Andrew Hassell


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat The final state problem for the nonlinear Schrodinger equation in dimensions 1, 2 and 3 2024 Andrew Hassell
Qiuye Jia
+ PDF Chat Geodesic flow and decay of traces on hyperbolic surfaces 2024 Antoine Gansemer
Andrew Hassell
+ PDF Chat Riesz transforms on a class of non-doubling manifolds II 2024 Andrew Hassell
Daniel Nix
Adam Sikora
+ Regularity of the scattering matrix for nonlinear Helmholtz eigenfunctions 2023 Jesse Gell‐Redman
Andrew Hassell
Jacob Shapiro
+ Lp and ℋFIOp regularity for wave equations with rough coefficients 2023 Andrew Hassell
Jan Rozendaal
+ Function spaces for decoupling 2023 Andrew Hassell
Pierre Portal
Jan Rozendaal
Po-Lam Yung
+ Scattering regularity for small data solutions of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation 2023 Jesse Gell‐Redman
Sean Gomes
Andrew Hassell
+ Propagation of singularities and Fredholm analysis for the time-dependent Schrödinger equation 2022 Jesse Gell‐Redman
Sean Gomes
Andrew Hassell
+ Semiclassical scarring on tori in KAM Hamiltonian systems 2021 Seán Gomes
Andrew Hassell
+ $L^{p}$ and $\mathcal{H}^{p}_{FIO}$ regularity for wave equations with rough coefficients, Part I 2020 Andrew Hassell
Jan Rozendaal
+ PDF Eigenvalue bounds for non-self-adjoint Schrödinger operators with nontrapping metrics 2020 Colin Guillarmou
Andrew Hassell
Katya Krupchyk
+ PDF Chat The heat kernel on asymptotically hyperbolic manifolds 2020 Xi Chen
Andrew Hassell
+ Off-singularity bounds and Hardy spaces for Fourier integral operators 2020 Andrew Hassell
Pierre Portal
Jan Rozendaal
+ PDF Existence and Asymptotics of Nonlinear Helmholtz Eigenfunctions 2020 Jesse Gell‐Redman
Andrew Hassell
Jacob Shapiro
Junyong Zhang
+ $L^{p}$ and $\mathcal{H}^{p}_{FIO}$ regularity for wave equations with rough coefficients 2020 Andrew Hassell
Jan Rozendaal
+ Regularity of the Scattering Matrix for Nonlinear Helmholtz Eigenfunctions 2020 Jesse Gell‐Redman
Andrew Hassell
Jacob N. Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Riesz transforms on a class of non-doubling manifolds 2019 Andrew Hassell
Adam Sikora
+ Spectral Asymptotics for the Semiclassical Dirichlet to Neumann Operator 2019 Andrew Hassell
Victor Ivrii
+ Asymptotics of the ground state energy in the relativistic settings and with self-generated magnetic field 2019 Andrew Hassell
Victor Ivrii
+ Existence and asymptotics of nonlinear Helmholtz eigenfunctions 2019 Jesse Gell‐Redman
Andrew Hassell
Jacob Shapiro
Junyong Zhang
+ Riesz transforms on a class of non-doubling manifolds II 2019 Andrew Hassell
Daniel Nix
Adam Sikora
+ Semiclassical scarring on tori in KAM Hamiltonian systems 2018 Seán Gomes
Andrew Hassell
+ PDF Chat Comparable upper and lower bounds for boundary values of Neumann eigenfunctions and tight inclusion of eigenvalues 2018 Alex H. Barnett
Andrew Hassell
Melissa Tacy
+ PDF Chat The Distribution of Phase Shifts for Semiclassical Potentials with Polynomial Decay 2018 Jesse Gell‐Redman
Andrew Hassell
+ Riesz transforms on a class of non-doubling manifolds 2018 Andrew Hassell
Adam Sikora
+ PDF Resolvent and Spectral Measure on Non-Trapping Asymptotically Hyperbolic Manifolds II: Spectral Measure, Restriction Theorem, Spectral Multipliers 2018 Xi Chen
Andrew Hassell
+ Semiclassical scarring on tori in KAM Hamiltonian systems 2018 Sean Gomes
Andrew Hassell
+ Riesz transforms on a class of non-doubling manifolds 2018 Andrew Hassell
Adam Sikora
+ PDF Chat Spectral asymptotics for the semiclassical Dirichlet to Neumann operator 2017 Andrew Hassell
Victor Ivrii
+ PDF Global-in-time Strichartz estimates on nontrapping, asymptotically conic manifolds 2016 Andrew Hassell
Junyong Zhang
+ The Heat Kernel on Asymptotically Hyperbolic Manifolds 2016 Xi Chen
Andrew Hassell
+ PDF Chat Resolvent and spectral measure on non-trapping asymptotically hyperbolic manifolds I: Resolvent construction at high energy 2015 Xi Chen
Andrew Hassell
+ The distribution of phase shifts for semiclassical potentials with polynomial decay 2015 Jesse Gell‐Redman
Andrew Hassell
+ PDF Chat Completeness of boundary traces of eigenfunctions 2015 Xiaolong Han
Andrew Hassell
Hamid Hezari
Steve Zelditch
+ PDF Chat Equidistribution of phase shifts in semiclassical potential scattering 2015 Jesse Gell‐Redman
Andrew Hassell
Steve Zelditch
+ Wave propagation on Euclidean surfaces with conical singularities. I: Geometric diffraction 2015 G. Austin Ford
Andrew Hassell
Luc Hillairet
+ Spectral asymptotics for the semiclassical Dirichlet to Neumann operator 2015 Andrew Hassell
Victor Ivrii
+ The distribution of phase shifts for semiclassical potentials with polynomial decay 2015 Jesse Gell‐Redman
Andrew Hassell
+ Resolvent, spectral measure, spectral multipliers and Strichartz estimates on asymptotically hyperbolic manifolds 2014 Andrew Hassell
+ PDF The Riesz transform for homogeneous Schrödinger operators on metric cones 2014 Andrew Hassell
Peijie Lin
+ PDF Chat Exterior Mass Estimates and L2-Restriction Bounds for Neumann Data Along Hypersurfaces 2014 Hans Christianson
Andrew Hassell
Juraj Tóth
+ Resolvent and spectral measure on non-trapping asymptotically hyperbolic manifolds II: spectral measure, restriction theorem, spectral multiplier 2014 Xi Chen
Andrew Hassell
+ Resolvent and spectral measure on non-trapping asymptotically hyperbolic manifolds I: Resolvent construction at high energy 2014 Xi Chen
Andrew Hassell
+ PDF Exterior Mass Estimates and L2-Restriction Bounds for Neumann Data Along Hypersurfaces 2014 Hans Christianson
Andrew Hassell
Juraj Tóth
+ PDF Chat Approximation and Equidistribution of Phase Shifts: Spherical Symmetry 2013 Kiril Datchev
Jesse Gell‐Redman
Andrew Hassell
Peter Humphries
+ PDF Chat Uniform Sobolev estimates for non-trapping metrics 2013 Colin Guillarmou
Andrew Hassell
+ PDF Restriction and spectral multiplier theorems on asymptotically conic manifolds 2013 Colin Guillarmou
Andrew Hassell
Adam Sikora
+ PDF Chat Fast Computation of High‐Frequency Dirichlet Eigenmodes via Spectral Flow of the Interior Neumann‐to‐Dirichlet Map 2013 Alex H. Barnett
Andrew Hassell
+ PDF Chat Improvement of eigenfunction estimates on manifolds of nonpositive curvature 2013 Andrew Hassell
Melissa Tacy
+ Resolvent at low energy III: The spectral measure 2013 Colin Guillarmou
Andrew Hassell
Adam Sikora
+ Semiclassical Control and $L^2$ restriction bounds for Neumann data along hypersurfaces 2013 Hans Christianson
Andrew Hassell
John A. Toth
+ Exterior mass estimates and $L^2$ restriction bounds for Neumann data along hypersurfaces 2013 Hans Christianson
Andrew Hassell
John A. Toth
+ Improvement of eigenfunction estimates on manifolds of nonpositive curvature 2012 Andrew Hassell
Melissa Tacy
+ The Riesz transform for homogeneous Schrödinger operators on metric cones 2012 Andrew Hassell
Peijie Lin
+ PDF Potential scattering and the continuity of phase-shifts 2012 Jesse Gell‐Redman
Andrew Hassell
+ PDF Estimates on Neumann eigenfunctions at the boundary, and the “method of particular solutions” for computing them 2012 Andrew Hassell
Alex H. Barnett
+ Improvement of eigenfunction estimates on manifolds of nonpositive curvature 2012 Andrew Hassell
Melissa Tacy
+ Fast computation of high frequency Dirichlet eigenmodes via the spectral flow of the interior Neumann-to-Dirichlet map 2011 Alex H. Barnett
Andrew Hassell
+ Potential scattering and the continuity of phase-shifts 2011 Jesse Gell‐Redman
Andrew Hassell
+ Estimates on Neumann eigenfunctions at the boundary, and the "Method of Particular Solutions" for computing them 2011 Alex H. Barnett
Andrew Hassell
+ PDF Chat Boundary Quasi-Orthogonality and Sharp Inclusion Bounds for Large Dirichlet Eigenvalues 2011 Alex H. Barnett
Andrew Hassell
+ Estimates on Neumann eigenfunctions at the boundary, and the "Method of Particular Solutions" for computing them 2011 Andrew Hassell
Alexander H. Barnett
+ Potential scattering and the continuity of phase-shifts 2011 Jesse Gell‐Redman
Andrew Hassell
+ Fast computation of high frequency Dirichlet eigenmodes via the spectral flow of the interior Neumann-to-Dirichlet map 2011 Alex H. Barnett
Andrew Hassell
+ Restriction and spectral multiplier theorems on asymptotically conic manifolds 2010 Colin Guillarmou
Andrew Hassell
Adam Sikora
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical L p Estimates of Quasimodes on Curved Hypersurfaces 2010 Andrew Hassell
Melissa Tacy
+ PDF Strichartz Estimates Without Loss on Manifolds with Hyperbolic Trapped Geodesics 2010 Nicolas Burq
Colin Guillarmou
Andrew Hassell
+ PDF Ergodic billiards that are not quantum unique ergodic 2010 Andrew Hassell
+ Semiclassical L^p Estimates of Quasimodes on Curved Hypersurfaces 2010 Andrew Hassell
Melissa Tacy
+ PDF Errata to “Upper and lower bounds for normal derivatives of Dirichlet eigenfunctions” 2010 Andrew Hassell
Terence Tao
+ Boundary quasi-orthogonality and sharp inclusion bounds for large Dirichlet eigenvalues 2010 Alex H. Barnett
Andrew Hassell
+ Semiclassical L^p Estimates of Quasimodes on Curved Hypersurfaces 2010 Andrew Hassell
Melissa Tacy
+ Restriction and spectral multiplier theorems on asymptotically conic manifolds 2010 Colin Guillarmou
Andrew Hassell
Adam Sikora
+ PDF Chat Eigenfunction Concentration for Polygonal Billiards 2009 Andrew Hassell
Luc Hillairet
Jeremy L. Marzuola
+ PDF Resolvent at low energy and Riesz transform for Schrödinger operators on asymptotically conic manifolds. II 2009 Colin Guillarmou
Andrew Hassell
+ PDF Chat Riesz transforms in one dimension 2009 Andrew Hassell
Adam Sikora
+ PDF Microlocal propagation near radial points and scattering for symbolic potentials of order zero 2008 Andrew Hassell
Richard Melrose
András Vasy
+ Stadium domains that are not QUE 2008 Andrew Hassell
+ Eigenfunction concentration for pseudointegrable billiards 2008 Andrew Hassell
Jeremy L. Marzuola
+ PDF Eigenvalues of Schrödinger operators with potential asymptotically homogeneous of degree $-2$ 2008 Andrew Hassell
Simon Marshall
+ PDF Chat Resolvent at low energy and Riesz transform for Schrödinger operators on asymptotically conic manifolds. I. 2008 Colin Guillarmou
Andrew Hassell
+ Resolvent at low energy and Riesz transform for Schrodinger operators on asymptotically conic manifolds, I 2008 Colin Guillarmou
Andrew Hassell
+ PDF Chat The semiclassical resolvent and the propagator for non-trapping scattering metrics 2007 Andrew Hassell
Jared Wunsch
+ Riesz transforms in one dimension 2007 Andrew Hassell
Adam Sikora
+ Resolvent at low energy and Riesz transform for Schroedinger operators on asymptotically conic manifolds. II 2007 Colin Guillarmou
Andrew Hassell
+ PDF Spreading of quasimodes in the Bunimovich stadium 2006 Nicolas Burq
Andrew Hassell
Jared Wunsch
+ PDF Chat Sharp Strichartz estimates on nontrapping asymptotically conic manifolds 2006 Andrew Hassell
Terence Tao
Jared Wunsch
+ Riesz transform and Lp-cohomology for manifolds with Euclidean ends 2006 Gilles Carron
Thierry Coulhon
Andrew Hassell
+ PDF Riesz transform and $L^p$ cohomology for manifolds with Euclidean ends 2006 Gilles Carron
Thierry Coulhon
Andrew Hassell
+ The semiclassical resolvent and the propagator for nontrapping scattering metrics 2006 Andrew Hassell
Jared Wunsch
+ PDF The Schrödinger propagator for scattering metrics 2005 Andrew Hassell
Jared Wunsch
+ PDF Chat A Strichartz Inequality for the Schrödinger Equation on Nontrapping Asymptotically Conic Manifolds 2005 Andrew Hassell
Jared Wunsch
+ Scattering for symbolic potentials of order zero and microlocal propagation near radial points 2005 Andrew Hassell
Richard Melrose
András Vasy
+ Microlocal propagation near radial points and scattering for symbolic potentials of order zero 2005 Andrew Hassell
Richard Melrose
András Vasy
+ Eigenvalues of Schroedinger operators with potential asymptotically homogeneous of degree -2 2005 Andrew Hassell
Simon Marshall
+ Spreading of quasimodes in the Bunimovich stadium 2005 Nicolas Burq
Andrew Hassell
Jared Wunsch
+ Sharp Strichartz estimates on non-trapping asymptotically conic manifolds 2004 Andrew Hassell
Terence Tao
Jared Wunsch
+ PDF Chat Quantum Ergodicity of Boundary Values of Eigenfunctions 2004 Andrew Hassell
Steve Zelditch
+ Riesz transform and $L^p$ cohomology for manifolds with Euclidean ends 2004 Gilles Carron
Thierry Coulhon
Andrew Hassell
+ PDF On the structure of the Schrödinger propagator 2004 Andrew Hassell
Jared Wunsch
+ Sharp Strichartz estimates on non-trapping asymptotically conic manifolds 2004 Andrew Hassell
Terence Tao
Jared Wunsch
+ Spectral and scattering theory for symbolic potentials of order zero 2003 Andrew Hassell
Richard Melrose
András Vasy
+ On the structure of the Schrödinger propagator 2003 Andrew Hassell
Jared Wunsch
+ L2 Bounds for Normal Derivatives of Dirichlet Eigenfunctions 2003 Andrew Hassell
Terence C. Tao
+ A Strichartz inequality for the Schroedinger equation on non-trapping asymptotically conic manifolds 2003 Andrew Hassell
Terence Tao
Jared Wunsch
+ The Schroedinger propagator for scattering metrics 2003 Andrew Hassell
Jared Wunsch
+ PDF Upper and lower bounds for normal derivatives of Dirichlet eigenfunctions 2002 Andrew Hassell
Terence Tao
+ Quantum ergodicity of boundary values of eigenfunctions 2002 Andrew Hassell
Steve Zelditch
+ Upper and lower bounds for normal derivatives of Dirichlet eigenfunctions 2002 Andrew Hassell
Terence Tao
+ Special Program on Spectral and Scattering Theory : Surveys in Analysis and Operator Theory (ANU, July-December, 2001) 2002 Andrew Hassell
+ PDF The resolvent for Laplace-type operators on asymptotically conic spaces 2001 Andrew Hassell
András Vasy
+ PDF Intersecting Legendrians and blow-ups 2001 Andrew Hassell
András Vasy
+ Spectral and scattering theory for symbolic potentials of order zero 2001 Andrew Hassell
Richard Melrose
András Vasy
+ Spectral and scattering theory for symbolic potentials of order zero 2001 Andrew Hassell
Richard Melrose
András Vasy
+ Symbolic Functional Calculus and N-Body Resolvent Estimates 2000 Andrew Hassell
András Vasy
+ Distorted plane waves for the 3 body Schrödinger operator 2000 Andrew Hassell
+ Scattering matrices for the quantum 𝑁 body problem 2000 Andrew Hassell
+ Determinants of Laplacians in Exterior Domains 2000 Andrew Hassell
Steve Zelditch
+ The resolvent for Laplace-type operators on asymptotically conic spaces 2000 Andrew Hassell
András Vasy
+ Intersecting Legendrians and blowups 2000 Andrew Hassell
András Vasy
+ PDF Chat The spectral projections and the resolvent for scattering metrics 1999 Andrew Hassell
András Vasy
+ Resonant Rigidity of S2 1999 Andrew Hassell
Maciej Zworski
+ The spectral projections and the resolvent for scattering metrics 1999 Andrew Hassell
András Vasy
+ None 1999 Andrew Hassell
Steve Zelditch
+ PDF Analytic surgery and analytic torsion 1998 Andrew Hassell
+ A signature formula for manifolds with corners of codimension two 1997 Andrew Hassell
Rafe Mazzeo
Richard Melrose
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ The analysis of linear partial differential operators 1990 Lars Hörmander
+ The Atiyah-Patodi-Singer Index Theorem 1993 Richard Melrose
+ Spectral and Scattering Theory for the Laplacian on Asymptotically Euclidian Spaces 2020 Richard Melrose
+ PDF Scattering metrics and geodesic flow at infinity 1996 Richard Melrose
Maciej Zworski
+ PDF Chat The spectral projections and the resolvent for scattering metrics 1999 Andrew Hassell
András Vasy
+ PDF The resolvent for Laplace-type operators on asymptotically conic spaces 2001 Andrew Hassell
András Vasy
+ None 1992 Richard Melrose
+ PDF Fourier integral operators. I 1971 Lars Hörmander
+ The Analysis of Linear Partial Differential Operators III 2007 Lars Hörmander
+ PDF Chat Resolvent at low energy and Riesz transform for Schrödinger operators on asymptotically conic manifolds. I. 2008 Colin Guillarmou
Andrew Hassell
+ Symbolic Functional Calculus and N-Body Resolvent Estimates 2000 Andrew Hassell
András Vasy
+ PDF Riesz transform on manifolds and heat kernel regularity 2004 Pascal Auscher
Thierry Coulhon
Xuan Thinh Duong
Steven Hofmann
+ PDF Restriction and spectral multiplier theorems on asymptotically conic manifolds 2013 Colin Guillarmou
Andrew Hassell
Adam Sikora
+ PDF Chat The semiclassical resolvent and the propagator for non-trapping scattering metrics 2007 Andrew Hassell
Jared Wunsch
+ Lagrangian Intersection and the Cauchy Problem 1979 Richard Melrose
Günther Uhlmann
+ PDF Riesz transforms for $1\le p\le 2$ 1999 Thierry Coulhon
Xuan Thinh Duong
+ Ergodic properties of eigenfunctions for the Dirichlet problem 1993 Patrick Gérard
Éric Leichtnam
+ Riesz transform and Lp-cohomology for manifolds with Euclidean ends 2006 Gilles Carron
Thierry Coulhon
Andrew Hassell
+ Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables 1965 J. W. W.
Milton Abramowitz
Irene A. Stegun
+ PDF Partial Differential Equations 1988 Shiing-Shen Chern
+ Resolvent at low energy III: The spectral measure 2013 Colin Guillarmou
Andrew Hassell
Adam Sikora
+ PDF Upper and lower bounds for normal derivatives of Dirichlet eigenfunctions 2002 Andrew Hassell
Terence Tao
+ PDF Asymptotic rate of quantum ergodicity in chaotic Euclidean billiards 2006 Alexander H. Barnett
+ Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics 1972 Michael C. Reed
Barry Simon
+ On the Upper Estimate of the Heat Kernel of a Complete Riemannian Manifold 1981 Siu Yuen Cheng
Peter Li
Shing‐Tung Yau
+ PDF Chat Recovering asymptotics of metrics from fixed energy scattering data 1999 Mark S. Joshi
Antônio Sá Barreto
+ Spectral Asymptotics in the Semi-Classical Limit 1999 Mouez Dimassi
Johannes Sjöstrand
+ The Analysis of Linear Partial Differential Operators I 2003 Lars Hörmander
+ Distorted plane waves for the 3 body Schrödinger operator 2000 Andrew Hassell
+ PDF Sojourn times and asymptotic properties of the scattering matrix 1976 Victor Guillemin
+ PDF Chat Quantum Ergodicity of Boundary Values of Eigenfunctions 2004 Andrew Hassell
Steve Zelditch
+ Spectral properties of Schrödinger operators and time-decay of the wave functions 1979 Arne Jensen
Tosio Kato
+ PDF Ergodicity of eigenfunctions for ergodic billiards 1996 Steven Zelditch
Maciej Zworski
Daniel Tataru
+ Harmonic Analysis: Real-variable Methods, Orthogonality, and Oscillatory Integrals 2002 Elias M. Stein
Timothy S Murphy
+ PDF Perturbative Analysis of the Method of Particular Solutions for Improved Inclusion of High-Lying Dirichlet Eigenvalues 2009 Alex H. Barnett
+ None 1998 András Vasy
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical Estimates¶in Asymptotically Euclidean Scattering 2000 András Vasy
Maciej Zworski
+ PDF Chat Boundary Quasi-Orthogonality and Sharp Inclusion Bounds for Large Dirichlet Eigenvalues 2011 Alex H. Barnett
Andrew Hassell
+ PDF Plancherel-type estimates and sharp spectral multipliers 2002 Xuan Thinh Duong
El Maati Ouhabaz
Adam Sikora
+ Spectral and scattering theory for symbolic potentials of order zero 2003 Andrew Hassell
Richard Melrose
András Vasy
+ Uniform distribution of eigenfunctions on compact hyperbolic surfaces 1987 Steven Zelditch
+ Uniform Sobolev inequalities and unique continuation for second order constant coefficient differential operators 1987 Carlos E. Kenig
Alberto Ruiz
Christopher D. Sogge
+ Strichartz inequalities and the nonlinear Schrodinger equation on compact manifolds 2004 Nicolas Burq
Patrick Gérard
Nikolay Tzvetkov
+ PDF A restriction theorem for the Fourier transform 1975 Peter A. Tomas
+ PDF Endpoint Strichartz estimates 1998 M. Keel
Terence Tao
+ Bounds for Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of Symmetric Operators 1968 C Moler
L. E. Payne
+ PDF Finite propagation speed, kernel estimates for functions of the Laplace operator, and the geometry of complete Riemannian manifolds 1982 Jeff Cheeger
M. Gromov
Michael E. Taylor
+ PDF Propagation of singularities in three-body scattering 2018 András Vasy