Laurie Davies


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat An Approximation Based Theory of Linear Regression 2024 Laurie Davies
+ Covariate Selection Based on a Model-free Approach to Linear Regression with Exact Probabilities 2022 Laurie Davies
Lutz Dümbgen
+ The Gaussian Covariate Method for Variable Selection [R package gausscov version 0.1.1] 2021 Laurie Davies
+ Linear Regression, Covariate Selection and the Failure of Modelling 2021 Laurie Davies
+ Excess deaths, baselines, Z-scores, P-scores and peaks 2020 Laurie Davies
+ gausscov: The Gaussian Covariate Method for Variable Selection 2019 Laurie Davies
+ A Model-free Approach to Linear Least Squares Regression with Exact Probabilities and Applications to Covariate Selection 2019 Laurie Davies
Lutz Dümbgen
+ Covariate Selection Based on a Assumpton-free Approach to Linear Regression with Exact Probabilities 2019 Laurie Davies
Lutz Dümbgen
+ Covariate Selection Based on a Assumpton-free Approach to Linear Regression with Exact Probabilities 2019 Laurie Davies
Lutz Dümbgen
+ A model-free approach to linear least squares regression with exact probabilities 2018 Laurie Davies
Lutz Duembgen
+ Connecting model-based and model-free approaches to linear least squares regression. 2018 Lutz Duembgen
Laurie Davies
+ Lasso, knockoff and Gaussian covariates: a comparison 2018 Laurie Davies
+ Connecting model-based and model-free approaches to linear least squares regression 2018 Lutz Duembgen
Laurie Davies
+ On $p$-values 2017 Laurie Davies
+ Statistical Analysis of the Ricker Model 2017 Laurie Davies
+ On $p$-values 2016 Laurie Davies
+ Stepwise Choice of Covariates in High Dimensional Regression 2016 Laurie Davies
+ Functional Choice and Non-significance Regions in Regression 2016 Laurie Davies
+ PDF Chat Stylized Facts and Simulating Long Range Financial Data 2016 Laurie Davies
Walter Kraemer
+ Stepwise Choice of Covariates in High Dimensional Regression 2016 Laurie Davies
+ On $p$-values 2016 Laurie Davies
+ Stylized Facts and Simulating Long Range Financial Data 2016 Laurie Davies
Walter Krämer
+ Stylized facts and simulating long range financial data 2015 Laurie Davies
Walter Krämer
+ Robust Statistics 2011 Laurie Davies
Ursula Gather
+ PDF Chat Locally adaptive image denoising by a statistical multiresolution criterion 2011 Thomas Hotz
Philipp Marnitz
Rahel Stichtenoth
Laurie Davies
Zakhar Kabluchko
Axel Munk
+ Detection of objects in noisy images based on percolation theory. 2011 Laurie Davies
Mikhail Langovoy
+ Locally adaptive image denoising by a statistical multiresolution criterion 2010 Thomas Hotz
Philipp Marnitz
Rahel Stichtenoth
Laurie Davies
Zakhar Kabluchko
Axel Munk
+ Locally adaptive image denoising by a statistical multiresolution criterion 2010 Thomas Hotz
Philipp Marnitz
Rahel Stichtenoth
Laurie Davies
Zakhar Kabluchko
Axel Munk
+ Approximate Models and Regularization Talk 1: Location and the Analysis of Variance 2009 Laurie Davies
+ PDF Chat A comparison of automatic histogram constructions 2008 Laurie Davies
Ursula Gather
Dan Nordman
Henrike Weinert
+ PDF Chat Nonparametric Regression as an Example of Model Choice 2008 Laurie Davies
Ursula Gather
Henrike Weinert
+ The one-way-table 2003 Laurie Davies
+ PDF Chat Testing for unit roots in the context of misspecified logarithmic random walks 2002 Walter Krämer
Laurie Davies
+ PDF Chat Qualification of the Concepts of Unqualified Success and Unmitigated Failure 2000 Dárrel P. Francis
Laurie Davies
Andrew J.S. Coats
+ Desirable properties, breakdown and efficiency in the linear regression model 1994 Laurie Davies
+ The Identification of Multiple Outliers 1993 Laurie Davies
Ursula Gather
+ The Identification of Multiple Outliers: Rejoinder 1993 Laurie Davies
Ursula Gather
+ Rejoinder 1993 Laurie Davies
Ursula Gather
+ The Identification of Multiple Outliers 1993 Laurie Davies
Ursula Gather
+ PDF Chat The Asymptotics of Rousseeuw's Minimum Volume Ellipsoid Estimator 1992 Laurie Davies
+ An efficient Fréchet differentiable high breakdown multivariate location and dispersion estimator 1992 Laurie Davies
+ A stochastic model for interlaboratory tests 1991 Laurie Davies
+ PDF Chat The Asymptotics of $S$-Estimators in the Linear Regression Model 1990 Laurie Davies
+ Spaces of Summable Sequences in Renewal Theory and the Theory of Markov Chains 1981 Laurie Davies
Rudolf Grübel
+ A theorem of Deny with applications to characterization problems 1981 Laurie Davies
+ On the Stability of Characterizations of Non-Normal Stable Distributions 1981 Ryoichi Shimizu
Laurie Davies
+ On a functional equation in the theory of linear statistics 1980 Thomas Brandhofe
Laurie Davies
+ Linear statistics and exponential families 1978 Laurie Davies
Ludwig Baringhaus
+ A Note on the Uniqueness of Portfolio Choice 1976 Laurie Davies
Gerd Ronning
+ PDF Chat Local Holder Conditions for the Local Times of Certain Stationary Gaussian Processes 1976 Laurie Davies
+ Tail Probabilities for Positive Random Variables with Entire Characteristic Functions of Very Regular Growth 1976 Laurie Davies
+ PDF Chat Existence, uniqueness and continuity of portfolio choice 1974 Laurie Davies
Gerd Ronning
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Data Analysis and Approximate Models 2014 Patrick Laurie Davies
+ The Breakdown Points of the Mean Combined With Some Rejection Rules 1985 Frank R. Hampel
+ Least Median of Squares Regression 1984 Peter J. Rousseeuw
+ Solutions of functional equations arising in some regression problems and a characterization of the Cauchy law 1970 B. Ramachandran
Radhakrishna C. Rao
+ PDF Chat Local Extremes, Runs, Strings and Multiresolution 2001 P. L. Davies
A. Kovac
+ Robust Regression by Means of S-Estimators 1984 Peter J. Rousseeuw
V. J. Yohai
+ Characteristic functions satisfying a functional equation (I) 1968 Ryoichi Shimizu
+ Multivariate Estimation with High Breakdown Point 1985 Peter J. Rousseeuw
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Behaviour of $S$-Estimates of Multivariate Location Parameters and Dispersion Matrices 1987 P. L. Davies
+ PDF Chat Robust $M$-Estimators of Multivariate Location and Scatter 1976 Ricardo A. Maronna
+ Stepwise Choice of Covariates in High Dimensional Regression 2016 Laurie Davies
+ PDF Chat Uniqueness and Frechet Differentiability of Functional Solutions to Maximum Likelihood Type Equations 1983 Brenton R. Clarke
+ The Identification of Multiple Outliers 1993 Laurie Davies
Ursula Gather
+ Robust Regression and Outlier Detection 1989 Gregory F. Piepel
Peter J. Rousseeuw
Annick M. Leroy
+ PDF Chat The Length of the Shorth 1988 Rudolf Grübel
+ Regression Shrinkage and Selection Via the Lasso 1996 Robert Tibshirani
+ High-dimensional graphs and variable selection with the Lasso 2006 Nicolai Meinshausen
Peter Bühlmann
+ Robust Statistics: The Approach Based on Influence Functions 1987 David Ruppert
Frank R. Hampel
Elvezio Ronchetti
Peter J. Rousseeuw
Werner A. Stahel
+ Multiscale Testing of Qualitative Hypotheses 2001 Lutz Dümbgen
Vladimir Spokoiny
+ Cube Root Asymptotics 1990 Kim Jeankyung
David Pollard
+ Unmasking Multivariate Outliers and Leverage Points 1990 Peter J. Rousseeuw
Bert C. van Zomeren
+ PDF Chat Adaptive Weights Smoothing with Applications to Image Restoration 2000 Jöorg Polzehl
Vladimir Spokoiny
+ PDF Chat A note on high-breakdown estimators 1991 Leonard A. Stefanski
+ PDF Chat The Asymptotics of $S$-Estimators in the Linear Regression Model 1990 Laurie Davies
+ PDF Chat Breakdown Points of Affine Equivariant Estimators of Multivariate Location and Covariance Matrices 1991 Hendrik P. Lopuhaä
Peter J. Rousseeuw
+ The Breakdown Points of the Mean Combined with Some Rejection Rules 1985 Frank R. Hampel
+ PDF Chat Multiscale inference about a density 2008 Lutz Dümbgen
Günther Walther
+ PDF Chat On locally uniformly linearizable high breakdown location and scale functionals 1998 P. L. Davies
+ PDF Chat Smooth functions and local extreme values 2006 A. Kovac
+ General Approaches to Stepwise Identification of Unusual Values in Data Analysis 1991 Jeffrey S. Simonoff
+ Empirical Processes with Applications to Statistics 2009 Galen R. Shorack
Jon A. Wellner
+ PDF Chat Pointwise and sup-norm sharp adaptive estimation of functions on the Sobolev classes 1998 A. B. Tsybakov
+ The breakdown and influence properties of outlier rejection-plus-mean procedures 1987 Jeffrey S. Simonoff
+ PDF Chat Residual-based localization and quantification of peaks in X-ray diffractograms 2008 P. L. Davies
Ursula Gather
Monika Meise
Dieter Mergel
Thoralf Mildenberger
+ Residual based selection of smoothing parameters 2004 Monika Meise
+ PDF Chat The distribution of maxima of approximately Gaussian random fields 2008 Yuval Nardi
David Siegmund
Benjamin Yakir
+ PDF Chat Image denoising: pointwise adaptive approach 2003 Jörg Polzehl
Vladimir Spokoiny
+ PDF Chat Shao's theorem on the maximum of standardized random walk increments for multidimensional arrays 2008 Zakhar Kabluchko
Axel Munk
+ A comparison of robust methods and detection of outliers techniques when estimating a location parameter 1984 Jeffrey S. Simonoff
+ PDF Chat The Asymptotics of Rousseeuw's Minimum Volume Ellipsoid Estimator 1992 Laurie Davies
+ High Breakdown-Point Estimates of Regression by Means of the Minimization of an Efficient Scale 1988 Vı́ctor J. Yohai
Ruben H. Zamar
+ PDF Chat On a linear form whose distribution is identical with that of a monomial 1965 R. G. Laha
Eugene Lukács
+ Multivariate τ-estimators for location and scatter 1991 Hendrik P. Lopuhaä
+ PDF Chat Tail Probabilities for the Null Distribution of Scanning Statistics 2000 David Siegmund
Benjamin Yakir
+ PDF Chat On a conjecture of Révész 1995 Qi Shao
+ Identification of Outliers 1980 D. M. Hawkins
+ Some Grubbs-Type Statistics for the Detection of Several Outliers 1972 Gary L. Tietjen
Roger H. Moore
+ PDF Chat Optimal spatial adaptation to inhomogeneous smoothness: an approach based on kernel estimates with variable bandwidth selectors 1997 Oleg Lepski
Enno Mammen
Vladimir Spokoiny
+ PDF Chat Applied logistic regression 1990 David W. Hosmer
Stanley Lemeshow
+ Stochastic Relaxation, Gibbs Distributions, and the Bayesian Restoration of Images 1984 Stuart Geman
Donald Geman