gruet
Anne Philippe
Christian P. Robert
+ PDF Chat Model selection and clustering in stochastic block models based on the exact integrated complete data likelihood 2015 Étienne Cîme
Pierre Latouche
+ Model Building for Semiparametric Mixtures 2006 Ramani S. Pilla
Francesco Bartolucci
Bruce G. Lindsay
+ PDF Chat Density estimation by wavelet thresholding 1996 David L. Donoho
Iain M. Johnstone
GĂ©rard Kerkyacharian
Dominique Picard
+ Selecting the Number of Principal Components with SURE 2014 MagnĂșs Ö. Úlfarsson
Victor Solo
+ Convergence of the groups posterior distribution in latent or stochastic block models 2015 Mahendra Mariadassou
Catherine Matias
+ A Poissonian explanation for heavy tails in e-mail communication 2008 R. Dean Malmgren
Daniel B. Stouffer
Adilson E. Motter
Luı́s A. Nunes Amaral
+ PDF Chat Bayesian Modelling and Inference on Mixtures of Distributions 2005 Jean‐Michel Marin
Kerrie Mengersen
Christian P. Robert
+ PDF Chat Contact Patterns among High School Students 2014 Julie Fournet
Alain Barrat
+ PDF Chat The control of the false discovery rate in multiple testing under dependency 2001 Yoav Benjamini
Daniel Yekutieli
+ Adaptive linear step-up procedures that control the false discovery rate 2006 Yoav Benjamini
Abba M. Krieger
Daniel Yekutieli
+ Dynamic Regression Models for Survival Data 2006 Torben Martinussen
Thomas Scheike
+ PDF Chat Adaptive demixing in Poisson mixture models 1997 Nicolas Hengartner