Tokuzo Shiga


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Probabilistic Analysis of Directed Polymers in a Random Environment: a Review 2019 Francis Comets
Tokuzo Shiga
Nobuo Yoshida
+ PDF Chat Infinitely Divisible Random Probability Distributions with an Application to a Random Motion in a Random Environment 2006 Tokuzo Shiga
Hiroshi Tanaka
+ PDF Chat Lyapunov exponent for the parabolic anderson model with lévy noise 2005 M. Cranston
Thomas Mountford
Tokuzo Shiga
+ Directed Polymers in Random Impurities 2003 Francis Comets
Tokuzo Shiga
Nobuo Yoshida
+ PDF Chat Directed polymers in a random environment: path localization and strong disorder 2003 Francis Comets
Tokuzo Shiga
Nobuo Yoshida
+ PDF Chat A conditional limit theorem for generalized diffusion processes 2003 Zenghu Li
Tokuzo Shiga
Matsuyo Tomisaki
+ Central Limit Theorem for a System of Markovian Particles with Mean Field Interactions 2002 Tokuzo Shiga
Hiroshi Tanaka
+ Stochastic Processes 2002 Makoto Maejima
Tokuzo Shiga
+ A Fleming-Viot Process with Unbounded Selection, II 2002 S. N. Ethier
Tokuzo Shiga
+ PDF Chat Passage-Time Moments for Positively Recurrent Markov Chains 2001 Tokuzo Shiga
Akinobu Shimizu
Takahiro Soshi
+ PDF Chat A Fleming-Viot process with unbounded selection 2000 S. N. Ethier
Tokuzo Shiga
+ PDF Chat A Reversibility Problem for Fleming-Viot Processes 1999 Zenghu Li
Tokuzo Shiga
Lihua Yao
+ Finite and Infinite Systems of Interacting Diffusions: Cluster Formation and Universality Properties 1998 John Ted Cox
Andreas Greven
Tokuzo Shiga
+ PDF Chat Exponential decay rate of survival probability in a disastrous random environment 1997 Tokuzo Shiga
+ Interacting diffusion systems over Z d 1996 Tokuzo Shiga
+ PDF Chat Finite and infinite systems of interacting diffusions 1995 J. Theodore Cox
Andreas Greven
Tokuzo Shiga
+ PDF Chat Measure-valued branching diffusions: immigrations, excursions and limit theorems 1995 Zenghu Li
Tokuzo Shiga
+ PDF Chat Two Contrasting Properties of Solutions for One-Dimensional Stochastic Partial Differential Equations 1994 Tokuzo Shiga
+ PDF Chat Stationary distribution problem for interacting diffusion systems 1994 Tokuzo Shiga
+ Ergodic theorems and exponential decay of sample paths for certain interacting diffusion systems 1992 Tokuzo Shiga
+ PDF Chat A recurrence criterion for Markov processes of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck type 1990 Tokuzo Shiga
+ A stochastic equation based on a Poisson system for a class of measure-valued diffusion processes 1990 Tokuzo Shiga
+ Tagged particle motion in a clustered random walk system 1988 Tokuzo Shiga
+ PDF Chat Stochastic partial differential equations for some measure-valued diffusions 1988 Norio Konno
Tokuzo Shiga
+ Multi-Allelic Gillespie-Sato Diffusion Models and their Extension to Infinite Allelic Ones 1987 Tokuzo Shiga
+ PDF Chat Existence and uniqueness of solutions for a class of non-linear diffusion equations 1987 Tokuzo Shiga
+ PDF Chat A certain class of infinite dimensional diffusion processes arising in population genetics 1987 Tokuzo Shiga
+ PDF Chat Stationary states and their stability of the stepping stone model involving mutation and selection 1986 Tokuzo Shiga
Kōhei Uchiyama
+ PDF Chat Central limit theorem for a system of Markovian particles with mean field interactions 1985 Tokuzo Shiga
Hiroshi Tanaka
+ Diffusion models of temporally varying selection in population genetics 1984 Shoichiro Seno
Tokuzo Shiga
+ Diffusion models of temporally varying selection in population genetics 1984 Shoichiro Seno
Tokuzo Shiga
+ Wandering phenomena in infinite-allelic diffusion models 1982 Tokuzo Shiga
+ Wandering phenomena in infinite-allelic diffusion models 1982 Tokuzo Shiga
+ PDF Chat Continuous time multi-allelic stepping stone models in population genetics 1982 Tokuzo Shiga
+ PDF Chat Infinite dimensional stochastic differential equations and their applications 1980 Tokuzo Shiga
Akinobu Shimizu
+ PDF Chat A remark on infinite-dimensional Wiener processes with interactions 1979 Tokuzo Shiga
+ PDF Chat Some problems related to Gibbs states, canonical Gibbs states and Markovian time evolutions 1977 Tokuzo Shiga
+ PDF Chat Some results on Markov processes of infinite lattice spin systems 1975 Yasunari Higuchi
Tokuzo Shiga
+ Ergodic Properties of the Equilibrium Processes Associated with Infinitely Many Markovian Particles (エルゴード理論とその周辺) 1974 Tokuzo Shiga
Yōichirō Takahashi
+ Ergodlc Properties of the Equilibrium Process Associated with Infinitely Many Markovlan Particles 1974 Tokuzo Shiga
Yōichirō Takahashi
+ PDF Chat Ergodic Properties of the Equilibrium Process Associated with Infinitely Many Markovian Particles 1973 Tokuzo Shiga
Yōichirō Takahashi
+ PDF Chat Bessel diffusions as a one-parameter family of diffusion processes 1973 Tokuzo Shiga
Shinzo Watanabe
+ PDF Chat On one-dimensional stochastic differential equations with non-sticky boundary conditions 1973 Shojiro Manabe
Tokuzo Shiga
+ PDF Chat On the uniqueness of solutions of stochastic differential equations with boundary conditions 1972 Shintaro Nakao
Tokuzo Shiga
+ On Markov chains similar to the reflecting barrier Brownian motion. 1968 Tokuzo Shiga
Takesi Watanabe
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Interacting Particle Systems 2016 Thomas M. Liggett
+ PDF Chat Infinite dimensional stochastic differential equations and their applications 1980 Tokuzo Shiga
Akinobu Shimizu
+ PDF Chat On the uniqueness of solutions of stochastic differential equations 1971 Toshio Yamada
Shinzo Watanabe
+ An introduction to stochastic partial differential equations 2006 John B. Walsh
+ PDF Chat A certain class of infinite dimensional diffusion processes arising in population genetics 1987 Tokuzo Shiga
+ PDF Chat Continuous time multi-allelic stepping stone models in population genetics 1982 Tokuzo Shiga
+ PDF Chat Wandering Random Measures in the Fleming-Viot Model 1982 Donald A. Dawson
Kenneth J. Hochberg
+ PDF Chat Stationary states and their stability of the stepping stone model involving mutation and selection 1986 Tokuzo Shiga
Kōhei Uchiyama
+ Principles of random walk 1964 Frank Spitzer
+ Stochastic evolution equations and related measure processes 1975 Donald A. Dawson
+ Directed polymers in a random environment: Some results on fluctuations 1997 M.S.T. Piza
+ PDF Chat A limit theorem of branching processes and continuous state branching processes 1968 Shinzo Watanabe
+ PDF Chat On the long term behavior of some finite particle systems 1990 J. Theodore Cox
Andreas Greven
+ PDF Chat Multiple time scale analysis of interacting diffusions 1993 Donald A. Dawson
Andreas Greven
+ PDF Chat The critical measure diffusion process 1977 Donald A. Dawson
+ PDF Chat Ergodic Theorems for Infinite Systems of Locally Interacting Diffusions 1994 J. Theodore Cox
Andreas Greven
+ PDF Chat A note on the diffusion of directed polymers in a random environment 1989 Erwin Bolthausen
+ PDF Chat Diffusive Clustering in the Two Dimensional Voter Model 1986 J. Theodore Cox
David Griffeath
+ PDF Chat Superdiffusivity in first-passage percolation 1996 Cristina Licea
Charles M. Newman
M.S.T. Piza
+ Diffusion of directed polymers in a random environment 1988 John Imbrie
Thomas Spencer
+ Convergence to a diffusion of a multi-allelic model in population genetics 1978 Ken‐iti Sato
+ PDF Chat Coalescing Random Walks and Voter Model Consensus Times on the Torus in $\mathbb{Z}^d$ 1989 J. Theodore Cox
+ Ergodic theorems and exponential decay of sample paths for certain interacting diffusion systems 1992 Tokuzo Shiga
+ PDF Chat Stochastic partial differential equations for some measure-valued diffusions 1988 Norio Konno
Tokuzo Shiga
+ Markov Processes: Characterization and Convergence. 1987 Andris Abakuks
S. N. Ethier
Thomas G. Kurtz
+ Multidimensional Diffusion Processes 1997 Daniel W. Stroock
S. R. Srinivasa Varadhan
+ PDF Chat Divergence of Shape Fluctuations in Two Dimensions 1995 Charles M. Newman
M.S.T. Piza
+ PDF Chat Central Limit Theorem for an Infinite Lattice System of Interacting Diffusion Processes 1988 Jean‐Dominique Deuschel
+ Diffusion Processes and Their Sample Paths. 1996 PALE
Kiyosi Itô
H. P. McKean
+ Branching Processes with Immigration and Related Limit Theorems 1971 Kiyoshi Kawazu
Shinzo Watanabe
+ PDF Chat Finite and infinite systems of interacting diffusions 1995 J. Theodore Cox
Andreas Greven
Tokuzo Shiga
+ PDF Chat Fluctuation results for Brownian motion in a Poissonian potential 1998 Mario V. Wüthrich
+ On the Weak Convergence of a Sequence of General Stochastic Difference Equations to a Diffusion 1981 Harold J. Kushner
Hai Huang
+ PDF Chat Polymers on disordered trees, spin glasses, and traveling waves 1988 Bernard Derrida
Herbert Spohn
+ PDF Chat Admissible Estimators, Recurrent Diffusions, and Insoluble Boundary Value Problems 1971 L. D. Brown
+ Topics in Harmonic Analysis Related to the Littlewood-Paley Theory. 1970 Elias M. Stein
+ PDF Chat Algebraic $L^2$ Decay of Attractive Critical Processes on the Lattice 1994 Jean‐Dominique Deuschel
+ Comparison of interacting diffusions and an application to their ergodic theory 1996 J. Theodore Cox
Klaus Fleischmann
Andreas Greven
+ PDF Chat A criterion for invariant measures of markov processes 1982 Pedro Echeverr�a
+ Diffusion processes and a class of Markov chains related to population genetics 1976 Ken‐iti Sato
+ PDF Chat On the Attracting Orbit of a Non-Linear Transformation Arising From Renormalization Of Hierarchically Interacting Diffusions Part I: The Compact Case 1995 Jean-Bernard Baillon
Ph. Clément
Andreas Greven
Frank den Hollander
+ PDF Chat Diffusive clustering in an infinite system of hierarchically interacting diffusions 1994 Klaus Fleischmann
Andreas Greven
+ PDF Chat Superdiffusive behavior of two-dimensional Brownian motion in a Poissonian potential 1998 Mario V. Wüthrich
+ PDF Chat A remark on diffusion of directed polymers in random environments 1996 Renming Song
Xian Yin Zhou
+ PDF Chat Some Global Properties of Symmetric Diffusion Processes 1978 Kanji Ichihara
+ A criterion of convergence of measure‐valued processes: application to measure branching processes 1986 Sylvie Roelly‐ Coppoletta
+ PDF Chat Ergodic theorems for coupled random walks and other systems with locally interacting components 1981 Thomas M. Liggett
Frank Spitzer
+ PDF Chat Hierarchical models of interacting diffusions: Multiple time scale phenomena, phase transition and pattern of cluster-formation 1993 Donald A. Dawson
Andreas Greven
+ PDF Chat A weighted occupation time for a class of measured-valued branching processes 1986 Ian Iscoe