Susie Groves


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Japanese Lesson Study: Insights from SEMT 2024 Brian Doig
Susie Groves
+ Designing and delivering an online lesson study unit in mathematics to pre-service primary teachers: opportunities and challenges 2021 Wanty Widjaja
Susie Groves
Zara Ersozlu
+ PDF Chat Anticipating students’ reasoning and planning prompts in structured problem-solving lessons 2018 Colleen Vale
Wanty Widjaja
Brian Doig
Susie Groves
+ Interdisciplinary Mathematics Education: A State of the Art 2016 Julian Williams
Wolff‐Michael Roth
David Swanson
Brian Doig
Susie Groves
Michael Omuvwie
Rita Borromeo Ferri
Nicholas Mousoulides
+ Mathematical tasks stimulating student problem solving strategies 2015 Brian Doig
Susie Groves
+ Numeracy Across the Curriculum: Recognising and Responding to the Demands and Numeracy Opportunities Inherent in Secondary Teaching 2013 Susie Groves
+ Developing Mathematical Proficiency. 2012 Susie Groves
+ Listening counts: listening to young learners of mathematics 2011 Susie Groves
+ Constructing the variable : 'explanation in mathematics' 2008 Brian Doig
Susie Groves
+ Mathematicians, mathematics and mathematics teaching: personal perspectives 2007 Susie Groves
+ Fun or profit : primary students' perceptions of mathematics and science 2007 Susie Groves
Brian Doig
Russell Tytler
+ Reshaping school mathematics : a perennial goal 2007 Susie Groves
+ A primary numeracy : a mapping review and analysis of Australian research in numeracy learning at the primary school level : report 2006 Susie Groves
Judy Mousley
Helen Forgasz
+ Talking across cultures : an international study of young children`s mathematical explanations 2006 Susie Groves
Brian Doig
Julianna Szendrei
+ Generic versus subject specific pedagogy - should mathematics be in the centre? 2006 Susie Groves
+ Teaching strategies to support young children`s mathematical explanations 2005 Susie Groves
Brian Doig
+ A decade of Australian primary numeracy research : findings that matter 2005 Helen Forgasz
Judy Mousley
Susie Groves
+ Problematising the mathematics curriculum : some examples from Australia and Japan 2005 Susie Groves
+ Primary Numeracy: A Review of Australian Research 2004 Susie Groves
Judy Mousley
Helen Forgasz
+ Number learning in the primary years 2004 Brian Doig
Susie Groves
Joanne Mulligan
+ Calculators, computation and the number sense : some examples from the calculators in primary mathematics project 2004 Susie Groves
+ Teachers' pre-conceptions of young children's conceptions of number 2003 Brian Doig
Susie Groves
+ Shortest equals fastest : upper primary children`s pre-conceptions of speed 2003 Susie Groves
Brian Doig
+ A mapping, review and analysis of Australian research in numeracy learning at the primary school level 2001 Susie Groves
Judy Mousley
Helen Forgasz
+ The graphic calculator as a thinking tool: perspectives from the classroom 2001 Susie Groves
Deodato Obregon
+ Beyond Expectations: Using calculators with young children 1995 Susie Groves
Jill Cheeseman
+ Calculators in Primary Mathematics. 1994 Kaye Stacey
Susie Groves
+ Calculators: A Learning Environment To Promote Number Sense. 1994 Susie Groves
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Understanding assessing and developing young children's mathematical thinking: Research as a powerful tool for professional growth 2001 Doug Clarke
+ Integration and Compensation in Accurate Mental Computation 2001 Ann M. Heirdsfield
+ Number Sense as Situated Knowing in a Conceptual Domain 1991 James G. Greeno
+ Beyond the middle: A report about Literacy and Numeracy Development of Target Group STudents in the Middle Years of Schooling. 2003 Allan Luke
John Elkins
Katie Weir
Ray Land
Victoria Carrington
Shelley Dole
Donna Pendergast
Cushla Kapitzke
C. E. van Kraayenoord
Karen Moni
+ Construction of Arithmetical Meanings and Strategies 1988 Leslie P. Steffe
Paul Cobb
+ Integration, compensation and memory in mental addition and subtraction 2001 Ann M. Heirdsfield
+ Construction of a numeration model: A theoretical analysis 2000 Annette R. Baturo
+ Strategies for Advancing Children's Mathematical Thinking 2001 Judith L. Fraivillig
+ Beyond Expectations: Using calculators with young children 1995 Susie Groves
Jill Cheeseman
+ Teaching mathematics in Australia : results from the TIMSS 1999 video study 2003 Jan Lokan
Barry McRae
Hillary Hollingsworth
+ Adding It Up: Helping Children Learn Mathematics 2013 Jeremy Kilpatrick
Jane O. Swafford
Bradford R. Findell
+ Assessing Number Sense of Students in Australia, Sweden, Taiwan, and the United States 1999 Robert E. Reys
BĂĄrbara J. Reys
Göran Emanuelsson
Bengt Johansson
Alistair McIntosh
Der‐Ching Yang
+ The early numeracy research project: developing a framework for describing early numeracy learning 2000 Douglas McLean Clarke
Peter Sullivan
Jill Cheeseman
Barbara Clarke
+ Mental computation, number sense and general mathematics ability-are they linked? 2000 Alistair McIntosh
Shelley Dole
+ Knowing and Teaching Elementary Mathematics 2010 Liping Ma
+ None 2001 Kaye Stacey
Sue Helme
Shona Archer
Caroline Condon
+ A Proposed Framework for Examining Basic Number Sense. 1992 Alistair McIntosh
+ Empowering Classroom Teachers for the 21st Century: meeting the challenge of advancing children's mathematical development1 1999 Catherine Pearn
+ Assessing Students’ Mathematical Proficiencies on the Common Core 2012 Henry S. Kepner
DeAnn Huinker
+ Number Sense and Mental Computation: Implications for Numeracy 2000 Alistair McIntosh
Shelley Dole
+ Children's mental multiplication and division strategies 1999 Ann M. Heirdsfield
Thomas J. Cooper
Joanne Mulligan
Calvin J. Irons
+ PDF Chat What Is Mathematical Proficiency and How Can It Be Assessed? 2007 Alan H. Schoenfeld
+ Sharing maths learning with children: A guide for parents, teachers, and others 1991 Pat Costello
Marj Horne
John Munro
+ Year 3 Children's Understanding of Fractions: Are we Making Progress? 2002 Mohan Chinnappan
Michael J. Lawson
+ Preschoolers’ Knowledge of Counting and Sharing in Discrete Quantity Settings 1991 Kristine L. Pepper
+ Young Mathematicians at Work: Constructing Number Sense, Addition, and Subtraction 2001 Catherine Twomey Fosnot
Maarten Dolk
+ PDF Chat Children's Strategies for Solving Two– and Three–Dimensional Combinatorial Problems 1993 Lyn D. English
+ Supporting Latino First Graders' Ten-Structured Thinking in Urban Classrooms 1997 Karen C. Fuson
Steven T. Smith
Ana Marie Lo Cicero
+ A Flying Start to Algebra 1999 Mollie MacGregor
Kaye Stacey
+ A national statement on mathematics for Australian schools 1991 Scott Willis
+ Does Help Help?: Collaboration during Mathematical Problem Solving. 2001 Jane Watson
Helen Chick
+ The Value (and Convergence) of Practices Suggested by Motivation Research and Promoted by Mathematics Education Reformers 1998 Deborah Stipek
Julie M. Salmon
Karen B. Givvin
Elham Kazemi
Geoffrey B. Saxe
Valanne L. MacGyvers
+ Children’s Counting and Concepts of Number 1988 Karen C. Fuson
+ How to Build Powerful Learning Trajectories for Relational Thinking in the Primary School Years. 2010 Max Stephens
Dian Armanto
+ Theory of didactical situations in mathematics : didactique des mathématiques (1970-1990) 1997 Guy Brousseau
+ None 1998 Jane Watson
Jonathan B. Moritz
+ Supporting Mathematical Development in the Early Years 1999 Linda Pound
+ Constructing Scales for Reporting Growth in Numeracy : The ACER Longitudinal Literacy and Numeracy Study 2000 Andrew Stephanou
Marion Meiers
Margaret Forster
+ Children's understanding of mathematics: 11-16 1981 Kathleen Hart
Csms Mathematics Team
+ Traditional pen-and-paper vs mental approaches to computation: the lesson of Adrien 1999 Ann M. Heirdsfield
Thomas J. Cooper
Calvin J. Irons
+ An analysis of the nature and function of mental computation in primary mathematics curricula 1999 Geoffrey Robert Morgan
+ The Development of Numerical Understandings 1982 Robert S. Siegler
Mitchell B. Robinson
+ Recognising the difference between additive and multiplicative thinking in young children 2001 Lorraine Jacob
Sue Willis
+ How Do You Subtract 1998 Peter Brinkworth
+ Key Transitions in Counting Development for Young Children Who Experience Difficulty. 2003 Ann Gervasoni
+ Gender and mathematics : changing perspectives 2000 Helen Forgasz
Colleen Vale
Gilah C. Leder
+ Bridging the Research-Practice Gap: Developing a Pedagogical Framework that Promotes Mathematical Thinking and Understanding 2013 Tracey Smith
+ PDF Chat A Discussion And Experiment On Incorporating History Into The Mathematics Classroom 2010 Carryn Bellomo
Cassidy Wertheimer
+ PDF Chat Intensive Intervention for Students with Mathematics Disabilities: Seven Principles of Effective Practice 2008 Lynn S. Fuchs
Douglas Fuchs
Sarah R. Powell
Pamela M. Seethaler
Paul T. Cirino
Jack Μ. Fletcher
+ The Acquisition and Elaboration of the Number Word Sequence 1982 Karen C. Fuson
John K. Richards
Diane J. Briars