Tom Banks


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Schwinger Dyson Summation of Perturbation Expansions 2024 Tom Banks
+ PDF Chat Generalized entanglement capacity of de Sitter space 2024 Tom Banks
Patrick Draper
+ Fixed lines in four fermion models in two dimensions 2024 A Sidan
Tom Banks
+ PDF Chat Holographic Inflation, Primordial Black Holes and Early Structure Formation 2024 Tom Banks
Willy Fischler
+ PDF Chat "Observables" in de Sitter Quantum Gravity: in Perturbation Theory and Beyond 2024 Tom Banks
+ PDF Chat Dumbell Fermions and Fermi-Pauli Duality 2024 Tom Banks
+ PDF Chat Generalized Entanglement Capacity of de Sitter Space 2024 Tom Banks
Patrick Draper
+ PDF Chat Holographic Inflation, Primordial Black Holes and Early Structure Formation 2024 Tom Banks
Willy Fischler
+ PDF Chat Fixed lines in four fermion models in two dimensions 2024 A Sidan
Tom Banks
+ PDF Chat Quantum theory of three-dimensional de Sitter space 2024 A Sidan
Tom Banks
Willy Fischler
+ Breakdown of Field Theory in Near-Horizon Regions 2024 Tom Banks
Patrick Draper
Manthos Karydas
+ PDF Chat Comments on the entanglement spectrum of de Sitter space 2023 Tom Banks
Patrick Draper
+ PDF Chat Holographic space-time, Newton’s law, and the dynamics of horizons 2023 Tom Banks
Willy Fischler
+ On the Quantum Theory of 3 Dimensional de Sitter Space 2023 A Sidan
Tom Banks
Willy Fischler
+ Black Hole Mergers in Holographic Space-time (HST) Models of Inflation 2023 Anish Suresh
Tom Banks
+ Old Ideas for New Physicists 2 2023 Tom Banks
+ Holography for Small Values of the Cosmological Constant 2023 Tom Banks
+ On the Impossibility of Precise Verification of Models of Quantum Gravity 2023 Tom Banks
+ PDF Chat JT gravity coupled to fermions 2023 Tom Banks
Patrick Draper
Bingnan Zhang
+ Fluctuations and Correlations in Causal Diamonds 2023 Tom Banks
Willy Fischler
+ My Personal History With the Quantum Theory of de Sitter Space 2023 Tom Banks
+ PDF Chat Discretely Charged Dark Matter in Inflation Models Based on Holographic Space-Time 2022 Tom Banks
Willy Fischler
+ JT Gravity Coupled to Fermions 2022 Tom Banks
Patrick Draper
Bingnan Zhang
+ Comments on the Entanglement Spectrum of de Sitter Space 2022 Tom Banks
Patrick Draper
+ Exact Low-Energy Solution for Critical Fermi Surfaces 2022 Tomer Ravid
Tom Banks
+ PDF Chat Conformal description of near-horizon vacuum states 2021 Tom Banks
Kathryn M. Zurek
+ Comment on Coleman-DeLuccia Instantons 2021 Tom Banks
Bingnan Zhang
+ PDF Chat Path integrals for causal diamonds and the covariant entropy principle 2021 Tom Banks
Patrick Draper
Szilárd Farkas
+ Entropy and Black Holes in the Very Early Universe 2021 Tom Banks
Willy Fischler
+ PDF Chat On the Colloidal Phase of the Homogeneous Electron Fluid 2020 Tom Banks
Bingnan Zhang
+ PDF Chat Remarks on the Cohen-Kaplan-Nelson bound 2020 Tom Banks
Patrick Draper
+ PDF Chat Holographic Space-Time and Quantum Information 2020 Tom Banks
+ Holographic Space-time and Quantum Information 2020 Tom Banks
+ Systematic Resummation of the Large N expansion of Vector Models: Application to the Hubbard model and $2 + 1 $ dimensional QED 2020 Tom Banks
+ Microscopic Models of Linear Dilaton Gravity and Their Semi-classical Approximations 2020 Tom Banks
+ Primordial Black Holes as Dark Matter 2020 Tom Banks
Willy Fischler
+ On the Colloidal Phase of the Homogeneous Electron Fluid 2020 Tom Banks
Bingnan Zhang
+ Holographic Space-time, Newton`s Law, and the Dynamics of Horizons 2020 Tom Banks
Willy Fischler
+ PDF Chat On the low density regime of homogeneous electron gas 2019 Tom Banks
Bingnan Zhang
+ PDF Chat Cosmological Implications of the Bekenstein Bound 2019 Tom Banks
Willy Fischler
+ PDF Chat Instantons, colloids and convergence of the 1/N expansion for the homogeneous electron gas 2019 Tom Banks
Bingnan Zhang
+ PDF Chat Emergent entropy production and hydrodynamics in quantum many-body systems 2019 Tom Banks
Andrew Lucas
+ Black Hole Time Scales: Thermalization, Infall and Complexity 2019 Tom Banks
+ Fermi/Pauli Duality in Arbitrary Dimension 2019 Tom Banks
+ On the Limits of Effective Quantum Field Theory: Eternal Inflation, Landscapes, and Other Mythical Beasts 2019 Tom Banks
+ Why The Cosmological Constant is a Boundary Condition 2018 Tom Banks
Willy Fischler
+ PDF Chat Why The Cosmological Constant is a Boundary Condition 2018 Tom Banks
Willy Fischler
+ Broke Scale Invariance Ward Identities for the Homogeneous Electron Gas 2018 Tom Banks
+ The Gravitational Memory of a Galaxy 2018 Tom Banks
Willy Fischler
+ Cosmological Implications of the Bekenstein Bound 2018 Tom Banks
Willy Fischler
+ Why The Cosmological Constant is a Boundary Condition 2018 Tom Banks
Willy Fischler
+ Schrodinger's Cat and World History: The Many Worlds Interpretation of Alternative Facts 2017 Tom Banks
+ PDF Chat Holographic Inflation Revised 2017 Tom Banks
+ Note on Localized Objects as Constrained States of Holographic Variables 2017 Tom Banks
+ Schrodinger's Cat and World History: The Many Worlds Interpretation of Alternative Facts 2017 Tom Banks
+ Note on a Paper by Ooguri and Vafa 2016 Tom Banks
+ Holographic Space-time, Newton's Law and the Dynamics of Black Holes 2016 Tom Banks
Willy Fischler
+ Holographic Space-time Models of Anti-deSitter Space-times 2016 Tom Banks
Willy Fischler
+ Soft Gravitons and the Flat Space Limit of Anti-deSitter Space 2016 Tom Banks
Willy Fischler
+ Note on a Paper by Ooguri and Vafa 2016 Tom Banks
+ Current Algebra on the Conformal Boundary and the Variables of Quantum Gravity 2015 Tom Banks
+ PDF Chat The temperature/entropy connection for horizons, massless particle scattering, and the origin of locality 2015 Tom Banks
+ PDF Chat Cosmological SUSY breaking and the pyramid scheme 2015 Tom Banks
+ Holographic Space-time, Unitarity and Information Loss 2015 Tom Banks
Willy Fischler
+ Density Functional Theory for Field Theorists I 2015 Tom Banks
+ CP Violation and Baryogenesis in the Presence of Black Holes 2015 Tom Banks
Willy Fischler
+ Holographic Inflation and the Low Entropy of the Early Universe 2015 Tom Banks
+ Holographic Inflation Revised 2015 Tom Banks
Willy Fischler
+ Current Algebra on the Conformal Boundary and the Variables of Quantum Gravity 2015 Tom Banks
+ PDF Chat Implications of a dark sectorU(1)for gamma ray bursts 2014 Tom Banks
Willy Fischler
Dustin Lorshbough
Walter Tangarife
+ PDF Chat Supersymmetry breaking and the cosmological constant 2014 Tom Banks
+ The Super BMS Algebra, Scattering and Holography 2014 Tom Banks
+ Holographic Space-time and Black Holes: Mirages As Alternate Reality 2014 Tom Banks
Willy Fischler
Sandipan Kundu
Juan F. Pedraza
+ Supersymmetry Breaking and the Cosmological Constant To Appear in Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 2014 Tom Banks
+ The Membrane Paradigm and Firewalls 2013 Tom Banks
Sandipan Kundu
Juan F. Pedraza
Willy Fischler
+ Holographic Fluctuations from Unitary de Sitter Invariant Field Theory 2013 Tom Banks
Ticse Torres
Carroll L. Wainwright
Willy Fischler
+ Holographic Space-time and Newton's Law 2013 Tom Banks
Willy Fischler
+ Two Point Pade Approximants and Duality 2013 Tom Banks
Ticse Torres
+ Lectures on Holographic Space Time 2013 Tom Banks
+ Holographic Theory of Accelerated Observers, the S-matrix, and the Emergence of Effective Field Theory 2013 Tom Banks
Willy Fischler
+ PDF Chat Approximate particle spectra in the pyramid scheme 2012 Tom Banks
Ticse Torres
+ PDF Chat Update on the Pyramid Scheme 2012 Tom Banks
Ticse Torres
+ The Top 10^{500} Reasons Not to Believe in the Landscape 2012 Tom Banks
+ Arguments Against a Finite N=8 Supergravity 2012 Tom Banks
+ Holographic Space-Time Does Not Predict Firewalls 2012 Tom Banks
Willy Fischler
+ The Top 10 500 Reasons Not To Believe in the String Landscape 2012 Tom Banks
+ PDF Chat TASI Lectures on Holographic Space-Time, SUSY, and Gravitational Effective Field Theory 2011 Tom Banks
+ PDF Chat Fuzzy geometry via the spinor bundle, with applications to holographic space-time and matrix theory 2011 Tom Banks
John Kehayias
+ PDF Chat Symmetries and strings in field theory and gravity 2011 Tom Banks
Nathan Seiberg
+ Holographic Space-Time: The Takeaway 2011 Tom Banks
+ Holographic Theories of Inflation and Fluctuations 2011 Tom Banks
Willy Fischler
+ Fuzzy Geometry via the Spinor Bundle, with Applications to Holographic Space-time and 2011 Tom Banks
John Kehayias
+ PDF Chat Landau pole in the pyramid scheme 2010 Tom Banks
Jean-François Fortin
Scott Kathrein
+ Pedagogical notes on black holes, de Sitter space, and bifurcated horizons 2010 Tom Banks
+ PDF Chat The Regge limit for Green functions in conformal field theory 2010 Tom Banks
Guido Festuccia
+ Direct Detection of Dark Matter Electromagnetic Dipole Moments 2010 Tom Banks
S. Thomas
Jean-François Fortin
+ Pedagogical notes on black holes, de Sitter space, and bifurcated horizons 2010 Tom Banks
+ TASI Lectures on Holographic Space-Time, SUSY and Gravitational Effective Field Theory 2010 Tom Banks
+ PDF Chat Note on the pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone boson of meta-stable SUSY violation 2009 Tom Banks
Howard E. Haber
+ PDF Chat Tunneling constraints on effective theories of stable de Sitter space 2009 Tom Banks
Jean-François Fortin
+ PDF Chat Holographic space-time from the Big Bang to the de Sitter era 2009 Tom Banks
+ Deriving particle physics from quantum gravity: a plan 2009 Tom Banks
+ Group theory and Lie algebras 2008 Tom Banks
+ Undetected Higgs decays and neutrino masses in gauge mediated, lepton number violating models 2008 Tom Banks
Linda M. Carpenter
Jean-François Fortin
+ PDF Chat Towards a quantum theory of de Sitter space 2006 Tom Banks
Bartomeu Fiol
Alexander Morisse
+ PDF Chat Baryogenesis, dark matter and the pentagon 2006 Tom Banks
Sean Echols
Jeff L. Jones
+ PDF Chat A note on gauge theories coupled to gravity 2006 Tom Banks
M. B. Johnson
Assaf Shomer
+ PDF Chat Regulating Eternal Inflation II: The Great Divide 2006 Anthony Aguirre
Tom Banks
Matthew C. Johnson
+ II_{\infty} Factors and M-theory in Asymptotically Flat Space-Time 2006 Tom Banks
+ Space-like Singularities and Thermalization 2006 Tom Banks
Willy Fischler
+ PDF Chat Dark matter candidate with new strong interactions 2005 Tom Banks
John D. Mason
D. C. O’Neil
+ PDF Chat Microscopic quantum mechanics of the<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>p</mml:mi><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mi>ρ</mml:mi></mml:math>universe 2005 Tom Banks
Willy Fischler
Lorenzo Mannelli
+ PDF Chat Is there a string theory landscape? 2004 Tom Banks
Michael Dine
Elie Gorbatov
+ Observables, Gauge Invariance and Locality in Models of Quantum Gravity 2004 Tom Banks
+ PDF Chat Essay: Supersymmetry, the Cosmological Constant, and a Theory of Quantum Gravity in Our Universe 2003 Tom Banks
+ PDF Chat Supersymmetry, axions, and cosmology 2003 Tom Banks
Michael Dine
Michael L. Graesser
+ PDF Chat On the possibility of large axion decay constants 2003 Tom Banks
Michael Dine
Patrick J. Fox
Elie Gorbatov
+ PDF Chat de Sitter vacua, renormalization, and locality 2003 Tom Banks
Lorenzo Mannelli
+ Some Thoughts About the Quantum Theory of de Sitter Space 2003 Tom Banks
+ Some Thoughts on the Quantum Theory of de Sitter Space 2003 Tom Banks
+ PDF Chat Entropy of the stiffest stars 2002 Tom Banks
Willy Fischler
A Kashani-Poor
Robert McNees
Sònia Paban
+ PDF Chat Remarks on noncommutative phenomenology 2002 Alexey Anisimov
Tom Banks
Michael Dine
Michael L. Graesser
+ PDF Chat Time-Varying<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>α</mml:mi></mml:math>and Particle Physics 2002 Tom Banks
Michael Dine
Michael R. Douglas
+ Heretics of the False Vacuum: Gravitational Effects On and Of Vacuum Decay 2 2002 Tom Banks
+ Black Crunch 2002 Tom Banks
Willy Fischler
+ Breaking SUSY on the Horizon 2002 Tom Banks
+ PDF Chat Dark energy in perturbative string cosmology 2001 Tom Banks
Michael Dine
+ PDF Chat TASI Lectures on Matrix Theory 2001 Tom Banks
+ PDF Chat On anthropic solutions of the cosmological constant problem 2001 Tom Banks
Michael Dine
Luboš Motl
+ Black Crunch 2001 Tom Banks
Willy Fischler
+ PDF Chat A nonsupersymmetric matrix orbifold 2000 Tom Banks
Luboš Motl
+ TASI Lectures on Matrix Theory 1999 Tom Banks
+ M Theory and Cosmology 1999 Tom Banks
+ PDF Chat Constraints on theories with large extra dimensions 1999 Tom Banks
Michael Dine
Ann E. Nelson
+ PDF Chat On the hyperbolic structure of moduli spaces with 16 SUSYs 1999 Luboš Motl
Tom Banks
+ PDF Chat Dualities versus singularities 1999 Tom Banks
Willy Fischler
Luboš Motl
+ A Model for High Energy Scattering in Quantum Gravity 1999 Tom Banks
Willy Fischler
+ Remarks on M Theoretic Cosmology 1999 Tom Banks
+ TASI Lectures on Matrix Theory 1999 Tom Banks
+ M Theory and Cosmology 1999 Tom Banks
+ PDF Chat Non-perturbative effects in <i>AdS</i><sub>5</sub> × <i>S</i><sup>5</sup> string theory and <i>d</i> = 4 SUSY Yang-Mills 1998 Tom Banks
Michael Green
+ PDF Chat Evaporation of Schwarzschild black holes in Matrix Theory 1998 Tom Banks
Willy Fischler
Igor R. Klebanov
+ PDF Chat The state of matrix theory 1998 Tom Banks
+ PDF Chat Schwarzschild Black Holes from Matrix Theory 1998 Tom Banks
Willy Fischler
Igor R. Klebanov
Lawrence Susskind
+ PDF Chat Schwarzschild black holes in Matrix theory II 1998 Tom Banks
Willy Fischler
Igor R. Klebanov
Leonard Susskind
+ AdS Dynamics from Conformal Field Theory 1998 Tom Banks
Gary T. Horowitz
Emil J. Martinec
Michael R. Douglas
+ PDF Chat Heterotic strings from matrices 1997 Tom Banks
Luboš Motl
+ PDF Chat The cosmology of string theoretic axions 1997 Tom Banks
Michael Dine
+ PDF Chat Instantons, scale invariance and Lorentz invariance in matrix theory 1997 Tom Banks
Willy Fischler
Nathan Seiberg
Lawrence Susskind
+ PDF Chat Strings from matrices 1997 Tom Banks
Nathan Seiberg
+ PDF Chat Zero and one-dimensional probes with N = 8 supersymmetry 1997 Tom Banks
Nathan Seiberg
Eva Silverstein
+ PDF Chat Branes from matrices 1997 Tom Banks
Nathan Seiberg
Stephen H. Shenker
+ PDF Chat Couplings and scales in strongly coupled heterotic string theory 1996 Tom Banks
Michael Dine
+ PDF Chat Probing F-theory with branes 1996 Tom Banks
Michael R. Douglas
Nathan Seiberg
+ Quantum Hair on D-branes and Black Hole Information in String Theory 1996 Tom Banks
+ PDF Chat Supersymmetry without<i>R</i>parity and without lepton number 1995 Tom Banks
Yuval Grossman
Enrico Nardi
Yosef Nir
+ PDF Chat Modular cosmology 1995 Tom Banks
M. Berkooz
Stephen H. Shenker
Gregory Moore
Paul J. Steinhardt
+ PDF Chat Cosmological moduli problem, supersymmetry breaking, and stability in postinflationary cosmology 1995 Tom Banks
M. Berkooz
Paul J. Steinhardt
+ PDF Chat Lectures on black holes and information loss 1995 Tom Banks
+ Brane - Anti-Brane Forces 1995 Tom Banks
Leonard Susskind
+ PDF Chat Coping with strongly coupled string theory 1994 Tom Banks
Michael Dine
+ Missing (up) Mass, Accidental Anomalous Symmetries, and the Strong CP Problem 1994 Tom Banks
Yosef Nir
Nathan Seiberg
+ PDF Chat Cosmological implications of dynamical supersymmetry breaking 1994 Tom Banks
David B. Kaplan
Ann E. Nelson
+ Missing (up) Mass, Accidental Anomalous Symmetries, and the Strong CP Problem 1994 Tom Banks
Yosef Nir
Nathan Seiberg
+ PDF Chat Classical and quantum production of cornucopions at energies below<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mn>10</mml:mn></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>18</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:mrow></mml:math>GeV 1993 Tom Banks
Martin O’Loughlin
+ PDF Chat Decoupling a fermion whose mass comes from a Yukawa coupling: Nonperturbative considerations 1992 Tom Banks
Atish Dabholkar
+ PDF Chat Note on discrete gauge anomalies 1992 Tom Banks
Michael Dine
+ PDF Chat Irrational axions as a solution of the strong CP problem in an eternal universe 1991 Tom Banks
Michael Dine
Nathan Seiberg
+ Matrix Models, String Field Theory and Topology 1991 Tom Banks
+ Supersymmetry and quenched random fields beyond the tree approximation 1982 Tom Banks
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Thermodynamics of Spacetime: The Einstein Equation of State 1995 Ted Jacobson
+ PDF Chat <mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>M</mml:mi></mml:math>theory as a matrix model: A conjecture 1997 T. Banks
Willy Fischler
Stephen H. Shenker
Lawrence Susskind
+ PDF Chat Towards a quantum theory of de Sitter space 2006 Tom Banks
Bartomeu Fiol
Alexander Morisse
+ Holography and Cosmology 1998 Willy Fischler
Leonard Susskind
+ PDF Chat A covariant entropy conjecture 1999 Raphael Bousso
+ Holographic Space-Time: The Takeaway 2011 Tom Banks
+ PDF Chat Microscopic quantum mechanics of the<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>p</mml:mi><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mi>ρ</mml:mi></mml:math>universe 2005 Tom Banks
Willy Fischler
Lorenzo Mannelli
+ PDF Chat Fuzzy geometry via the spinor bundle, with applications to holographic space-time and matrix theory 2011 Tom Banks
John Kehayias
+ PDF Chat Holographic space-time from the Big Bang to the de Sitter era 2009 Tom Banks
+ Holographic Space-time and Black Holes: Mirages As Alternate Reality 2014 Tom Banks
Willy Fischler
Sandipan Kundu
Juan F. Pedraza
+ An Holographic Cosmology 2001 T. Banks
Willy Fischler
+ PDF Chat Black holes as mirrors: quantum information in random subsystems 2007 Patrick Hayden
John Preskill
+ PDF Chat Holographic Inflation Revised 2017 Tom Banks
+ PDF Chat A Pyramid Scheme for particle physics 2009 T. Banks
Jean-François Fortin
+ PDF Chat Recurrent Nightmares?: Measurement Theory in de Sitter Space 2002 Tom Banks
Willy Fischler
Sònia Paban
+ PDF Chat Black holes: complementarity or firewalls? 2013 Ahmed Almheiri
Donald Marolf
Joseph Polchinski
James Sully
+ Holographic Space-time and Newton's Law 2013 Tom Banks
Willy Fischler
+ Holographic Theories of Inflation and Fluctuations 2011 Tom Banks
Willy Fischler
+ PDF Chat Strong coupling expansion of Calabi-Yau compactification 1996 Edward Witten
+ PDF Chat Better Late than Never: Information Retrieval from Black Holes 2013 Samuel L. Braunstein
Stefano Pirandola
Karol Życzkowski
+ Holography in general space-times 1999 Raphael Bousso
+ PDF Chat Holography and cosmology 1999 Reza Tavakol
George Ellis
+ PDF Chat Effective Field Theory, Black Holes, and the Cosmological Constant 1999 Andrew G. Cohen
David B. Kaplan
Ann E. Nelson
+ PDF Chat Couplings and scales in strongly coupled heterotic string theory 1996 Tom Banks
Michael Dine
+ PDF Chat The trouble with de Sitter space 2003 Naureen Goheer
Matthew Kleban
Leonard Susskind
+ PDF Chat Regulating Eternal Inflation II: The Great Divide 2006 Anthony Aguirre
Tom Banks
Matthew C. Johnson
+ PDF Chat The holographic principle for general backgrounds 2000 Raphael Bousso
+ PDF Chat Coping with strongly coupled string theory 1994 Tom Banks
Michael Dine
+ M-theory observables for cosmological space-times 2001 T. Banks
Willy Fischler
+ PDF Chat Holographic Cosmology 3.0 2005 T. Banks
Willy Fischler
+ PDF Chat String theory dynamics in various dimensions 1995 Edward Witten
+ The holographic principle 2002 Raphael Bousso
+ PDF Chat BMS supertranslations and Weinberg’s soft graviton theorem 2015 Temple He
Vyacheslav Lysov
Prahar Mitra
Andrew Strominger
+ Metastability in Anti de Sitter Space 2010 Daniel Harlow
+ PDF Chat Heterotic and Type I string dynamics from eleven dimensions 1996 Petr Hořava
Edward Witten
+ The Super BMS Algebra, Scattering and Holography 2014 Tom Banks
+ PDF Chat Tunneling constraints on effective theories of stable de Sitter space 2009 Tom Banks
Jean-François Fortin
+ PDF Chat Black Hole Entropy from Conformal Field Theory in Any Dimension 1999 S. Carlip
+ A Critique of Pure String Theory: Heterodox Opinions of Diverse Dimensions 2003 T. Banks
+ PDF Chat Fast scramblers 2008 Yasuhiro Sekino
Lawrence Susskind
+ Current Algebra on the Conformal Boundary and the Variables of Quantum Gravity 2015 Tom Banks
+ PDF Chat Challenges for superstring cosmology 1993 Ram Brustein
Paul J. Steinhardt
+ Vacuum decay into Anti de Sitter space 2010 Juan Maldacena
+ Towards a Big Crunch Dual 2004 Thomas Hertog
Gary T. Horowitz
+ Comments on the Fayet-Iliopoulos term in field theory and supergravity 2009 Zohar Komargodski
Nathan Seiberg
+ PDF Chat de Sitter vacua in string theory 2003 Shamit Kachru
Рената Каллош
Andrei Linde
Sandip P. Trivedi
+ Holographic Space-time, Newton's Law and the Dynamics of Black Holes 2016 Tom Banks
Willy Fischler
+ On Isolated Vacua and Background Independence 2000 T. Banks