Kaneenika Sinha


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Higher moments of the pair correlation function for Sato-Tate sequences 2023 Jewel Mahajan
Kaneenika Sinha
+ PDF Chat Distribution of prime numbers 2023 M. Ram Murty
Kaneenika Sinha
+ Arithmetic functions 2023 M. Ram Murty
Kaneenika Sinha
+ Waring’s problem 2023 M. Ram Murty
Kaneenika Sinha
+ Introduction to congruence arithmetic 2023 M. Ram Murty
Kaneenika Sinha
+ An introduction to Waring’s problem 2023 M. Ram Murty
Kaneenika Sinha
+ Exponential sums 2023 M. Ram Murty
Kaneenika Sinha
+ Fundamental theorem for arithmetic 2023 M. Ram Murty
Kaneenika Sinha
+ The circle method and the Goldbach conjectures 2023 M. Ram Murty
Kaneenika Sinha
+ A discrepancy result for Hilbert modular forms 2023 Baskar Balasubramanyam
Jishu Das
Kaneenika Sinha
+ Higher moments of the pair correlation function for Sato-Tate sequences 2022 Jewel Mahajan
Kaneenika Sinha
+ PDF Chat New and explicit constructions of unbalanced Ramanujan bipartite graphs 2021 Shantanu Prasad Burnwal
Kaneenika Sinha
M. Vidyasagar
+ Central limit theorems for elliptic curves and modular forms with smooth weight functions 2019 Stephan Baier
Neha Prabhu
Kaneenika Sinha
+ Deterministic Completion of Rectangular Matrices Using Ramanujan Bigraphs -- II: Explicit Constructions and Phase Transitions 2019 Shantanu Prasad Burnwal
M. Vidyasagar
Kaneenika Sinha
+ New and Explicit Constructions of Unbalanced Ramanujan Bipartite Graphs 2019 Shantanu Prasad Burnwal
Kaneenika Sinha
M. Vidyasagar
+ Central limit theorems for elliptic curves and modular forms with smooth weight functions 2019 Stephan Baier
Neha Prabhu
Kaneenika Sinha
+ Investigating the Primes 2019 Kaneenika Sinha
+ Pair correlation statistics for Sato–Tate sequences 2019 Baskar Balasubramanyam
Kaneenika Sinha
+ Central limit theorems for elliptic curves and modular forms with smooth weight functions 2019 Stephan Baier
Neha Prabhu
Kaneenika Sinha
+ New and Explicit Constructions of Unbalanced Ramanujan Bipartite Graphs 2019 Shantanu Prasad Burnwal
Kaneenika Sinha
M. Vidyasagar
+ Pair correlation statistics for Sato-Tate sequences 2018 Baskar Balasubramanyam
Kaneenika Sinha
+ Pair correlation statistics for Sato-Tate sequences 2018 Baskar Balasubramanyam
Kaneenika Sinha
+ PDF Chat Fluctuations in the Distribution of Hecke Eigenvalues about the Sato–Tate Measure 2017 Neha Prabhu
Kaneenika Sinha
+ Fluctuations in the distribution of Hecke eigenvalues about the Sato-Tate measure 2017 Neha Prabhu
Kaneenika Sinha
+ Fluctuations in the distribution of Hecke eigenvalues about the Sato-Tate measure 2017 Neha Prabhu
Kaneenika Sinha
+ The Generalized Dedekind Determinant 2015 M. Murty
Kaneenika Sinha
+ Distribution of zeta zeroes of Artin–Schreier covers 2012 Alina Bucur
Chantal David
Brooke Feigon
Matilde Laĺın
Kaneenika Sinha
+ Higher Mahler measure for cyclotomic polynomials and Lehmer's question 2011 Matilde Laĺın
Kaneenika Sinha
+ PDF Chat Higher Mahler measure for cyclotomic polynomials and Lehmer’s question 2011 Matilde Laĺın
Kaneenika Sinha
+ Distribution of zeta zeroes of Artin--Schreier curves 2011 Alina Bucur
Chantal David
Brooke Feigon
Matilde Laĺın
Kaneenika Sinha
+ Higher Mahler measure for cyclotomic polynomials and Lehmer's question 2011 Matilde Laĺın
Kaneenika Sinha
+ Factoring newparts of Jacobians of certain modular curves 2010 M. Ram Murty
Kaneenika Sinha
+ Effective equidistribution of eigenvalues of Hecke operators 2008 M. Ram Murty
Kaneenika Sinha
+ Average Orders of Certain Arithmetical Functions 2006 Kaneenika Sinha
+ PDF Chat Multiple Hurwitz zeta functions 2006 M. Ram Murty
Kaneenika Sinha
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Répartition asymptotique des valeurs propres de l’opérateur de Hecke 𝑇_𝑝 1997 Jean-Pierre Serre
+ La conjecture de Weil. I 1974 Pierre Deligne
+ PDF Chat A Family of Calabi–Yau Varieties and Potential Automorphy II 2011 Tom Barnet-Lamb
David Geraghty
Michael Harris
Richard Taylor
+ PDF Chat The distribution of the eigenvalues of Hecke operators 1997 J. Brian Conrey
William Duke
David W. Farmer
+ PDF Chat The explicit Sato-Tate Conjecture and densities pertaining to Lehmer-type questions 2015 Jeremy Rouse
Jesse Thorner
+ PDF Chat Explicit formulae and the Lang-Trotter conjecture 1985 V. Kumar Murty
+ Ten Lectures on the Interface between Analytic Number Theory and Harmonic Analysis 1994 Hugh L. Montgomery
+ Factoring newparts of Jacobians of certain modular curves 2010 M. Ram Murty
Kaneenika Sinha
+ PDF Chat Distribution of Hecke eigenvalues 2006 Hirofumi Nagoshi
+ PDF Chat Statistics of the zeros of zeta functions in families of hyperelliptic curves over a finite field 2009 Dmitry Faifman
Zeév Rudnick
+ Random Matrices, Frobenius Eigenvalues, and Monodromy 1998 Nicholas M. Katz
Peter Sarnak
+ Modular Elliptic Curves and Fermat's Last Theorem 1995 Andrew Wiles
+ PDF Chat Fluctuations in the Distribution of Hecke Eigenvalues about the Sato–Tate Measure 2017 Neha Prabhu
Kaneenika Sinha
+ PDF Chat Some extremal functions in Fourier analysis 1985 Jeffrey D. Vaaler
+ Statistical Properties of Eigenvalues of the Hecke Operators 1987 Peter Sarnak
+ Uniform distribution of sequences 1974 L. Kuipers
Harald Niederreiter
+ PDF Chat Automorphy for some l-adic lifts of automorphic mod l Galois representations. II 2008 Richard Taylor
+ PDF Chat Explicit Construction of Ramanujan Bigraphs 2015 Cristina Ballantine
Brooke Feigon
Radhika Ganapathy
Janne Kool
Kathrin Maurischat
Amy Wooding
+ Quantitative analysis of the Satake parameters of \mathrm GL<sub>2</sub>representations with prescribed local representations 2014 Yuk-Kam Lau
Charles Li
Yingnan Wang
+ Elementary Number Theory, Cryptography and Codes 2008 M. Baldoni
Ciro Ciliberto
Giulia Maria Piacentini Cattaneo
+ PDF Chat Eigenvalues and expanders 1986 Ilan Alon
+ Elementary number theory in nine chapters 2000 James J. Tattersall
+ PDF Chat The Distribution of the Number of Points on Trigonal Curves over đť”˝q 2012 Melanie Matchett Wood
+ A Course in Computational Algebraic Number Theory 1993 Henri Cohen
+ A proof of Alon’s second eigenvalue conjecture and related problems 2008 Joel Friedman
+ PDF Chat Deligne periods of mixed motives, $K$-theory and the entropy of certain $\mathbb {Z}^n$-actions 1997 Christopher Deninger
+ PDF Chat Courbes de Fermat: résultats et problèmes 2002 Emmanuel Halberstadt
Alain Kraus
+ PDF Chat On two extremum properties of polynomials 1963 Kurt Mahler
+ A problem of Boyd concerning geometric means of polynomials 1983 Wayne Lawton
+ PDF Chat Speculations Concerning the Range of Mahler's Measure 1980 David W. Boyd
+ PDF Chat The Sato-Tate conjecture for Hilbert modular forms 2010 Thomas Barnet-Lamb
Toby Gee
David Geraghty
+ The special values of the zeta functions associated with Hilbert modular forms 1978 Goro Shimura
+ Character sums and abelian Ramanujan graphs 1992 Wen-Ching Winnie Li
Keqin Feng
+ Dimensions of the spaces of cusp forms and newforms on <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi>Γ</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>0</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msub><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mi>N</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:math> and <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si2.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi>Γ</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:… 2004 Greg Martin
+ Spectra of Hypergraphs and Applications 1996 Keqin Feng
Wen-Ching Winnie Li
+ Effective equidistribution of eigenvalues of Hecke operators 2008 M. Ram Murty
Kaneenika Sinha
+ Kronecker's theorem and Lehmer's problem for polynomials in several variables 1981 David W. Boyd
+ On the Product of the Conjugates outside the unit circle of an Algebraic Integer 1971 Chris Smyth
+ Existence and Explicit Constructions of q + 1 Regular Ramanujan Graphs for Every Prime Power q 1994 Moshe Morgenstern
+ Elementary Number Theory, Group Theory and Ramanujan Graphs 2001 Giuliana P. Davidoff
Peter Sarnak
Alain Valette
+ PDF Chat On the distribution of zeroes of Artin–Schreier L-functions 2012 Alexei Entin
+ Twists of modular forms and endomorphisms of Abelian varieties 1980 Kenneth A. Ribet
+ Some Elementary Ramanujan Graphs 2005 Paul E. Gunnells
+ Problems in Analytic Number Theory 2008 M. Ram Murty
+ How the Number of Points of An Elliptic Curve Over a Fixed Prime Field Varies 1968 B. J. Birch
+ PDF Chat On the Distribution of Supersingular Primes 1996 Étienne Fouvry
M. Ram Murty
+ A proof of alon's second eigenvalue conjecture 2003 Joel Friedman
+ PDF Chat Statistics for ordinary Artin-Schreier covers and other $p$-rank strata 2015 Alina Bucur
Chantal David
Brooke Feigon
Matilde Laĺın
+ On the monodromy groups attached to certain families of exponential sums 1987 Nicholas M. Katz